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Rated: · Script/Play · Other · #1627612
The synopsis for a new play in the works. Due to be done February 1st.
A man stands alone in a massive painting depicting mountains and golden hills and a Village in the far distance. A Crowd appears and a guide starts to speak of his masterpiece speaking of who he is, and what hes done. His name is Elizar Haelion of Aldermeyer born in 1582 to a lowerclass family who rose to success with his ambitions as an explorer, philosopher, and scholar. Discovering such peoples as the Rempora and Kloobadi, "who sadly have disappeared over time" the tour guide states to the crowd. Then a person asks What happened to him. the tour guide states that in 1624 he was sent on a royal excursion across the sea but sadly the only thing that was recovered was his journal. Then slowly moving along they disappear except for a boy maybe 16 or so completely inthrawled in his story. The tour Guide returns, and the boy asks where that village is? Well i don't know, actually it doesn't say but he has seen many could be one of them, For this is a self portrait done by Elizar himself. The boy is amazed then the guide tells the boy a quote by elizar that exclaims that he will explore even into the afterlife and find out those unanswerable questions that arise in life. And some believe it's quite true and that his spirit survives in this very painting. Then they slowly walk away. And all of a sudden Elizar comes to life not moving his body but just his eyes. Speaking of how he loves all the attention and glory of remembrance. Asking why he should give that up thinking that was his existence in full to be a painting and becomes curious of whats so good behind him. He's the masterpiece, why should he give up his glory to turn around and leave? Then the boy returns and says he wants to do the same and explore and gain knowledge just as he...Then something clicks and Elizar remembers why he loved what he did to begin with. Not for remembrance or the praise in the future, but to gain knowledge for all of the world in it's entirety. So then he slowly peals himself away from the canvas and turns slowly around and at that instant of amazement he falls to the ground, not ever having walked before in his afterlife he has to learn in a sense how to walk, so again and again he falls until finally he recovers his skills and clumsily walks off exclaiming I am Elizar of Aldermeyer, Come to me you Village Yonder.
Next scene is a spoken journal entry where he speaks of his doubts of the existence of anyone in the village, the hills are crisp as if never walked on before. no paths or trails just hills of untainted ground, and still miles away the village lies, and in turning around he has made himself almost mortal again so he becomes hungry and thirsty, so fighting it off he continues.
When he arrives at the village he screams Hello. In which a rumble starts and he hears multiple times "Urtada OOo" then villagers start to come out one at a time then lastly a family with one child by the age of 16 appears. No weapons no fear just curiosity. One man steps forward seeming to be but not looking to be any different from the rest but just respected..." Regulamina tropolifis jig se broda?" Excuse me? Elizar says. Then again? Elizar frowns in misunderstanding. The man "Ahhh...(pointing at himself) Valip" then points at Elizar. "oh my name well kind fellow I am Elizar Haelion of AlderMeyer. Valip replies to the crowd El.Ree.Zarrr Hay.Lion Uf Alger. Mayer! in which EL replies Elizar "Elrizar?" Elizar "oh Elirizarrr" HA yes indeed. Asking in gestures the Villages Name. Valip Replies Haven.then they all start to speak and offer him inside but he holds back for a moment and says Valip? I want you to have this.(slowly pulls out his dagger frightening the villagers. But he calms them and gives it to Valip for his hospitality,in which he looks down struck by its beauty and showing it on his face and then realizing the crowd looks at him he catches himself and offers it as a gift to the village in a whole. not as a personal gift. which will come into play later. The crowd desipates except for the boy who comes up to him and introduces himself as Altod. Then they walk off Altod pulling him by the sleave.
The next scene is a gaining of Knowledge, the boy gains knowledge of Elizars existence and language and culture while Altod gives Elizar much information of his language and culture. Starting the scene with the language and then leading Mainly into Altods way of life. days pass and It carries on finding their religious beliefs to be those of Pagans as they say where everything is a God from the ants to the stars to the emotions we feel, down to even actions have a god related to them.. But there is no word for God or Riches Money does not exist, just trades that are agreed upon on both sides., there is no word for punishment, for they in a sense guilt trip the person who has done something wrong by not treating them any different and that they confess and ask forgiveness at the Family Feast which happens on every Full moon. For Time is of no essence or existence. Months days years do not exist, just new moon to full moon, which just so happens to be that night. Elizar follows Altod and he shows him certain people the Wise man who everyone goes to if they have a question saying he is the oldest in the village and He himself the youngest. then showing him Tembo the Leather worker and craftsman. And then Lady Kuvo who is the Flower Charmer they say. She makes the most beautiful flowers by singing to them, charming them in a sense. Elizar is asked by Altod if he can concider him his brother in a sense. For which Elizar accepts and says CRO which is yes in Haven language.
Next the feast. Not fully developed yet what will happen but something he hears makes him decide to leave.. nothing bad or anything for these people live the happiest lives, there is no need for sorrow. But then he rises the crowd for a speech "Grambu" "Grambu" he says asking Altod to interpret for him. Which he agrees then Elizar speaks of the amazement he has been blessed to look upon. And that they are all amazing people but which he must leave, at which Altod looks up in sadness and repeats it to the crowd. Then Valip asks Where will you go. "To the End." And he walks away, the crowd rustles Altod follows. Fighting with him trying to change his mind. "you are my brother" he says. "NOOOO I AM NOT. i am...Elizar of ALdermeyer, and this is not my home. And that he fears if he satys it ill destroy the town because of what he knows happened to the Kloobadi and Rempora. Then He walks away. And Altod Screams Elizar you ar my Brother!!!
Elizar then visits the Wise man whos states his presence has already left it's mark and if he ever returns the village will be destroyed by the time he makes it back. Frightened he leaves immediatley.
On the path towards the mountains he freaks out at himself, What has he done? and How he misses the village already but that he must continue on so he does.
He makes it to his unwanted destination A Cliff that never ends. He Loses it water empty food gone, He questions His God's existence, and starts to believe Altods belief, then questioning Death he excliams. "Bodda Mortis Ca God" (being no other word for God in the Haven language. And then states to his God. Even Death is God. And leaps.
Blackout end Act 1

Act two opens up to Elizar laying a bed and then he awakens, but not to old Haven, but the new and "improved" Haven, With Materialistic objects in full array, gold and silver have become a part of the culture. But even worse Money has come to exist, classes of rich and poor, Nice clothes compared to dirty, jealousy is all that lies ahead. He Goes to Tembo and asks him whats happened, at which tembo replies, what do you mean everything is much better now. But why change when everything was already so perfect? You showed us this Tembo says, you brought this here, and now you just wish to take it away don't you. then he charges off. Next Elizar goes to Lady Kuvo looking alittle bit different older grungier. And goes to her, whats happened he says your flowers they are dieing. She says whats the point now? Where is the love that once thrived here? Noone wants to see these flowers anymore, so why should I try? Because it's what you LOVE! He says. Love, where is love? Then he walks off and meets Secova once very good friends with Altods Father fisherman together. And once again he asks whats happened here. And hears the reply once again...You Brought this here the poor rich words that didn't even exist before in our language and yet you've managed to change everything with your presence. Where is Valip? Oh Valip well your little GIFT you gave him made him quite headstrong and he has self Proclaimed himself King, another word that doesn't exist. He hides himself away now in his castle of gold and silver. ELizar then replies I will fix this I promise you. Oh yes Im sure Secova exclaims. Arrives at Valips castle, Valip! Whats happened? Oh Elizar so long it's been, how was your journey? Have you come to stay for good? Elizar replies. No what have you done to your village. Your people they are starving, poor. Well yes true but they haven't earned their money, to live. You know this concept don't you you brought it here did you not? No I didn't I believed that you were all the most perfect people I've ever seen. But now? What NOW? Have you come back to join us or try and change the inevitable, for if you are here to change it I can assure you... It will not happen. But VAlip you must change it back or else your people will die if not by sickness then by their own hands, brothers will fight and kill, families will rise up against each other, and YOU! Is that all that you have to say...Hmmm? If so then here take this dagger with you as you leave and never return. No Valip you can't. TAKE IT he yells. No you don't want it? then he pushes him out the door forcfully and the town gathers to watch as he is banished by Valip. Elizar then tries to tell the people they have to change back to their old ways, that this is not the right way. Valip then kicks him to the ground, and says if anyone has any words regarding Elizar speak it now, A silence is heard, and then Secova steps forward and tries to speak to the village and tell them that Elizar is right and that we must change, then from behind Valip comes up and stabs Secova with Elizars Dagger. Anyone Else? I thought not. Then he throws the dagger at Elizars feet Leave and never return. Then whispers in his ear, if you come back Ill Kill You myself...then Elizar is carried off.
Next he is on the path once again banished by his friends, beating himself up asking why How did I do this? Then in the distance he hears screams, and sees the village burst into flames. Then he runs back. In the blaze Hello!!!! Anybody, Lady Kuvo now very old and decrepid and insane. She speaks of how the last petal has just fallen, and Happiness in Haven in never more, Where is the beauty now? In the blood spilt all over Haven. Then he asks where Altod is? Probably dead she says just as I die now with my flowers. Then she dies with the last petal to hit the ground. Then in tears Elizar in search of Valip Find him in his mansion locked away. Banging on the door. VALIP!!! OPEN YOUR GATES. Oh but why Elizar? Very well come join me for these lasts moments of existence he says. What have you done you fool, Valip your people are dieing as you sit here and feast and drink and gloat on your wealth. Yes well the poor didn't like the new way of life, and they revolted against the rich and the rich fearful of losing their riches fought back and lets just say it was a quite a massacre. And you did nothing to help them? Elizar asks. Well what was I supposed to do, I was hated the most I would have been killed quickly, and so i fled to protect myself. What happens now? Well what is there to do, you brought this here you know, and I sit while I watch my Village and Home burn and Balst into Bloody Flames. What can we do to fix it? HA nothing, it's TOO LATE. You HEAR ME ELIZAR...AHHhhhh then he charges elizar tackling him in turn being stabbed by Elizars dagger by Elizars hand accidentally. Valip then says Look what you have done, this is the last night to ever fall upon Haven. Then he dies.
Next Elizar is on the hunt for Altod. And he finds him whimpering alone. Altod? Get away from me he screams. Altod its Elizar where is your family. My Family laughing hysterically in tears. Why they are inside, dead lieing in a pool of blood spilt by those we once called friends family even. And you you did this. You've ruined my life. At hich Elizar replies... im sorry Altod I never meant for this to happen, you are my brother come with me. Your NOT MY BROTHER, Leave me. No Altod I will not not again. Come with me. Finally Altod agrees and they escape the inferno, and arrive at the cliffs. Altod freaks out asking why have you brought us here to die like the rest... No Elzar says, to give you a new life. Do you trust me...Brother? Cro Altod says. Bolla Mortis ca God they both say, then jump. The ending sequence is the frame with both in front, and the burning Haven in the distance, With Elizars ending quote, not fully developed yet. Then the crowd gathers in shock and aww of his Masterpiece...

Black out- THE END
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