Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1631088-Skylars-Story-Chapter-6-20
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1631088
The next part of my story!!
6) Platform 9 and 3/4

I left home probably earlier than necessary but I just needed to get out of there. Soon I was on the platform, about an hour too early. 'Great, now I have to wait.' I thought as I packed my trunk and got on the train. I found a nice compartment in the back that was cold and dark, my two favorite things. I sat down and pulled out my book. Inside the book I kept a note that I had gotten a long time ago.

You are very special; you will find that to be true soon enough. It's too dangerous for you right now. The only advice I have to give to you is;
Don't fear the Darkness.

The only part that ever stuck with me was, "Don't fear the Darkness", and I never did. I it up to a page in the middle and started reading. This wasn’t just any book, it was a special book. Every time I opened it, it showed me something different. I had found it outside my window at the beginning of summer. I never put too much thought into who gave it to me. After about an hour I put the book back in to my bag. I felt another book in my bag and smiled. I pulled out a small book with gold writing on the front. Just then the train started moving. 'Finally' I thought. Just then someone opened the door to the compartment that I was sitting in. I put the book back into my bag and just sat back quietly watching them. Brown hair, tall…wait a minute. 'That's Macon' I thought. I was always one to scare people, or rather take advantage of the situation at hand. So as he attempted to quietly walk backwards into the compartment I decided to scare him.
"Boo." I whispered.
"What the -" Macon screamed.
"Wow! didn't think you'd get scared." I replied to his scream.
"What the heck are you doing back here!?" Macon asked.
"Well you see I got here early and got a good spot." I answered
"Good spot? Nobody likes this place. It's cold and dark."
"Well I do."
"Because it's cold and dark." I replied to Macon with a sly smile.
"Well you should probably change into your robes."
"Yes Sir!" I replied mockingly.
"Firstie." Macon muttered under his breath and left the compartment. I went and changed into my robes. 'Comfy' I thought as got back to my compartment. I took out my book again and started reading. The train stopped abruptly, ‘Are we there already?’ I thought as I put my book back in my bag and got off the train.

7) Sorting

After getting off the train we were herded onto boats to cross the lake. I looked down into the water. It was so dark and beautiful, I loved it. Once across we were led to the doors outside the Great hall. Soon some lady came out and started talking to us.
"Soon you will enter....blah blah blah...sorting hat...blah blah blah...four houses....blah, blah, blah and Slytherin."
We then entered the Great hall; I looked to my left and spotted the Slytherin table full of green and silver. We walked up the center aisle until we stood in front of an ugly hat. The lady got up in front again and started to call out names to go sit on the chair while she put the hat on their head so they could be sorted. "Skylar Aurora Beesch." She called finally; I was the last one standing in the center aisle. 'Took um long enough' I thought as I walked up and took a seat. Before the hat was placed on my head I heard it cry out "SLYTHERIN". I hopped down and headed for my house table with a knowing smirk on my face. Once I got to the table I saw Macon again. He saw me and winked. I just rolled my eyes and sat down taking out my book under the table while the headmaster finished up with his welcome speech. When he was finished food appeared on the table and soon I felt someone standing behind me, they reached under the table and I snapped my book shut and just so happened to catch their fingers.
"Ow, "I heard a male’s voice cry out. I turned around and saw Macon cradling his hand. I just smiled.
"You should watch where you put your phalanges." I told him and got up to move. As I stood up I made sure that my heel came in contact with him foot. I walked farther up the table and took a seat next to what looked to be an interesting group of people. As I sat down I waved back at Macon.

8) Welcome Feast

I sat down next to a boy with blonde hair and dark green eyes.
"Hello, my name is Sean, Sean Easton." He introduced himself as I sat down.
"Hi" I replied. He was cute, okay, he was really cute. I gave him a small smile and reached for the pitcher to pour myself some pumpkin juice. Unfortunately for me I couldn't reach it. Sean reached across the table and picked up the pitcher and poured me a glass.
"Thank you"
"No Problem" he said with a smile on his face. After a minute or two I decided to introduce myself.
"I'm Skylar."
"Skylar??" he asked encouraging for my last name. I usually didn’t like giving out my last name. It just never fit, so I just gave him the name I usually went by.
"Skylar Aurora"
"Skylar Aurora Beesch?" he asked
"Technically, but not really." I replied
"Oh, well nice to meet you Skylar."
"You as well Sean," We talked throughout dinner about many different things. I found out that he was a third year, and also that he was not excited to be stuck here for yet another year, even though things here were better than they were at home. After dinner I just followed the people in front of me absent mindedly and ended up in the dungeons in front of a stone wall.
"This is the entrance to the Slytherin common room." I heard someone say. "To get you just have to say the password and it will open for you." We then all entered the common room; I looked around almost in awe, but not quite. Something about it seemed very familiar and homely. "Girls your dormitory is up the stairs and to the right." I walked up the stairs and to the right and found a room with four poster beds. I found a nice bed in the corner. And by it I found my trunk. That night I couldn't sleep like always, so I went down to the common room and sat in one of the big chairs with my book. Before I knew it, it was morning.

9) First Day

Hearing people walk around above me I ran up the stairs to the dormitory to get dressed. 'Wow can this skirt get any longer' I thought as I searched for a shorter one. I finally found one that fit right and put it on, then ran down the stairs and out the wall. I walked to the Great hall where I saw Sean and some others sitting at the table. I walked up to the table and took a seat in between Sean and this other guy. As I sat down I the guy to my left introduced himself. But even before he did I felt like I knew him.
"Hey Skylar, I'm David. David Malfoy." I just looked from him to Sean.
“You’ve been talking about me?” I questioned Sean as I reached for a piece of toast. Just then I felt something hit my head. I looked up and saw Macon.
"Give me my book firstie" Macon demanded enunciating each word.
"No." I told him plainly, and soon found myself lying on floor.

9.5) First Day
'Stupid shoes' I thought as I remembered tripping over them trying to leave the table. I opened my eyes and saw three guys all looking down on me.
"Um...is someone going to help me up?" I asked kind of annoyed that they were just standing there. David finally helped me up.
"Thank you."
"No problem" I reached under the bench and grabbed my bag. With my back to the boys I took out Macon’s book and stepped up onto the bench, and then smacked Macon in the head with it.
"What was that for!" he yelled. I just looked at him and made an 'are you serious face' and jumped down. I grabbed the rest of my piece of toast from the table and walked out of the Great Hall, leaving the three boys standing there dumbfounded. I decided that maybe I should try and find my first class. I looked down at my schedule; my first class was...Potions. 'Lovely' I thought as I walked down the stairs to the Dungeons. Eight hours later I was finally done with classes for the day. I walked into the common room and collapsed in the first chair I could find. 'This year is going to be brutal' I thought and decided to pull out my book and look through it a bit. I heard them before I could see them. About 3 seconds later the guys came through the wall into the common room. So I decided it would be wise to put my book away, I really didn’t want anyone to know about it or get their hands on it, not that they could read it anyways. The guys noticed me sitting there and started walking over. I stood up smoothly "Hey guys!" I said and walked away towards the wall that would lead me to the dungeons. 'I need some place quiet to read my book' I thought, and decided to head for the library.

10) Library

Once I left the common room I began walking towards the stairs that led up to the Great Hall. I made it all the way to the library without any problems. I walked through the doors and towards the back of the library. 'It won't be hard to find a dark, quiet, cold place here.' I thought as I turned another corner and spotted a comfy cushion. 'Aww, perfect' I thought as I sat down. I took my book out of my bag, it was the only book I would ever need or ever want to read. I opened it up to the next page and began reading...again. I heard footsteps from the front of the library. I quickly closed my book and pulled one off of the shelf next to me and pretended to read it. Soon I saw some small Gryffindor poke his head around the corner.
"Oh hi" he said, I just looked at him wondering what he was doing here. "So, I was wondering if you knew....maybe you knew where I could find...um...a...book...yeah book about stuff?" he really annoyed me. He couldn't even talk. I just stared at him until he ran away. 'Finally' I thought. I looked down at the book I had taken off the shelf and quietly laughed to myself. Then the book was gone. I looked up and saw Macon.

11) Bookshelves

"Macon! Leave me alone!" I yelled quietly
"Now why would I do a silly thing like that? And if I remember correctly you still have my book."
"Well if you remember correctly then you must still be missing it, which means you probably won't be getting it back any time soon." I snapped as I got up to move to a new place. Macon was close behind.
"Why won't you just give me back my book" he complained
"Because it's going to be so much fun watching you try to do your Arithmacy homework without it." I replied with a smirk. I could tell that he hadn't thought of this fact yet. 'Damn it' I heard him mumble under his breath. I chuckled under my breath, 'He's not too bright' I thought and made a quick left into a dark aisle and heard Macon run into the shelf.
"CRAP" he yelled
'Shhhhh!!!" called a voice from everywhere and nowhere at once. As he struggled to get back onto his feet I ran down the aisle and out of the library, leaving him there by himself.


12) For sure

At this point I knew for sure that the Beesch's weren't my real parents. I was nothing like them, and looked nothing like them either. I had black hair and green eyes. They both had blue eyes and blonde hair. It was almost too obvious that we weren't really related. That made me wonder who my real parents were. It was almost time for school to start again. Fifth year. This year Macon wouldn't be there and I wouldn't have to try and stay out of trouble that he always somehow got me into. This year it would be me and Sean and David. No more Macon. Finally he graduated, surprising us all. Over the break I had seen Sean a couple of time. We went down to the pool and messed with some muggles. We had a blast. I had seen David and had dinner with his family. His father Draco and mother whose name I can never remember made me feel welcome. It sounds weird, but being there, I almost felt at home. Well I guess I should leave so I can get to the train on time.

13) Fifth Year

Taking the carriage from Hogsmeade I thought about what had happened on the train. When I got on the train I soon realized that I was in the middle, being flanked by Sean and David. I was the "leader" even though I was the youngest. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my left arm. But it came and went. So sitting alone in a carriage made for five, I began to realize the situation in which I now found myself. Apparently now I could demand to be left alone and actually be left alone. Sean and David were in the carriage behind me. It was weird having power, but I like it....a lot. This was going to be a fun year. As we got to the castle, my door opened for me, but not by magic. I leaned forward to see who it was. I was shocked to see Macon standing there with his hand extended to help me down.
"What are you doing here?" I snapped, ignoring his hand and trying to exit the carriage on my own. I hadn't realized how low the step was and basically fell out of the carriage. Macon caught me by the waist and stood me up. We stood there for a minute. His arms around my waist, me looking up at him, then I finally came around. "Let go of me!" I snapped pushing his arms away from me. Just then Sean and David came up to us, after getting out of there carriage.
"Yo man!" David exclaimed and gave Macon a high-five. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away. "Later man" David said and followed me and Sean into the castle.

14) He's back

"What the hell was that!?" I yelled once we were in the common room.
"Um, well...wait…what are you talking about?" David asked confused.
"You know what I'm talking about!" I shouted "Since when does he think he can just come back and expect to be welcomed with open arms after what he did!"
"Um… Skylar?" Sean asked
"What" I snapped spinning around to face him.
"What did he do?" He asked sheepishly.
"It doesn't even matter anymore." I said no louder than a whisper. 'I can't believe he has the nerve to come back.' I thought.

*flash back*
Year 4
"Sky babe," he whispered in my ear as I sat in the library studying.
"You always pick the worst times to talk Macon." I replied.
"Who said anything about talking?" he leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked out of the library. I sat frozen for a minute, gathering my thoughts.
*End Flash back*

I shook my head trying to get rid of the memories. I didn't have time to deal with him now. I needed to concentrate on this note.
"I'm going to bed" I informed the guys and walked to the girls dormitories. I had a room all to myself, as a fifth year, it was unheard of, but “daddy’s money” can do a lot. I took out my book and the note fell out onto my bed. It wasn't new but there was something new about it.

15) What??

I woke up three hours later to a soft knock on my door. "Go away!" I yelled. I turned and laid my head into my pillow. I heard the door squeak open and felt a nudge on my shoulder. "Go away now!!!" I mumbled into my pillow.
"Sky babe" a voice whispered into my ear. I immediately stiffened and shot up, looking at the scene before me. Macon was standing there in his muggle clothes, looking down at me.
"What do you want" I snapped and he took three steps closer. I just stared at him. He took one more step closer and leaned against my bed. I was silent; I had no words for him. He cupped my chin in his hand...
I sat up immediately looking around my room. I saw nothing and no one I was completely alone.
"I hate him!" I said to myself as I laid back down in bed.

16) And Why?

I walked down to the common room around 7am dressed and ready for the day. I had a scowl on my face as I saw Macon sitting in front of the fire with a seventh year hanging on his every word.
"Advice, if he seems too good to be true, then he probably is." I informed the girl and turned on my heel to leave. I heard someone stand up then felt a hand on my arm. I twirled around grabbed his wrist and was one move away from breaking it. I stood on my tip toes to whisper in his ear...

*Flash Back*
Year 4
I stood on my tip toes to whisper into his ear, "Hey there". He turned around slowly with a smirk on his face. His smirk was just...'wow'. He held me by the waist and kissed me on the cheek. He was such a gentleman. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him back, on the cheek, or that's where it was supposed to be. But he turned his head and I kissed him on the lips, our first "kiss".

*End Flash Back*

"Don't you ever touch me again!" I whispered fiercely. I let his arm go and stormed out of the common room. 'What a perfect way to start my year' I thought walking through the dungeons. I heard footsteps behind me. I really didn't want to deal with him right now. Then I heard a male voice call my name "Skylar?" and it wasn't Macon...I knew that for sure.

17) Who?

I decided to stop and see who it was, since I already knew it wasn't Macon. I slowly turned around to see a tall guy with brown hair.
"Do I know you?" I asked, well more like snapped.
"No, you don't but, I would like to change that." He said taking a step closer to me. I simply stood my ground and stared up at him. "My name is Baxster..." 'That sounds familiar' I thought as he finished his introduction "Nicolas Baxster" He held his hand out as if to shake my hand. I just looked down at his hand, then back at him.
"Pleasure." I replied. He looked about 16, so maybe a year older than me. Then I placed the name. He was the son of the cousin of my "parents". He wasn't bad looking, 'I'm not related to him either' I thought. So I took a step forward, "Well it seems I don't need to introduce myself since you already know my name." I said with a smirk and turned to walk away. He caught up and we walked to the Great Hall together.

18) Nicolas Baxster

He seemed too good to be true. So naturally I looked into it. His past was clean, for the most part....

Name: Nicolas Baxster
Age: 17
7th year a Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Slytherin House
Parents: Pansy Parkinson and Seamus Baxster
both Slytherins while at Hogwarts. Mother worked at the Ministry. Father "unemployed" but that's all we can say about that matter.
Nicolas plans to follow the footsteps of his father.

The last part was what caught my attention. Why would he want to be like his father if he was "unemployed" I felt a burn on my arm again, as if to answer my question but I didn't know what it meant.
I was sitting in the library thinking about this when I heard footsteps. I quickly picked up my Potions book and started to flip through it.
"Someone told me you’d be here." I recognized the voice...Macon.
"And who would that be so I can be sure the kill them." I snapped. "Will you go away please; I'm actually waiting for someone." I continued.
"Oooo who is it? David? No, no that's not it, he's more of a friend. Sean? That's got to be it. It's Sean isn't it?" Macon muttered to himself. I just rolled my eyes.
"Nicolas" I answered, “Not that it’s any of your business.”
"Nicolas who?" he questioned. He seemed to be getting tense.
"Nicolas Baxster"
"NICOLAS BAXSTER" Macon yelled.
"Yes?" a voice calmly replied from behind me. I turned around to see Nicolas standing there.
"Hey" I said greeting him and stood up and took a step towards him. Ignoring Macon, who was angrily muttering to himself.
"Hey" he replied placing his hands on my waist and stepping closer, also ignoring Macon and his muttering. 'When is he going to take a hint and leave' I thought. Just then I was pushed to the ground in order for Macon and Nicolas to start fighting.
"Stupid boys!" I yelled and walked out of the library. Not wanting to interrupt their fight. They were being stupid from what I could tell.

19) Fight

*Flash Back*
Year 2
I had no idea why I was fight this girl I barely knew. All I knew was that she was flirting with him, and then I hit her. I don't know why it bugged me so much. It's not like I like him, right? As this thought went through my mind I was distracted and didn't notice the girls’ fist. But I did notice it hit my jaw. 'That was stupid' I though, I pulled my arm back to punch her again when someone caught me from behind and spun me around so I couldn't see the girl anymore. I started kicking and flailing "I wanna hit her!" I screamed at whoever was restraining me. I turned my head to see who it was. Macon. "Let me go!" I yelled at him.
"Fine" he said and as he let me go I leapt towards the girl, only to be stopped once again. Only this time it was a professor. "Damn it" I muttered to myself. This is all Macon's fault.
*End Flash Back*

I was walking down the hallway when Macon tried to sneak up behind me.
"I know it's you Macon." I said not missing a beat. He caught up to me when I realized it wasn't Macon, it was Nicolas. I stopped and turned towards him. "Sorry, I thought you were Macon." He said nothing. He just looked at me, as if he was trying to decide what to do next. "What?" I asked as he took a step closer. I hadn't noticed but the wall was quickly coming up behind me as he kept taking steps closer. Once I felt the cool wall behind me, I felt him grab my left arm and place it against the wall. What he did next I never would've guessed.

20) Corridor

Nicolas grabbed my arm and pinned it against the wall. He was so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. His other hand was casually on my waist, as if we were dancing.
"Nicolas" I whispered "What do you want?" I asked starting to get impatient; we had been standing like this for eight minutes. My left forearm started to burn. Burn isn't the right word; it felt like it was on fire. I screamed out in pain. Nicolas didn't even flinch.
"That's what I thought" he said letting me go and started to walk away.
"Mudblood!" I yelled after him. I don't know why but he just seemed like one. And something inside me told me I was right. He stopped mid step and turned around to face me. I stood up firmly and began walking towards him.
"What-did-you-call me?" he asked visibly furious. Just then Macon came up beside me.
"Are you okay?" he whispered in my ear. Noticing how I was cradling my left arm. I hated how we worried about me so much.
"Just let me kill him and I’ll be just fine." I replied. Macon stepped in front of me and placed his hands on my waist, blocking my view of Nicolas.
"Sky babe..."
"Don't call me that!" I snapped
"You can't kill him" he continued ignoring my outburst. "You'd get in loads of trouble."
"I don't care!" something I did made him let go and back away. Then I saw the look in Nicolas's eyes.
"Nicolas" Macon said "Why don't you be a smart kid for once and don't make her kill you. I know that you know she will. I know that you see what I see. It would terrify me too if she didn't love me."
"I don't love you!" I snapped at Macon. "And right now I don't even like you!" Then I yelled at Nicolas. "What the heck did you do to me?"
"I was um...just testing a theory." He stuttered
"And what theory might that have been?" I asked impatiently
"Who your parents are" He answered
© Copyright 2009 Alixis Dougall (latino_lit at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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