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Role Models for Stages of Change, About Addiction
Mark was using alcohol to help him over come his feelings of self worth. He drank at parties and social gatherings. When he would go out with friends, he drank before he arrived at the social club or bar. When it was time to go home, Mark had to have another drink. Alcohol was no longer doing it for him, and he found himself using other drugs. One day after leaving his friends house, he drove home and got into an accident, although," it wasn't his fault", he was arrested for DUI. Marks friends and family tried to tell Mark about his problem, but He wasn't hearing it, according to Mark he didn't have one.
Mark is in the Pre- Contemplation stage, during this time Mark does not see any reason to change. He blames his family and friends for his misfortunes.

Casey loves to socialize, however he enjoys drugs and alcohol occasionally, he gets into trouble now and again, but nothing serious. He knows that alcohol and drugs play an important part in his decision making," if only he'd stop things can get better"
Casey is in The Stage of Contemplation, he admits he has a problem and he acknowledges that if he would stop, his life would get better.

Meri has been using alcohol and drugs since she was fourteen, it made her feel better about her life, she always felt down and depressed because of self esteem. Meri would drink and have unprotected sex with other men. The next day she would drink to forget about what she had done the night before. She was tested for HIV and her results were negative, she reached out to a co worker, and explained that her life was a mess, and needed help.Her friend gave her the name and of a treatment center, in which she set a time and date to meet with a counselor.
Meri is in the Action Stage she is taking steps to do something about her addiction. she admitted she had a problem to her friend and realized her life needed Change.

Bob has been in recovery for eight years, he went into treatment after a failed marriage and loss of friends and work. Bob didn't listen to anyone until he was at his bottom. One day he was feeling triggers and stopped attending meetings, His life was not getting any better, he thought alcohol was the solution. Although he had been sober for eight years, Bob went and drank at the local bar. The next day he was so upset, he started drinking again. It was this behavior thet led Bob in Relapse.
Bob had to go back and figure out what went wrong, he understood that alcohol was not the answer. he started attending support groups again, and has been sober for fifteen months, Bob is now in the Stage called Maintenance.
There is one more Stage called Preparation, one must prepare for his recovery, understanding you have a problem, is the first and most important step in recovery.
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