Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1628069-The-Scream
Rated: 13+ · Other · Horror/Scary · #1628069
Read if you want. it is something .......speacial..

“Good mourning Dr. Hathorn,” said the computer system. The date is July 19th, 2049, 7:00A.M. My next patient is going to be here in 3 minutes. So, I ran down to the stairs to get some supplies. Then I went to the elevator to get to the 44th floor. The facility that I was staying in is the J.R. Brook Medical Facility. The facility is 4 thousand to 6 thousand miles off the American coast. The reason for the facility being out there is to provide medical support for people or animals if over the ocean. We have a radius of 1 thousand to a 3 thousand help ratio. The facility it self is the size of New York City. The facility can house up to 980,000 doctors, nurses, and patients. This also includes a small army and police force of about 250,000.

On my way to my patient I have gotten an alert from one of my nurses up stairs over the intercom. I went to the elevator to get to the 50th floor to get to the room 4A. Another call was sounded of the intercom. But, this time a blood-curling scream echoed to the elevator and through the halls of the facility. Then the intercom went blank…static. Then a sound came from over the intercom. It was a very low growl, a mumble. The sound of the thing was very demonic, satanic in a way. The sound slowly went away. The sound of that creature or person gave me chills. I swallowed hard. Then the door to the 50th floor slowly opened. The lights were flickering. The hallway was a dark and deep tunnel. As I walked down the hall to find the room 4A I slipped and fell on an awkward feeling object.

I felt around this object and found a small rectangular object. It was a very hard thing. On it I felt something etched in on the rectangle. J,E,N,N,I,N,G,S…….DR.JENNINGS. I slowly started to look up at the thing I tripped over. I was in total awe and shocked at what I saw. It is something right out of a horror film. The blood was sprawled all over the floor. His stomach was out and on the ground. His head has been scalped. He was completely limbless. He was totally mangled. His face was the sight of horrors. Then the same scream over the intercom earlier that day rang through the abyss of the halls. I ran toward the scream. Not knowing what I would encounter. The lights are now gone out. The hall way felt like a dungeon.  The hallway also made me feel like I was in death row going to my death sentence. The screams grew louder and louder. I then started to recognize the screams…Eleanor.

         Oh-no…it has Eleanor. Knowing this made me sick to my stomach. But, I have to get to her before it is too late. I am now running harder and faster than before. She sounded like she being tortured the worst way possible. I then fell again and I hit something very hard. I looked at my hand and panicked, there was blood all over me. I started to check my body trying to find the wound. What I found startled me, the blood was not mine. I then made it to the room. 4A. the door was slipping with blood only drips from the inside of the door. I looked through the viewing glass. I saw nothing…but red….blood red. I then heard more screams, but not from Eleanor. These screams were small and almost unnoticeable.

The screams were actually the sounds of thousands of mice. The reason we have mice in the medical center is to test new medical ideas. There were also many huge rats. They were all gorging themselves on a body of a nurse. The way I could tell is because of the scrubs that they wear.  It made me vomit uncontrollably. It felt like the rats ate and ate for an eternity. But, the body was not Eleanor’s. I kept running through the halls coming closer and closer to the screams. Then I have noticed something. The screams have stopped. There is only total silence. I stopped running, trying to catch my breath. “Poor, poor Eleanor” I thought to myself. “I did not make it in time.” Then a sound echoed through the walls of the halls. It was the sound of swinging ropes.

I slowly walked toward the sound my mind teetering on the abyss. My heart was pounding in and out of my chest. My stomach is on fire. I finally made it to the door. I touched the doorknob and time seemed to freeze. I was scared. I was really scared. I have never been so scared in my entire life. My hand was shaking so much the doorknob started to rattle. Sweat poured out of my face. My eyes started to burn. I did not know what is behind the door and I did not want to know. But if Eleanor is still alive I might be able to save her. I slowly opened the door, still shaking uncontrollably.  The door was now opened. I was shocked at what I found.

There stood a man wearing a doctor’s jacket. His face looked like it was charred from a fire. Blood covered his mouth. His eyes were only black. The only other color you could see in its eyes was the red pupil. All he did was stare. Then he started to mumble and growl like I heard on the intercom earlier that day. Then I saw Eleanor. She was on the ground lying motionless.

         A part of her neck was gone. She was also scalped like Dr. Jennings. She was bear naked and partially eaten. Her body was lying in a satanic like circle on the ground. It looked like she was a sacrifice for some kind of ritual. Her body then started to deteriorate into a pile of ash on the ground. Then the circle started to glow a very eerie glow. The ashes started to seep into the ground very slowly. Then I heard the sound of demons coming from the circle. I vomited again out of total fear.  Then the circle started to conger up something in the center. But, the creature in front of me did nothing but stare at me. Then I noticed a nametag on the bottom of the doctor’s coat. It read……Dr.Jennings.

He let out a demonic roar and slowly started to me. I started to sprint toward the elevator which is a few hundred yards away. I looked behind me. Dr.Jennings kept his pace slowly creeping toward me. I noticed that the walls started to turn blood red and started to crumble. The floor started to crack and split below my feet. I ran harder trying to get to the elevator. I looked behind me again. Dr. Jennings drew even closer. More bodies started to appear on the ground. I noticed that many of the bodies were from the police and army forces. I looked behind me again. Dr. Jennings was 20 feet away, his limbless body floating and dragging his coat across the ground. I reached the elevator. I was pressing the button frantically trying to get the elevator door open. I looked behind me again.  Dr. Jennings was 5 feet and closing slowly. The elevator opens….4 feet. I run inside and press the 1st floor button…..2 feet. The doors slowly start to close…….1 foot…….


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