Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1627974-The-Dance-By-The-River
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Dark · #1627974
Based on a dream I had, wrote this about a year ago.
The coldness of the winter that was soon to come was already beginning to hang over the air and the chilly wind of the night served only to reinstate the fact that this year winter would come early. However as she walked through the small clearing she seemed not to notice this, strangely enough she seemed to enjoy it, looking closely as her breath mixed with the cold air and listening to every sound that the small clearing made. All combined with her footsteps and her heartbeats it seemed almost like an orchestra. However the soft whispers of the wind that normally seemed so soothing were different today, they were tense, as if angry, as if worried about an event that hadn’t yet unfolded.

Though Luna certainly noticed the change she didn’t pay it much attention. She simply continued on walking through the small clearing as she always did, her thoughts blank and her soul cleansed, indulging in the smell of the roses and the leafs, losing herself in the slow upward flow of the river. When she found the small waterfall that served as the mouth of the river she took a seat by the grass and stared into the water. She waved her finger carefully above the water, producing small waves of vibrations as she made contact with the surface. She lifted her hand and looked at the fingers, dripping with water and brought them to her shirt to dry them.

In the sky, the moon moved so as to poise itself at the very center of the constellations, and as the moon moved the stars made way for her, allowing her the best view of the world the night sky could possibly offer. From the river burst a ray of light that went up towards the heavens as Luna looked on, emotionless in her expression. In the ray appeared a giant marble platform, with impressive designs on the floor, a dome shaped ceiling held up by four columns, decorated by precious and intricately painted murals. Luna stood up and stepped on to the platform. There, waiting for her was a human figure, standing still in the center of the structure, holding a silver goblet in one hand. As they stared into each other’s eyes a sweet tune manifested itself in the darkness, the song of the wind, the frogs and the stream incited them towards their dance.

They took to each other and began to slowly waltz around the small platform, creating shapes that painted themselves on the floor as they were designed by the movements of their feet. As the dance continued the figures on the floor took life, figures that at first sight might have seemed pleasant to the casual onlooker but soon took on demonic forms and shapes, filled by colors that the mind could not identify with those of any other object. Soon the shapes moved with the dance, faster and faster, following the constant ascend of the music’s tempo. Upon close listening the sweet tune had begun to deform itself, dissonant chords were occasionally dropped in, abrupt pauses, unnatural sounds decorated the song, appearing gradually with more and more frequency. Soon the music was unrecognizable; it had become a fast meld of horrible sounds that screamed in desperation and sadness, with an innate aggression that cannot be described in the mere tongue of humans, as the dancers followed every beat with incredible precision.

And as suddenly as it had begun the music stopped and the figures stopped with it as they found themselves at the very center of the platform. They stared at each other through bright red eyes and kissed, kissed with the passionate love of beasts, fangs drawing blood as they scraped the soft flesh of the inner cheek. And as they engaged in each other and their love the platform collapsed about them, the Earth shook as the ceiling broke into large chunks of rock, tumbling the columns and cracking the floors. Soon the platform gave away completely, sending them into the river… 
© Copyright 2009 Tony E. (theartofdoom at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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