Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1629544-Step-into-the-Night-Chapter-2
by Gurren
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1629544
Dreams holds a dark secret...Continuation of the first chapter
Hello! I'm quite new to writing and English is my second language so I need your help to fix my broken English. Anyway, enjoy the story!

Synopsis:Henry is a normal teenage boy with one disadvantage-he can't dream. Although it seemed an insignificant fact but that weakness is only a piece of the puzzle. There have been an outbreak in Malaysia. A disease called Acute Brain Activity Disorder (ABAD) kills people just by shuting down their brains. Little do the people of Malaysia know, that disease is not your ordinary disease. Rather, it was a tool to set up the stage for an evil plot. And Henry was right in the middle of it.

Step into the Night

Chapter 2: An Ice-cream Madness

         The school bell rang. Loud cheers was heard through the Form Four corridor. Students started flowing out of their classrooms. The silent corridor was bustling with life once more. Only teacher's pets stayed back to have a chat with the teachers.

         Henry walked out of the classroom and sighed heavily. "God, I hate Maths." "You shouldn't say that." Michelle popped right beside me. "Heh? Why is that?" Michelle grined. "Because I love Maths and it is my true forte!" She showed a thumbs-up. "Whatever. I'm not supposed to talk to you remember?" Henry flashed an evil grin. "H..Hey! You're still at it?" "Not talking until I got my ice-cream." He walked away. "H..Hey! Wait for me!" Michelle chased after Henry.

         They walked down the stairs, through the corridors until they arrived at the school gate. It was a remarkable sight at the school gate. Student walking out of the school, smiling and happily chatting with each other. Happy that they survived a day's worth of torture one more time. He also saw a few couples snugling with each other, holding hands and enjoying each others company. Henry remembered it is April. 'Heh. Spring love but here, there is no spring. Tropical love maybe?' Henry walked out the gate with Michelle. 'I wonder when can I get a girlfriend? Considering the gossips in school, it might be almost impossible. Well, unless...' Henry looked at Michelle. 'Wait. What the hell I was thinking!' Michelle looked at him. "What is with you? Staring at my face?" Michelle said, annoyed. "Heh? Well, nothing really." Henry escapes her glare, trying to hide his blush.

         "Well since you want your ice-cream so much, let's go to Pak Ismail's. My treat." said Michelle. Henry smiled. He like the sound of 'my treat' It was music to his ears. "Well, if you insist." He was smiling from ear to ear. "What are smiling so wide for?"

         They walked towards the direction of the station but rather than going straight to the station, they took a detour to the left towards the famed "Student Heaven Shopping District" Well the shopping district was no different than any other shopping district. It was just smack right in the middle of the KL's Golden Triangle of Education (Henry wondered who was giving all this stupid nickname) which consist of Kuala Lumpur's Bestari School, Kuala Lumpur Girl's School and Tunku Abdul Rahman Academy. It was the student's favorite hang out place after school. Students from all three school would come to this famed shopping district to hang out with friends. Couples would go to restaurants, girls would go window shopping, boys would go to the cyber cafe, nerds will go to the Comic Corner, and delinquents will stroll the street acting all high and mighty. Henry and Michelle came to this shopping district on a daily basis. Most of the time, they would go to Pak Ismail's Ice-cream store.

         Henry and Michelle walked down the streets while happily chatting with each other. They passed the Dvd store, several mamak stalls, the cyber cafe and the Comic Corner before arriving at a small white store situated at the end of the shopping district. There was a colorful sign board above it with words 'Pak Ismail's Ice-cream Palour.' Below the store's name was a writing with a smaller letter that says: Best Ice-cream in Town! To tell the truth, Henry thinks the slogan is right. Pak Ismail's ice-cream taste more original and thus tasty than most of the branded ice-cream out there. Maybe because it has a homey feel to it?

         "Come on!  What are you waiting for?" Michelle was already at the store's entrance, waving at him. He snapped out from his thoughts. "Uh..yeah. Wait for me." Henry hurried to join her.

         Upon entering the store, he was greet with air conditioned room. Cold and nice. Malaysia is a tropical country where it is hot and humid. Having a nice cold, air conditioned room was a treat. The store was not so small in the inside.There was a white counter with a cash register on top of it. Next to it is where the ice-cream were displayed. A huge variety of ice-cream was displayed from the classic chocolate and vanilla to the exotic durian flavor. A price listing were displayed above the counter with mouth watering illustration. There were a few people inside most of them were students.

         Both of them sat at a table at the corner of the store. Michelle pull out a ten ringgit note. "Quick and decide what you want." Henry took the note. "Are you sure?" Michelle sighed. "You always treating me ice-cream so I'll return the favour." She let out a smile. Henry smiled back. "So want will you be having?" asked Henry. "Michelle eyed the menu. "Just give me durian ice-cream with waffles." Henry was baffled. "Durian Ice-cream with W...Waffles?" "Yeah, what is so weird about that?" Michelle raised an eyebrow. 'She is adventerous today...' "Whatever, it is your money." Henry scanned the menu. "I'll just take Pistachios then." Henry walked away. "Be right back."

         Henry walked at the counter. There was a woman in her 20's at the counter. "Welcome! Can I take your order? Wait. Henry?" She paused. "Oh,it is you. Sorry.Sorry. Didn't realize it was you." she grinned sheepishly. "Hi Farah. Where is Pak Ismail?" The woman turned her head around. "I don't know. Maybe he went out for abit." That old man. Pak Ismail, he knew him ages ago since he was a kindergaten. He was his father's lecturer during his father's college days. He opens an ice-cream palour after he retired.Although he is a kind person but his behavior can be a little erratic at times.

         "Well, may I take your order?"

         "I'll have the Pistachio Paradise and Durian Ice-cream with..waffles.."

         "Waffles? Wait,that is Michelle's order right?" asked Farah. Henry just nooded. Farah sighed. "It is the time of the month right?" Henry was startled. "Er...I don't know.."Henry said. "Whatever, that will be RM 10.50." Farah punched the cash register. Henry gave Michelle's ten ringgit note and his spare 50 cents to Farah. "Thank you for you purchase. I will bring your ice-cream in a minute. Remember Pak Ismail's Ice-cream is best in town!" Farah flashed a smile. There was a pause. "You know that is chessy right?" "Blame the old man. He said it will grant customer's satisfication."

         Henry walked back to his table. Michelle was circling her fingers on the menu at the table. "I'm back. Miss me?" Henry flashed a smile. "You were too long. I'm bored." "But I just went away for like 3 minutes." Henry sat on his chair. "Whatever. I'm bored nonetheless." replied Michelle annoyed.

         "Here is you order." Farah appeared beside their tables with two bowls on each hands. One bowl has green Pistachios Ice-cream while the other has yellow ice-cream with waffles. "One Pistachios Parade and one durian ice-cream...with...waffles." Farah glanced at Michelle. "Why you ordered that is the first place?" Michelle looked at Farah. "Oh hey Farah. Nice meeting you here." "Oh hey.Well I work here." Farah smiled. "Wait..Hey answer my question!" said Farah,annoyed. "Don't know. I just feel like it. Now give me my ice-cream!" "Wait, you seriously want to eat this crime of nature? Are you mad woman?" said Farah holding the bowl away from Michelle's grasp. "Crime of nature? It's just ice-cream!" Michelle exclaimed. She reached out for the yellow coloured crime of nature. Farah pulled back the bowl at the last second making Michelle to land on the floor.

         "What is your problem Farah? I paid for it!" Michelle said in an irritated tone. "Well I am going to give you if you didn't try to pounce me!" "Pounce? I was trying to get my ice-cream!" Michelle stood up. "Ice-cream? It is a crime of nature!" "It is just an ice-cream with waffles. Come on I'm hungry!" "I was just going to give it to you!" "Then why you didn;t give it to me?" "Then stop screaming!" 'You scream first!" "No you!" "You!"


         Henry sighed. He facepalmed himself for the effect. He knew this is going to happened. It is not the first time Farah and Michelle fought over something. He must admit, it is kind of amusing. A little entertainment won't hurt. "Well hello there." said a kind warm voice. They turned to the origin of the voice. The voice came from a smiling old man wearing a striped shrit and black pants. His spectacles and balding head seems to glint for a second. It was Pak Ismail, the owner of this shop.


         "Erhm..well she.." Farah tried to explain before Michelle cut her for. "She wouldn't gave me my ice-cream" Pak Ismail looked at Farah. "Well, Farah will you please give this young lady her ice-cream." he said with a kind tone. "But sir...she ordered something er....unacceptable." "Well nothing is acceptable in our restaurant. The customer is always right." Pak Ismail flashed a smile at Michelle.

         "Well then, is this right sir?" Farah showed the bowl of yellow ice-cream with waffles to Pak Ismail. "Hm?" Pak Ismail took a look at the bowl. He froze. "W..W..What is this?" his tone changed. "This...This..is..Madness!" Henry chuckled at that cliche' phrase. "I am sorry but this is unacceptable. We will replace your order." Pak Ismail said in a serious tone. He snatched the bowl away from Farah's hands  "I'm going to throw it away." "No! You can't!" Michelle grabbed for a spoon. She strike a pose for dramatic effect and quickly took a spoonful of durian ice-cream and waffles. "Behold! The power of Durian and Waffles!" Henry facepalmed himself again. She move the spoon slowly into her mouth for even more dramatic effect. She took a bite. There was an awkward pause. A minute passed with the three of them starting at Michelle.

         Henry suddenly became worried. "Hey,Michelle?" Henry waved his hand in front of her. No response. Henry frozed. The crime of nature did this. "Hey..Hey..wake up!" said Henry, his voice became more and more worried. The spoon dropped to the floor.

         "Hey, Henry.."said Michelle in a weak voice. She stared the floor. Her hair obscured her eyes. She looked at Henry with huge watery eyes. "The thing is so,so,so GOOD!" she practically screamed at his face. Her eyes resembles the eyes of a girl in an anime he watched. "Heh?"

         Michelle clasped her hands together. "The creamy, exotic flavour of the durian compliments the crispy hand-made waffles. Together they create heaven in your mouth." For some unknown reason, ray of lights shone upon Michelle. Henry could have swore he heard choirs' 'ahhs'. 'What is happening?' Michelle spread her arms. "Everyone who had suffered sadness and depression in this world. Fear not! Salvation is here! Savour your taste buds to this piece of heaven!" said Michelle in a heroic manner. Henry facepalmed himseld for the third time in 5 minutes.

         "This is blasphemy!" Pak Ismail bursted. "There is no way that crime of nature is salvation! This is totally absurd!" He eyed the crime of the nature slash salvation in his right hand. The yellow ice-cream had began to melt. The waffle no longer stood up on the ice-cream. An extra spoon laid on the table. For no reason, the spoon was slightly glowing to highlight it. 'Must not resist to temptation.' Pak Ismail gulped.

         "Taste it Pak Ismail. You will not regret it." said Michelle in a zombie-like fashion. "N..No I will not taste it." He looked at Michelle. He switched to the crime of nature. Then, to the extra spoon on the table which glowed a little bit brighter for emphasis. He looked at Michelle. Crime of nature. Spoon. Michelle. Crime of nature. Spoon. "Taste it.." His inner demon taunted him. Michelle. Crime of nature. Spoon.

         "Argh!" Pak Ismail screamed. He knew his manly pride will suffer from this action for he couldn't resist the temptation. He took the extra spoon and scooped the ice-cream dramactically. He held the spoon in front of his mouth. He sent a death glare to the piece of ice-cream in front of him. "Finishing Move!" Pak Ismail said dramactically. Henry facepalmed again. "Pak Ismail's Chomp!" he shoved the ice-cream inside his mouth and close his mouth quickly. There was a pause. The tension was thick. Farah waited in anticipation. Michelle was hypotized by the ice-cream. Everyone was staring at the noisy group. Henry felt all of this was a big cliche'.

         Suddenly, Pak Ismail's eyes began to water. The spoon dropped. "That is amazing!" Pak Ismail's eyes glittered. He hold the already-melted ice-cream to the air. "Everyone! From this day forward, this item will be on Pak Ismail's Ice-cream Store Menu as Premier Ice-cream! I shall called it..." "The King of Ice-cream!" Michelle cut Pak Ismail off. "That's it! The King of Ice-cream!" For some reason, people started to clap and cheer. 'What is happening to the world?' Henry had his fifth face palm of the day.


         Henry entered his house and closing the door behind him. He let out a sigh. "What a day." The ice-cream mayhem ended when Pak Ismail officially made that ice-cream waffles combo into the menu. Seriously, what is so weird about durian ice-cream with waffles anyway? Sometimes he couldn't understand people. Always thinking everything is special but the truth is, everything is perfectly normal. Yeah, perfectly normal. He liked that.

         Today was abit hectic but nothing out of the ordinary. At least Michelle is happy eventhough his forehead hurts after continueus face palms. He waited for her to regain her sanity before making their way home. They reached their stops when the sun is going to set. That was quite late for a student.

         His house was your average Malaysian terrace. It has two floors, a small porch and an even smaller back lawn. The interior decorations was simple. Maybe it is because both of his parents are such workaholics that they are too busy to decorate the house properly. Even so, the house is still clean and tidy.

         Henry walked pass the living room and the dining room. The living room was tidy except for the opened newspaper on top of the coffee table. The dining room was quite and empty despite it is already dinner time.

         "Ah, Henry. You're back." he heard a female voice.

         "Oh, Hi mom. Sorry for being late." In front of him, standing at the kitchen's doorway was his mother, Mrs. Karen Edgewhite. His mother was as the same height as him. She was thin and her skin was pale yellow. Her hair was straight and stops at her shoulders. She was wearing a t-shirt that says 'Life is a dream' and light blue shorts. She holds a coffee mug at her left hand. She was smiling but her eyes were half-opened signifying her tiredness.

         "I'll let you out of the hook this time just because I'm tired." she took a small sip of her coffee. "The darned editors didn't like my storyline and said 'It does not fit with our culture' crap. So, I need to rewrite the whole thing again-in one night." she said with a frustrated tone. "God, they are crazy." she took another sip of her coffee.

         Henry let out a chuckle. His mother works as a freelance writer, writing short stories to local magazines and newspapers. His mother was half-chinese which explains the pale skin tone. Her mother was a Malaysian but she moved to America to marry his grandfather. His mother met his father in a diner where his mother works and two years later, they got married. Henry was born in America and stayed there for five years. When his father got an assignment in Malaysia, they came to Malaysia. At first, they wanted to stay here until his father's assignment was finished but his mother insisted they moved to Malaysia. His father agrees and the rest is history.

         "Well, good luck with your work mom."

         "Thanks for the encouragement. I really need that." his mother said. Her words seems to have an air of sarcasm around it. His mother also has a knack for sarcasm. He wondered if sarcasm really a family trait?

         "Dinner is on the stove. I made Chicken Curry. Be grateful, I'm sure you didn't want more Maggi for dinner. Now, my work calls." she said before climbing up the stairs.

         "Thanks mom!" Henry walks into the kitchen and towards the stove. He opens the pot's cover and a nice aroma greets him. "Finally, a proper dinner." Henry went over to the dishwasher. Henry caught a glimpse of a yellow can in the sink. He checked the can label. The can had a picture for a cartoon chicken giving a thumbs-up. Across it's chest was 'Instant chicken curry' writen is bold  black letters. Henry squited his eyes in annoyance. "Instant curry.Yey...another instant dinner." He sighed. He wondered how his mother can survive on instant foods for so long and can still be healthy. All these time, his father was the main cook of the house. Too bad, he usually came home late so its good bye to his proper dinner. Henry let out another sigh. "I guess its instant dinner again."


         "That instant curry was good. Even though, its instant." Henry flicked through channels while talking to himself. After having an oddly satisfying dinner, he had a refreshing bath and finish his homework. Now, he just flipping through channels hoping to find something decent over the local television network which is near to impossible. He cursed his father's tardiness for paying bills. Now, he need to suffer nights without satelite television. He just finished his newest anime recently and found no reason to watch older animes even though he was bored to death.


         Henry sighed. "They really need to put something interesting into the local television programmes sooner or later. I'm sick of reality shows that involves singing or dramas with evil women." Henry continue his laments. He changes the channel again.


         "-reported that a new disease had appeared right here is Kuala Lumpur." "Heh?" The news was on. There was a line of text at the bottom of the screen that says: Mysterious Deaths caused by weird disease. The anchorman continues. "So far, there are three confirmed deaths associated with this weird new disease. The cause of death was malfunction of the brain although what caused the malfunction was unknown. The autopsy reports were released today. The report says that the brain function perfectly before all three of them suddenly went into a comatose state. After a few days in comatose state, the brain stop functioning followed  by the whole body. Neurologist said that maybe this disease was a one of a kind disease and had put Neurologist into high alert of a new revolutionary disease."

         "Wow, that just sucks." Henry commented. "To live our life and died when your brain shuts down." "Moving on, mad man Krazes is on the loose. The mad man who had-" Henry switch off the television. Henry yawned. "God, I'm sleepy." He stood up from the sofa. "Too bad I hate sleeping  but my body needs sleep."


         It was dark. Not even a speck of light was spotted. He felt his body floats free in the oblivion but he couldn't see his body. He was just an invisible eye, staring into the darkness.

         "I guess I'm asleep." said Henry in his mind. Since this oblivion was technically his own mind, he could hear every laments and comments from his thoughts  "Hello Darkness! I'm back! I wish I could just see you but its dark in here!" His thoughts echoes through the darkness. It was weird at first hearing his thoughts echoes through the darkness. Soon, it becomes Henry's only source of entertainment and the time where he thought out of more sarcastic comments for Michelle tomorrow.

         "I wonder how a real dream would look like?" He thought. "Maybe I dreamt of being rich or marry to a cute girl." Henry paused. "But I had a feeling that dreams are more than that."

Foot notes:Sorry of the snail progression of the plot.This chapter is just a filler.The plot will progress at the next chapter. Until then, Good Day!
© Copyright 2009 Gurren (nazran456 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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