Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1629529-Gavin-and-Krystals--Last-Sacrifice
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1629529
Krystal from Star Fox crashlands on a planet and meets,Gavin, the leader of CORA.
"Launch the pod!" yelled Fox. “It’s stuck!" yelled Slippy."Dammit I’m going to have to launch it from the air lock!” said Fox running towards the airlock.” No Fox it doesn’t have to end this way!” yelled Krystal who was inside the pod.” It’s the only way "said Fox. The Great Fox neared the black holes outer ring; it then began sucking up asteroids and other debri.The Great Fox was bombarded with the asteroids. After many attempts to free the escape pod, the pod was then released into space. Krystal was then surrounded by a mist coming from the surrounding walls then fell sleep. The escape pod floated in space until it was surrounded by a strange cloud of gases that suddenly erupted causing her pod to go thought time 5 years into the future. Her pod was in a crash course to planet called Sullence.She crash-landed in a Mt. where a lone wolf was camping trying to escape the firm grip of his duties."Aww crap what the hell was that?" He said looking around from the inside of his tent. He walked out of his tent and saw a half destroyed ship.’ Is anybody in there?" he said. The pod's door suddenly raised up revealing Krystal.” Maybe some water will do it "I thought. I poured water over her forehead and then she suddenly awoke with a scared look.” Get away from me! “She yelled. I was hit with a strong kick to the face, which threw me on some debri that had been piled up. “Who are you?" she asked.” My names Vrance, nice to meet you" I said holding my arm since a glass had cut my arm.” hats your name?" I asked.” My name it’s.... I can’t remember” she said. She saw my arm start t drip blood and came over and said,” sorry I was startled, here let me help”. After a few hours I had my arm sewed up and looked around the wreckage found a small device in the pod and the it turned on . I gave it to the girl and started the message.” Krystal I’m sorry for what I did, there was no other way, I never wanted you to become hurt, I hope you can forgive me. I’m so sorry. “There was a voice in the backround"Fox its going to explode do it now!" Then the message was cut of. The man in the message looked so familiar to me ....."So your names Krystal, right? How did you get here? Do you remember?" I asked her. “No I don’t remember anything. “she said sadly."Well, looks to me your goanna stick with me for awhile until you get your memory back, right? I said trying to make her feel better."Yeah, sure" she said sadly looking at the ground. “Come on, your friend gave his life trying to save you ,I don’t think he would have wanted you to be sad the rest of your life, right "I said assuring her. "All right “she said more brightly with a small smile. “So you hungry, I've got some food on that table over there.” I said. I started to hear a buzzing sound coming from the desert, the suddenly I saw a spotlight in the distance."Oh no! Here come the Nevrons!" I said grabbing Krystal's hand and running towards a large rock behind the camp. “The Nevrons want to kill all life on Sullence and want to make it their home planet and try to conquer all other life. “I said to Krystal who was crouching next to me."Im a leader of a world wide Resistance against them but I like to get away from the world of heavy duties once and an awhile.”I said to Krystal. “They sound terrible "she said to me. The Nevrons got out of their SUVs and started to search the camp, I heard one of them say something about the crashed ship." We need to get out of here before they find us "I said .I looked for my keys in my pockets then realized that they were on the table by the tent.” Here cover me "I said to Krystal handing her a gun. I then ran towards the table as the Nevrons looked at the ship instead of keeping guard. I grabbed the keys then ran back to her. I then auto started the car that was behind the Nevrons SUVs , they heard the engine start and surrounded the car, guns pointing at the drivers side. I then made my car shoot a grenade at one of the SUVs without them looking. When the grenade went off me and Krystal ran towards the car. I opened the driver’s side and then the passenger door. The Nevrons who survived the explosion got in the other SUVs; I quickly put my car in first then took off. The car sped up to 98 mph in a few seconds leaving behind the slow SUVs. Suddenly a bright light flashed in front of our eyes "Oh crap, I forgot about the helicopters. I the swerved as the chopper stared to fire at our car.” Here drive!" "I don’t know how to drive a car! “Said Krystal worried." No worries you'll learn on the way!" I said. After we switched spots I opened the roof and took out a pair of SMGs and then put on a pair of night vision goggles and started to shoot the helicopter. The helicopter fired a stream of rounds that never seemed to end until I finally managed to hit it down after getting shot in the arm 2 times .I felt the pain rush into my body as I pulled out the bullets with a pair of pliers’ saw another chopper get close and I the started to shoot at it before it shot me again. The helicopter exploded in the air in a huge fire ball that made the goggles too bright to use. I then went back in the car and saw all the blood running down my arm. It felt like burning coals as I sat down more comfortable.” We need to take you to a doctor or something" said Krystal worried. I pushed a button on the dash board and said” Go HOME Code 5" to the computer. The car suddenly swerved left and went into autopilot.” No worries, it’s taking us back to my base, Cora.” I said .I then started to fell light headed and my eyes stared to fell rather heavy. Soon I fell asleep looking at the starry night sky.

New Life and Beginning
"What did you do this time, Gavin. Shoot yourself in the foot and missed?" said a nurse of Cora. "Ha, very funny." I said holding my arm. "So who’s your friend, Gavin?" she asked me. "Don’t know you could say she crash landed on me." I said looking at her finish my sewing my arm up. "There, that, ought to do it." she said. "Yeah, well thanks." I said standing up, and inspecting my arm. "I'll see ya later" I said. "I'm sure you will" she said. "Ha ha very funny" I said walking past thru the Medical Corps doors.
Later that day..........
I went looking for Krystal. I found her in the observatory looking at the dark night sky. I walked over to her and said “Hey are you ok?". I said it too low, for she didn't hear me. I then walked closer to her and realized she was crying. "What’s wrong Krystal?" I asked concerned. She turned around and threw herself on me crying. She told me thru tears that she remembered everything. I just I just held her feeling useless, and not knowing what to do. She told me that Fix and the team were sent to destroy an asteroid that was on an impact course with a blue star. If it collided, it would create a ultra nova. One so powerful it would tear the fabric of time and space. She told me that when they used an experimental weapon at full power, the beam opened a massive black hole; sucking up the asteroid and to what she believed, the Great Fox. She was then hit from behind when Peppy told them rest if the team of the utter failure they had. Krystal then awoke inside the pod, and to Fox, who was telling her there was no other way. Then to were she woke up and nearly broke my neck. I held her for nearly half an hour. She cried as she told me everything. It showed how much sadness she carried within her. After she had stopped crying, she said sorry for getting my shirt wet with tears. Is said it was fine. I saw she was now calmer that she was with me. I then showed her to my room. I had tried to get her a room but the sudden surge of enemy activity increased the injury rate. Filling all the empty rooms up. I told her she could have my bed. She said "Thank you, I really owe you Gavin." "No you don't, it's my duty to help everyone in need" I said. She then went into the kitchen and said if I was hungry. I wasn't, but she was. While she ate, I took a shower. Around 12:30 AM, it was lights out. We both went to sleep after that. I slept in the sofa, while she slept in my room. At about 3 AM, I heard her crying. I didn't want her to be scared so I got up and I went into the room. I said “Hey, you ok?" "Yeah, just memories, I'm scarred," she finally said. "Every time I close my eyes I see the black hole, and it reminds me of my friend" she said sadly. “Hey you can go to sleep, I'll stay by the foot of the bed, no worries" I said trying to cheer her up. I had no evil intentions of hurting her. She soon fell asleep. I tried to leave but I couldn't. Not after I said I would stay. I then walked up to the bed board and sat there. I soon fell asleep. I awoke to the sound of the wake up call from Cora. I was surprised to see Krystal asleep, but hugging tightly my left arm. My fur was flattened down since it had been apparent that she had my arm like that for a while now. I stayed there till she woke up. She was very warm and soft. Her blue fur had sheen to it with the sun coming in from the windows of my room. My fur seemed whiter, but infact it was silver. I felt embarrassed because I had just me her. "Hey how'd you sleep?" "Better" she said. “I was still scared, but I felt you move up the bed and I felt secure and wasn't scared anymore" she said smiling at me. "It’s good to hear that" I said. “Well its training time, think you’re up to the challenge? I hold all the records for the training corps. Think you can do better?" I said looking her eyes. "We’ll have to see about that, now shall we?" she said in a challenging tone.

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