Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1630512-calling-on-angels
by rakia2
Rated: 13+ · Other · Emotional · #1630512
Marcus and Rhema are looking to change their lives this summer but things dont go as hoped

    I sat in the grave of Samantha A. Willis loving daughter and sister, wondering who she had been and how had her life ended. Her age according to the headstone is fifteen, one year younger than myself. Had she  attended parties, dated , went to class, or just enjoyed her short life?  Most of my time is occupied by robbing, fighting, and staying high. Unlike most of the others I still made an attempt at school. Our nights were so tiring that most just slept all day, at home if their parents didn’t give a shit, in a car, at another boy’s house, or crashed with one of the dirty girlz. I averaged about three days of school a week but have yet to make it through a full day. I usually got a text from Drex telling me to get my ass down to his crib now. Drex knew about my school attempts and I knew it annoyed him. Dirty Dawgs was his life; school was a just a  interruption as far as he was concerned. Drex made a good living dealing and stealing.


    Everyone in the hood knew Drex was on the wrong side of crazy and let him do whatever he wanted. I had always blamed him for the way my life had turned out. I didn’t want this anymore, I don’t know if I ever did. Being twelve when Drex and Manny had me to join I hadn’t known what I wanted. Drex was also my cousin three years my senior and had been only male role model in my life.


    On that faithful day about four years ago, I had been in Tilley’s basement. This had been me and Till’s regular hang out. His grandmother had built us a type of sanctuary fully decked out with Play station, internet, stereo system, and a mini fridge, always stocked with different flavor apple sauces, soda, and Doritos always sat on top of the fridge closed with a chip clip. Everyone called Tilley’s grandmother “Grand”; she was like the neighborhood mom. She picked us up from school daily made a snack and had us do homework. Afterward we would play basketball in the yard or go down to the basement and hang out. Michelle worked nights so I spent most of my time there. Looking back I realize Grand had been trying to protect us, keep us away from the streets but on that night four years ago, the devil knocked on her door and entered our sanctuary, destroying all her efforts.

    I heard Drex from the basement talking to Grand “where is Marc?” no hello's or good evenings. He didn’t believe elders automatically deserved respect everyone was treated the same, beneath him. I was happy to hear him anyway; he always brought me a couple dollars. “Down in the basement” I yelled.  When he entered the basement followed by Manny, the atmosphere seemed to change from fun and relaxed to awkward and uncomfortable. Drex made no secret of his dislike for Tilley, his late brother James had been a member of 8th street hustlers, Dirty Dawgs biggest rivals. Grand stood at the basement steps glaring, not attempting to mask her hatred for Drex and Manny. Drex just said “let’s go, you hanging with us tonight”, I looked at grand for confirmation that this was ok; she looked away and said nothing. I put my stuff in my duffle asking “Can Tilley come?” Drex gave a simple and firm “No.” I hoisted my bag onto my shoulder and said to Till “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Till just looked at me sadly like he knew we’d never speak again, and maybe because of his brother he had known. That night I rode around Detroit with Manny and Drex. Manny drinking and driving at age seventeen. They fired up some weed took some hits and passed it to me. Drex  looked at me saying “its cool, you will need it for tonight” I took my first hit of weed and I cant lie , I loved it right away  to this very day sitting in Samantha’s grave I still love it ,in fact I want some right now.  “Man , this is going to be the greatest night of your life , shit  I’m almost jealous I cant relieve my initiation” He took another hit “it’s the first time you really get to understand  the power you have, just like how I scared Grand without saying a word . She didn’t want you with me but what she can do, even if she called the police, ain’t nothing gone happen to me”.

      Manny pulled into a run - down apartment complex , with multi colored “now leasing “ and “gated community” signs at the front gate that didn’t seem to close since we just drove right in. I took another hit of the joint and didn’t want to pass it back, the relaxed feeling that settled over me made me feel like all was right in the world. I didn’t live in a shit house with no dad and a mom that worked all day and night. I had everything I needed with one puff - love and happiness.  Manny shut –off the headlights and turned down the music of rap-pack that had been our soundtrack for the last couple hours.  The car stopped on the side of building E.

      Manny turned to look at me and laughed “Man your high, look at how red his eyes are“I laughed and Drex followed suit. Then Manny said “look this your night, but your too young  to handle the jump in , so the apartment on the end E33 is where Robert  Danes lives , he’s with 8th street hustlers”. Manny pulled a small black nine millimeter from his jacket looked me in the eye and said “ do the damn thing” unlocking the safety and handing me the gun. My high seemed to fade a bit as I grabbed the gun and looked at Drex for help but his eyes held a don’t piss me off look. Manny grabbed his cell dialed and after a small silence said “yeah you want to finish this I’ll be at Bell Isle, you know the spot” and hung up. Drex hopped out the car, looked at me “we don’t have all night.” I held the gun and got out of the car.

    Later that night we had a type of initiation ceremony. I and two other boys Rick and Miles got two intercrossed d's burned into our upper right shoulder. I also drank a lot of vodka and smoked more weed. The next day I missed school the first of many days. Grand never picked me up again. I saw Tilley occasionally at school or on the street. A week after my initiation Tilley had been initiated into 8th street hustlers. We never fought each other individually and when we saw each other we gave a head nod if no one was around. I had never spoken to Grand again until this morning when I went to the house and gave her my condolences. Tilley had been hit by a car and killed on impact. The suspect had been listed as unknown on police records, but I knew like everyone in the neighborhood knew. I couldn’t go to Tilley’s funeral outright, so I went later and stood alone at his headstone marked “Tillman Michael Davis” I didn’t know what to say so I said nothing. I just thought about how we wanted to be architects and played etch a sketch and Lego’s, we both spent hours drawing buildings in our pre- play station days.

    I was so tired of death and funerals. I just wanted to relax and have fun.  Since the age of twelve I had seen death of Miles, Rick, Alexis, Sammy, Tilley and Manny. Manny had been the leader of the Dawgs at that time of my initiation but three months later he was killed at Dirty Girl Alexis house in Southfield a suburban area of Detroit. Some 8th street boys had crashed the party and all hell broke loose. I  hid behind a couch shooting toward the ceiling. The death of Manny left Drex to be the leader , which nobody was fool enough to challenge. Since I was the only one hiding I saw what happened that night and what I saw was Drex take a clear and pre mediated  shot at Manny’s head.

    Standing at Tilley’s grave all this flashed through my head like a movie Montage. I still blamed Drex for the direction my life took and Michelle for not trying to stop it, it’s like she just gave up hope. But I had to give some of the responsibility to myself I didn’t have to deal or steal cars; I did that stuff voluntarily to get money. Truthfully I wasn’t that good at dealing. I smoked most of my inventory and got busted once before and spent six months in juvey.  Unlike dealing I was pretty damn good at the car thief thing. I liked the speed and I was never busted.

      I need a new way I really didn’t want to die this young like the others or go back to that hell hole mini prison. I looked around the cemetery trying to clear my mind that’s when I saw Big Charles he had been Tilley’s friend in 8th street. Damn I thought everyone was gone. He hadn’t seen me yet, so I hid in the first spot I could find, which was the grave young Samantha Willis.

    I looked at my cell, I’ve been here for twenty minutes, surely Big Charles was gone by now. I pulled myself up. It started drizzling and I had to pee, so I went into the small church in front of the cemetery. There was a choir rehearsing on stage in purple robes singing some song about “joy raining down”. Good luck with that. The pianist stopped when he saw me  asking “May I help you young man?” Everyone stared at me simultaneously. The few people sitting in the front row chairs also stared; there were no old fashioned pews, just black plush chairs. “Um, no just gotta take a leak.” The man replied more kindly now “no problem through the back door, bathroom first door on the right.” The men’s room had a bright light and was seriously clean, the tile, mirrors, and sink shined. The scent of pine cleaner filled the small space. There were weirdly no stand alone urinals, just three stalls one handicapped with a sink inside.

    I went into the first stall and posted on the back wall behind the toilet was several flyers stuck to the wall with a single tact. As I pissed I read one:






I pulled one of the flyers from the wall. 


    I stood in front of the full length mirror, inspecting my appearance for any obvious flaws. “Perfect” I whispered shifting into poses that Tyra would call “fierce”, or at least I hope she would someday. Today I sported a white summer dress with spaghetti straps and green heel sandals that lace up the leg. I don’t want to come off as conceited or anything but my legs are the bomb; I was definitely blessed in that area. I thanked God daily for that and everything else. Speaking of, time for my morning prayer I grab a pillow from the twin bed (gross I’ll have to bring my own in the fall) and put it on the floor and place my knees on the pillow to bow in prayer. “Thank you father for this wonderful day, use me to bring more people into your kingdom, I am now as always your humble servant. I thank you for all the blessings in my life, specifically my new family.  I pray that Tim is safe and knows of you love and mercy, In Jesus name, Amen.”

    “Amen”, a male voice says. I jump up to see Headmaster Peterson in my doorway. “And they say the youth of America has lost their way” he smiles widely and walks in carrying a white bag and a four ring cup holder with two large cups. “Hey Peterson” I grab the drink holder and place it on the near empty desk next to my emerald laptop. I sit at the desk and he takes a seat on the twin bed. “ So , this room is depressing” he says smiling , “your room at the house , has a large queen bed , all your teddy bears , cd’s , plush carpet and all that art work you could not live without” . I say nothing just smirk and grab a croissant out of the bag and break it in half, placing one half back in the bag. “Give me a whole” he says, I hand him a croissant and his coffee. I always have French vanilla cappuccino. I finally say “You know this is the temporary room, just while I’m helping with the rest of the summer  programs and campus tours. Don’t worry when they assign my permanent room, I’ll bring my own artwork, cd’s, bedding, and maybe a teddy bear or two. And now thanks to the ruling by the fabulous headmaster here I can paint my room whatever color I want.” “Um whatever color you annnd your roommate agree upon.” he said stressing the "and" part. “Uh yeah that’s what I meant, me and my roommate” I avert my eyes from his. He rubs his chin as if in deep thought “the headmaster is pretty great but he’s been a better father, and word is now that the adoption will be final on Sunday, his lovely daughter wants to abandon him for a life in the dorms.” I laugh " abandon really? we live one miles from campus.” He gives a dramatic sigh “well you’re always allowed to change your mind, but now lets talk celebration, who are you inviting?” “To what?” I sip my Camacho’s cappuccino. “Your adoption celebration” he gives me a look like duh!

      In my two years at Angels I hadn’t made any real friends to invite mainly associates, hence part of my reason for moving into the dorms . Well I had Damien but that’s it. I could invite Myesha, we weren’t exactly friends but we were friendly. I could just claim lameness at inviting people to a adoption party, which is a legit argument but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, so I said “with most people gone for the summer , maybe Damien , He’s suppose to be back today for basketball tryouts and Myesha , she’s still in town doing her radio show.” He gets off the bed looks at his watch “ok, I’m heading to morning meetings, real exciting stuff likes new vendors for the laundry rooms.” “What’s your plan for the day?” he asked  “I’m headed out to try and bring more teens to the kingdom, especially with the new basketball guys, lots of possibilities” I said excitedly “Then I’ll be typing up the weekend tryout schedule for coach Jack and giving campus tours to the new comers.”  “Ok, I’ll catch up with you later for a full report”, He grabs me in a big bear hug and leaves. I put on my green DKNY sunglasses, matching bangles and Mac lip gloss. Deciding to avoid any other accessories or makeup, I like to go light in the summer. I grab my favorite bible, green (of course) with my name and Mark 11:24 inscribed on the cover in gold letters.

    My room is on the first floor so I head straight down the hall and out the large double doors like a women on a mission. Well technically two missions, one get people saved, of course. And two avoid Brooklyn who was also on campus for the summer. I enter the main outdoor quad, and open my phone eight am. People are slowly filling the quad. There is a small table set up in front of Gideon hall with a large red and gray banner reading “Angels Basketball”. Martin Sanders a sophomore and Brooklyn’s younger brother is manning the table, he spots me waves excitedly. He’s always had a little crush on me; it’s  never gonna happen so I try not to encourage him. I just smile and give a quick waive. 

    I really only grabbed my sunglasses for cuteness of the outfit, but they actually serve a purpose. The sun is shinning bright already, which is unusual for Michigan. Even in the summer it’s a good ten am before the sun appears in full force. I decide to post myself at the main entrance of the school next to the security guards and under the large arch-way labeled “ANGELS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, SOAR ABOVE THE REST!!”



    When I walk into the Angels Camp bus station my stomach growls at the welcomed scent of bacon and cinnamon. I just spent a four hour bus ride surrounded by the smell of over ambitious perfume, and sweat with a hint of bug spray. My intentions were to get something to eat at the bus station in Downtown Detroit but by the time Sydney had dropped me off in her parents Jag there had only been time for a quick make out session and for me to get another fifty bucks out of her. She had already used her mom’s credit card to buy the bus ticket and seemed a bit hesitant to give me more money, but in the end she caved. She always did. I just told her I was going to visit my grandfather, I didn’t want to tell her the truth. If this basketball thing worked out I wanted a clean break. I didn’t want her being able to tell anyone where I was going.  I knew she wanted full on girl friend  status ,but I couldn’t do it, plus I knew Sydney slept with other guys including Drex on occasion, but I couldn’t really fault her . I knew she couldn’t tell Drex no even if she wanted to.  She was the only girl I’d ever hooked up with but that was just to avoid the drama. Other guys messed around with different “Dirty Girlz” all the time but it usually resulted in fights and one of the girls being kicked out.

    I don’t know how the girlz regulated their group and didn’t really care. I just knew I’d arrive at a party and one girl would be out and another in. The girls weren’t part of the gang they basically just hung out with the guys. Helped us out with money, sex, parties, and the occasional hide out. Especially in times like this when the heat from the police was hotter. Last a week a eleven year old girl was killed in a drive-by shooting. The pressure from the media has the police up everybody’s ass. The Dawgs tended to hide out with a Dirty Girl since they all seemed to live in suburban areas. I had spent a couple nights at Sydney’s crawling into her window.

    The Mornings were actually kind of nice, when her parents went to work we made breakfast and hung out by her pool. One Morning I couldn’t help but ask “why do you do this?” she placed a large towel on a plastic lounge chair and sat on the towel sitting her orange juice on the small plastic table between us. “What?” she turned to me smiling her auburn hair tied in a knot and green eyes shining in the sunlight. “All this dirty girlz stuff. I mean you have two good parents, you’re cute, smart, and have access to money and cars. Why risk everything by hanging with us and those girls, you saw what happened to Alexis.” She turned away and stared at the sky. “That’s just it, I have everything. Nothing new or exciting ever happened until I met Lexie and she introduced me to the other girls and you guys. It was like the movie Ground Hog day, same ole same ole, you know?” Actually I didn’t know I never saw the movie, made a mental note to see it. I didn’t respond and I guess she took that as confirmation that I understood. We were silent drinking orange juice then Sydney rolled over on her back, exposing her Dirty Girlz tattoo on her lower back. I hated that thing, it irritated me. I didn’t know exactly why but it did. She couldn’t get a rose like other girls. I put her ipod in my ears and asked “Got any weed?” 

    The bus station was well lit, clean and the patrons seemed to consist of students with back packs and older travelers. I headed toward the front when I saw a food stand the sign read “Camacho’s to go”. There were only three people in line and two people behind the counter in matching black pants and white shirts with black ties. The tall lanky boy wearing a name tag that just read “Camacho” was making the food. A blond straight haired girl with pink tips, dark eyes and a lot of black eyeliner  whose name tag read Brooklyn was placing the food into bags and cashing people out. For just the two of them things seemed to be going smoothly. I adjusted my black duffle and stepped in line behind an old man.

    “I missed you when did you get back”? A female voice said. I looked to the left and saw a girl with tight short shorts and a blue tank leaning against a boy who looked to be about my age he was looking over her shoulder at the clock on the wall. Then he looked down at her and said “I just landed a little while ago, swung by here to pick up Camacho, who is  taking his time and don’t understand the meaning of hurry your ass up”. He said this last part a little louder. Camacho handed Brooklyn a small coffee and a breakfast platter she bagged it and gave it to the gentleman in front of me. She smiled and said “thanks Mr. Lauf see you in the A.M.” He blushed and smiled “as per usual, you have a good day young lady” and placed three dollar bills in a tip jar. Camacho looked at the boy “Yo D you been spending too much time with your lil sis, stop whining like a little girl, we got time. Plus I can’t leave Lynn by herself; Scott will be here in about ten to take over.”

“You didn’t say you missed me back.” The girl was saying to the boy. I couldn’t here his response. “How can I help you?” Brooklyn interrupted my eavesdropping. I ordered an Ice coffee which Brooklyn recommended and a BLT.

“Hey when did you get back, I missed hanging out.” I thought I might be experiencing déjà vu. I looked to the left and the boy was now hugged up with a red headed girl , I couldn’t see her face but she was wearing a blue slacks and a tee with sun glass villa written on the back encircled with little colored sunglasses. The boy was now giving the girl a kiss. “Excuse me, here is your order.” I gave Brooklyn a ten dollar bill. When she gave me my change she asked “do you go to school here?” No one else was in line and both Camacho and the other boy were looking in my direction. The sunglass villa girl had disappeared. Uncomfortable with the attention I just said “No. Thanks for the food”gave the head nod to the guys and headed toward the door. Right before I exited the station he heard a squeaky girl’s voice “OMG!! Dj, when did you get back into town?” 

    Outside the bus station was little panels holding flyer for different tourist areas (which wasn’t much) and a map of the area. I sat at a little outdoor table with an umbrella drinking my iced coffee and eating. When the girl had recommended the iced coffee I thought it was a bit of a sissy drink, but had taken it just because she had looked so sincere and of course she was hot. To my surprise she was right the drink was pretty good.  I figured from the map that the school was about two miles down the road; I didn’t want to waste money on a cab so I walked.           

    I walked through the arch way of Angel’s academy and glanced around. It looked like something off the TV. The grass has that fake shade of green look. There were five buildings that seemed to form a sort of circle. Each building was surrounding by a different flower, one building had roses out front, one sunflower, another tulips and the other two buildings had flowers I didn’t recognize. In the center of the buildings was a large quad with several picnic tables, covered with grey and red table clothes and a picnic basket was on the end of each table.  “Excuse me?” I turned to see a girl that is hotter than jalepeanos with green sunglasses on her head and a white dress. She had dark blonde hair that was pulled up with a small clip and vivid blue eyes. The smile she gave me was nothing if not dazzling. “Do you know Jesus Christ as your lord and savior?” she asked as if she had asked what time of day it was. “Hun?” “Do you know Jesus, have you received your salvation, if not I can help you with that today.” She looked up at me so hopeful and innocent “I’m sorry I gotta go” I started walking toward the back building at a faster pace; she was barely keeping up with me in her heels. “But …I’ll …just be … a minute. This could affect… you for all of eternity” she said between deep breaths I was almost at a slow jog. “Look, I’m sorry but I have to register.” I just kept walking straight ahead toward the sign for basketball registration. Gripping my duffle bag over my shoulder .I heard her yell “We could just pray”. I kept walking hoping she didn’t follow, she didn’t.

    When I arrived at the back building with the sunflowers there was a boy with slight freckles and wavy brown hair sitting at the table. The boy was looking at ID cards and handing each boy a small key and gray folders. When I reached the front, the boy asked for my ID. I didn’t have a driver’s license yet, so I gave him my school id. The boy looked at the list and said “your not on here,” Giving me back the ID. “I didn’t know I had to be on a list the website said it was an open tryout.” The boy started to look annoyed “the website also clearly stated to call in advance, so we can have a room prepared and an accurate count.” I looked at the boy trying not to knock his little ass to the ground and grab a key. My return bus ticket wasn’t until Sunday night and I really wanted to try out. “There has to be an extra room in this building, I rode a bus for four hours to get here”. The boy shook his head, “sorry but some students have stayed for summer school, there is a summer business seminar and some people are here for that. The first floor was allocated for the tryouts and it’s full.” I  was about to turn away when a boy placed his hand on my shoulder and said “hold up a minute” it was the guy DJ who had been at the to- go stand earlier . “Martin, it’s just me assigned to my room he can crash”. Martin looked at DJ like he was the second coming and said"ok”He gave me a folder and a  little white card. I looked at DJ and said “thanks, man.” akwardly not yet use to the gratitude thing. He looked at me for a as if he was trying to figure something out and said “I figured if you came all this way, you should be able to at least knock down some shots. We need all the help we can get, last year we only won five games.” I laughed “Damn, that’s sad.” Camacho walked up behind DJ and introduced himself “Camacho.” “Hey I’m Marcus”. 



    The cafeteria decided to have a picnic theme for today’s lunch. I hated eating outside especially in the summer. Heat and bugs did not make a happy meal for me. I almost went back to my room to eat alone but I couldn’t. My whole plan for next year started today. This upcoming school year would be my junior year and I planned on being the next class president. I loved this school and have ideas for making it better. But for me to become commander and chief of ACC’S juniors  , I had to pull a Obama and mix well with the people. The last two years I opted to attend classes here but live at the house. I wanted to get to know Peterson and Milley better. We were now solid as a family ,so I could move into the dorms without worry. Well actually me and Peterson were solid. Milley, not so much. She didn’t hate me and we watched antm together every Wednesday, but we didn’t have the bond that Peterson and I had developed.

      He was the perfect father patient, distinguished , and trust worthy. We had the same religious beliefs and could discuss them for hours on end . He treated me from day one like his princess. I got pretty much anything I wanted. My room was completed redecorated to my specifications. We took trips to Orlando, Los Angelos, and New Orleans at my request. My wardrobe became filled with so many skirts , tops, dresses , and heels that we had to keep some in the guest room closet. All Peterson wanted from me was to get good grades and be myself . I never had to be fake with him. Since my mom signed away her parental rights and left us in the foster care system, this had been the first place I felt at home .Living in so many foster homes you automatically learn the art of being fake.  Having to adjust to the lifestyle of whatever family decided to board you.  Peterson genuinely loved me like I was his own and he told me so regularly like a daddy should. I  wanted to call him daddy or father but it sounded weird coming from my lips, so I just called him Peterson. The only downfall of living with the Petersons had been the break up of my friendship with Brooklyn.

    The cafeteria staff was serving us food out of large foil pans. I chose the spinach salad, grilled chicken, diet coke, and half a roll. I couldn’t do the no carb thing, so I ate them in moderation. I scanned for a place to sit.  I usually ate lunch with Peterson doing the school year and on weekends I spent most of my time playing dolls with Christina Jackson who was now gone. So I didn’t have a regular lunch crew, even if I had they would probably be gone for the summer.

    There was one table with business men in kaki shorts who likely decided to buy a lunch ticket and relive their youth, instead of eating at a restaurant on Main Street. Other tables had different mixes of students, one table the underclassmen including Martin Sanders, who smiled and waived me over. I had on my sunglasses and pretended not to see him. The center table had the basketball guys, and of course some groupies. Even a losing team had groupies, go figure.  There was Damien Center of the table in all his over cocky glory.  Across from Damien is Camacho and one of the boys that practically ran from me this morning preferring to be damned to eternal hell. Left of Damien was Renee Lee her black hair falling loosely around her shoulders and to his right was Shawnda Brown touching Damien’s arm and talking flirtatiously. I couldn’t hear what she was saying but her body language spoke volumes. Both girls are part of Brooklyn’s posse, swarming around her everyday like she’s queen of the hive.

    If I sat there Damien and Camacho would be cool but the rest of the group I wasn’t so sure. I mean would it be really weird for me to sit with the business men, I could learn all about firing the American people and moving the work to India. This is ridiculous, I decide to sit with Martin. I head in his direction and his eyes light up for a second and then he frowns. Right then I feel a arm grip my waist and a whispered “No, you don’t.” I turn around and I’m face to face, with Damien. "Hey, I missed you" I say and pull him in for a quick hug. “I knew you would do that.” I move from his grasp “Do what? I was just going to sit with Martin.” “Come on Rhema if your gonna do that whole election thing, your peoples have to know you as more than the Headmasters daughter.” “Hello, under classman are the people too”. I hate the way he reads me like a script.. “Rhe we both know that’s the easy way out, and your running for a Junior Class officer, they cant help you. Come sit with us, plus some of those guys will be new next year and wont have any pre established opinions.” Damien reached up and removed my sunglasses, he looked into my eyes and smiled. Oh god help me to resist this boy. “Do you look seriously cute today or have I been gone too long?” I lose the battle not to smile. “both”  Stop flirting with Damien , he’s your friend.

    He winks  grabs my tray and  hands  back my sunglasses. We walk to the table he whispers in my ear “Don’t worry about Renee and Shawnda they only bite when Brooklyns around and she’s at work.” He introduced me around “hey everybody, this is Rhema for those who don’t know.” I got a brief hug from Camacho and bunch of “hellos” and “what up’s” from everyone else.  Damien sat my tray next to his and asked Renee to slide down. She scowled but did as she was told. We sat and I looked at his tray it was stacked with chicken and beef ribs no sides, and a large bottled water. “Think you have enough meat?” I ask “I need the protein, we have been running drills all morning. Up and down bleachers , suicides , passing drills , dribbling drills. We literally had time to drop our stuff in the room and that was it , coach called all of us to the gym, asap. He has already eliminated three people who couldn’t hack it and its just lunch time on the first day.” I didn’t know how to respond I mean we all knew coach Jack was hard core ex military.  I just said “you will make through.” “ I know” he said. I grinned Damien wore confidence twenty four-seven. “Oh , how was California ? How is Christina and Sarah? I asked. “Mom’s is better than I’ve seen her in years Chrissy is happy but She misses you, her new sitter doesn’t make jewelry. She loved her beaded necklace.” We were silent for a minute eating our food and me examing Damien out the corner of my eye. He looked so good, even tired he looked crazy cute. His jersey showed off his muscular arms, his dark eyes held a genuine calm, he cut his brown hair into a short b boy style , his eyebrows are brown with the perfect bushiness, and of course his ever present tan. I tried not to fall for him but deep down I knew the truth. I had tripped , broke my heel and fell flat on my cute butt a long time ago.  There were other conversations going on around the table. Talk of the upcoming season, coach being an ass (not my words, but has some truth to it). Then I heard Shawnda point to a boys arm and ask “ What are those d’s for?” 



    I really wanted to smack that Shawnda girl. Now every body was waiting for me to answer starring, Except for the people who already knew the answer Damien and a couple other guys on the end Chauncey and Terry is silently looking at their food. I finally said “I was in a gang, it’s the symbol.” Shawnda looked at me eyes wide “Wow an official bad boy, the girls will be fighting over you in no time.” Ok maybe I could milk this gang thing here. I looked at her “I hope so, boys like a good girl fight.” All the boys laughed. “I once read that you had to kill random strangers to be in a gang is that true?” Shawnda asked . The laughter stopped then DJ said abruptly “lets roll back to hell’s waiting room.” He got up from the table and the rest of us followed suit. I heard him tell Rhema “I’ll text you, later”. He took the trash off her tray and added it to his. I wondered if I should do the same thing for Shawnda she seemed to be into me, even if she was annoying and stupid but I didn’t.

    The breeze from the air conditioned gym was a relief from the heat outside. Even with the lunch break I was more tired than I had ever been. I not only had Coach Jacks morning torture under my belt but an additional two mile walk. This afternoon looked to be more of the same. Instead of starting off with suicides coach had us line up in two groups facing each other and dropped ropes in front of us. “Jump!” he yelled. We jumped passionately. I could hear the swift swoosh of Dj’s rope moving next to mine but I couldn’t  see him. After about two minutes of solid rope jumping a boy across from me got tangled in the rope. “You, boy get your lazy butt over here”, the boy was hesitant “hurry up, move!” He ran toward coach Jack ,  No one else stopped jumping. “Here” coach handed him a ball. “Make twenty free throws in a row. If you miss even one that’s your ass.” “Everybody stop jumping” coach demanded , we stopped several of us fighting for breath and guzzling Aquafina  as if it were the last water before the apocalypse. Coach walked in a deliberate circle around the boy, “I want everyone looking directly at John Doe.” “Sir, my name is Paul” he said nervously. Coach Jack jumped in his face yelling “you will answer to whatever I call you, John! And I’m coach not sir always coach. Not that you will be calling me anything for long, shoot!” We all deadpanned at John – I mean Paul as directed. He pushed his short brown hair back, whipped the sweat on his clothes and threw the ball. It bounced off the key and went through the hoop. “Nineteen more” coach bellowed. Paul made two more balls before he missed. Immediately coach grabbed the ball as it bounced off the rim announcing “your out John, bad try.” Paul made his exit head bowed.

      “Now, the next two” Coach Jack  pointed at two guys, same thing hit the free throw lines” we went on with the free throws two at a time. Chauncey made fifteen, Terry made his full twenty, I made fourteen, Damien of course made all twenty he even made some with one hand. But coach ran up in his face calling him a punk superstar wannabe, afterward he went back to shooting with two hands. By the time the free throws were complete coach had eliminated three more guys. I didn’t really understand his reasoning. One guy had actually hit sixteen but coach still outed him but kept me and Chauncey. For the rest of the afternoon we scrimmaged which I was surprisingly good at, considering I never played on a team. I had only played one- on -one and a couple neighborhood games where people actually bet money.

      By the time day one tryouts ended we were down two more boys and missed dinner. On the way out coach said anyone wanting to compete for the athletic scholarship would have to complete the form including essay and have it dropped in the administration box by noon tomorrow. When we got back to the room I sat unpacking my duffle on a burgendy colored sofa and DJ hopped on the top bunk and pulled out his cell.

    I looked around the room it wasn’t too bad. The couch had matching pillows with a freshly cleaned scent. Next to the bunk beds is a large built in entertainment center, two desks, Spotless carpet that matched the couch, large double paned windows with white blinds and to the right of the windows was a white mini fridge. “No microwave?” I asked adjusting a pillow under my head and lying down. Damien was texting something  “not allowed in rooms fire hazard. You can use the kitchenette down the hall for that type of stuff.  Just ordered pizza hope you like meat lovers.”  I yawned “That’s straight, this place seems nice, the town is laid back.” He didn’t respond just heard the sound of the keyboard. “Are you applying for the scholarship?” He laughed slightly “no, don’t really need it, neither will Camacho.”  I waited for him to continue but he didn’t. “How long have you lived on campus?” He closed his phone and pulling his shoes off “I lived in this town since I was three. Went to public school until last semester when my father decided I should go here. I don’t live on campus, never have. I can’t stand the rules or being without my car. If you live on campus absolutely no cars allowed for students. School and basketball are my only job. I can play all positions on the court, scoring average is twenty two points a game, I plan to be the next Lebron. I love the game , I’m cool with all my teammates , not so much with coach we bump heads a lot. The rumors you will hear are true I have many girlfriends (he does quotation marks with his fingers) but not a girlfriend. I think that’s the quick summary.” The more I got to know DJ the more I liked him.” He seemed so solid in his plans, confident , and straight forward like he aint got nothing to hide. “That’s cool, so the girls are pretty easy to hook up with?” He smirked “Not for everyone, what can I say I got game on and off the court. But Shawnda will likely give you some play, fair warning she’s a little on the dingy side.”  I can handle cute with a side of stupid I thought to myself.

    DJ says  ”Here’s the plan we eat the pizza , nap , be here for the ten o’clock curfew check, then at ten thirty head to my house for the party.”  I grab my phone off the floor see I have ten missed calls and three messages, I don’t even bother to look at the call log or check the messages. I just wanna be in this world for a while. I shut the phone off.  “What party?” I ask. “We are heading to my house for a few hours , relax our muscles in the pool  with some girlies , maybe a couple classic games like  truth or dare, I prefer to leave out the truth part.” I give a small smile “sounds good but I gotta finish that essay for the application.” DJ shrugs “no big deal just use my room and come down to the pool area when finished.” His phone rings “this should be the pizza.”


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