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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1630589
Part 4 of Omni-Gods:Genesis
I rushed Kevin who could do little but try to move out of my way as I made use of my body like a demolition freight train. I caught Kevin full on, slamming into him with my shoulder, like linemen in football did to a tackle dummy. I carried him back into the two cars where I tried to crush his entire body into dust against the solid durable metal. I rammed him into the cars two more times before, out of sheer rage, tried to smash the rest of the life out of him with my fist. As I reared my arm back Kevin muttered something that was inaudible to me. He was barely holding on. His face was drench in his own blood and his body looked to have lost its original shape. I thought at first he was begging for his life until I was unexpectedly flying backwards through the air. There was no pain although by this point I figure I either couldn’t feel pain or Kevin was unable to damage my supernaturally hardened skin to cause it. Considering my lack of injury the latter seemed likely. Still it was a mystery on how Kevin was able to thrust me back without any physical effort on his part.

Taking into consideration of my inconvenient mammothian sized body I instinctively knew that trying to regain grounding would not be a difficult task. I was able to connect my feet to the parking lot cement to stop myself from the endless uncontrolable flight. The effort of grasping traction with my body left permanent pothole like impressions in the concrete where my feet dug into the cement. Still I had no time to dwell on the potential threat to hospital patron’s vehicles. My very life was at stake. By bending the bulk of my body forward I was able to dissipate the remainder of momentum. I found sturdy footing against the pile of cement I had eroded into a miniature mound. The hospital parking lot was being shredded to ruin by the brawl between Kevin and myself.

The thought of the effect we were having on the environment around me in a simple fight stunned me in amazement. The strength I was wielding finally occurred to me. I had been the average teenager three days ago but now I could transform into some kind of freakish abomination with strength to match while my skin could take a metal cannonball with little visual effect.

I felt myself freeze in time as it dawned on me that my memories had returned. With it came a flurry of images and emotions. The fogginess that I had been experiencing the past few hours fled and was replaced with extreme clarity. I had my identity back. But why?

"A gift from me." Etched itself over my consciousness like someone had written them inside my brain.

Oliver! I decided with certainty.

He had managed to retrieve my memories during our brief connection. I had never expected to treasure something as simplistic as memories but I now had a brief glimpse of what

I was so shocked and distracted by the flash of my returned memories within my skull that I had missed Kevin had somehow healed from his wounds and was now charging at me with incredible speed and ferocity. Taking on a different tactic Kevin used his entire body behind his right shoulder to body slam my torso. There was no pain but his strength accompanied by his velocity was enough to send me crashing to the tar on my ass. I let out a grunt of surprise as Kevin ran across my chest proceeding to my head where he punched me on the cheek, narrowly missing my nose, with his insignificant sized fist. His body was almost entirely in the air as he had tried to use both gravity and his body weight to increase the force of his blow. This was not his first battle against a person of such size apparently. Yet his attempt was futile. The skin covering my body may as well have been made of steel, nothing fazed me. The same could not be said about the parking lot. I felt my body crunch down onto the cement as it gave in from my weight and the force of Kevin's impact.

Kevin let out a hiss of air between his teeth from annoyance. "Shit, nothing I do to you even leaves a mark."

I launched my fist at Kevin hoping that the size of it would catch him before he could use his incredible speed. Kevin turned his head letting a small smile turn his lips as he placed his cold palm between the fore and middle fingers. He allowed the force of the punch to sling him a safe distance away.

"It looks as though we're at a stalemate." I growled. "You can't hurt me and I cannot touch you."

Kevin made a visual attempt to straighten his devastated, beyond repair, suit and dusted some dirt that had fallen on his shoulder.

"It appears we are at an impasse. I don't suppose a mutual retreat would appeal to you?" Kevin asked.

"Not a chance." I replied striding up to him aiming a right hook at his entire torso.

Kevin immediatly turned serious again as his face contorted with concentration to avoid the wrecking ball sized bone crushing fists. I was astonished by his dexterity and manuverability. He would weave between my enormous arms, sometimes even leaping from them. Every so often he would land an attack of his own at verious points of the body. He was testing for a weakness. One that was, more than likely, non-existant.

During one of his strikes, a perfect airborne spin kick, Kevin failed to notice that he was about to drop onto a bent and twisted piece of scrap metal from one of the cars I had demolished. Kevin landed awkwardly on top of it disrupting his false representation of perfect balance and flawless martial art movements. Even vampires weren't impervious to the mistakes of mere mortals. In that instant Kevin had failed to succeed at avoiding every single attack. I connected a right vertical fist with the entire right section of Kevin sending him high into the dark sky. Blood rouse speckled the full moon's light giving the scene an erie atmosphere. Kevin's eyes slanted downward and changed into a blaze of red hate. His arm was completely crushed. Disfigured into a disgusting design never meant to be created. It was a temporary gruesome scene as the arm snapped up and out as it reasserted itself.

Now I understood how Kevin had healed so fast. I had heard myths of them of course and several of them credited them with superfast regenerative abilities. Remembering Oliver's memories I found my fears to be reality. Vampires, from what I gleaned from Oliver, were in fact very hard creatures to kill. They could regenerate most damages to the body with little difficulty. Limb regeneration only became a problem for them if the arm or leg was seperated from their bodies. They could however, repulsive as it was for me, attach foreign limbs to their bodies as their own. Cutting their heads off was even a waste. So long as blood flowed was unhalted they could survive detached from the entire torso. Very hard to kill indeed.

I felt my faith in my new abilities fade quickly. Would it be so hard for him to kill me as it was for me to kill him? Crashing his body proved pointless. Reaching into Oliver's barrowed memories I searched for the key to victory. The object that could kill a vampire in an instant. One word rang out. Meythlmercury. A substance by Oliver's understanding thus absorbed by my own, was at room temperature a liquid metal, that had a disasterous effect on blood cells especially those around the brain and heart. It was the secreat weapon behind its ability to kill vampires who had an enourmous allergy to all mercury type metals. As they could poison the blood easily while vampires had a difficult time removing the matter from their bodies. Meythlmercury just happened to be most effective at bonding to proteins and other types of metal. A substance which Oliver had grafted onto the blade edge of his personal knife.

Renewed hope sparked through me as I remembered where I had dropped the knife. It was still beside Oliver from when I had cut the symbol into his hand. I aimed up another right punch with Kevin's descending torso. I was going to put all my strength into this last punch then beliegn for the knife. I had to get some kind of head start before Kevin figured out I knew his weakness. As I swung hard I had failed to notice the reduction of the hue of the bruised skin to a more normal flesh tone. I only noticed when I connected with Kevin's abdomen. Helpless to avoid my attack he had planned to take the brunt of it fearlessly as he knew I could not kill him with raw power. What neither of us expected was that the giant ogre like form had for some reason receded to the point where the incredible strength I had been wielding did little more than wind the monster.

The size difference was apparent to me when compared to Kevins torso. It had been able to cover most of his body. Now it was miniscule in comparision. It was still larger than normal but noticeably smaller than previously. Kevin noticed the difference in a fraction of the time it took for me to. With a satisfied smile that deliberatly revealed the elongated predatory teeth of his. Kevin struck out like a bolt of lightning with enough strength to send me across the entirty of the parking lot in a flash to smash headlong into a distant stone boulder, ironically, similar to the one I had thrown at him.

I didn't die instantly so I figured not all the power of the transformation had abaited. Enough for my neck not to brake like a twig but not enough to make me immune to pain like in full metamorphasis. Damn and I had gotten so close, too. As darkness fell I had one last conscious thought that echoed throughout my mind. I had failed those men I had sworn revenge for and in so doing would join them in that death. It was then I realized I may have been out classed all along against Kevin. He had immortality, speed, regeneration, power consistancy, and experience. Everything I lacked he had in aces.


Even through the symphonic and chorus like hospital noises, which were mainly made up of various accents of patient voices, I heard a terribly loud crack come from outside. Loud enough to make many occupants in the lobby turn their heads. Intrigued by what had caused the noise I followed several others outside to see what the commotion was. Arriving around the side of the hospital, I and the few people who had joined me, came to find a giant freakish looking blue-purple ogre humanoid, wearing only a shredded pair of shorts that looked to have been originally intended for a midget in comparison to its massive body size, was battling a normal man dressed in a worn out tuxedo. It was quite an odd sight to behold. At least at first glance the man looked to be normal but the kind of manuvers he employed were impossible by any human standards. And that speed. He was spectacularly fast for any human. He appeared like a motion of color rather than a solid object.

To everyone's astonishment the giant ogre started to shrink. With eyesight like mine I was able to see the color of the things skin start to resembal more of a human tone. And then I understood that the giant ogre was in fact reverting back to a human state. I sat there completely perplexed by the events unfolding before me. If I thought seemingly running faster than a car was weird these two had me beat hands down. Nothing today was making any sense. The fact that it had been three days since the storm had hit me hard. I had asked a nurse about the date while I had been soliciting in the hospital lobby unsure what I should do next. I was utterly shocked to find her telling me it was the ninth. Three days I had been laying in the middle of that forest unconscious. How I survived was anyone's guess.

The man in the torn grayish suite punched the now more human looking ogre monstrosity with enourmous strength and speed. The ogre sped across the hospital's parking space with intense velocity right into a large rock that shattered apart from the force. Curiousity driving me I ran to a better vantage point as the super human sped across the distance in the blink of an eye. Ducking from car to car careful not to be seen by the two god like beings fighting. Not that they would have halted their epic battle for the likes of someone like me. I heard a few comments of disfavor of the actions I was taking from the crowd of scared huddled together bystanders. I ignored them. For some universal reason I had to do this. Any other day I would have joined them in that pointless huddle of false protection. I found the super human hovering over the body of the now entirely human looking body of the ogre creature.

He was saying something but they were too far for me to make out the words. I was attempting to keep a safe distance. I couldn't be sure which of these titans were the good one or the bad one. If either were actually restrained from killing anyone and everyone who got in their way. Intrested in the ogre's human appearance I ran around the cars in the parking lot until I could finally see the thing's face. I found myself absolutely flabbergasted when I saw that it was none other than Vincent who was staring dumbly at the man in the gray suite. Then again in hindsight the pair of tacky shorts was Vincents choice of clothing style. The man was now raising his arm for another punch. The final blow.

Instict took over and without conscious thought and I found myself running at that same high speed straight for the man. Unable to truely navigate in a speed I could not even keep up visually. I had to pretty much guess where I was as the entire enviroment was like one big splotch of paint on a canvious of a horrible artist. I tried to drive an elbow into the man's abdomen as I passed but only felt my own arm go numb with pain. It was as if I had elbowed a thick wall of concrete instead of soft flesh. Discovering that the man may be less human than Vincent had looked seconds ago. I aimed to just go for his sprawled out form. I felt a grip clasp firmly on my arm that yanked me back refusing to let me get to Vincent. I turned to find the man looking at me with sheer anger and hate. His eyes were a bright red and two teeth stretched forth from his mouth overlaping his bottom row. All I felt was sheer blood lust with one word reverberating inside my head.

"Vampire." I whispered outloud. Fear traveled up my spine latching onto the brain and held on.

I tried desperately this time to pull free but the Vampires strength was relentless. He jurked me backwards closer to him his jaws opening to bite down on the arteries that pumped the blood across the body. A copious amount saliva coated his teeth in anticipation. I felt everything in my brain come to a halt as I knew that my life would end in the next moment. Out of raw instinct and primal fear I felt an massive amount of energy build up inside of the left arm that the vampire was grasping intensly. The energy built up until it felt that I would be ripped apart by it. Right as it felt I couldn't withstand anymore energy there was a flash of light followed by a kawoop sound. I was instantly whipped into a stomach flipping spin. I landed with a loud "Oaaf." sound when the air in my lungs rushed out.

I glanced around confused comprehension of what had happened moments ago failed to register. Eyes blurry from the pain fogging my mind. I tried to see where the vampire had ended up and as to what exactly happened. The man was laying several yards away, a smoking hole had been shot into his chest. Had someone shot the bastard? I scrampled to stand up then headed in a drunken stupor to Vincent's motionless heap.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked remembering how he'd gotten punched ten or so yards.

"Where's Kevin?" He whispered. Kevin I assumed was the name of the Vampire.

"Dead. I think he got shot." I searched around to see who had done the deed but the group that I had followed out of the hospital were the only spectators in sight. I became annoyingly bewildered.

"Shot? Wasn't it you who had hit him with that lightning?" Vincent asked confused.

"Me?" I asked taken back. Then I remembered that intense energy build up and consecutive release. Had that been the lightning?

"I was a bruised skin colored giant a second ago," Vincent replied. "Trust me shooting lightning from your palm is normal in comparison."

I grabed Vincent's right hand as he raised it and yanked him to his feet. I swung his arm over my shoulder to help support himself. The first thing he did was glance at the body of the dead vampire Kevin.

"Damn it." He cursed instantly.

"What?" I asked concerned.

"The god damn thing isn't dead." Vincent motioned to the smoking body.

The smoking body that was now moving and rising to its feet. Though with trouble caused by getting a billion volts of electricity through his body.

"Shit!" I cursed adrinaline combine with fear shot through me again.

Kevin stood looking at us with death desiring eyes huffing and wheezing from the lightning that had drilled a hole through his left lung. Vampires seemed to be reseliant even with one working lung. Now that I thought about it I wasn't certain I knew the anatomy of vampires. After all they were suppose to be fictitious.

"Vincent remind me to kick your ass if we live through this," I told him. "Only you could possibly get me into a fight with a mythological creature."

"Sorry," He apologized smiling despite the danger. "Noted."

"So what abilities does this world class asshole have?" I asked trying to sound as though I knew what I was doing.

Vincent scuffed at me. "Killer strength, speeds even worse. He'll rip you apart before you can move unless you have more than lightning on your side."

"Got speed too." I told him defensively.

"How fast?" He inquired.

"Faster than him, I think." I replied slightly uncertain. I had gotten past him before he could react but perhaps it was just shock or him being just sluggish from his fight with Vincent.

"What do you have besides that hideous ogre transformation?" I asked hopeful.

"Nada damn thing." He said exhaling heavily with a tinge of regret.

"So I gotta do this alone, terrific." I sighed sarcastically. On the bright side I had already severly wounded the vampire. No sooner did that very thought cross the mind, Kevin healed miraculously in the blink of an eye. Or maybe not.

"Just so you know he isn't easy to kill." Vincent said as I readied to attack the vampire head on. "As you've seen he can heal really fast. But there's a knife in the flat bed of that red pickup truck near the edge of the parking lot. Get that and stab him once and it should do the job."

I glanced around to find the vehicle Vincent had described and instantly recognized an immediate problem. "Vince, not to put a dent in your plans, but I'm a little color blind. I can see in the dark but it takes away my color vision."

"Its the freakin' rust bucket over there!" Vincent exclaimed annoyed. "Ya can't miss it."

With his new description I found the truck with a quick scan. It did stand out a little.

"Oh," I said feeling slightly stupid.

Without warning Kevin ran straight at me and Vincent. His only reason for not having attacked during our little discussion was due to the necessary time it took him to regenerate. It must not be as instanteous as it appeared. Quickly leaping sideways I evaded to the right to avoid Kevin's right jab. I ignored him entirely, running past him I headed straight for the rusty pickup as fast as I possibly could. Perhaps it was too fast as I was barely able to stop in time before I almost did a face plant into the heap of metal on wheels.

I lifted myself up into the bed from the side railing in a quick sweeping motion. Then proceeded to search the twisted flatbed for the knife Vincent had been telling me about. I looked at the pale white body covered with a darkened-white sheet, the dark liquid being noticably blood, for a moment. Had the vampire killed him? Was that why Vincent was filled with so much regret?

I kept my search away from the dead body but it didn't take me long at all to find the blade with my night vision eyes. Bending over I picked it up feeling the cold steel against the palm of my right trying to get a quick feel for its weight. I didn't get to keep the blade long before the truck was hit hard by something. The entire contraption was lift away from the earth and flipped upside down. Realizing I had closed my eyes through the whole ordeal I opened them to find I was on the cement below the truck bed a shadowed-white sheet filled the space in front of me. I was somehow unhurt but I had flung the blade when the truck was flipping. Now it could be anywhere.

A metallic shriek eminated from the broken truck as the side of it was lifted like one would to look underneath a large rock. Discovering I was exposed I stretched out an arm at Kevin as he bent to get a view beneath the vehicle. I aimed attempting to fire off another bolt of electricity the same as before. Nothing happened and it dawned on me that I had no idea how I had managed to do it the first time.

"Damn!" I cursed doing the one thing I could to escape. I lepted forward onto my feet and charged head long at Kevin only to lose my nerve at the last moment and instead of barreling into him as I had planned I instead did a swift kick to his stomach. The vampire immediatly lost his standing and was forced to drop the truck back to the ground with a loud metalic clang. Kevin spun away across the pavement like an ice skater would do a mid-air twist on an ice rink.

Slightly dazed by the blow and partially stunned by the strength the kick had held. Kevin stammered for several long seconds his hands flying to his abdomen out of pain. Hurriedly I raced to find the lost knife. The weapon Vincent had promised held the key for the end of this conflict. One I had no intention of letting bring that dark emptieness back to consume me. I had survived a lightning storm and I was not going to fall victim to a predator.

Although that was little more than peptalk to still my agonizingly rapid beating heart. In truth I had never been this scared in my life. The knife was gone even with the fantastic night vision I wielded could not see through the dozens of solid contraptions it could now lay under or behind. The problem was not in the probability of still finding it rather it was the time searching around for it would likely take time I just didn't have. Kevin could be stunned for a time or distracted but he was too fast at both recovering and gaining ground to allow for an extensive search of the parking lot. In short I was screwed.

I began to fill the despairation grip me at the very soul of my being. Glancing over to Kevin, a fortunate act on my part, I caught sight of his speeding body in time to duck into a roll. A whoosh, far too close for my likeing, whipped the collar of the fabric that covered the shirt I wore. Comeing out of the roll in a hunch crouch I spun in a small simi-circle. Rotating at the waist ninety degrees I brought a left round house kick at hip heighth. Kevin crunched down in the blink of an eye catching my foot around the ankle. I gasped in fear dreading the next moment I knew was inevitably to come. Kevin extended from the hunch back to full height bringing the entire form of my body with him. He tossed me by one leg alone as one would a bat or crobar.

The flight itself was not all that bad of an experience oddly enough. It was the uncertainty of pain undoubtedly to come that inspired the fear of flight. The end of space as it had to connect with solid. That very solid was a hard bark covered pinetree. And like the old saying goes its not the fall its the sudden stop that kills you. How detestful my luck must be to face the horror of death not once but twice in my miserible life. Despite the groggyness that mistified my brain I was able to discern that the body I was attached to was hurt badly. So badly infact that I consciously had to push distance between the mind and the body lest the pain alone rob me of the small chance at lif I still had. Blood trickled from between the bodys' lips down the chin before dripping off onto the shorts it had been dressed with. A pair of excellently crafted material probably exspensive.

Don't give into to hysteria Tyler! Cried a voice inside the mind. Instantly the mind's attention drifted away from the pants it registered dumbly from the optics of its vision. Externally aware Kevin, the harbinger of death, drew ever closer laughing hysterically about some broken part of my body he had heard pop. Defining it as an exquisite sound to hear when death closed its grasp on an intended target.

You can't give up, fight! The now familiar voice cried. Fight! Tyler! Fight! it ranted becoming increasingly angry by my reluctance. Goddamn it Tyler! Fight it! the anger was oddly contageous as it quickly infected the mind driving it back from the corporeal form. Back into its physical vessel. The refusion of the two parts aided by the intense anger sent sparks of pure energy coursing through my entire body. The will I had lost was rekindled in a burst of hot electricty that arced from my body shearing the rough bark of the tree I leaned against.

I slowly drew myself onto two weakening legs bringing up my left leg to pull up on. I took my time returning to my feet Kevin's advance put off by the dramatic display taking place before him. As I stretched to full height small threads of lightning coursed the surface of the white hue of skin covering the outside of my body. Kevin took a step back from me discouraged by the show of power.

"Damn you!" I felt my mouth speak filled in rage and loatheing. "I won't let you take my life the way you've taken the other four innocent people tonight!"

Kevin looked taken aback by my declaration. Replying his voice smooth and emotionlessly unwavering. "This is not some kind of pleasure I indulge, boy. Life is cruel demanding the harsh from people that asked for the simple. Especially the innocent.

Sadly you must pay a sacrifice because if you do not then it must be I who pays that sacrifice. And that is something I just cannot do. I must give up my soul if I am to save those of whom I love." Kevin's face for the first time actually showed some remorse. "To gain an object of desire you must first lose another equal object of desire. Good-bye boy."

Ending the argument quickly Kevin rushed forward intending his next attack to be the final. He had grown weary of this elongated fight that led nowhere. I had other plans. Raising my eyes at Kevin allowing the determination that filled my soul in that instant to breathe into the stare I gave Kevin. Undetered by the look I brought up both hands to the middle of my chest focusing the massive amount of energy circling the length of my body into the small pocket of space between the left and right palms. The process sent verious bolts of lightning wild. I could not control the entire power I possessed. Despite my show of determination I was still untrained in the workings of the incredible ability I possessed.

Electricity arced free and wild from my control. A light lamp that I stood under on the outer rim of the hospital meant to give its lot goers the illumination needed to navigate back to or from their cars, was one of the many objects that were struck by the stray thin lines of yellow energy. The light bulb exploded sending a shower of small glass fluttering to the ground around me. As they did so I brought the energy around to my side preparing to launch it at Kevin once he had gotten within point blank range. I was going to be absolutely certain that this mass of lightning hit him.

It never crossed my mind that Kevin could simply return to a safe distance and sumise a more tactical approach. Perhaps it never occured to him either. Or at our speeds thinking was a process far to slow for the body to act upon.

I slide forward bringing the electric ball to bear connecting it with Kevin's chest at such a close range my fingers brushed against the torn fabric of his suite. The proxemity had a negative reprucussion. Once the ball of lightning errupted into a bright yellow stream. It held such a trumendous backlash it tore entricate red jagged designs in the flesh of my arms and ripped pieces of cloth from the sleeves of my shirt.

The yellow arching energy ate through Kevin bursting from his back spraying torn fabric from his attire out from the center of the stream. It continued on until it hit the wall of the hospital cratering it with jagged cracks. The crowd that had been spectating the entire fight thus far turned and ran. They had failed to see the first charge of lightning I had casted. They did not miss this one. Seeing a giant ogre fight a seemingly normal man in a buisness suite they could take but when it came to throwing lightning bolts the width of small road sign poles that was too much. They retreated back to the saftey of the hospital interior. No doubt recounting their tells to those that listened.

I slumped against the trunk of the tree behind me. I felt suddenly exhausted as though all the energy inside me had went into that very attack. The simple task of standing had become a chore. At least it had been effective. Did I succeed in killing him though? I couldn't help but wonder. If not how much did I have left in me after that? Nothing. I had put everthing in that one stream of lightning. In hindsight I should have conserved the energy to try and find the knife. Considering I had been backed into a wall that technique alone is probably what saved me.

"You bastard!" Cried Kevin from beside me. He was crawling on all fours to the left of the tree. He must've used his speed to avoid the lightning at the last moment.

"Shit!" I scolded myself for not paying attention. I had allowed a small victory to lull me into complancency.

I noticed then that most of his left side was missing. He hadn't dodged the attack merely redirected it. I felt some tension lift only to be replaced by white hot pain from above my hip. Another mistake I had made was believing Kevin was less of a threat because he had a severe injury. I should have known by now. An injury severe to a normal being wasn't the same to a mystic creature like Kevin.

I felt only disbelief when I looked down at the origin of the pain to find Kevin had used only the fingers on his hand to stab me. He tore them viciously free to lick them clean with his tongue. I dropped to my knees as my legs gave beneath shock. Blood seeped from the gaping wound staining the mud crusted shirt covering my chest.

"Weren't expecting that, I assume?" Kevin smiled shifting onto his right foot and left knee to level with me. His wound was already healing faster than the last time. I could see the various stages of the process unfold before my eyes.

The shock of seeing a gaping hole in my stomach caused me to have a full mental breakdown. My brain just shut down and blocked all outside influences. I missed the constant sound of my name being called. Even the voice in my head failed to jerk me from my stupor. All the while Kevin healed inches beside me as I sat there holding two blooded hands to the wound. I felt life relenquishing my soul to the beyond. My mind telling every fiber of my being that survival with a tear the size of a half-dollar coin in your abdomen, was impossible.

The last thing I was consciously aware of before passing out was a ruff object connecting with the underside of my chin followed by the sense of flying. I never felt myself fall or what I landed on but there was no pain.

Chapter 5: The mutants

"No!" I yelled snapping awake from the eriely realistic dream I had been having. In it Tyler and Vincent had been doing battle against a vampire named Kevin. The sight of the wound Tyler had recieved fresh in my mind. Thankfully it was just a dream. I told myself both feeling and knowing that was a total lie. It had been real. Hadn't I even encouraged Tyler to keep fighting with only thought?

"Hey, kid, you awake?" The truck driver that had nearly hit me asked trying to spin around in his seat while simaltaneously watching the road he drove on.

With a start I realized I laid on a single bunk of a eighteen wheeler tractor. Gray interror lined the walls evolving into small closets and cupboards. A mini-fridge sat infused bellow the largest closet. Two seats sat pressed tightly against a large curtain that could be dragged along plastic rings to give the back occupants some privacy from prying eyes through the enourmous front windshield. Currently they were gaped open allowing light from the street lamps to flood the entire compartment.

"Ya," I replied getting out from the bunk bed and taking up the passenger seat beside the stereotypical truck driver. He wore a white shirt with a pair of blue jean overalls. His hair was shaven to nearly bold. None the less he seemed like a kind aged man. I was not about to expire his good graces based on his simpleton appearance.

Looking straight out the windshield my eyes found themselves upon the same exact hospital that had appeared in my dream. Or was it a vision? Taking into account the abilities I had displayed against that mutant wolf. Seeing distant places and events wouldn't be too far of a leap.

"Hey, kid, you sure you should be up with a wound like that?" I faintly heard the driver ask me.

At that moment I knew my dream had been real. "Stop!" I demanded the driver.

Frightened by the volume of my voice the driver pulled his enourmous truck to a sudden lurching halt.

"Why, what's wrong?" The driver asked frantically.

I was already out the passenger side door and on the first metal step protruding from the side of the truck no sooner then the truck start to slow down. I ignored his question warning him to stay inside the truck and he'd be safe. I did not elaborate on what he was in danger from. I shut the door as he tried to yell something else. I had not meant to be rude but I could feel an intense sense of urgency. I had to get to the area where Tyler and Vincent were fighting Kevin.

Sprinting I ran around the complex knowing the side and direction of the part of the parking lot the fight was taking place. I had gleaned from the vision, or what ever it had been, all the details of geology one could ever need for location. My sense of direction had been impeccable before, now it was infailable. Glancing skyward at the whim of the tingling sensation at the base of my spine I found Tyler falling from a dangerous height. In my dream I'd witnessed his powers first hand but I wasn't sure if he could survive a fall of that heighth. Instinctively I unleashed my kinectic power. Using psychokensis I held the power to slow his descent to my desire, not gravity's. I gently put him down ontop of a parked car's roof. One that had managed to escape from the carnage it's siblings had suffered.

I lept onto the car after placing Tyler safely down on it. I checked his pulse and then his body looking over his wounds. He had a shattered jaw bone that might take a while to heal and a puncture wound in his stomach but it was shallow. He would live despite the apparent state he was in. It maybe hours before he woke again though. Far too long to wait for him to come to and pull a full retreat. No this fight would have to conclude here. I had to come out victorious else the three of us would lose our lives if I failed. In truth our lives were already on barrowed time since that bolt of lightning struck our car and yet I felt compelled not to let that piece of luck go to waste.

Already I knew the stakes since I had some kind of mental vision while I was unconscious. Vincent's power was drained or maxed out for some reason. Stealing a quick look toward him I could see the exhaustion, fear, while at the same time relieved. Relief that I had appeared in the nick of time to save Tyler who was more useless than Vincent now. Yup, I was going to have to go about this fight alone and I knew the odds of success were not in my favor.

"Now who might just you be?" The vampire hissed irrtated. I could imagine the frustration he must be having. "Like insects from the wood works. You just keep coming. I didn't realize there were this many freaks of nature in the world. I might just end up become an exterminator!"

"I doubt that will happen," I told him with more courage than I felt. Climbing down from the car I walked away until Kevin's back turned to Tyler keeping his attention away from him and on me. A redundant gesture at best. No way I could compete with his speed. My abilities didn't cover that type of power.

"Because you will not be living past tonight." I stated as if that made it so.

Kevin let out a venomous laughter that made the night air become harshly fridged. "Your two friends here have been trying all this time to achieve just that. What makes you think your faster or stronger than they are? Why can you succeed where they did not, Hmm?"

"Because I don't have to be!" I roared thrusting out my palm.

The motion sent out a huge psychokinetic wave catching Kevin unaware in the torso sending him smashing, with tremendous force, into a huge brown oak tree. Spurred by excitement I sprinted full speed thinking to pummel Kevin before he could get up. I must've forgotten how slow I was in comparison or just simply got too excited. The moment I raised my arm he had me in his vice grip and threw me like a weightless doll. I came down hard in a pile of dirt that puffed up in a cloud of dust. Laying there for the breifest moment to regain the breath I lost when I hit the ground handspring into a crouch to gain my barings.

"See you are simply too slow." Growled a voice that chilled me to the bone with fear. "I've been standing here since I threw you. You're even slower than that enourmous oaf."

As I spun to meet Kevin I felt a ice cold, concrete hardened, smooth marble-like, object connect with the back of my head, making me physically eat dirt, as my face slammed into the ground. Pushing past the pain with only will power I forced my body into a handstand aiming to land the bottom of my foot wear into the underside of Kevin's chin but that turned into a miss. He was behind me long before I had a chance in hell to even touch him. Thankfully I was able to percieve Kevin's movements without having to physically see it. I could react a thousand times faster because of it giving me the edge needed when fighting with someone as fast as Kevin. Using a psychokinetic push I blasted off the ground with my hands to avoid a skull crushing right heel kick.

Landing lightly on my feet I instantly bent backward to dodge one of Kevin's bullet fast punches. It did little to save me. Even with my millisecond fast reaction time there was too large of a physical speed gap to compensate. I was helpless as Kevin kicked both feet out from under me and then grabing my shirt he tossed me again into the nearest tree. Pain splintered my spine even as I went into a airborne spin an instant after falling to the ground to avoid having my skull cracked open by Kevin's knee. Redirecting one fist and then a second followed too soon by a fourth, fifth, and then far too many to keep count or for me to keep track of. There just seemed to be far too many fists for a man who only had two arms.

I still managed to move just a few centimeters to evade most of Kevin's fist as it sunk into the right side of my abdomen. I grasped his wrist tightly while reaching out for his other wrist with my opposite hand. Pulling him forward I launched my head at his connecting my own forehead to his in an old fashioned head butt. I quickly realized how moronic the attack was. It felt as if I just did a face plant off a high rise onto a wall thick slab of concrete.

Letting out a yelp of agony I lept backward several feet from Kevin. The distance gave me no time to recover and I had zero visiblity to see what happened next. All I knew is what I felt. And what I felt was a sharp intense pain surging up my right foot and through my spine that made me double over screaming. A quick stone shaped fist shut me up with a hard jab to my jaw with enough strength to break it and flip me face down into the dirt once again.

And that was it. I went into the fight acting as if I held the power to save everyone from the monster. In truth I only lasted a few seconds. Kevin speed was far to much for me to keep up with. Unlike Tyler or VIncent I hadn't even so much as put a scratch on him. I felt so ashamed for having been so easily bested and pathetically weak. Even with my new abilities I still couldn't win at anything. It baffled me how I lost at all the things I tried no matter what they were. I just could not win. Fare enough I was about to die as a reward not that it would be my first choice. Still I felt a small bubble of anger well up inside my chest. I hated the idea of losing I always hated to lose when I put my entire being into something. It felt that I could have done more despite being entirely useless.

Kevin let out a violent laugh that echoed through the trees. " Oh my that was pathetic. You could not have so much as hurt me. Not only are you slower than the big oaf you are by far the weakest of the three. Including that pestcey little one that shoots static out of his finger tips."

Sombering up he walked over to me. A defeated no one with a power more deserving of someone else. All I did in reaction to his insult was lift my head, painful as it was to do just that, to watch how he decided to end me. I would not give him the add pleasure of a plea for my life and I was going to face death with as much dignity and honor as I had left.

"Well, well, well, not entirely ready to die it looks." He told me. "That look reeks of defiance. Very well I shall kill you without torture. After all you held the courage to charge into a fight you had no chance of winning."

As Kevin rose his hand in a dagger like fashion with his abnormal long and probably sharp fingernails extended as the blade's edge I could tell my throat was the intended target. Almost allowing myself to forgo all desire to survive and let Kevin take my life I noticed a faint overly large humanoid shaped shadow a little behind Kevin. It was moving through the trees at a high speed surprisingly able to go between the trunks instead of having to knock them over in his effort. I knew exactly who it was even though I could only see a black silhoutte. As Kevin bent down his hand striking exactly where I predicted I launched a bubble of kinetic energy to catch his hand. Not just catch but restrain Kevin in the only fashion he could not use his brute strength to tear free of my grasp.

Shocked Kevin's face became a portrait of confuse but panic was not drawn until he noticed the thunder like pounding and the earthquake like foot steps. He instantly grew into a blur of motion as he tried to pry his hand free of the invisible rope holding his hand centimeters from my jugular.

"Bloody hell, let go, you annoying little insect!" He screamed at me fearful of what the gigantic human battering ram would do to him if he could not evade in time.

"Funny." I mocked the vampire smiling. "Who's about to get crushed like an ant?"

Then he was gone. Vincent hit him like a football player would a tackle dummy. I managed to roll to the right in time to narrowly miss being trampled by Vincent's enourmous feet. His giant size suggested weight to match and I could guess how much he weighed when in that bruised colored ogre state.

Off in the distance I could hear Kevin screaming out in pain. A refreshing sound despite how distubing that thought seemed. It told me that Kevin could in fact be hurt and if he could be hurt then he could be killed. I knew logically that no being in existance living or none could remain in one state forever. I clung to the quantum physists idea that all matter detoriorated or reformed from one thing into another. Immortal vampire or no Kevin could not exist for infinity. All I had to hope for was that I could cause Kevin to die earlier than time could determine on its own.

I sprang to my feet rushing to Vincent's side as he slammed Kevin into the ground creating a small indention where his strength cratered the earth itself. I found Kevin badly hurt and disfigured yet still very much alive and fast enough to evade Vincent tree trunk sized fist as he rolled out from the giant fist sized creator. I took advantage of his diverted attention coming around his flank leaping into a jump kick landing the bottom of my shoe across his cheek bone. Stunned by the blow Kevin spun away swinging his right arm wide as an attempt to make me keep a safe distance. I didn't fall for the trick. The moment I retreated and allowed Kevin the single second to recover from his wounds was the second I would die.

I pushed the fear of pain and death to the back of my head and rushed Kevin sending my entire body into a series of exotic spins and kicks. Focusing on keeping my hands from striking out by instinct I delivered only kicks where my shoes would soften the blows against Kevin's cement hardened skin. I didn't have the upper body strength to make the vampire even flinch but my lower body strength looked to be keeping him off balance at the least. At the most he was in a world of pain. Dodging one of Kevin's desperatly weak kicks I landed on his chest to send him off balance when my danger sense shrieked so intensly that my eyes watered but held the state of mind to leap free of the giant fist that would have crushed every bone in my body. Kevin dissappeared beneath the hulk of muscle while I slide up its surprisingly smooth surface. Coming to rest on Vincent shoulder with enough room to perch there comfortably.

"Vincent!" I screamed into his ear. "The hell? Warn me before you attack! You could have killed me!"

That was when I noticed the difference. Vincent's skin was a pure night black color as opposed to the bluish-bruised color that it held when he had first transformed. The spikes protruding from the verious points on his body were more plentiful, more slender, and looked sharper than they had before. In fact thinking back his speed had increased as well. Perhaps his strength may have even boosted a little too although that was just speculation not that being able to tell the difference between Titan strength and Godly strength could be gauged so easily.

Something was wrong with Vincent's mental state too. When I gained my ability I didn't notice that I could sense mental energy or some type of aura since I had been simply thrown into a life or death situation the instant I came to but it became quickly apparent when I awoke in the trucker's bunk and rushed here. Before Vincent held the aura around him that held tremendous pride, intense anger, but dictated by a emotional and somewhat intelligent conscious. Now it held a wild, even more intensified anger that seemed unchecked by a previous human conscience. Instead it was ruled by a wild beast that let instincted and desire alone rule its actions. It held no pride or emmotion and suddenly I found myself thinking that Vincent hadn't accedentally attacked because he didn't see me or he thought I needed help. He attacked on purpose with no thought for my saftey.
© Copyright 2009 Amerine (amerine at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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