Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1629419-Jerrick-Santora-Murderer
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1629419
This is the story about a murderer.
Jerrick Santora was not the kind of man you wanted to mess with.  Jerrick Santora was a criminal, the worst kind of criminal imaginable.  He killed people. 
At the age of 13 He butchered his entire family with a steak knife.
At school he was bullied and made fun of.  At home, his alchoholic father knocked him around, and his mother, the you know what that she was never did anything about it.  She just stood there and watched it happen through meth glazed eyes.  So, to fill up his days, Jerrick took to killing.
He started with small animals at first, like mice and rats and maybe a bird or two.  Then he moved up to bigger animals like dogs and cats.  And one time he killed a horse just for the hell of it.  He gutted it and left its entrails stewn about for all to see.  Then one day, out of shear boredom he took up a steak knife and sliced his parents throats.  That was a messy ordeal, especially after using the chainsaw on them.  After killing his parents Jerrick went to his sisters room and proceded to stab her about 20 or 30 times in the chest and stomach with the blood soaked knife. When he was completely satisfied that she was dead he went to his brothers room and made a complete bloody mess there too.  When the grizzley task was finished he washed the blood from his hands and face and went to bed without a single care in the world.  The next morning the sound of sirens woke him up.  At the front door he was met by a heavily armed police officer who grabbed him and yanked him out of the house.  Jerrick looked at the officer in confusion, wondering what was going on, when deep inside his mind he knew exactly what was going on.  The police officer asked him what happened and he said without falter that he did not know, that he had been asleep alnight.  The blood that covered the walls and the floor and the body parts that lay in disarray around the house told another story, and in a single minute jerrick was lead away from the bloody scene in hand cuffs.
At the police station Jerrick was questioned once again about what had happened at his house and once again he claimed he knew nothing, But how could he know nothing.  He had to have heard something.  He claimed that it had to have been someone else who murdered his family.  Some stranger had to have broken into his house and caused this atrocity.  But nobody else could have done it except him.  He was the only living person in the house and there was no sign of a break in.  It had to have been him, but he stood by his word. 
Tired of not making any progress with the boy, the police officer questioning Jerrick placed him in a holding cell with two other boys.  One asked him why he was there but Jerrick just glared at him through hateful eyes.  The boy backed away from him and said nothing more to him.
Time seemed to drag in the tiny cell,  One hour, two hours, three hours passed and it seemed like an eternity to Jerrick who stood, still glaring at the two other boys.  Then he sprang up from his seat and ran to the steele bars caging him in.
"Let me out!"  he screamed.  "Let me out! I can't take any more of this. I did it.  I killed them.  They deserved it.  My dad was an abusive drunk who smacked me around all the time.  My mother was a meth using prostitute who could care less about my well being and my brother and sister, they were just collateral."  The police officer came back to the cell a smirk crossing his face.  "I knew it all along"  He said.  He unlocked the cell and led Jerrick away.
Jerricks trial lasted for 3 monthes. When the verdict came down it read "Guilty as charged" and he was sentenced to 300 years. So there you have it in a nut shell.  Jerrick Santora, Murderer at 13, sent up as an adult to Rykers Island Correctional facility to spend the rest of his natural born days behind bars.

To Be Continued.............................
© Copyright 2009 Merrick_Starke (merrick_starke at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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