Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1628193-Confessions-of-a-vampire-Vam-paridisio
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Gothic · #1628193
Fun gothic horror short story please read and rate
Confessions of a Vampire


I still couldn’t believe that my Dad was finally going to take me on a ghost hunt, he had never taken me to work with him and I had wanted to get involved for ages. Little did I know that the hunters would become the hunted, in a Night that would change me forever.

As we drove round the snake like road I could not keep my excitement inside me. I reached for my cup of tea and jolted, it splashed down my leg but I didn’t care. I was too busy thinking what I would see tonight and wondering what secret gadgets I might get to use. I was not worried about danger, or getting scared I trusted my Dad completely. He was not a big man but the cleverest person I knew and that reassured me considerably. He had short brown hair, often wore an old suit and large glasses. I kept looking out of the window, but I don’t know why, it was so misty you could barely see ten feet outside. It was also very dark I could not believe it was still only three o clock.

“Dad have you ever actually seen a ghost?” I said.

“I couldn’t actually tell you, all I know is I have seen some strange things” he said back thoughtfully.

“But what do you think Dad, do ghosts exist?”   

“Son... I have spent 12 years trying to prove ghosts do exist... of course I believe they are among us... but more importantly I want to help them pass to the other side”

“Do you think Mums out there somewhere?”

“I think she may be... but that is not who we are looking for... remember that son...”

“So what’s the history on this place we are heading to then” I said trying to change the subject.

“Well there have been several sightings in the grounds and inside the Manor, but there has been no solid evidence... apparently it’s a hooded dark figure that haunts the place ... so if you see one don’t hang about” he added the last bit laughing, sounding pleased with himself.

I laughed back but as I did we turned a last twist in the road and we saw it.

A house like a small castle placed on top of a large hill. When I saw this picture with the gloomy sky, I half expected lightning to strike. But instead hairs stood up on my neck and I gave a great shudder. I tried to hide my fear by asking abruptly

“What’s this place called anyway?”

“The Manor Motel, come on lets go check in then maybe we can have a look round the grounds” he said this whilst parking and getting out the car.

We grabbed our luggage from the boot and set off along a path leading to the entrance which was more like a driveway. It was up hill and a very long walk but I could not take my eyes off the manor. I looked at every inch of it, there were spooky looking gargoyles set in the stone of the manor and with every step I took I felt more and more anxious. I noticed a couple of the upstairs windows were flickering by fire light, also a large oak tree blocked about a quarter of the house from view and an impossibly looking large hedge maze was stood to the right of the manor. The manor must have at least been a few centuries old as it had a very castle look about it and it had many pointed archways and also a bid Oak door with a door bell to the right.

“I guess we should ring the door bell then” dad said with a look of suspense. I looked back wearing the same look. Then a loud Ding-Dong sounded through castle and I edged back slightly anxiously waiting for what I would see next.

The large double doors opened as if by magic with a loud bang and a pleasant female voice told us to enter. We walked into a magnificent entrance hall lit by firelight, there was grand marble stairs in front of us, to the left was an arch leading to what looked like a big drawing room, to the right there was another arch leading to the dining room which looked like it had been built for a king. It had one of those long tables for very rich people. I then looked up the staircase to find the source of the voice and saw the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I could not seem to tear my eyes away from her; she was wearing a low cut black dress that did not leave much to the imagination. She also had deep red lipstick like the colour of blood and quite long jet black hair surrounding a breathtaking face, but very pale. My dad must have been thinking the exact same thing as when I finally taw my eyes away and looked round at him he was staring at her like he was hypnotised. Then the woman broke the silence and said “My husband shall be down shortly to welcome you, but may I take your coats and offer you a drink”

I nudged him when he did not reply and he shook his head a little and replied “O yes that would be splendid thank you”

She glided down the stairs mesmerizingly and took our coats then she said almost poetically “my name is Rubella...how very nice it is to meet you”

She held out a hand to dad and he took it with great pleasure kissed it and said almost dazed “charmed...I am Dr Benedict but you can call me Richard and this is my son Lucian” She put her hand out to me too, I couldn’t believe my luck I took it and kissed the goddesses hand gratefully.

“What a little gentleman, my husband will be interested to meet you Lucian I am sure, as you share the same name” she said poetically once more. I merely nodded not paying much attention to her words.

“Viktor our son will take care of your bags...come to the bar... come”

We walked into the dining room and past the grand table to the end of the room which had a magnificent long bar. We all sat on a stall and I looked at what drinks they had to offer. There was not much choice which I thought was odd as the bar was so big and yet all I could see was dusty Red wine bottles with no labels.

“What would you two fine Gentlemen like to drink?” said Rubella as she licked her lips.

“I think I will have some of that wine” said dad looking at the bottles.

“O I am sorry they are being saved for special occasions...what else can I offer you?” she replied as though she was reading a script.

Just then there was a thunderous stomping down the stairs which echoed around the place like an enormous cave.

“That will be Viktor now he’s always running around up to mischief...probably about your age you know” Rubella said looking at me.

Viktor bowled in the room looking muscular and very pale.

“Mother I need to feed now” he said glaring at his mum.

“Not now dear we have company” she replied back very quickly with a strict look on her face.

“Oh excellent” he said with a twisted little smile.

Viktor was very big but not fat he seemed very healthy except he was very pale, almost like a ghost. He had dark hair and looked very old for his age his eyes looked like they held a lot of wisdom, which at the time I thought was very odd.

“Why don’t you show Lucian to his room dear” said Rubella smiling slightly.

I did not like this idea one bit as I was picking up rather unfriendly vibes from Viktor.

“Of course mother and perhaps we could play a little game” he said sounding very cold and uncomforting.

I stayed sitting for a moment or two then once everyone was looking at me I reluctantly stood and started to walk out of the room.

“Viktor play nicely and I think your father would like to meet Lucian...we shall feast shortly” Rubella called out as we walked back through the arch to the entrance hall.

I followed Viktor up the stairs to a long corridor, which had numerous doors coming of it and some very old but spooky looking pictures and portraits. I followed him down the candle lit corridor right to the end which was very long, he opened a door and we walked into a huge bedroom with an amazing four poster bed draped in claret sheets.

No one had spoken since we left the dining room and I felt very uncomfortable and weary of this strange boy. I sat on an old chair that looked more like a throne and tried to break the ice “so do you like football... who do you support?”

He did not reply but turned quickly away like it pained him to look at me, the room started to feel very hot, I could feel the tension. Then after a few minutes silence which was almost unbearable, he broke the silence “Why don’t we play a game...hide and seek perhaps”

I don’t really play hide and seek anymore but any excuse to get out of this situation is fine by me I thought and replied “yeah ok ... you wanna hide”

He nodded and walked out of the room, I heard him thunder down the stairs a moment later and I thought what a strange boy he was.

I opened the door with a creak and the next thing I knew there was a whoosh like the sound of a speeding bullet. I caught a glimpse of a black figure and all the candles went out, I jumped out of my skin my heart was beating so fast. I felt along the wall as I walked along the corridor, it was pitch black and with every step I could feel my heart thumping faster and faster. I finally reached the staircase and saw the firelight; I knew I must report what I had just seen to my father and headed straight for the dining room. The room was deserted so I turned and something told me to carry on looking for the boy. I heard a cold whisper in my head telling me to search through the door under the grand staircase. It sent a shiver down my spine but I obeyed none the less and I edged closer and closer to the door. I nearly turned away but some invisible force was pulling me to the door, I didn’t feel in control anymore. I yanked the door open. There was total darkness; all I could see were steps leading down into nothingness. Slowly I climbed down, my head was yelling turn back now, danger alert. But then came the voice again and I was unable to turn, I reached the bottom. I could see nothing, the voice told me to walk on I had to obey. There was a rotting smell in the air and I could taste staleness like the room was a tomb. Suddenly I crashed into a knee high solid object. I felt round the edges of the object and realised it was rectangular, the lid of this odd box was hanging open but there was nothing inside. I pressed on, I could just make out two other weird box like shapes in the darkness, one shorter than the other two, but both were also empty. I walked on a step or two and then I saw two wide eyes staring straight at me. I stood there frozen to the spot unable to move. The whispering had stopped now and I felt fully conscious once more. I started to back away. The eyes still did not move, not even a blink. Then I realised something this person or whatever it was, was very small so small in fact that they were barely tall enough to reach my waste. Then the smell hit me again now I was fully conscious. The eyes still had not moved and then a thought occurred to me. What if this was a trapped child, I edged closer. I whispered “hello” but there was no movement. I edged a little closer. The smell grew worse with every step. I was so close now. I made up my mind to tap the person on the shoulder. This took every ounce of courage I had. The person swayed in mid air. He was hanging by his feet. He wasn’t solid like normal but he was squishy like he had no innards. I felt a tremendous blow to the head and I was falling ... falling into nothingness.

I awoke gasping for air, and questions jumping in my head. I couldn’t think straight, I felt the top of my head and there was a cartoon sized bump pounding with pain there. Where was my dad? Was this all a dream? No it couldn’t be the throbbing pain in my head told me this. What was a dead body doing hanging in the cellar? And why the hell did it feel like a half empty water balloon? Where am I? I looked around and noticed the claret sheets hanging round the four poster bed. I was glued to the spot, fear flowing through me. I had to find my dad and get the hell out of here. It took a mighty effort but I dragged myself out of the bed, thinking of what to do next. I looked out of the window I didn’t even know what the time was, it was dark but it was dark at 3 o clock when we first arrived so this didn’t help. Then a thought occurred to me, my phone it was in my bag I turned on the spot and saw that my bag had been opened and obviously rifled through. I checked none the less but it was no use my phone had gone. I remembered my trusty pocket knife hidden in my sock, it wouldn’t do much damage but it was better than nothing. I then stopped to look at a family photo, I had already lost my mum and I was not going to lose dad as well. It gave my spirits a little lift and I jumped as there was a loud knock on the door. I had a split second to act and I jumped behind the door as it opened. A large man walked through the door and said in a stern voice “Lucian” he repeated himself again when I did not answer. I couldn’t make up my mind on what to do, it was make a run for it, or attack the massive man with my pathetic blade. He walked over to the four poster bed when I had not answered yet again and I decided on the latter. I had never tried to kill someone before but I could not run his wife and kid would surely block my path. He drew the claret curtains round the bed and I crept behind him. I struck while his back was turned and drove my four inch blade right through his neck. Blood spurted out and blended with the claret sheets, he fell to the floor and I just stood there staring at him, hatred boiling inside of me. I had to make a plan quick. I started to panic. I needed to find dad but where could he be. Then I heard a voice.

“Very good...very good indeed” the voice said in a kind of cold hissing voice.

I jumped yet again and tried to find the source of the voice, is it in my head again.

“That is why I will choose you... yes you, I sense your courage and your inner strength... with the right kind of help you shall be great, maybe one of the greatest... yes, yes you shall make a fine son”

No it can’t be... but how.

The man stood up faced me and pulled my knife out of his own neck and returned it to me, blood stained. He was wearing a black collard jacket with a white shirt coated in his own blood. He was as muscular as his son but much taller and his posture was much more villainous. Also he had shoulder length dark hair and a rich man’s gold medallion hanging from his neck, which added to the powerful effect in which he had. I stood unable to move watching his neck heal before my very eyes. Then something clicked, yes it all made sense but also it made no sense at all. I was in complete shock, mouth wide open, could this really be happening. I looked into his eyes and felt a weird sensation, I suddenly idolised this man and all worries drifted from my mind. The only thing that mattered was what he said and did.

“Yes that’s it drift into my arms... you shall soon feel no pain and sense no fear” he said this whilst opening his arms.

Although I could hear what the man was saying it did not matter, all that mattered to me was that I was with him and worshipped him.

I suddenly shook myself; I knew what was happening this thing (whatever he was) was so powerful it literally radiated from his body. I backed away resisting his hypnotic spell until I slammed against the wall, I could not see away out. I sunk into misery until he spoke again.

“This will only take a second my boy and you will be grateful I promise you”

He stepped closer and closer with big bold steps; I was falling into the trance again I stood and took a step closer to him. I couldn’t resist any longer I wanted to help and hug this man once more. Then he sprung faster than the speed of light, I just caught a glimpse of two ferocious looking fangs. He punctured my neck like a venomous snake snapping at its prey, the pain seared as he sucked and licked the blood greedily from my neck. He stopped suddenly and sat beside me on the floor. The pain was almost unbearable but Lucian came closer and we were face to face. My blood trickled down his chin and fell onto my cheek, the pain now faded away and he had my complete attention and bidding. His eyes were jet black and fangs still drawn, he was scary looking but I couldn’t help but feel caring and idolise this thing.

“You now have two choices... life or death” he said like a leader of an army.

There was no fighting it now he was so close.

“I will do exactly as you wish my father” I couldn’t help it as I would soon regret this decision.

“Excellent decision my son we shall live out are immortal lives as life companions and feast on any human in our way” he said chuckling slightly at the end.

I lay there knowing what will be next and know somewhere deep down that I have made a tremendous mistake. He now holds up his arm and pierces his wrist, blood spurting out onto his face he says “let me make you the vampire you were born to be... you will be so much more than a puny pathetic little human” in a menacing voice. I open my mouth and accept this most noble occasion.

I feel the warm blood trickle down my throat, and then my whole body tenses up. I could see myself turning, in the reflection of my new master’s dark menacing eyes, veins pumping out of my skin. My eyes turning from blue to bloodshot and then finally jet black to mirror Lucians. Now I feel a rip in my mouth and a sharp piercing pain, I look down and two sabres hang from my blood filled mouth. I feel sick looking at them but only for a second and then I could tell this was it; this was the end of my mortal life. One final pain blasted through me and then I felt nothing.

Strange twisted dreams flowed through me; I was sucking innocent people’s blood and the next minute it would be me as the victim getting ripped apart by Lucian and his son. Lucian handing Viktor every organ my body contained and sucking the blood out of each one greedily like a baby feeding from his mother. Blood and guts everywhere and all I could do was simply watch them tear and feed from my body as violently as a starved wolf, I would have puked if I was not dreaming. I awoke suddenly and spat up a large amount of blood, everything had changed I now felt no fear I simply sat there strangely, and then I noticed my senses had been enhanced. I could hear distant voices which couldn’t have been that close “you can’t just keep him locked up! What do you plan to do next” came Rubella’s voice

“He is going to play a little game, have you kept his ex father secure?” replied the monstrous Lucian.

“I promised Viktor him for supper dear; he is the only fresh blood in the house”

“No no we need him in our game... to fully baptise are new son into the underworld” Lucian put a lot of emphasis on the last word to make it sound chilling but nothing could be as bad as losing your life to blood thirsty vampires and becoming one.

I could tell I was back down in the cellar as the stench was awful but this time was much worse, it was like standing in a slaughter house, which I suppose it kind of was. My eyesight had also been enhanced as although it was pitch black I could see more things than before and I remembered the three coffins and faced them. Why didn’t I put it all together it was so simple, I stood up but knew hopelessly the door would not open. There was nothing to do but hold my nose from the smell and wallow in self pity. A few hours past and then shockingly the next bombshell hit me, hunger started to surge through me. I could never even think of sucking anyone’s blood but I started to sweat and my arms and back started to ache. I thought to myself I could never do it feed of an innocent human being and then another three hours past. I was starting to hallucinate; faces kept popping up in front of me. My mum’s first crying blood and then my father’s layered in the beautiful deep red liquid. Then the hunger got worse I suddenly couldn’t control myself, legs and arms went in all directions and I screamed out. I was covered in cold sweat by this time and then suddenly footsteps sounded and also a voice “Tell me when you are ready for supper Lucian... you must be going through a tremendous amount of pain”

“You bastard” I screamed through pain and anger.

“Now now boy we shall have none of that... I think I owe you an explanation Lucian... I’m coming in”

I was now so weak I could not attack him in fact I could barely face him.

“Lucian we have to talk I have given you a noble gift and power beyond your wildest dreams, the reason I chose you is because you have great human power and with hard training you could become a supreme vampire...do you have any questions for your master?”

I had plenty at that moment but more visions and the yearning for blood haunted me and I could not concentrate.

“A vampire grows in power like humans do with age, the older you are the more powers you acquire and the stronger you become... we grow in speed and we can even read human minds and control them with our thoughts... vampires can also never die as you probably know, except the sun light can burn you to death if you are out to long... we are lucky round here though as the sun does not come out often”         

I started to shake more violently I think through anger, all I wanted to do was rip his head off but by now I needed blood, and I decided to give in.

“Blood” I whispered through painful clenched teeth.

Nothing else mattered anymore there was nothing more important in the world, I needed a fix and this monster could help me.

“Yes, yes of course son you must be so weak... but you will have to work for it... will you obey your new fathers every demand?” he replied like a snake.

“Of course anything father, anything” I had never felt so low and now knew what drug addicts go through on a day to day basis.

“Then it is time my boy... if you past this final test you shall truly be my son and a new beast of the night “he said boldly and coldly.

A couple more seconds went by and I could not suppress the yearning for blood any longer.

“I will do it, anything master, name it and it will be done” I replied losing patience and breathe.

“I have this for you, to give you some temporary energy it will help you on your mission” he said this while handing me a half filled goblet of blood.

I snatched it off him in a lightning fast movement but it slipped and smashed on the concrete floor. But that didn’t stop me; I dived on the floor and lapped it up like a cat with milk. The energy and power came back at once and I jumped up ready to start the task, I needed more of the rich red liquid as it didn’t fully satisfy me and I felt drunk with power.

“You our going to play a game of cat and mouse... there is a pathetic powerless human in the maze of misery, go now and for fill your blood fuelled needs” he said full of hatred and horror.

I didn’t need to say anything else I got straight to it, I sprinted up the cellar stairs heart starting to beat faster, kicked down the door and paced towards the front door. I could now feel a beast in my body rising with every step, as I turned the handle Viktor’s face appeared in the doorway of the dining room. He said nothing but didn’t have to as his face said a thousand nasty words. I scowled back and continued I didn’t have time to confront him my lust for blood was to strong. Heading straight for the maze I looked back and saw Lucian’s face smirking in the flickering candle light. Hate sparked inside of me again and at an incredible pace I flew towards the maze entrance, I had never seen a bigger maze and it was all gloomy looking. As I entered, lightning struck and rain started to pour down, the beast inside me was now at an all time high and I rushed taking random rights and lefts. After a couple of minutes past I stopped abruptly and smelt deeply, it was the smell of my prey and I began to get very excited. Using my new found strength I tore down a part of the hedge and jumped through. I started to trace the smell and took off at a frantic pace fuelled by the beast and the lust for blood. I was getting close now, I could smell the sweat of this person and there was something strangely familiar about it. I could also feel the vibrations of someone stomping around; I took a final right and saw a misty figure at the end of the path. A mixture of excitement, anger and hunger took me and I set off at top speed and pounced on the figure. Fangs equipped I sunk them into the man’s neck and sucked greedily, the blood tasted luscious and I didn’t stop until the man was bone dry. I automatically felt replenished and kneeled in the rain thinking how my life had reached an all time low and there was no escape. But my nightmare had only just begun. I looked down at the figure I had just murdered and guilt shocked my body. My real father lay there in the wet mud lifeless, looking like a shrivelled carcass. I immediately burst into tears and fell to the ground in shame; there is no beast now just self pity and tremendous guilt. 

To be continued.

I sit here now writing my confession 300 years after this event, this was my first murder and it never gets old and never will. But I was cheated out of life and death; some will say this is just an excuse and maybe it is but I was never the same after that night and forever I will keep my conscience as a heavy burden trapped in a cell of immortality.

By Kyle Quinton           

© Copyright 2009 kyle quinton (moyza at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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