Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1631013-An-Evening-Out
by MTD
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1631013
A story about a young girl who meets her sisters killer.
I hated being told what to do. I was never held back. You are not gonna change that. No matter what you say or try to convince me off.
" Emma my dear won't it be just fantabulous if we get a dog?" Angel yelled as he opened the door. I didn't lift my head up. I wasn't planning on it. I had to let the world know. Even if at the moment the fact Angel had dragged home yet another stray animal into my home was more prevelant. Like the fact the most notorius man in the whole entire world had just named me his.

His. That's what he had said. He had been sitting on a stool, inside Drago Cafe, a block down from my Soho Apartment. I had noticed him the minute I passed the window. He didn't fit in. Most of the people inside Drago Cafe fit right into the funiture, they're dark clothes and makeup fit right into the walls with fake blood stains and the counter with worn stools. He was dressed in a suit and he carried a brief case. I immediatly sensed a wonderful story sitting there looking into a cooling cup of coffee.

I walked in, sat down next to him and ordered a Black Orchid Cappuchino. To my suprise he smiled, " I liked your piece about the Manhattan Debutants." He reconized me before I did he. " Thank You! Not many people read anymore!" His smile widened. " Some of us do." I laughed and drank my coffee. I hoped him reconizing me hadn't given away my cover. If he was interesting, perhaps somebody's long lost brother, I would right about him. " You wanna know how I killed her?" I jumped and looked straight at him.

He sipped his coffee slowly. " Do You?" I heard myself swallow. Two years ago my sister died. It was a horrible gruesome murder. She was left alive long enough for her to whisper, " He wants you to know..." before she bled to death in my arm. Her name was Claire, mine is Claudia and we where twins. She died because of me. He was only going to go after me.

His name is Johnny Carter. He was a the man of my life all threw high school. He was the only thing I thought of. Until he beat me senseless while his friends watched. That day I left him. He said he would never let me go. So I told everyone, and 5 years and many self help books later he thought he found me.

Claire had been clubbing with friends in Staten Island, yelling and having loads of fun. It was our 21st Birthday. She could have fun, all thge fun in the world, but I was covering a small band of theives calling themselves " Locomotive." I was knee deep in paper work and could not leave the office. So I stayed in. But she didn't, when he knew me, I wouldn't have been the one inside. So he killed her. He killed my Claire.

" I know you said you don't like fur, but this dog is naked!" Angel yells again. I can here the click of his shoes against the cold linoleum. I have to finish before he sees me before he stops me. Or before the police find me.

John lifted his head, his face held the ugly secret of my sister inside it's coal like eyes. " She resisted, she did. I didn't know it wasn't you until the last throws..." He tilts his head. I reached for the bell on the counter but his hand stopped mine. " No no no, we need to keep this hush hush." He says as if talking to a baby. I see the quik tie but it's already on my wrists before I can react. " Hush Hush." He leads me into the back of the Drago.

It is a small back room, famous for it's whores and celebrity orgies. He shoves me against the wall. My eyes are flying about the room and looking towards all possible exits. There are two, both blocked by him. " Why did you change? Your not like I used to know...your so WEAK." " I'm not as weak as you think." I open my my mouth and scream. " Why do you make everything so diffucult?" He beings dragging me towards the back exit. I kick and scream, and even though the Drago is full, no one not one person gets up or even hears me.

I can here Angel unloading the dog,all the while trying to convince me that this dog is hypallerginic and clean and almost a cat. Thats how he says it " He almost a cat!" Poor Angel, I'm so sorry that he got home before the cops did. But I have to finish...I tried to get away. But fell in New York's gray snow.

We struggled and tumbled along the snow, all the while barley escaping his grasp and fully aware that the next time might be my last.
Somewhere along the way my fingers touched cold metal. I felt myself pull it and then I heard a click and sound like a firecracker. RIGHT ABOVE MY HEAD. Blood dripped from his shoulder, in that instant I pulled again, and more rained on me.

Somewhere during this a disgusting sense of fury came over me. I felt sick, and powerful all at the same time. Each blow creating a new hole and a new revenge for Claire. I kept pulling until the gun no longer had bullets.
Then came the pain in my side, he'd been pulling a gun as well and with his last bullet had hit some where near my heart...I got up.
How I do not know. But I did. And I very slowly limped into my apartment, leaving no trail, the busy street and my clothes took it all.

I opened the door and headed for this pad and paper, I sat down and first wrote my will and testment, than my final statement.
This is the latter, here I Claudia Espinoza killed John Carter. It was an act of self defense.

Angel walks into the room and finds me. The dog is naked, this makes me smile.
© Copyright 2009 MTD (brokeneasily at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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