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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1632618
Fantasy novel in the works. A Saga of sword & sorcery after the world as we know It ends.


Sons of the shining blast

By: Darius Walls

“This book is dedicated to all of you around the world who feels like being trapped in the wrong time-line, to everyone who are eager for adventure in this monotonous and otherwise predictable world of science and technology and for each one of you who have deep inside behind your suits, ties and civilized manners the beating heart of a barbarian.”



The Awakening

        Night! As long as I remember is the only constant thing I know in this desolated world; eternal night. The cold pierce the flesh like the sharpest arrow and is so cold that you don’t feel the warmth of your soul no more. As we walk into the wasteland of the one mighty city the elders’ once called New York I started wandering my thoughts about the world its upon my eyes and the old world in my dreams. Suddenly we stopped in front of and ancient ruin so massive like it can contain inside and army. In one side on the top of the structure with tarnished colors flashes the name “mall” I know how to read the language of the old world but that name doesn't make any sense to me - I think one word is missing. As we got closer into the ruins I smelled the stench  of death coming from the inside, then my old friend Yip from An tares whisper to all of us:

Yip from Antares - "be careful this is territory of the Ka’ Al Mazurs prepare your swords and remember don’t let them give you the touch of death"

Yip from An tares was one of my closest mates our lives were bond together long back ago during the “awakening” and we were friend since then. He is a tall and muscular with a square and strong jaw and with a scar that crosses diagonally from the upper right corner of his forehead passing trough his broken nose until his left chick. His blond and thick hair is braid just as his goat beard. Trusted in his bear chest is a pendant with a strange symbol an outer circle with a three point star in the center of it, also Yip has a semi armor of thick fur that covers the shoulders and part of his chest and the same material cover the front part of his leather pants and his shield. This brave warrior wield a huge and curve sword with a broad one edge blade; But in spite of his fearless appearance he is a jolly and very funny guy and he has a good heart.

As we approaches to the gates the Thelus priest in the group his name is Vassajio put his hand against ones of the faint yellow walls in the entrances of the blocked gates; then he closed his eyes and starts to make a humming sound and all of the sudden the floor begin to shake with a thunderous sound and the walls cracks. We all saw amazed the power of the so called Thelus Priest; they are sons of the shining blast like most of the living creatures in this world. Although they look human, under their dark gray and dusted cloaks hides massive heads that's gives them the power of performing magic beyond your imagination; they can control earth, wind, the acid water and fire they even control others living creatures minds, but they are powerless against the Ka’ Al Mazurs because they do not have a mind to control.

Vassajio open his eyes and cry out loud – Ka’ Al Mazurs Oblivius! and then all the structure collapses and crumble burying thousands of this foul creatures. Soon after this amazing display of power from Vassajio we heard horrible sounds, like whines from the deepest pit of hell and then through dust blur left It by the demolished structure, I reached to see like a dozen of glimmering eyes staring upon us, those eyes glimmers like brimstone from hell itself soulless and vicious; only the nauseous stench and the cry of my fellows warriors twenty four souls crying out – to arms! – made me get back on my senses.

As I saw the wielding of my fellow warriors swords slashing and piercing the bodies of the Ka’ Al Mazurs, I realized a bunch of them survived from the collapsed structure. These creatures are very resilient, they are like a man size; skinny but muscular very strong their skin is green and looks like melted. They got claws for hands and strong legs allowing them to jump to great heights and move faster than a normal person. Their eyes are not the only thing that glimmers the entire body do so, like they have a malicious energy. The elders said they were human once long time ago but the shining blast changes their bodies and make them more beast than man. You cannot touch them neither they can’t touch you because a horrible death waits for any one who is careless enough. The touch of death is a gruesome way to die, your skin starts to melt from your flesh an so on, until the only thing left is a pile of bones, then your melted flesh is consume by this Ka’ Al Mazurs like a well spiced soup, so in a manner of speaking we are their pray.

As I fight along with my fellow brothers in arms this foul creatures, when one of the Ka’ Al Mazurs; suddenly spot my friend Yip from Antares while he is finishing off one of this monsters. The Ka’ Al mazur jump like (1)twenty katoms over us and when he lands starts to run faster than anything I saw before. It is running towards my friend, but the roar of this monsters combined with the cries of desperation of my mates do not allowed Yip to hear my warning calls, so if I want to save him I have to slain that beast myself. Just as I started to move to chase the creature that wants to kill my brother, another Ka’ Almazur slashes his way trough the bellies of two of my mates ripping their guts out and moving toward me, I spot it with the corner of my eyes, then I turned and bashes his head with a blow of my shield and then I trust my sword on his hideous face, killing him where he stands. I start to run again and the other beast was almost on top of my friend, I knew at that moment I could not save him, but just in the moment the beast is about to give Yip the lethal touch of death a thunderous sound shock the earth and with tremble a great wall rise from the earth and the creature smashes against it, when I saw that breathtaking scene I knew it was work of Vassajio, he was standing just a few katoms behind me he saw the whole thing and use his power to save Yip’s life. The creature fall unconscious so I took advantage and move toward him, just when I was next to him before the creature wakes up I manage to behead it with a single strike of my sword.

Soon after as it started the battle was over, and most of the Ka’ Al mazurs fled or were dead. We were exhausted and the first thing I did was to see if my friend Yip was fine, and:

I said – "Yip you are one lucky bastard, you almost got nailed by one of this creatures, Vassajio save your sorry ass"

Yip replied – "Ha! Not by a long shot that stinky creature wouldn't kill me I spotted it all along I just wanted him to think I was distracted wasting one of his puny mates!, but what the hell, I think I have to be grateful with the big head anyway"

And then Yip addresses to Vassajio and said:

Yip - "Hey Knuckle head thank you for saving my life, but don’t think I owe you nothing! And Vassajio replied:

Vassajio – don’t worry big log I wouldn't want to loose the pleasure of listening your smart conversation.

(1) it’s a measure equivalent to half a meter

      We set a camp but I cannot tell you it is night time, because as I said before it is always night time in our world; but thanks to the (2) crystallus given by the Elders we know the time and the days. As my mates starts a bonfire and some of them confident in their cooking skills begin to season with spices and minerals two (3) Alheplix that they caught the day before and had them stored with salt in a sealed chest. I sit back and try to relax enjoying the delicious smells coming out from the Alheplix pot roast, the combined essences of (4) Zalahh Magora and (5) Utigos creates a soothing environment, so relaxing that my mind starts to wander again through images from the deepest corners of my mind. Thoughts about myself, my origins and why I chose to join up in this mission.
My father was one of the scholars who were part of the seven elders that gave birth the new era of knowledge that we called “The Awakening”. Because he was a zealot about the old world ways, he bestowed upon me the name “Darius” in honor to an ancient king from and empire long lost in time. He always kept telling me that “a great name always makes a great man” and also that I am destined to change this world forever. He never explained to me how or when this strange prophecy is going to take place nor the fact that he never spoke to me about my mother; which I never knew by the way, but strangely sometimes in my dreams, I can hear her voice calling my name, and she tells me that I have to reach “Norat” I don’t Know what does that means but it’s a recurrent dream.

(2) Kind of a watch made with a crystal forge between quartz and magnetite which follows the earth magnetic field and the moons energy (yes, moons there are two later I will explain).

(3) A particular kind of cockroach about the size of a rat with light metallic colors on it’s back like Sapphire and emerald, it is very tasty and meaty excellent for a pot roast.

(4) A specie of herb that grows in the coastline of the burning sea, its leaves are dark blue and with a little red flower on the top. This flower throws a mild acidic scent and its taste its compare with the ancient chilly peppers.

(5) A seasoning root from a plant with the same name it is said these roots have healing properties. 

          Since I was a little boy my father focuses on teaching me about “The awakening”. He told me a story about how men long time ago rule this world, they were masters of all living creatures and they managed to create live and death as well; they do not need women in order to procreate, they made live from themselves and also they created live with inanimate materials. They call them “Machines”, and men as I said were death givers also with weapons from which swords and shields can’t stand a chance. This was a world of light and green pastures, a world of knowledge beyond our wildest dreams; in the story men confident of their achievements and development, defied their gods in order to take their place in this world as their own gods. A part of the story is missing, it is only said that an “event” happened and destroy men as they were, and turned that world in a ghost memory from the past; this event was the “Shining Blast”. My father told me about “The Shining Blast” and he said it was the luminous arm of God who decided the time of men was over to give this world a fresh start. This story I’d refer to is on the “Ancient Books of Enlightenment” that my father and the other six elders from the seven tribes, had found in an ancient temple from the old world.

Yip snap me out of my flashbacks when he approaches to me with a cup of the Alheplix pot roast, that delicious scent is an enjoyable way to return to reality. As Yip handed me the pot roast he said:

Yip – "Darius here, have some you will need all your strength for what is coming tomorrow as I replied:

Darius – "What’s coming tomorrow if I may ask?"

Yip answers frowning and with an aura of concern:

Yip  – "Gramael says that we in order to reach the northern town of the people of the mist from which Sardanos the elder comes from,  He has changed the route to the petrified forest of Vellamont, we have to pass through It. This forest is the lair where the horrible men eater Surulas lives, and you Know what that means…."

Yip - "All the way we were thinking that we are following the path of the trade caravan, but yesterday I manage to see a map that Vassajio handed to Gramael marking a shortcut to the valley of the mist. They were talking but I couldn't hear what they are up to, they lead us without knowing through the Ruins of New York and through these perilous places in order to get there sooner.
I don't know why, but we are now camping at the boundaries of these cursed forests and I didn't see it coming sorry Darius"

And then I said:

Darius – "that’s preposterous! Is a suicide even to try, I have to talk with Gramael, I know that the elders appointed him as the leader of this mission, but he is a tribesman from the south and I can challenge him to  (6) Xucam if he doesn’t come up with a good explanation of why he change so drastically our route."

(6) Among the tribe of the south Xucam is the way to settle a dispute. Its a duel to death and the winner is the one who call the shots until another warrior crying out loud Xucam challenges him. 


The beast

            Gramael is a man to be feared, he is like medium size height, slender but athletic at the same time, and he has long pitch black straight hair that falls in front of his face concealing part of it. That particularity is accompanied with his shrunken dark blue eyes; they are entrusted deep inside his face giving him a gloomy sensation when he is staring at you. He is the leader of the tribe of the south, they are famous for their savagery and there fighting skills. It is told that their initiation ritual in order to enter adulthood and aspire to be a warrior, they should fight in a pit against hordes of (7) Jamarias or the feared (8) Radd Zak.

The Fighting skills of Gramael are legendary among his people he is a master swordsman and he uses a kind of metal claw with two sharp blades in one hand and a medium size double edge slender sword in the other.
One of my mates who was next to him in the battle against the Ka’ AlMazurs we had earlier says:

Warrior -  “saw him fight was like if you were seeing a beautiful dance of death! is movement were so well executed that give you the impression that in the background you almost felt like there were Music from hell tuning every move of his, with a lethal symphony of carnage."

(7) Deadly carnivorous non flying bird about the size of a bald eagle this birds has a poisonous bite that paralyzes the victim giving these birds the opportunity to eat their pray alive at it leisure.

(8) Reptile who was change by the shining Blast into a jaguar like creature with some feline features but with scales and slithering tongue. It is like 3 meters long, and it’s very muscular and devour his prays with ravaging hunger. It has claws like one foot long and scales like blade that go all the way through his back and ends with a spear in the tip of its tale.

        As I approach to Grammael his cold blue eyes look at me as he wanted to kill me before I say a word, but at this moment even though I feel respect toward him, I do not have a single drop of fear; something inside me tells me that this is not the moment to confront him, we will have a final showdown later in our destiny path.

I said – "Gramael why did you change our route? aren't you aware that Surulas lurks these ghastly woods, you are putting in jeopardy all our comrades only to satisfy your warlord power trip!"

As he replied in a tone dry as the desert wind:
Gramael – "who you think you are young puppy to defy an old Radd Zak if you do not have teeth!"

As I answer:

Darius – "sometimes you don’t need teeth to kill a dumb beast… "

Gramael expression changed suddenly he curls his lips showing his teeth, which are sharpened to look like a Radd Zak jaws, he throws his hair back revealing a tattoo that is painted in the concealed part of his face the tattoo resembles the claw of a Radd Zak which was tattooed on top of a horrible scar that look like it had been carved in his face with sharp claws.

Then Gramael said - "okay little puppy let see if you have the balls to say de X word, I will enjoy to impale your insolent ass!"

I start to feel an overheating fury is taking over me, my hands starts to shake but not like I am nervous, is more like in an impulsive and eagerly way. I want so badly to chop his head off, like I did with the Ka’ Almazur. My others mate including Yip are on the lookout of what is going to happen next. Yip look at me he doesn’t say a word but I feel he is supporting me he knows the beast is developing inside my young and bold spirit. Then I stare him directly to his eyes, both eyes his and mine are like spears looking to pierce the guts of each other, and in an impulsive decision I cry out “Xuuu….” Just at that moment a horrible screech came out of no where and interrupts our duel.

One of my mates starts to shake and mumble in a panic attack is Surulas! The demon came to devour our souls run for your lives! Every body even Gramael are in alert and different reactions are coming from all the party of warriors some of them took out there swords, others started to pray to their gods, and other just started to run. The screeches starts to sound more terrifying like tormented souls who wants to escape from hell through a crack in the ground, Gramael looks at me and just say:

Gramael  – "Next time puppy you ain’t going to be so lucky"

        Vellamont Petrified Forest is one of the creepiest places in this forgotten world. The smell of burned wood and ashes makes you feel like you are on a burial ground and you feel dead in every tree darken by "the event" which destroy what I think was a beautiful forest surrounding a dewy meadow.

I am alert like the rest of the party wielding my sword and listening to those screeches, which suddenly stopped. Then it comes out of no where a thick fog starts to pass between the ghostly tree figures, push it by a cold but calm breeze. There is something wrong with this fog, Vassajio raise his left arm open his hand and says in a loud voice “Candilus” a tongue of flame appears in his hand without burning him. The forest was all of the sudden enlightened by it and then, I realize the fog was actually ashes from the ground risen up by this strange breeze, Gramael then trying to look through the thick fog of ashes says – Quiet! Listen…… Then the cold but calm breeze started to grow stronger and a cloud of fog covers the whole forest up, not even Vassajio’s flame works anymore, and suddenly with a flapping sound I had a glimpse of the monster which haunts the nightmares of the children of my tribe.

Surulas screeches so strong made everybody falls on there knees, he came from above, it was flying all along watching its prey; then flapping down his wings the monster takes one of our mates by the claws on it feet, so sharpened are those claws, they practically rip off one of the arms of the poor soul was caught by them. A painful scream came from that warrior then silent again. Surulas has taken his first victim. The flapping sound remains like a reminder that dead is harvesting souls right now.

Gramael look up the dark sky looking for a glimpse of the ravenous creature he then says:

Gramael - "We have to lure him down again in order for me to jump on his back and vanquish this demon… I need a volunteer. He look straight to me nailing his soulless blue eyes and pointing his sword to me and says – "what about you puppy? Let’s see if you have enough to be considered a boy among my tribe, because if you want to be a man you will have to slain this beast by your own"
The flapping sound started to feel closer again staring up the ashes from the scorched earth.
I know that Gramael is playing with my mind he want me to be Surula’s next victim in order for him to take the credit for killing this beast, but regardless whatever his intentions are, I looked Gramael and said:

Darius – "What should I do?

And Gramael replied – "Do what your people do best run like cowards!"

I start to run through the darkness of this forest I barely manage to see the petrified trees because the cloud of ashes began to raise up again and a horrible screech starts again and makes my hearth beats raise up to the sky. Those screeches are so strong even though I put my hands on my ears they drilled their way to my ear drums making me fall into my knees, but even though I was disoriented I manage to understand that’s the way Surulas makes its victims so vulnerable, through the screeching sound and a complete darkness I manage to hear Gramael laughing, and I think heard he said something like:

Mysterious voice  – “our work here is done…”

And other voice replied – “let’s Surulas finish the job let’s continue now…”

I realize I was all alone and if I’m planning to survive I have to kill Surulas.

The screeches felt like mind numbing strong and I feel in my hand blood coming out from my ears, a cold and strong breeze coming from the top of my head to my back was the prelude of my finals moments, but the cravings to slain that double-crosser bastard of Gramael was stronger than any thing else so, just in the moment I felt the foul stench of Surulas breath upon my neck, I  manage to roll to my left side pick up my broadsword and jamming it below the beast jaw which came up through his upper jaw rendering Surulas unable to make a sound. The beast momentarily, fell down and then I see face to face the demon who rules this burn out reign of Hephaestus wrath.

The creatures was revolting in the ground overwhelmed by the pain my sword is inflicting on It. This is a shocking sight; Surulas was the most hideous creature I have seen so far in this forgotten world.
It is enormous! Its length from wing to wing is about 30 katoms, it has dark smooth skin no fur with the exception of his head. It has no eyes, but has a protuberant nose; with big nostrils that come out from it face like a root from one of those petrified trees. Upon it head has big pointed ears about a katom of length. It mouth is covered with sharp teeth that tangles from it like daggers and its feet are big with long and sharp claws designed by nature to be lethal death traps. His figure looks so familiar to me, I think I have seen a picture of Surulas in one of my fathers books from the old world; it was long time ago….

A strong hit to my chest snap me out I cannot say it is wonder is more like horror; Surulas while it was fighting to remove the sword from his jaws hit me with one of his wings in my chest sending me to flight 6 katoms in the air, when I manage to get on my feet again ignoring the strong pain I have in my chest right now I realize if I want to slain this beast this is the chance.


Born of a hero

      My people are proud and strong; our forefathers are descendants from a line of great warriors, survivors of the Shining blast who establish the tribe of Antares, they chosen the name in honor of the place where it was told the gods resides.
My people seen I have memory lives in cave under the surface, where our forefathers found the means to survive, fresh water, soil where it grows Amánagama(9)  and to fish the delicious Nürs(10) which is easy to catch because they are blind.

The Antareans like most of the sapient life forms in this world are not blind because they know the secret of fire, light from a torch is the only way we manage to see through the darkness not only in the caves but in the surface too.

Our fertile caves was the reason of many wars among my tribe and the tribe from the surface the Mud people. They are the surface dwellers at least in our region. They came down long time ago from the black Mountains, which Heyerdhalt the oldest elder among our people call Montana, because with that name was known by our forefathers.

We call them the Mud people because 100 anios(11) before we got in touch with the first of these people a tidal wave of mud slide there way down the Black mountain and covered all the surface around, almost reaching our cave entrance. This mud was black and has a pestilent smell and was full of what we learned to call Gangrias(12) which are deadly.

It looked like this natural event was the trigger for us to get in touch with this Mud People. The first encounter was surprisingly fair between our legendary leader “Wulffteon the Mighty” like 100 anios ago.

Wulffteon describes in his saga that encounter as follows:

"The mud people savages from the black mountain are one of the mightiest foes I ever encounter on my journeys, this people are tall and strong like 6 katoms of height their massive muscular bodies are covered with a thick fur which make them impervious to gangrias. Their human-like skull with massively protuberant eyebrow ridges and huge chick bones that only works as a frame to conceal blood injected eyes which got complemented by a strong jaw with tusks formed by their greatly elongated canine teeth. These beings are omnivorous and their leader Thundax was the one who started the war with us looking for food and the most valuable secret "The Fire". Thundax unleash an avalanche of mud overflowing of Gangrias they wanted to neutralize us first before they attack! - these savages these primitive brutes are more cleaver than we thought they were"

(9) Kind of musk that grows deep insides the caves of Antares, it has a cotton white color and tastes like honey, making the reader to remember the sweet maná from the old testament of the bible.
(10) A big fish like a katom and a half of length, adapted to live in the dark wellsprings beneath the surface, It taste resemble to the ancient salmon.
(11) A time measure equivalent to a year in the old world calendar.
(12) A creature like a worm, little in size but deadly. If you had the bad luck to fall in the Mud of the black mountains this creatures crawl inside your skin and starts to eat your flesh, but at the same time they secret an analgesic substance that causes the host not to feel any pain until they eat their way to the bones, devouring the bone marrow and drying the host like a tree. Some scholars things this worms are the evolution of the former tree worms that eat the rocky mountains trees, of course this “mutation” was the result of the shining blast!.

            A hundred anios war against these people was still going on until 10 anios ago when Heyerdhalt the elder was summoned by a new tribe we did not know about their existence, messengers from this tribe came from the western wasteland were they claim to be the remnants of the ancient city of the servants of the gods. These people are humans they look like us but are slender than the Antareans and they like to shave their heads which are filled with strange symbols all over It.
I Yip from Antares was the one who receive in our cave-palace these messengers and escort them into the  presence of Heyerdhalt one of them got my attention...

He was tall and has brown skin very athletic complexion, clean shaved head and  strange tattoo on the back of his head that goes down all the way up to the base of the neck and It look like a drawing of an illuminated path with servants of the gods guarding the path which end between two mountains peaked by what its look like an enormous tree. I think this messenger felt my curious look upon that strange tattoo because he turned around and stare at me. There was something about his eyes he look fearless but at the same time it looks like he had insecurity about himself.

I didn't know at that time I was in front of the man who safe my life countless times and I would call later brother... Heyerdhalt had to known something about him because when I walked them through the cavernous walls of the main aisle in which you can hear still the echoes of Wulffteon shouting and cursing; and present them in front of Heyerdhalt he said in a solemn tone:

Heyerdalt --  “I was waiting for you Darius” -  “How is Eleazar?”

Darius – “My father is fine and sent you his greetings on behalf of my people the “Angelicus”

Then, curious but at the same time anxious Heyerdalt asks:

Heyerdalt – Did your father sent the Chest?

Darius Replied:

Darius – “Certainly, also my father is aware of conflict you have with the savages of the Black mountains, for that reason he has sent along with me 100 Angelicus soldiers the finest of our tribe in order to put this tribes of savages down once and for all”

Heyerdalt exclaimed raising a Golden cup:

“Cheers for the Angelicus and the Antareans the first two tribes who are part of the Awakening of men and to the rest of the human tribes which will come forth to bring the glory of our specie again!”

And all in the majestic throne room in an unison exclamation said:

“Cheers long live to Eleazar and Heyerdalt!

Heyerdalt then point his view at the end of the throne room, were I was standing and he said:

“Yip come forward” then Heyerdalt said – Darius I want to introduce you to Yip he is the General of our army these last ten years he has been leading our armies against these behemoths, you and your men will be under his command tomorrow we are planning to launch a major offensive to there main settlement, the mission is to capture their leader Thundax.

Darius reply- “My men just follows my orders they do not bow or submit to no man we are servants of the Gods!”

As Yip with a harsh tone said – “Boy you don't know what are you going to face tomorrow your bare tattooed bodies are just a meal for the Gangrias from the mud of the Black mountains, you will have to wear the Armor made with the skin of dead Mud people and to follow my commands if you want  to survive” – “you have a bold spirit I give you that but my back is branded with a scar for every “bold” soldier I have lost in battle as a reminder of my responsibility I owe to them”

Then Yip turn his back lift his coarse fur armor and showed Darius what he was talking about. Branded on his back are bite marks of a hundreds Gangrias who sears the flesh with an acid in order to crawl its way in. Yip intentionally has asked to a soldier to marked him with it and removed before enters in his body every time a warrior under his command died. A painful an horrible burden to "carry on his back forever"

Heyerdalt interrupts the argument and says:

Heyerdalt – “Darius I will be giving a feast in your honor and your men, please Yip show Darius his chambers where he can change and I will meet you all in the banquet hall”

As Yip replies deep breathing:

Yip – “all right Darius please follow me”

Waiting for both warriors leave the throne room Heyerdalt focus his attention in the stone carved Chest brought by the Angelicus. His eyes glitters and a broken smile is Drawn in his face and he says to himself:

Heyederdalt – “Eleazar if this is what you proclaimed in the  (13) Gathering as part of the prophecy which will put and end to the darkness this world is immersed, then my part in order to complete this puzzle starts”.

Then Heyerdalt says to one of his maids:

Heyerdalt – “you please tell my daughter that she prepare with her finest clothes for the feast I’m giving and when she is ready I want to have a few words with her.

Then, Heyerdalt tells to one of his lackeys looking at the chest:

Heyerdalt – “move this Chest to my chambers I will deal with It later…”

And the lackey replied:

Lackey – “as your command, Sir”

(13) The Gathering was a meeting that held the elders of the seven human tribes summoned by Eleazar in order to look for unity between the long time fractionate human settlements remnants of the Shining Blast. This was a secret meeting because some of the tribes don't know among each other their existence only their leaders do. The location was secret also but, some believe was near the territory of the Thelus priesthood.


The last man standing

          The ashes from the scorched earth have stirred by the savage fluttering from the wings of Surulas, my sword is inflicting a great deal of pain to this ravenous monster. The ash cloud momentarily blocks my vision and I just manage to hear the flapping of its wings.

I move forward following the sound and I feel when one of its deadly wings its moving toward me! The only thing I could do is roll over forth and get up in a single maneuver, but when that happens I manage to get in front of Surulas again.

I know the creature cannot see me but, I am sure it got my scent; because it stops fighting for a moment with my sword jammed in its jaw and pointed its head toward me. Both me and Surulas knew at that moment one of us will be coming out alive, to kill another day.

In that moment when I am about to draw out my short sword to finish this foul hell spawn off, Surulas like it was expecting for me to get closer, with its right foot claw reached the hilt of the jammed broadsword pull it of and threw it right toward me!

It was straight to my head, I barely manage to move my head to a side and my own sword took right off one of my ears!

The pain was unbearable but before Surulas take flight again I start to run toward it and I throw my short sword to one side of its chest, Surulas screeches in pain and when the beast set up for the skies I jump and grab the hilt of my short sword and suddenly I am in the air! That sensation of void and lightness it’s beyond my comprehension, feels great but at the same time it scared the hell out of me..

Surulas started to rise higher and to move violently looking for a way to take me down, I have to hold on tight because the monster started to speed up and to fly between the top of the burned trees passing very close to the branches and the tree trunks waving its body from one side to another and sometimes making a complete roll over I was scared but I am planning to be the last man standing in this duel.

Surulas started to screech in order to make me confuse like he does with is victims and make me fall, but like it was the hand of the gods pulling the strings of my destiny loosing and ear rendered me partially deaf, so now the screeches are not effective on me like it used to be, I just hear like a distant ringing… the beast move toward a tree trunk and so the only thing I could think to do was swing my body while grabbing the hilt of the sword and in the second Surulas move against the burned tree trunk I manage to dodge it swinging my body all the way around the hilt.

The Surulas step up to fly higher and I looked down and catch to see the fire of my fellow warriors but at that time I did not realize what Gramael was “cooking” for me.

Meanwhile on the ground Gramael looks upon the sky pointing his sword and cried:

“Look the beast is at arrow point - archers! prepare your bows and arrow Vassajio will light them up for you, is time to bring this demon down once an for all!

Discipline and deadly are the archers from the tribe of the marshes of Ussian, these hunters having perfecting his skills throughout generations, hunting the indigenous wildlife of this harsh wilderness. In battle they use two form up in two rows the less skilled archers light up their arrow in order to “mark” their pray this is just for the more skilled ones on the back row using this tracking system could give a swift dead to their victim.

Vassijo gets close to the front row of Ussian archers and rubbing his hands one against the other started to mumble the words “Candilus serpetia”

Then open his hands and blowing between them suddenly appears a tongue of fire and starts to pass in front of the tip of the archer’s arrows lighting up them at the same time with a strong tone of command Gramael cries:


A rain of arrows flies up to the skies looking for its overwhelmed victims Surulas and me!

After the first shower of arrows Gramael cross a dreadful look to Vassajio and then again the same process repeats and again with a cry of Fire!!  From Gramael another beautiful curtain of fire go right toward us…

The first wave of arrows misses to hit their targets because Surulas took the fight with me to the highest level the beast could. At that height I am started to get dizzy for all the wild movement the monster has been doing to shake me off, but the wound my sword is inflicting on its ribs is finally taking its toll, and Surulas have started to pant for breath and the creatures like in a final bold move makes a U turn getting upside down and leaving me hanging, but at that moment my hand slips from the hilt of my sword and Shoots I’m free falling!

But the beast started to go down also so during the fall I put my arms tight close to my body in a straight position, and as an arrow I begin to descend faster that Surulas and I manage to land this time on its back, but this time we both are in range for the upcoming shower of arrows which landed randomly on Surulas wings, chest neck and unfortunately my shoulder…

The hunter suddenly became the pray Surulas was the king of this forgotten realm but a brave king never falls without putting a good fight.

Surulas started to screech again and stronger than ever looking to disorient its aggressors and it works!

All the warriors on the ground fall to its knees even Gramael drop his swords and wrinkling his face, he covers his ears and fall to the ground also.

Surulas flies at full speed toward the warriors, the beast plans to take them out in a single move.

Grabbing with all my strength to a furry part that is on the nape, a single thought came to me; if this monster is blind how is possible that it can tell where its victims are located?

And then as a blast from the past, a flashback comes to me…

When I was a little boy wandering around a forbidden place for me or any body else, my father’s library in which I think is the biggest collections of books from the old world gather by my father during his many journeys.

One of these books caught my attention and it was one with a yellow frame, this book in particular was the one I enjoyed the most. It has full color imagery of how the live was in the old world. I knew that I had seen Surulas before!

A section of that book was about bats an animal that lived in the old world and I thought until today it was extinct. This animal was smaller than Surulas but the book explained that this animal hunts emitting a supersonic sound wave which travel in the air and when it hits the ground or any object which could be a pray, the sound wave return to its ears and then the animal can fix the position of its victim regardless there is no sun light.

Sun Light what the hell is that! I thought in that moment ha!

Coming back to my ordeal, I realize the ears that are the key to vanquish this monster I have to cut them off…

The wind was furious and it is very hard to crawl on this behemoth back to reach it head so I pull out my Angelicus dagger forged in a half moon shape, design precisely to chop in a single strike anything. I put my dagger in my mouth and start to crawl to reach it head, luckily for me, Surulas is in great pain which makes the monster go berserk, so it does not realize I am moving toward his head.

Surulas is closer to the ground now and its screeches are in a high note! All the warriors on the ground are vulnerable, but finally I reach its head. Grabbing my dagger with my right hand and holding on to its fur with the other one, in a continued two blow combo I manage to chop both Surulas ears off!

A painful groan comes out from the beast jaws and the tide turn around again the beast now is disoriented and I manage to hear yelling on the ground saying!

“Stand up and move the beast is coming straight to the ground save your lives!”

In the final moments of Surulas flying down between the the wood again, I know the monster is planning to take me down with it, but in a pure reflex action, before Surulas hit the ground I jumped from its back to a nearby tree smashing my self with the trunk but managing to hold to a branch, I had the opportunity to see the demon crashing down and braking its neck against the ground.

Getting down from the tree and I proceed to move toward the death place of Surulas..

This is a moment of a lifetime I manage to kill the king of the Vellamont death forest even though I am almost fading away by the pain of my wounds, my heart is pumping harder than ever…

I cry out with all the air in my lungs with a feeling of fury but at the same time of accomplishment:


Then I pull out my short sword from the ribs of the death body of the demon and with several blows I took it head off. Afterward I carve a hole in its skull and pulling out all the brains I make my self a helmet and finally I took from its pawn two claws with the intention to make a weapon, later on this will be the most efficient and sharpest weapon I will ever wield.

A crowd of warriors gets close to the scene lead by Gramael to see in first hand the vanquished monster.

Gramael first look on the ground and sees the beheaded beast and then look up and see Darius with the bloody head of Surulas as a helmet and the two claws in its hand.

At that moment Gramael realize Darius is really the chosen one as the elders told him, and he is the one who will lead the human tribes to resurgence. And Gramael said to himself;

“I cannot allowed him to take what is rightfully mine, for now I will use him to finish finding the map to Norat, but when we get there I will take care of him once and for all.”


The beauty & the beast's Lair

            I have finished cleaning myself up with some antareans minerals oils left by the servants in my chambers. I am curious about the Antareans and their cultural activities. Particularly my people the Angelicus do not have an attire for especial occasions, so I dress myself up with my (14)Chartlas pants and sandals, and my bear chest but, when I looked on my bed the servants left a kind of dark red cape made with a glittering material unknow for me but is pretty nice and with it a note in the old world language that says:

"Dear embassador receive this cape as a gift from my people, please wear it during the feast I am looking forward to see how it looks on you.."



Then I thought:

"Very thoughtful of her, the Antarean women like details.... Ailuska, I like that name, sounds strong but at the same time beautiful, I am looking forward to meet you too mystery lady"

A knock on my door and the baritone voice of Yip saying:

"Embassador are you ready?"

Indicates that is the moment to go and the feast are waiting for me. I open the door and in front of me is Yip all attire for the occasion with a cape, shimmy and pants made of the same glittering material of my cape so I ask curious to Yip:

"What is this material that is so beautiful but at the same time it looks resilient?"

As Yip Replied:

“The Antareans are grateful of what our caves gives us and keep the balance of life within our tribe, so for that reason we do not waste anything our celebration clothes are made of Nürs scales, the Antareans had taken advantage of its meat and scales for anios.”

(14) Fabric made from the fur of the Chartlas rat. This animal is a relative of the ancient sewer rats is like a katom of height and length  and It has been domesticated by the Angelicus tribe, Is a great source of meat, milk and fur. It like the now extinct Sheep.

As I say:

“This is very interesting it seems that mankind will always be bound to other species to survive and take advantage of them. My father once made me read a book from some wise man from the old world that person thought that is the law of nature that the fittest specie survive and prevail, he made a law named “survival of the fittest” but I wonder Yip why did this world disappear weren’t they “fitted”? and now are humans still the fittest specie in our world?”

As Yip Replied

“I can’t tell Darius but what I know is that we are not in the top of the food chain no more. But let’s go is getting late we have a feast to attend.

if you want to continue enjoying the Darius Saga please feel free to visit my blog and catch up with the story.



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