Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1633040-Time-and-Vision
by penpen
Rated: E · Prose · Experience · #1633040
Life is not about eyeing the destination as it is about how we appreciate the journey.
When we were in kindergarten, we had nothing to worry. Much of our time then was spent enjoying our time playing with friends. It was an enjoyable time and we embraced it like a bolster.

When we entered primary school, we had little to worry. Much of our time then was spent talking to our friends in class ignoring the teacher. Homework was an easy breeze and a passing chore. Mean kids were caught and reprimanded by teachers and soon they left us be. We were proud of ourselves and were taught to love and be loved. It was a carefree time and we stood by it like brothers.

When we were leaving primary school, we had more to watch out for. More of our time began being devoted to homework and attention in class became more important. Our bodies changed and we were told to be sensitive about the subject. We were told about molestors and perverts and how we were supposed to watch our movements more carefully. Our tastes changed and we were less attracted to other people than before. We discovered that we began to become more physically attracted to members of the opposite gender. It was a confusing time but we lived through it anyhow like a passing phase.

When we studied in middle school, a little more was added onto our plate. Much time and attention was required to be devoted to homework and yet we are unwilling to give in. Being responsible and studious is now seen as nerdy or unattractive. We are torn between peer pressure and staying true to oneself. Confusion befuddles us as we often observe hate and discrimination despite our teachings of love and acceptance. Where is was once important to love and accept it has become cool pastime to spite and criticise. Rebellion and being an arse had become the new sexy. Where once the teacher had the authority to reprimand they are now nothing but punching bags for angry teenagers. When it was once encouraged to speak up, we label the participating as the teachers' pets. Scared and terrified of the bonds that hurt others, we form our own cliques in our little comfort zones. Members of the opposite gender became more fussy and harder to understand. We begin to dread the passing of time and censor off the hurtful or dull or unpleasant bits. Time has significantly passed faster.

When we studied in high school, a lot more was added onto our plate than we had asked for. In addition to what we went through in middle school, we realise that even within our comfort zone clique someone betrays us. Once thought to have been destined to be friends forever, we vow never to love again. Yet, the loneliness from being an emotionally independent individual pains our hearts like a bruise and scars us. Confused, lost and alone, we struggle to reevaluate our beliefs and reconstruct our esteem. The passing of time scalds us like hot water and we are trapped by our will to live to accept in what we do not want. Time passes ahead of us like a river.

As young adults, we have regained our confidence and are ready for the big world. We are ready to start our lives over and forget our past childhood hurts and live freely. We make new connections, new friends and find a new love. We have reached the peak of our existence upon the Earth. Yet alas, not all is perfect after all. We realise that with all this new freedom and new power comes along the weight of added responsibility. Our boss harass us and unsparingly criticise our work at every angle possible demanding perfection in the name of upkeeping competitiveness. We are now torn between our boss and our sweetheart. In the name of logic and long-sightedness, we seek the livelihood, going through tunnel vision for better focus. Time jumpstarts from promotion to promotion.

Unfortunately, we had unintentionally slighted our lover, making them insecure as a result of feeling neglected. We enter another set of emotional roller-coaster rides reminiscent of the ones we experienced during puberty. Through our willpower and determination, we challenge ourselves to overcome the emotional turmoil and finally reunite and reach a heightened level of mutual understanding with our partner. With a renewed sense of hope and courage, we tie the knot with our darling and vow never to leave another, sealing what we believe to be a perpetual bliss.

Alas, we enter into marital woes as we struggle to adapt and accept each other's flaws and mistakes. On top with the additional responsibilities of having to be a good employee, we have to be a cooperative and active colleague teammate, a competent parent and an attentive spouse. The stress is unbearably taxing on our health as we struggle to make all ends meet. We detest the challenges life had thrust upon us and merely will ourselves to strive from moment to moment, gritting our teeth and shutting our eyes to numb ourselves from the pain. We refuse to acknowledge the passing of time and time fast-forwards from year to year.

At long last, the years of trials are over. And yet, what do we see? So much time had passed and so much had been done and yet how much have we truly achieved? As we spend our golden years of retirement and spend each moment getting closer to our graves, we finally regret the biggest mistake in our lives: the censorship of pain and struggle and the negligence of the present in the name of looking forward. In the end, we realise, that life is not about the destination but it is about the journey.

As we lay on our deathbed with our weeping family and relatives, we had only wished we had taken in and appreciated every single moment of our silly little lives.
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