Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1631103-John
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1631103
Astory i started makingup while emailingmy friend.It's not done,i add to it all thetime
      This is a story about a little boy who was playing at recess one day. His name was John Ryan Dakota Josh the fifth. (i couldnt decide on one name). Well I'll call him John for the sake of just having a short name. ANYways little John was sitting on the swings all by his lonesome self, like he does everyday, and watched the little girl he likes, Annie, run around with another boy Zach. John was very jealous of Zach. He just sat everyday and watched the two of them run around the playground laughing and having a joyous time.
      Well after a long time the anger boiled inside of little John so much that it sent him over the edge. He got up from his swing (which he never does) and walked over to the jungle gym where Annie and Zach were standing. All the kids who saw John do this stopped what they were doing and gawked at him as he walked, with anger clearly presented on his face, because, like I've said before, he never moves from his swing. When he got to the two of them, they turned, surprised to see John standing before them. I think John reallly wanted to punch Zach. Even though he is a young boy, his dad watches wrestling all the time so you could see where he would get those ideas. Anywho...John had his little fist raised, apparently about to puch Zach in the face, when all of a sudden, Annie stood right in front of John and kissed him on the cheek!           
      Flabbergasted, John took a step back and said, "What was that?"
      "Yea, what was that?" said Zack, clearly pissed off.
      Annie admitted that she has had a crush on John since the first grade (they were in third) and was just using Zach to get John's attention.
      "How can you like him??" said zach, "He just sits on the swings all day. He's a loner!"
      "Well i happen to like sensitive boys," Aniie replied.
      As you can see, these third graders had very mature minds due to their home life. John just stood there not knowing what to do or say. Then, as he was gazing into Annie's eyes, Zach punched right John right in the eye! John fell to the ground and started bawling and screaming for his mommy. So, ok, there weren't all mature. Annie bent down to help him and yelled at Zach to leave them alone. Out of anger he stomped away and left Annie and John laying on the ground. Well, Annie had to admit she was a little embarrassed, so a couple minutes before recess was over, she told him she'd see him tomorrow and left him sitting back on his swing with a few tears still coming out of his eyes.
      After school, John avoided Annie and Zach and began to walk home by himself like he does everyday. You see, his parents pretty much neglected their son and made him walk home 10 miles everday. His teachers didn't do anything or take notice because they hated kids and just wanted to get there check and go home. So about an hour or so later, John arrives home with a black eye and no one is home. John thinks this is very strange because by the time he finally gets home every day he finds his dad in front of the tv watching wresteling and his mom in the kitchen. Where she belongs according to most men. This phrase has been pounded into his head by his dad ever since he was a young lad. But little John knew to treat women better. ANYways, he starts walking around his house checking al of the rooms for his parents. even in their bedroom where he is NEVER supposed to go. Well he didn't find them anywhere but he found something very peculiar..a bloody knife and a note! It was posted on the front door. "How odd" John thought. "I just walked through the front door a few minutes ago and that was definately not there."
      Well he reads the note and in little third grader handwriting it says "I've killed your parents because my girlfriend kissed you". "Well," John thought, "how immature." It's not like poor little Johnny had done anything and his parents had to pay for it. You'd think John would have been extremely upset, but he felt the opposite. As i've said before, his parents pretty much neglected him, so he already knows what it feels like to be alone...
      A very difficult choice. just like the one John had to make, standing in the living room, holding the bloody knife, oh so happy to finally be rid of his parents. He still couldn't believe a third grader pulled this murder off. But i guess it was in Zach's favor that John wasn't upset because he got rid of the knife and the note. He wasn't sure where the murder had taken place but he really didnt care. Anywho, the next day at school, he saw annie standing alone by the flagpole, He thought she was waiting for him. He walked over to her and you know what she did? Punched him in the other eye!
    "What the h*** did you do that for????" john screamed.
    "Well im still embarrassed and I just thought you'd look better with both eyes that way." She giggled. He couldn't believe himself. He was so pissed off at her but, the moment she giggled, that feeling immeditely turned into adoration. Then she turned and ran away inside the building. He wasn't sure why she did that but he soon forgot and went inside to his classroom. Zach shared a desk with John and when he sat down, Zach grinned a freakish grin at him. John stuck his tongue out at him in respone and sat down. The teacher became talking in her monotonous tone about a upcoming feild trip to the zoo. As she was handing out the permission slips, she explained that each student MUST have a signiture by a parent/guardian in order to go.
      All of a sudden, Zach stands up and screams at the top of his lungs "HAHA JOHN HASNT GOT ANY PARENTS!!!!" I might add he had a very crazed look on his face. everyone was staring at him strangely when the teacher freaked out and told zach and john she wanted to see them outside. The two boys got up from their desk and followed their teacher out to the hallway.
      She immediately turned to Zach and said "What was the reason for that very loud and rude statement??"
      Zach looked ashamed and looked at the ground. "I...I uh, am.... possesed by demons."
      John was stunned by this answer. "No he's not! He murdered my parents! Not like i care, but he's trying to cover up for it!" he said.
      "Oh John how could a third grader possibly have the know-how to pull of murder? Of course Zach is possesed, You can see it in his eyes. Now Zach, go back to the classroom and we'll have a talk to your parents later about your possession. As for you John, i am ashamed you would even try accusing Zach of such a thing. I want you to go back home and tell your parents about what you've done. And don't forget to get your parents to sign that permission slip for the zoo!" She turned her back on little Johnny, walked back into the classroom, and slammed the door. John was really pissed off at this point. And now, he wanted to get back at Zach more than ever. He walked 10 miles home and went to retrieve the knife and note from the outside trash where he put them. He was suddenly shocked because thy weren't there. So he went back inside and tried to think of another plan. He forged his mom's signature (pretty good for a third grader) just incase his plan fell through. The next day at school, zach was no where to be found.
      After that, his teacher took notice of john's absence from shool, he had never gone back. It turns out that John ran away. Or so they think. No one truley knows why John was never seen again. Zach appeared at school again about a week after John dissapeared. Annie was left with a broken heart.

Word Count: 1409
© Copyright 2009 KinzeyKay (mckinzey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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