Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1627869-Z-Poc-Arlington-Chapter-2
Rated: 13+ · Other · Death · #1627869
Zombie story about me and friends, check out chapter 1 first.
Chapter 2

We paced the 200 hallway, trying to decide what to do, all of us constantly looking at the end doors. “We need some weapons.” Peyton finally said.

“Yea, but pretty much every room with something useful is locked.” I added.

“What about the cafeteria?” Brent suggested.

“That sounds like a good idea.” Claire pointlessly added.

“What if there are zombies?” Haley reminded us.

“Good point. We can’t fight them!” Dominique added, “What if its someone we knew?” Always the peacemaker..

“Then we’ll have to suck it up and kill them” I grimly stated.

“How should we kill them without weapons?” Brent pointed out.

“BARE HANDS!” Peyton yelled and started fake strangling Brent.

Haley pulled him off, and everyone started fake fighting. It was good to relieve some of the stress. After a few minutes we sat down and continued talking about what to do.

The pointless conversation went on for awhile, until we figured our best bet was raiding our lockers looking for things to be used as weapons. The best we could find was scissors, which wouldn’t do much unless we could stab a Zed in the eye, but the chances of that were extremely low. We decided to take our chances and get to the cafeteria. We crept through the door, looking around making sure no Zeds were hiding. We couldn’t find any, but still decided to be cautious... and fled loudly to the cafeteria. As we ran we all prayed that the doors would be unlocked. Luckily for us they were.

Not thinking, I ran in, big mistake. Zeds were pouring through the door. I saw a small group of people closing the dish washing area, and yelled “Wait” then time seemed to slow down. I looked to the door closest to the mats in the corner and saw about 15 Zeds doing the classic shuffle. I then looked back at the dishwashing window and ran as fast as I could towards it yelling for them to wait. After that I looked around and saw everyone else running after me. Turning around once more I saw them still closing the door, causing me to yell again. They stopped closing it long enough to acknowledge me, but left it open just enough to see through. I jumped up onto one of the tables, ran up and jumped across them to save the time of running through the spaces. When I jumped off the last table they opened the doors for us all to jump in. I vaulted over the counter and turned around hoping to see everyone jump in after me.

Much to my relief, everyone was in. I looked over and saw that Hannah Caldwell was the one who got here before us. We all gave her our thanks. No need to go into much detail. We moved into the back, the office areas, and barricaded the doors. “Well that oughta hold them off for awhile..” Haley said.

“Not really, I say we have about 25 minutes.” I pointed out

“Way to be negative” Hannah told me.

“I’m just telling the truth, do you want Zombies to somehow open that door and us not be prepared?” I argued.

“That doesn’t mean you have to burst our bubble.” Dominique said.

“Would you rather a Zombie do it?” Peyton pointed out.

“YEA!” Brent said jumping around him.

We all laughed at this inappropriately timed joke, while zombies outside were trying to get to us. After the laughing ended, I decided to look through the back and found a desk, and called everyone over. “So, uh who can pick a lock?” I asked. I had already looked through the unlocked drawers and found nothing of use.

“I probably can,” Brent said. I handed him a paperclip I had stolen from Mrs. Sammons’ desk at the beginning of second period. I was glad it found better use than miniature sword fights. I heard the lock click in the silence as he pulled open the drawer, revealing a .357 Magnum and a large amount of scattered bullets, I counted about 36, not counting the six already loaded. “So.. who thinks they can handle this baby?” Peyton asked, hinting at the fact that he thought he could.

“I doubt any of us could accurately fire it multiple times.” Brent mentioned

“I probably could!” Haley added excitedly.

“Uh. I don’t think so.” I said, slightly fearing I would be slapped.

“We’ll see.” She said, snatching the gun away from Peyton.

She walked away from the desk and pointed the gun down the hallway. I shoved my sleeve covered hands over my ears as she fired, sending her arms and the gun over her head, and skittering across the floor, well her gun at least. “That wasn’t supposed to happen.. oh well!” Peyton quickly snatched it off the floor and fired five bullets into the wall. The recoil was terrible, and after the first shot they were incredibly inaccurate, but we didn’t want to waste more bullets on the rest of us.

“Dude, don’t forget to save your ammo. I doubt there’s any more here.” I told him.

“FUCK YO COUCH NIGGA” he replied. I didn’t persist, trusting he wasn’t really that much of an idiot.

We looked around for a little while, finding a metal baking sheet for as all, but Hannah was lucky enough to get a large knife. She can make do with it until we find some pirates. We looked around trying to find a place to exit without being mobbed by Zombies, which was nearly impossible. Dominique suggested Peyton take the pistol and slightly open the door, with Hannah beside him with her knife, to see if any came in. When we tried, there was one lone zombie shuffling around aimlessly until he heard Peyton whispering, which was when he decided to start charging us. Luckily Peyton reacted quickly and shot three rounds from the hip, one hitting the Zed’s leg, blowing it off, the other two hitting its shoulder, spinning it around. So imagine a one-legged spinning zombie. Sounds cool right? No. No amount of violent video games could prepare you for this gruesome sight. Peyton literally puked on Hannah’s shirt. Peyton. PEYTON MORRIS. Hard to believe. After the zombie fell, Haley ran out of the kitchen and smashed the zombie’s head in. “Just to be sure he’s dead.” She said, blushing.

“And that’s why I love her!” I thought.

“Well let’s go.” Hannah said.

“Uhmm.. guys I’m not going with you.” Claire told us.

“Where are you gonna go?” Dominique quickly asked.

“I’ve gotta go find Taylor to see if he’s okay. I’ll try to meet up with y’all later.” She announced, then jogged out of the cafeteria and towards his class.

Haley and Dominique started following her, but I told them, “Wait. Let her go. She’ll be fine.” I didn’t truly believe the statement, but it felt reassuring to hear it.

“We need to get out of here as soon as we can.” Brent said somberly, “Let’s go.” We all walked through the door in the cafeteria straight to the gym, and out the car rider line door.

© Copyright 2009 The Zombie King (tannerwilson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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