Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1627004-All-For-Kat
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1627004
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The stairs creaked, the walls only being lined with a quilt. It was hard to see, when the only light was coming from a small gleam of a candle. “Hey.” Kat whispered, “hurry up.” Sarah bit her tongue, worried about getting caught. A scent of wet wood came drafting up from the bottom of the steps. Sarah Schuster breathed in the scent, the wood, the fire, and Kat behind her. She could sense her, a shiver went through her spin. Kat placed a hand on Sarah’s shoulder, “come here,” she spoke in a husky voice. The spark of a cigarette lit through the air, the smoke etched across Sarah Schuster’s nose. “Where are we going?” she whispered, clutching onto Kat. She exhaled a breathe of smoke, “You’ll see,” she murmured. She gave a push on Sarah’s shoulders, she toppled down the stairs, landing on the cold tile floor.

She woke up, again on the cold tile in the bathroom. Her hands were stained with red stitches from the sharp edge. Footsteps echoed through the walls. Kat tiptoed into the room, nodding towards the sharp edge. “Can I borrow?” she nodded towards the white powder in her hands. Sarah sighed, and nodded. She handed over the edge. Kat took it with two fingers, and make a quick nick in her upper thigh, flinching a bit, she reached for the powder, and sprinkled it into the red ooze. She closed her eyes, and leaned back. Sarah bit her lip, her eyes glittering with worry. The sun streamed through the bathroom blinds, highlighting the white powder seeping into Kat’s blood stream. A small cry escaped as the powder coated itself into her system. Sarah pulled a blanket around her own red marks. Kat looked over. “You’re turn.” Kat said, giving a smirk. Sarah winced in her head, nodding, and reaching for a handful of white powder she gasped slightly as the white powder descended into the red.

Musical vibrations drifted its way through the wooden floor. Sarah closed her eyes, allowing the ambiance to envelop her. The bass rung in her ears, creating a wall between her thoughts and the words Kat formed with her lips. She felt a ram on her shoulder. Kat’s fingers curled into a fist, and pushed Sarah’s shoulder forward. Sarah opened her eyes, her blue eyes weak and watery as she looked up. “What?” She muttered. Kat took a sip from the beer she held in her right hand. “I want to leave.” She said in a rigid tone. Sarah bit her tongue, drawing blood. She licked the red liquid off her lips and spoke, “I want to stay here a bit longer.” She spoke quietly. Kat’s lips parted and closed. She stared intently at Sarah Schuster. “What did you say?” She asked, intently. Sarah closed her eyes, allowing herself to fall into the vibrations. “I want to stay and listen to the music for awhile.” The words hadn’t hung in the air for more then a second before a sharp impact was felt on Sarah’s head. Sticky liquid and glass pieces were felt cascading down Sarah’s hairline. She tried to cry out in pain, but no noise could be created. A few people turned to face her. She recognized no one. Kat had disappeared. She clutched the crown of her head, a mixture of red and sticky brown coated her hand. She stumbled into the bathroom. A woman with spiky pink hair washed her hands. Sarah leaned against the wall, waiting, her hand still clutched to her head. The woman turned around. “What happened?” Sarah shrugged. “Clumsy I guess.” She said. The woman raised an eyebrow. “Right, well. I’m Kristen. I run a clinic for abused women. If you’re ever “clumsy” again,” she said, placing a soft hand on Sarah’s shoulder.

Abuse? Is that what this was? Sarah rubbed her eyes, smudging the black eyeliner down her checks. She unlocked the door to her apartment, and walked towards the computer. Once the screen blinked on, she google searched “abuse.” Images of battered woman showed up, being pushed around by scuzzy men. Kat wasn’t a man. Sarah Schuster rubbed at her eye again, she traced a line of black eyeliner down her check again. Swearing, she shut down her labtop, and pushed herself out of the chair.

The bed squeaked as Sarah rolled over. She couldn’t sleep. Checking the clock, the red numbers gleamed, reading three am. Covering her head in a quilted blanket, she tried to sleep again. Her thoughts juggled in her head, her heart beat speeding too fast for resting. The phone rang, shaking the covers, and alarming Sarah. Her fingers reached for the phone. “Hello?” She murmured. Kat’s voice came booming through the phone. “I need you. Now.” She said, her voice sounding shakey. Sarah stood up, pulling her boots on, and grabbing her car keys. “Ok ok. I’m on my way. Just, stay calm. I’m coming.” Sarah said into the phone. She hung up, and padded out to her car. Fear covered her, she didn’t want to imagine what danger Kat was in. She shouldn’t have left her alone with all the white powder.

With a single bag of white powder, and a small cut too deep, Kat was gone.

Sarah Schuster tip toed across the wooden floor in Kat’s house. The typical scent of honey smelling candales and a thick scent of Kat’s perfume, the scent was gone. She bit her lip, the pale, fleshy pink skin had groves in it from the bite marks she created. She looked down at Kat’s body. Her ususal pale skin was grey-like, and her blue viens were clearly visable. A small trail of white powder came seeping from the red cut. Sarah gently placed a hand on the cut. She sat down next to Kat’s body. She had hated her, she had loved her, Kat had made Sarah feel alive. Now, she was dead. Sarah felt herself die slowly inside. The window on the left side of the room was open a crack. A small brezze entered from the opening. It surronded Sarah. She sighed, breathing in the spring air. A small sense of freedom ran through her veins. The feeling tinged, in a different, better way then the white powder ever tinged inside her. She closed her eyes, leaning her head up to feel more of the air. Stretching her hands towards the window, she felt a final sense of life. Kat was gone, the presence she had in Sarah’s life was gone. The abuse, if that was what it was, was gone. Sarah looked down at her left palm, noticing she was digging into her flesh with her nails. She released her hand, a small trail of blood came loose. The old blood, full of Kat and the white powder. Sarah allowed the blood to train until she felt weak. Looking up towards the sun that was coming from the window, she knew she was free of Kat.
© Copyright 2009 j_schecter (j_schecter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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