Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1631379-New-Discovery
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1631379
A race to survive...who will win...Emma or them??
Chapter 2

My heart pounded against my chest with each step I took. I needed to help the person in trouble! I strained my ears to listen intently for the sobs that were becoming softer with each passing moment.

“P-Please! Don’t hurt me! I’ll do anything you want!” I heard a woman’s voice whimper.

I ran on my toes, making sure my heels didn’t hit the ground, and pushed myself against a wall. What’s going on? I poked my head around the corner and saw the woman being held in the air by her throat. I watched as her crystal tears gently slid down her face. I have to help her! I told myself, but, how was I going to do it? I looked around the alleyway for something sharp or heavy. My eyes scanned all around and found a rusted old crow bar. Immediately my brain came up with a plan. I grabbed the crow bar and stashed it in the back of my jeans, covering the rest of the metal with my shirt.

“Don’t cry little one.” A dark voice said to the crying woman. His features were concealed by the cape and hood that he wore. “We won’t hurt you…yet.” A creepy smirk spilled across his face and instantly I felt the hairs on my neck stand straight up. Boy was this man frightening.

Another man, with the same cape, came to the side of his partner and smirked too. “She looks really tasty Jack. Nice catch!”

The frightened woman struggled against Jack’s hold. “P-Please! I-I beg y-you!”

“Can’t we just bite her already?!” Jack asked as his hold tightened around her throat. He opened his mouth and closed it as saliva dripped down his mouth making him lick his lips in the process.

“Not yet you idiot!” His partner smacked him in the back of the head, “Let’s make her scream a little more it always makes them tastier.”

I have to hurry! I need to help that poor woman! I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. It was now or never! I couldn’t wait all night! My eyes snapped open, adrenalin coursed through my veins, my muscles tensed, and my fear washed away all in a matter of a second.

“Just look at this human Martin!” I heard Jack say as I slipped off my heels and tip-toed to another wall. “She is so submissive! I wish they all were like this!”

“Easy Jack…we must take this slowly.” Martin said. I soundlessly ran closer to them and hid behind the side of a dumpster. “Who knows when we will get another easy catch like this?!”

Jack and Martin began to argue amongst each other; their lack of teamwork worked to my advantage. Without a second thought I slipped out my crow bar from behind my back and whacked it on the inside of Jack’s wrist. “Ouch!” He howled. My unexpected hit made him drop the woman and return his hand towards his body.

“What is this?” Martin asked with a smirk. I watched as his blood red eyes stared down at the fallen Jack. “Looks like we got lucky tonight my friend, two humans.”

His smirk slowly turned into a wide grin showing his impeccably white, but razor sharp, teeth. What is up with these guys? Who has red eyes and pointed teeth? They must be from some sci-fi convention. “Back off!” I yelled at them when Martin tried to get close to me.

Jack was up on his feet and stared intently at me. “Now this is the feistiness I was talking about!” He said with a grin as his eyes changed into an even brighter red color.

I gripped the ground with my toes and held my only defense, a crow bar, out in front of me. I looked to the woman, still sitting on the ground, and caught her attention. “Stay behind me.” I told her softly. I heard the suspicious men chuckle at my words but I ignored them. “I’ll tell you when to run.” I whispered to her, hoping they wouldn’t hear me.

“So what should we do?” Jack asked as he eyed me up and down like a piece of meat. I could feel the shivers returning and crawling up my spine from his daunting stare.

“Just eat them both.” Martin inched closer and closer to me.

“Over my dead body!” I shouted at them, took my crow bar, and rammed it into Martin’s chest. There was no way I’d let them do anything to me!

Jack looked at the crow bar sticking out of Martin’s chest and then back at me. His eyes were wide and his mouth was opened so wide it would have dropped to the floor. Martin’s red eyes went as wide as saucer and so were the woman’s. “Come on!” I pulled the stunned woman up and sprinted away from the two creepy men.

I towed her around each and every corner, hoping they wouldn’t be able to find us, even if they did follow us. Somehow, I managed to end up out of the dreary alleyways and onto a main street. I skimmed the area for anything that could help us.

“We have to run faster!” The woman finally said. “They’re coming!” Her frantic tone transformed to shrieking as she vigorously shook my arm and pointed to the men flying towards us. Wait a minute…FLYING?! This couldn’t be real! Humans don’t fly!

I took the woman’s demand without hesitation and noticed a subway staircase going underground. It’s better than nothing! I gripped her hand tighter, hoping to banish away my raising fear, and raced down the stairs. Maybe one of the subways could get us out of here! I continuously looked over my shoulder repeatedly, watching their every move. They didn’t once increase or decrease their speed, which I found rather odd; if you were trying to catch someone wouldn’t you run faster?

“Woosh!” The sound of the subway cars moving through the terminal filled my ears. I looked all around for an opening car door, when I found one; I pushed my legs faster and hurled both of us into the slowly closing car door.

I watched as our “friends” glared through the glass door as we rolled away. I held my breath waiting for them to bust through the doors and take us both. After a minute of silence I released my breath and felt relief wash over me; they didn’t break in.

“Are you crazy?!” The lady spoke again. I turned around and blinked.

“What do you mean?! I just saved you from those guys!”

Her icy blue eyes glared at me. “Did you just call them humans?” Her full pink lips came up into a smile and laughter came out of her mouth.

“What’s so funny?!” I was furious! Why was this woman laughing at me? I just saved her life!

“You’re not from around here are you?” She asked me as she sat in one of the seats.


“You’re one stupid girl…allow me to introduce myself then.” A crazy smile spilled across her face. “My name is Ami and around here…no one…and I mean no one dares to venture out after sunset.” She walked over to a seat and sat. I mimicked her actions and plopped myself in the uncomfortable plastic chair beside her.

“If no one comes out at night…then why were you out? How can the subways be moving if no one is out? Why is no one out?!” I couldn’t stop myself from bombarding her with so many questions, nothing made sense,

Her intense blue eyes lowered to fading white floor, her excited atmosphere vanished. “My friends left me to fend for myself once the sun was setting.” Her eyes landed on my green ones and I felt the situation become more real.

“I’m sorry Ami.” I placed my petite hand on her shoulder. “Looks like we are in this together then.” I reassured her with a soft smile.

She flashed me a small smile. “These subways are robotically controlled, that’s how they are able to move.” She answered my other question. “You seem like a smart girl…you can figure out why no one is out. My question for you, though, is why would you ever come to Camden?! How stupid can you be?!”

I glared at her choice of description about me. “I use to live here but my Mother wanted a less chaotic lifestyle for me…and no…I am not!”

She shook her head at my words. “You should have stayed where you were. Camden isn’t like it used to be.” She took my hand off her shoulder and stood up. “So…”

“The name is Emma.” I answered her unasked question.

“…Emma…we better start to make a plan to survive till morning.”

Before I could say anything the car doors were thrown open. The wind from the speed of the car rushed through, making us hold onto the medal polls for dear life. I could feel my brown hair whip me in the face making it hard to see what was going on. From what I could see through my hair it turned out that our little “friends” did take my idea and broke down the doors.

“Got cha.” The two of them said in unison with a smirk.

My head moved from side-to-side, back and forth, looking for a way out. We were cornered, could barely move from the pressure of the wind, and our only exit was blocked…what did I get myself into?
© Copyright 2009 BlueGreen (bluegreenblack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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