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What happens when someone kidnaps a psycho? Find out in this short story. |
You know, all I ever wanted was to be left alone. I did my best to fight the urges and for years my record was flawless. When my mind began to scream go for the kill, come on get your hands dirty I'd absorb myself in my paintings. My paintings always sell well and I never understood why. They really do have a kind of sick twist to them, but who am I to judge. When I look at them I see the monster in me that wants out. I was doing well with the suppersion of the darkness within until that punk came along. He did a wonderful job of pushing me off the merry wagon I was riding. So before I go completely off the deep end I thought I should share with someone why I suddenly went crazy and for the record I was never really sane in the first place. So it all started after I closed the studio one night. You see that afternoon someone had cut me off in traffic and to fight the urge I absorbed myself in paintings for the rest of the day. I closed the studio at about midnight because that's when I felt calm again and I was exhausted. So it goes without saying that this was one of those rare times that I wasn't really aware of my surroundings. All I know is some moron grabs me from behind just as I reach my beat up old car and cloroforms me. You know I may be a woman, but that does not gives some idiot the right to percieve me as a vunerable target, but maybe I could talk sense into him. I wake up who knows how many hours later in some shitty basement and I'm tied up of course. I was just kidnapped of course the kidnapper is going take precausions. The first thing I notice is that there is decent furniture in this crappy basement, a full bathroom, and what looks to be a wardrobe. So obviously this person thinks I'm stupid, weak, and will be easily forced into living here. If this guy really has been watching he obviously hasn't watched close enough. Whoever took has me seated in some poofy comforter chair and the basement door is clearly a thick oak and locked. So I start ignoring furniture and looking for possible weapons incase I can't convince this guy to let me leave. It seems the guy bought an easel, painting supplies, and drawing supplies. Plenty to work with right there. Finally I hear the door being unbolted and the guy actually has a tray of food with him. Real porcealin plate, real glass,but he only brought a spork for me to eat with. Never mind that knives and forks are so passe. The man actually surprises me a bit. While he is well built, he is also clearly a bit of a nerd. He has greasy uncombed hair, wire rim glasses that keep sliding down his nose, and his skin is so white it's practically see through. He was wearing a green sweater vest and black business pants with suede shoes. The only thing this guy was missing was a computer and acne. "I'm so glad you woke up okay my love? I'm sorry about the ropes, but you were rather violent in your sleep." said the nerd. "If you're so sorry about them why don't you get over here and untie me? Oh and how long have we known each other?" I said. It was clear that this guy thought we had some sort of relationship going and that was just not true. He quickly untied my ropes and set my tray of food in front of me and quickly backed away. "Oh you don't remember? Since your first art show of course. You even shook my hand. We've been together ever since. I thought it was time we took our relationship to the next step. I still wish you would paint something a little more uplifting though." My first show was six years ago. This guy had been stocking for six years and I never noticed. That's what I get for surpressing the darkness. I should have just embraced from the begining. If I had I would not be in this situation. I would not be stuck in a basement talking to a nerd I would dearly love to kill. So it would easy to worm my out of his murder, but I'll have to work on cover up in the future. "You really don't understand do you? If you want me to paint the lighter side of life I'd be more than happy to, but I'll need you're help. Will you help me, my love?" I could bearly believe I uttered the words my love to this nut job. "I'd love to help!I'll do anything."he shouted with excitement. Now I know what you're all thinking. What happened to convincing him to letting you go? Let me point a few things out before I continue. Number one this guy is a loony who fabricated a six year relationship. I wasn't going anywhere. Number two I'm a psychopath who has deprived herself from doing what would bring me the most joy and now a guy comes really begging for it. Best of all I can walk away with no strings attached. No one will ever figure out it was me. How can any psycho pass this up? Ask yourself if you were me would you pass this up? I think not. So the next thing I know I'm out the chair and picking up the easel and wacking him over the head knocking him unconsicous and I must say it felt good. So now I'm tying him to the bed with the rope he provided. He made this way to easy. I throw away the food and on the tray I have shattered plate pieces, shattered glass, spork, shattered mirror,paint brushes, and pencils. So when the guy wakes up I just smile at him and pretty much thank him for helping me. There was some screaming of course, but he screamed like a girl and it drove me up the wall. So I stuffed his mouth with the pillow case. The first thing I used was the spork to spoon out his eyes. I'm pretty sure he doesn't love me anymore at this point. Then I used the shattered plated pieces, glass, and mirror to cut him open and rip out his intestines. I found this satisfying considering he's the one who destroyed my whole hold back the darkness thing. Then I use a paint brush to stab him in the heart to finish him off, then I dragged his body to the back yard and hung him by his intestines from a tree during the dead of night. I carefully washed up and made sure no fingerprints or trace evidence was lift behind and went home. Took me two hours to get home, but I had never felt so calm and relaxed in my entire life. I must say after two months even though the murder has made the news state wide I really need to wind down again. Life is really tense and the paintings just don't do it anymore. Although my paintings have a happier light to them now and I'm selling more than before. So I wonder who my next victim will be? I don't really have an M.O. yet. After all my first kill was just self dense. Maybe I'll experiment a little. |