Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1629091-The-Sorceresss-Curse-revised
Rated: E · Novella · Emotional · #1629091
This is a revised edition of my story, The Sorceress's Curse.
The Sorceress’s Curse

Living in a world of Animen* is not easy when you cannot communicate with animals. I have horrible grades in biology, because the animals cannot tell me about themselves like they do to my fellow classmates. Why was I different from everyone else? Pondering this thought, I stood up and walked towards the kitchen for a glass of water. As I began to descend the stairs, twirling a lock of my hair, the voices of my parents drifted into my ears. Why were they up so late? I cannot help but eavesdrop on their conversation.
“Frank, you know what the fate of Laura will be if Hate ever finds out where we live. She knows that we adopted Jasmine,” my mother began.
They were talking about me, Jasmine. I caught the word adopted. It hung in the air as cold as an icicle, slowly melting onto me. I cannot believe I never thought of this. Maybe the reason I do not have the powers of an Animan is that I may not be born one. Who am I the child of then? My parents were also talking about my sister Laura! What was going on?
“I know, Lucy, but we cannot abandon Jasmine. She was abandoned once already and that is quite more than enough for a girl her age. She is only eleven! Do you not recall the first time, when the royal family gave her away, because she was cursed at her birth by Hate? We are the ones that took her into our family and since we did, we must remain responsible for her welfare,” Father answered in a tired tone.
“Yes but what of Laura? She is our own daughter, our flesh and blood. We cannot hurt our daughter because we care for the king’s child,” Mother pressed.
“Jasmine is to stay with us. She is our child now, though not of blood, of our heart,” Father argued.
“Hate will come. I have a strong feeling. She will come to us and destroy Laura’s ability. She knows we have Jasmine,” Mother murmured.
“She may do that, but we must defend our children with our lives,” Father replied solemnly.
I stepped out of my hiding place. Looking into my parents’ wide eyes, I spoke, “What is this about Hate? Who is she anyway and why would she want to harm my sister? What secrets have you kept from me? Father, Mother, if I must, for the sake of my sister, I shall go in search of this Hate and make sure she does no harm to my sister."
My parents tried to persuade me into staying, but they did not succeed. My mind was set and when it was, no one was ale to change it. Laura awoken by the racket and when she heard about my plan, she was determined to go with me. Father was easy to convince, but Mother gave us her thin-lipped look. Eventually, though, both gave each other a sad glance and nodded regretfully. Laura and I were permitted to go on thi journey in search of Hate.
The next day, after a hearty breakfast of flapjacks, Laura and I left the village with good wishes, a knapsack each, a full stomach, and our parents’ love. Laura, who was two years older than me, carried the heavier knapsack. We soon reached the brink of Cinder Woods, where the villagers rumored Hate would be hiding. Walking through the dense shrubbery proved to be a challenge. Suddenly, a bell-like tinkle met our ears.
“Perhaps that is a kind creature who knows of the way to Hate's lair,” I smiled. Laura agreed and nodded hestitantly.
We both finally reached the source of the sound. We reached a small clearing. Perched on a mushroom cap sat a pixie, looking much like an elf with its small, pointy ears. It was clad in a dress made with purple petals and a belt made of bluebells. These bluebells jingled in the breeze, unlike the normal flower. A purple cap was plopped lopsidedly on top of the pixie’s sleek, black hair.
“Welcome, Animen children! Welcome to Cinder Woods! How may I be of your assistance?” the pixie welcomed.
“My name is Laura, ad this is my little sister, Jasmine. We are in search of Hate, a sorceress of evil doings,” Laura told the pixie, without missing a beat.
“My name is Lilac,” the pixie fluttered toward us. “Hate… yes, she is a wicked sorceress indeed…, but she may have a reason for her cruel actions. You must find out why she is evil and using that, convince her to lead her life as a better person. Follow me, I think I know where her hideout lies. All pixies and fairies know what needs to be known.”
“Thank you dearly, Lilac. You have been much help to us,” I smiled at Lilac after she led us to Hate’s lair.
It was not a long trek to Hate's lair. After a short while, we reached a boulder with peculiar blue and red streaks. Behind was a dark ominous tunnel.
"May this be Hate's lair?" I cried.
"Yes, young one."
"Thank you, Lilac, for assisting us in our quest," Laura bowed her head in gratitude.
“Anytime, Animen children. Helping you is my job,” Lilac waved. “Remember what I have told you. Beware. Hate’s lair is very dangerous. Pretend to be innocent maidens in search of a job. Do not request a pay, because that will evoke Hate's anger.”
“Farewell, Lilac,” my sister and I called.
“Farewell, children. May luck be with you,” Lilac disappeared in a puff of shimmers and sparkles.
Laura and I rolled the boulder off to the side. Spying a gaping hole, the two of us jumped into it, little knowing where it leads. After going through a series of dark tunnels, my sister and I finally reached the end of the tunnel. We looked around the room we ended up in. The walls were perfectly carved out of mahogany. Designs swirled across the ceiling. Suddenly, a large, oak door swung slowly open without a creak. Standing behind it was a woman too dazzling to describe. Her deep hazel eyes penetrated into our hearts. Her long black robes swirled mysteriously around her slender form. Long raven hair was pinned on top of her head.
“Who are you?” the woman purred in a silky voice.
“We have come in search of a job. All the payment we need is a place to stay. My name is uh… Valerie and this is my sister, Margaret,” Laura quickly said.
I stood in stunned shock. Suddenly, it came upon me that this was the infamous Hate. Her beauty did not match her heart. With pursed lips, Hate surveyed us, a long finger tapping her chin.
“Yes, yes,” the sorceress crooned. Her black eyes flashed menacingly. “The two of you will be of much help to me. Valerie… you shall work in the kitchens. Wood, my servant will escort you. Margaret will go with me. She can be my lady-in-waiting.”
“We are grateful to you,” Laura bowed.
“Wood! Come here!” Hate commanded.
Rushing out of a tunnel, a young man, a few years older than Laura, smiled at us and knelt at Hate’s feet.
“Wood, please show this young lady to the kitchens. Explain to her all the things that need to be done,” Hate indicated Laura with a swish of her hand.
“Yes, mistress. I shall escort this beautiful young lady to the kitchen and explain everything that has to be done,” Wood replied, smiling at Laura.
Wood held Laura’s arm and led her to a room with a golden plaque labeled,” kitchen”. Hate and I walked through a passageway of tunnels and finally reached her chamber. Hate perched herself in front of her vanity table.
"Now tell me, young one, how did you come by my home? It is situated in such an isolated location, no mortal have discovered it alone," Hate crooned, combing her hair.
"A kind creature led us here. My sister and I have been lost for quite a long time and we are quite grateful that you are generous enough to let us board here with you," I replied carefully.
"Ah, I see... Something about you is familiar. Perhaps we have met before," Hate scrutinized my face.
"Perhaps when I was too young to remember. Now tell me, Lady Hate--"
"Where have you heard of my name?" Hate recoiled.
"There are many stories of you in the village, of your beauty and of your heart," I hestitated.
"My heart... yes, my heart. I do not believe I have one," Hate looked me in the eye with venom.
"You do as all people do, my lady," I reply.
"Someone, who has robbed a child of her only power, her power to speak with animals, surely would not have a heart," Hate glared.
"Perhaps, if that person's past has tainted her heart, then perhaps, it is not the problem of the lady, it is the problem of the lady's experiences," I answer. Where are my words coming from for they are not coming from my own mind but ar simply spilling out of my mouth?
"Margaret... who are you really? Who are you to know of my past," Hate whispered.
"I am the child, the child that you robbed of her only power. I have come to reclaim that power. Hate... I do not know of my own past, let alone your past. I have come to seek that," I bit my lip.
Hate's eyes softened. "Perhaps my heart has grown soft with age but for some reason, I feel as if I should tell you my story, as well as your own. Perhaps... perhaps, I will restore your only power... If only... well... I will tell you my story...
"A long time ago, when unicorns roamed the lands and the songbirds never stopped singing, I was a young girl. My parents, both peasants, and I lived in a broken down hut on the edge of the wood. Though my home was in poor shape, I loved it, it was where my life was centered around. One day, the king and queen of the village had sent soldiers to our hut. They wanted to build buildings where our house was and chop down all the trees around it as well. They had torches, those burning torches, set on our house. My mother died that day, died of shock. My father went to the king and queen's palace, to beg for a home and a bite to eat but we were dismissed, because we were nothing but peasants. Because my father and I needed something to eat and we were close to death of starvation, he stole from one of the houses... and was caught. That week, he was beheaded by the king's command. My family was ruined, my life destroyed because of that king and queen... because they were rich and we were poor, because they had no care for peasants like us. I vowed that I would avenge my family one day.
A month later, I was in the woods, alone, hiding from the world and on that day, a wizard, garbed in blue and white robes found me. I was lost and thirst and hungry. He fed and clothed me, took care of me when I was sick. He taught me the magic of the elders and when he heard of my story, he helped me plot my revenge. In a year, I knew all the magic he knew and was quite a powerful wizard. He died... the only thing I have left of him is a book, a book written by his ancestors, teaching of sorcery and evil. From that book, I became the powerful sorceress I am now.
I got my revenge. Though it was three generations later, my mind was poisoned and I felt that it was time to set forth my revenge on the murderous king's descendants. I chose the king's newborn child, you. I took away the power that made you an animan, took away your ability to communicate with animals. I regret it now, for I destroyed the life of an innocent being, now that I have seen you. Jasmine, you greatly resemble me and seeing you different from other animen, neglected, excluded, just like the way I was when I was your age, I cannot take it any longer..."
Hate looked at me remorsefully. Lifting her hand, she placed a finger on my forehead and uttered a series of strange words. I felt a strange warmth and the next thing I knew, there was darkness.

Sunlight streamed in through the window. I awoke and rubbed my eyes. Seeing my familiar bedroom walls around me, I wondered if yesterday was a dream.
"Jasmine! You're awake!" my mother's voice called from the doorway.
"Jasmine!" I was suddenly overcome with emotion as my family, the one I had been with almost my entire life, came to embrace me.
After everyone had their turn, I asked,"Was all that real? Did I actually meet Hate?"
Father smiled and whistled. A robin flew in through the open window and trilled, "Welcome back, Jasmine. We have missed you."
A rush and flurry of bird and rabbits and all assortments of animals climbed in through the window, chattering, talking, the excitement could not be contained in the room.
I was home at last... With all the people I loved, as a normal Animan. My status as an outsider had disappeared...

(ending may be edited if I find time, thank you for reading. please leave a comment)
© Copyright 2009 Jane Doe (smilez2424 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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