Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1630707-The-Other-Side-Of-My-Dream-Chap-12
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1630707
A guy who wakes up next to a girl covered in blood in a forest Rev 3
                                               The Other Side Of My Dream

                                                           Chapter 1


         I woke up because of a sharp pain in my side. I opened my eyes, but everything was blurry, so I blinked a few times to try and clear my vision. I could just make out the green blob of leaves on the tree towering above me. I don't know what happened. I lean up a bit to take a look at my surroundings, and I notice there is someone lying next to me. I look over to see a person with blond hair. I couldn’t make them out very well, but I judged by how small the person was that they were most likely a girl. My vision was still blurry, so I couldn’t make out what she was wearing, and I couldn’t really tell if she was awake or not, so I tried to talk to her.

“Hey, are you awake?” I went to reach out and nudge her, but I got an intense pain in my shoulder.

      I dropped my arm, and scooted closer to her as best I could. My whole body hurt, like I had been whipped and dropped down a dried up well.

“Hey, can you hear me?” My body was in so much pain, so I just leaned up against the tree, and tried to relax.

      I decided that I should probably look myself over to see what was wrong. As I looked down it occurred to me that I was wearing a tux, and that, that was not normally what you wear out in the woods. What was most astonishing though, was the blood that covered the front of my tux. A wave of panic went through me. Something bad, something really bad happened, but I couldn’t remember what it was.

      Instinct set in and I began to scan the area for any imminent danger, when I realized that I could see clearly. I glanced toward the girl lying next to me, she was wearing a white ball gown, and it was soaked in blood. Panic washed over me again, I became frantic.

“Oh my God! Hey are you awake? Can you hear me?!” I realized I was shouting, and I reached over and shook her shoulder a little. Thoughts of whether it was this girls blood all over, and whether or not she was dead, started racing through my head. I reached out and put my hand on her stomach and felt that she was breathing. Relief filled my mind, knowing that she wasn’t dead.

    I decided to try to take her vitals, I found a pulse, but with no watch I wouldn’t be able to tell if that was normal. I opened one of her eyes gently and then the other. I noticed that her eyes were a beautiful green. Her hair was long and wavy, and scattered all about her head. She had very delicate features

    But then I feel my consciousness slipping away, I do my best to try and stay awake, and as my world begins to fade again I hear someone in the distance holler.

“I found them!”

         When I woke up again, it was to a different pain. This pain was in my back. It felt like someone had taken a razor blade to my back, and were now beating it with a bat. I hadn’t opened my eyes, hoping that I had just had a crazy dream, but from what it sounded like, I was in the bed of a truck. I opened my eyes and we weren't in the forest anymore and I was lying with the girl under a blanket. There was a lot less blood everywhere, but her dress was still soaked. All I could really think right now is if that girl is OK. I found I can move more than before so I lifted the blanket up and took a better look at the girl, just like I saw before she had blond hair and green eyes she was about five foot two and she had freckles on her face.

         Well I could tell that the blood was not from us, because there wasn't a wound on either of our bodies large enough to produce that much blood. We both had our fair share of cuts and bruises though. After searching for a bit and don't get me wrong I wasn't trying to get a peek, I was worried, OK maybe a little, but I am a guy, what can ya do? After ensuring that we weren’t mortally wounded, I look to the front to see who was driving. All I could see was two men. So I thought I would take the chance and ask them,

“Hey who are you guys?” They didn’t answer

“Where are we going?"

"Shut up kid" One of the guys said over his shoulder

“What are your names?” I asked, trying to see if I could get anything outta them.

  The man who had told me to shut up looked over his shoulder at me. By the look on his face I could tell he was not happy with me.

“You better stop making so much noise back there.” He said darkly

“Do you know who this girl is?” I hollered up at him anyway

    The man who was driving turned to the other man and ordered “You better shut that kid up! Or I’m gonna pull over here and shoot him in the skull!”

  The other man turned and glared at me,

“You don’t want to make him pull over kid. He’ll do what he says.” He turned away from me. I decided it was in my best interest to just stay quiet for now.

         A few hours later, she still wasn't awake. She seems pretty innocent and cute. She was very pale, now that I noticed. Now that I think about it I guess I couldn't keep calling her, well her, so I might as well give her temporary name, she seemed like a Lilly to me so I guess I will call her Lilly for now.

         When I looked over the side of the truck, we were passing some house's that looked pretty old like 1850 style. Also the wind felt nice flowing though my hair. So I  figured that since I wasn’t supposed to talk that I would just enjoyed the ride as best I could. A few minutes later we pulled onto a dirt road that was pretty bumpy, which did nothing for my sore back but make it worse. We stopped shortly down the road with a loud whine, the truck objecting to the long drive.

         The house's being made of wood and stone and just the way they looked, screamed there age. I always wanted to live in such a house just because but like most everyone I wouldn't get power, With there pillers and large porches, these were homes for the homely kind.

         Well the two men, who looked like there in their 40's, didn't waste time getting out of the truck and roughly hauling Lilly and I out of the back. Boy these guys were strong, I knew if I tried to fight back, these guys would most likely kill me from the looks of their sour expressions. They dragged us into the old looking house, and into a hallway, which looked like it must be condemned.

         When we reached a big metal door, that looked outta place, they took out some keys and unlocked the door. With a big "clunk” the gears turned and they threw me inside. I slammed onto the floor so hard that is nearly knocked the wind out of me. It hurt a lot but I managed to catch the Lilly just as they threw her in too, because well she’s a girl, why else? Then they shut the door with a huge clang and a loud “cluck as the bolt slid home locking the door, and our only way out. I stood up and started rubbing my back. Lilly let out a whimper and a small cry of pain. I looked over at her and wondered what’s to become of us.

                                                           Chapter 2

                                                 What I remembered Before It All

"But why?" Tina whined

"I told you I want to see the world Tina" I said flatly

Tina my Thirteen year old cousin who is very close to me

"but I don't know why you would leave me" She sobbed as tears were starting to form in her eyes

"Tina, (I place my hand on her cheek and slowly stroke up and down) I am not leaving you, I am exploring" I said reassuringly

Tina was lying half way on top of me, and there was light classical music playing. A soft glow of light was coming from the lamp on the other side of the room. I glanced over at the clock 12:45 am.

"But you're going to be gone....sniff...for five years!" She wailed. We had been discussing this for three hours, and she had burst into tears numerous times.

"I know it seems like a long time, but you will find someone better than me to go hang out with. Maybe someone who you can love and start a family with"

"BUT I WANT TO START A FAMILY WITH YOU!" she was balling at this point and I had to hold her for awhile before I could speak again.

"Tina, this kind of love will never work, because nobody will like it, you’re my cousin, and you’re just too young"

"I don't care......." She cried indignantly

"Tina.......please bear with it you will find someone bett.." Tina cut me off with another wail.

"I DON'T WANT SOMEONE ELSE I WANT YOU!" nothing I said was going to change anything so I just decided to ask her

"Tina?" I waited till I had her attention.


"Are you going to try and stop me?"

She looked away, at some spot on the wall. It looked like she was actually trying to think of a way she could.


"........no" She said reluctantly

"Then you understand?"

"no" she didn't really, but she knew she couldn't stop me. She looked up at me questioningly

"Before you go can you do me a favor?"

"yeah?" I said cautiously

"take my virginity?”

    I was shocked, really I was, our bond was deep, but we have never done anything sexual before. I just thought she wanted to be close to me. Like I enjoyed her company.

"But Tina that's just something I can't do" I said, still stunned. I could see tears dew up and spill over her eye lids again.

"Why? Why? Why? Why?!?! Please! I need something to remember you by"

"Tina you have memories of us" I said flatly

"I want more...." She sniffled. She always did try to be near me, and our family never liked her obsession over me. Since nothing sexual was happening they didn't care, go figure right?

"Tina be a women and just suck it up" I said sternly

"okay" She whimpered

After that, we just laid there together, enjoying each others last night together. Who knew that it was her blood that was going to save us one day.


Link to chapter 2.5 "The Other Side Of My Dream Chap 2.5
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