Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1627176-Who-is-stealing-our-early-years
Rated: 13+ · Article · Cultural · #1627176
My ideas on why we, "grow up so fast" and how this is capatilized on.
What have we done to our early and golden years? We are bombarded every damned day with the idea that we all need to be 20 something. And usually consuming some sort of Pepsi product. But has anyone else noticed this? Our children are whored off as sex symbols. Take Brittany Spears for example. Don't get me wrong I wish all the worst in the world for her. A truck running over her cancer wracked herpes infested body isn't good enough. The sweet irony is if the truck was filled with CD's of an actual musical talent. But I digress, that poor little ho bag might have turned out a little less white trash gime gime if she had just been allowed to be a child for a while longer. We catapult our children into the 20somethings with what they wear, the movies they watch, the hobbies and the bad habits we allow. By the time our youth is 10 it is obsesed with the latest make up and fashion that shows off..what? Their budding sexuality? Are you parents out there understanding this? Let your child be a child. Let little Bobby get a bike and some G.I. Joes. Let little Sussy play with jacks and jump ropes. So now we have your little 11 year old clamoring to grow up, going to the Salon to get attention from little bobbie while little Bobbie is learning to Lie to little Sussie from the insincere Backstreet boys and R. Kelly or whatever the hell they listen to these days. so once we've reached our 20somethings now what? We immediatly start to clamour for our, "lost youth". Old people drink Pepsi and start doing back flips. Balding men buy the new Penis mobile that goes vroom so he can impress the chosen few who just happen to be 20 at the time. Your mom/wife/still damned attractive friend or whatever starts to get face lifts so she can look the way she did 10 years ago. The mainstream media makes us rush to the point that only flashes by for a moment. you can't enjoy your childhood because you need to grow up and start geting sex appeal. And you can't enjoy your 30-60's beacuse you need to clamour for that latest diet soda that, "captures the youth of the nation". What the hell is wrong with us?
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