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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Ghost · #1626797
A story of spirits fighting with one another to help protect the real world.
It was a dark night in late October, when 17 year old Emilie got up from her bed and looked out her window to try to find what had made the noise she had heard. It was a low quiet noise that seemed to be a voice, but almost inaudible to her. Emilie just figured that it was the wind or a tree against the barn outside, or something such as that. She looked out her window, and was awed by the gentle, silvery, light of the moon still shining against the lake just under her second story, bedroom window.
         Emilie could see nothing, so she decided to go downstairs to see if maybe one of her family members had stirred, and was moving through the house. She walked all through the house, from the kitchen, to the living, even into her parents’ and brother’s rooms, but everyone seemed to be peacefully dreaming in their own little worlds. At this, Emilie just seemed to be getting frustrated. She knew that she had heard something, but she just couldn’t figure out exactly what.
         “Maybe I was just hearing things,” she whispered to herself, still thinking of what else it could have been. “Well, I’m already up, so now what?”  Emilie was the kind of person who, if she could manage to sleep much at all, once she was up, she was up for good. Many times, her parents would wake to find her scrubbing countertops or some other odd job around the house. Several times, she even got up and made breakfast for the family.
         This time, Emilie didn’t feel like being trapped inside of the house. It was nearly five in the morning, and she decided to go feed the horses, as a chance to keep her father from having to do so later. She quietly walked back up the steps to her room so that she could get dressed. As she reached the top of the stairs, she stopped to look back, as she thought she heard something at the bottom. Seeing nothing, she turned her attention back to her room, and almost screamed when she looked and saw what had appeared to be a shadow standing in her doorway. They shadow disappeared almost as fast as it had appeared, but Emilie was sure it was really there, and not just her imagination.
         Quickly, Emilie put clothes and a pair of shoes on, and headed for the barn, trying not to think of what had happened outside of her room. She got to the barn, opened the doors, and let a breath out that she had not realized she was holding. I suppose that scared me a bit more than I realized. She thought, silently, to herself.
Emilie went about checking on the horses, feeding and watering them, brushing a few of them, even walking a few of them around the barn. Her most favorite horse was called Star, because she was all black, except for a single patch on her forehead that was almost a star shape. Emilie was given the horse when she was younger, but Star still managed to give it her all when being ridden. Emilie didn’t get Star out of her pen, but instead went in with her. There she stood watching her horse simply stare back at her. Emilie reached out and patted the horse’s nose, and whispered gently, “You’re such a pretty girl, Star.”
After finishing in the barn, it was around 7:00, and she could hear the slight bustle of the house, telling her that her family was up, and someone was making breakfast. Emilie opened the barn doors up again, closed them, and turned to head for the house. Her heart sank immediately as the dark shadow dissipated from in front of her again. She took a deep breath, let it out, and started her journey for the house again, at a faster pace than would have been necessary, had it not been for the fact that, that in her own heart, the shadow had scared her. Emilie’s head was telling her it was nothing, you’re just freaking yourself out, but she just couldn’t convince her heart of that.
She walked into the house to see that her father was making French toast. “Hey what were you up to already this morning?” he mumbled as she walked in the door.
“Hmm… Oh, nothing much just taking care of the horses for you. I couldn’t sleep. Do you believe in ghosts?” she blurted, and then froze, and she realized just what she had said.
“Well, I don’t know, I mean, why?”
“No reason, really, I’m not even sure why I said that,” she tried to cover.
He gave her an odd look of suspicion, but looked as if he, himself, were too tired to push the issue. Her father simply shook his head and continued on with his toast. A minute later her mother and older brother, Preston, came into the kitchen. “What about ghosts?” her brother questioned.
“Nothing, don’t even worry about it,” she shot him a glance that, he knew, meant she would talk to him later. Emilie and Preston got along very well, as brother and sister. Most people thought that it was weird, but they were happy that they could go to one another when things went wrong, or just to talk to in general.
After breakfast, Emilie helped her mother clean up the table, and wash the dishes. After wards, Emilie went to her room, to find something to get into. She shut the door, and sat on her bed looking through her music. Emilie had lots of music. She loved all sorts of it, and almost felt that without it she would not be the person she was. She looked up from her music because she thought she heard something, and froze instantly. There was a shadow standing in front of her, but, but it wasn’t like the dark one from earlier that morning. She could feel that. Emilie was so capture by the mass of white light that she couldn’t look away. It was then, that it started to communicate with her.
“Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you,” it said. “I am here to help you.”
“Who are you, and help me from what?” Emilie questioned. About that time, the mass came together to form an unmistakable thing. It became human, or looked like one at least. He was tall, with dark hair and eyes that were a deep amber color. He had high cheek bones, and slight dark patterns under his eyes that made him look gorgeous and mysterious all at the same time.
“My name is Keller, and I am here to help you from my sister, Erica. I believe you have already run into her today,” he said in a husky tone that seemed to draw Emilie closer to him, without her trying to. 
Then it clicked in her head. The one from this morning. The dark shadow, that was his sister.
  Yes, that would be her. A voice said from inside her head. His voice, but he never said a word. Please don’t look at me like that. You’re going to tell me I’m crazy anyway. It doesn’t need to be said just because we can talk through our thoughts, too.
“Okay, that’s just insane,” Emilie said out loud.
He gave her a smirk like smile and began telling her about the history of Halloween. “My people, the spirit people, used to think that Halloween was brought about to let the good spirits out once a year to mingle within the human kind. We had to keep ourselves hidden so we would not give anything away, but we could still mingle,” he explained. “We have now come to find that these bad spirits come back to this world, along with us, but they do it for another reason. The bad spirits want to come back to earth to find someone they can get rid of. Kick them out of their body, so they can use it for themselves, and when Halloween is over, the human’s spirit will be sent back to the spirit world, and the evil spirit will keep the body. But the bodies only last a year, so they need to get a new one, or they go back to the spirit world. ”
“Wait, wait, wait a minute,” Emilie stopped him. “Why are you telling me all of this again?”
“Because my sister, Erica, wants your body,” he said as if it were obvious. He was about to say something else, but a know came on the door, and Keller disappeared as fast as could be, leaving Emilie there looking stunned at what he had just told her.
“Wow. You look like you just saw a ghost,” Preston laughed. He looked at her and saw how shocked she really looked, and then simply said, “Oh. What’s going on, Emilie?”
Don’t tell him anything about what I said!  A voice in her head commanded.
But I have to. He’s my brother, and I tell him everything. She whimpered silently.
“Emilie? Are you going to answer me or not?” Preston looked very worried for his sister now.
Fine, but you have to let me explain, or he’ll never get it.
What? Do you think I’d really mess it up explaining that bad? She sounded shocked.
“Yes,” Keller said allowed as he simply reappeared in Emilie’s room.
Preston simply looked like someone had just slapped him across the face, and he did know it until five minutes later. They took the next few minutes explaining what was going on to Preston, and by the time they were finished, even he could understand the danger Emilie was in.
“So what do we do to stop your sister?” Preston almost whispered, afraid someone would hear him.
“I honestly don’t know. I haven’t managed to figure that part out yet,” answered Keller.
“What do you mean you don’t know? She’s YOUR sister!” he practically yelled.
“I mean, I don’t know what we are going to do. I guess just protect Emilie until midnight on Halloween night, that’s what, two nights away? Then we just have to make sure that nothing gets messed up, as far as the spirits and stuff. I really hope this isn’t going to affect your sister too much,” Keller said as if he didn’t realize Emilie was still in the room.
Emilie made a sound like she was clearing her throat, “I’m right here people, talk TO me.”
I’m trying, but I don’t know exactly what to say with your brother around. Keller whispered to her mind
“Ew! Not like that. It’s so weird. And just say whatever. Preston needs to hear everything too,” Emilie winced.   
  A loud laugh, that was all real, went through Emilie’s brain, and she knew how hard Keller was laughing at her, now, but Preston, on the other side of the room, heard none of it.
The three teenagers talked the rest of the day about how they were just going to go on like normal, but with more thoughtful moves, at least until after Halloween. The boys set up times that they would each take turns watching over Emilie. They also made her promise that she would not go anywhere without at least one of them. She made this promise to them, figuring that she wouldn’t be able to stop it anyway, because by this point, Keller was embedded in her brain now, and would be following her everywhere, whether she liked it or not. This thought, she fought to keep to herself, unlike many that had went straight from her head to Keller’s, without her even knowing so, until he laughed or questioned about it.
That night, Emilie was lying on her bed, listening to music play from her radio, when she heard a soft lullaby sound going through her head, and then suddenly it was right next to her on the bed. Emilie blinked and there sat Keller, still humming softly.
“That’s gorgeous, Keller,” she said quite impressed at his talented voice.
He stopped singing ad rolled himself up on one elbow to look down at Emilie, “Well, thank you. My mother used to sing it to Erica and me when we were little.” Keller’s eyes suddenly made a change that made him look so far away, and she couldn’t help but wonder where he was, or who he was thinking about. When he came back, he smiled a sad smile, that didn’t touch his eyes.
“What’s wrong? I didn’t do something, did I?” Emilie said.
“No, of course not, I was just thinking about some things.”
“Like what?” she questioned. When he simply gave her a look that said I shouldn’t say anything, I know I shouldn’t, she asked again, “Please tell me.”
He sighed a very quiet sound, and then whispered, “The spirit world watches over humans. We are kind of like your guardian angels, in a way. I was just thinking about when you were younger and you broke your ankle. I wanted, so much, to run down and help you-“
“Wait, you saw that?”
“Of course I did. Everyone is assigned a spirit when they are born. That spirit watches over them for most of their life. But we can only interfere if it’s something major, like right now, with my sister. Anyway, I had watched you grow up, and I can’t help but grow attached to you. My problem is that I can’t because it’s just impossible. I don’t know what to do about it, but I don’t want to give you up…”
He was babbling and Emilie knew it. She also knew what about he was babbling. He was so close that it didn’t take much. She had to stop him from talking like this, because she could see it was actually hurting him. She could see the pools of liquid starting to seep from the corners of his eyes. She simply leaned up and kissed him, and before she knew it, he was kissing her back. No rough, just very gently.
We shouldn’t be doing this. We really shouldn’t. It’s forbidden. I can’t get you in this. Keller said gently, but not pulling away at all. 
I don’t care. Does anyone really need to know? What could it hurt? She pleaded. 
They stayed like that for a while, only talking through their telepathic link, and then broke away.
“I have to go, take care of some things,” Keller said as he hurried out of the room in the special way he did, and only he knew that he wasn’t going anywhere, but he just needed to get himself out of that situation with Emilie.
That night, Emilie slept peacefully all night long, knowing that she was more than protected with Keller around. 
The next day was simple and easy. Emilie helped her parents decorate around the house for Halloween with Preston by her side, and Keller in her head. He didn’t say much except a few murmurs throughout the day, but she knew he was there, because she always felt at peace with things that would normally get her agitated, and she knew he was there when half way through the day; he started humming the lullaby in her head again. Emilie, herself, was starting to hum it when Preston whispered to her, “Are you okay?”
She stopped humming, “Yes, I’m fine, why?”
“I just wondered. You looked kind of, distant.”
“Yea, I guess I kind of am. Oh well, it’s nothing, really.”
That night, before going to bed, Emilie, Preston, and Keller all talked about what would happen the next day: Halloween. “Erica will be trying all day to get as close to you as possible, Emilie. You need to stay away from her, and be sure to stick near us,” Keller said motioning to himself and Preston.
“I got it. Don’t worry; I’ll be careful, I promise.”
  After Preston left, Keller looked Emilie straight in the eyes, and said, “I’m sorry about last night. It was so weird, and I don’t know what happened. I will say one thing, though. I liked it. I left you for a few minutes, while you were with Preston today, to tell the Elders that after I helped you I was, in a sense, turning in my wings. I told them I wanted to become mortal again. They agreed to let me do this, as long as I don’t tell everyone about the spirit world.”
“You would do that for me?” Emilie asked, wetness pooling in her eyes.
“I would do anything for you Emilie.”
And they were kissing again, but not as long, because Keller felt that Emilie was very tired and worn out from the day, and he knew that she may very well need her energy for tomorrow. So he pulled back and whispered, “I love you and goodnight,” in Emilie’s ear as she fell asleep, then continued watching her, as he started his lullaby again.
Halloween morning, Emilie woke to a startling crash of books flying off of her shelf in her closet.
Oh great, she’s already awake. Keller said silently to Emilie as he formed himself into human form.
“Well, of course I’m awake, dear brother,” said a sultry sounding voice that was coming out from Emilie’s closet. She appeared, first as the dark shadow Emilie had seen two days ago, the form into a human herself. She was absolutely beautiful. She looked much like Keller with his same dark hair, but hears fell around her face, and over her shoulders in small waves, and her eyes were a deep, vibrant, blue color.
“Hello Erica. Long time, no see,” Keller seemed to taunt.
Erica let a long hard laugh go, “Well, well, I see you haven’t changed much. Except maybe, no I think you’re about the same. Are you ready to lose again?”
“Now you see? That’s where you’re wrong, Erica. I was smarter this time. SHE is smarter, I know that,” Keller was promising.
Their talk had confused Emilie, and Erica caught that. “What? Didn’t he tell you that his last human lost to me? I got her body, and gradually, conformed it to look like this. When I’m done with yours it will look absolutely perfect, I do believe,” she laughed again.
At that moment, the door came open, and in came Preston. Erica took that as her moment to go. “What’s going on in here?” he asked startled.
“Erica already has some sort of plan formed-“
“What was she talking about, Keller?” Emilie cut in. “About you and you said you were smarter, and so was I?”
“I can’t tell you that, Emilie. Trust me, if I could I would, but I’m just not allowed. I have to pray that you will figure it out, if you even need it at all,” he shook his head, sounding as if he were trying to convince himself more than Emilie.
Most of the day went by easily. Only a few quick encounters with Erica, but she didn’t really do much, so no one was really worried. Around 11:00 that night, though, the three teens were in Emilie’s bedroom talking and Erica showed up. “I was wondering when you were getting here. I was beginning to think, you were actually going to just leave, I mean that body does still looks perfectly fine,” mumbled Keller.
“No, now why on earth would I come here, just to go back up there again?” She said pointing to the ceiling. Then, she went on to start throwing punches at the boys. “A bit weak aren’t you?” she said questioning both Keller and Preston, who were continuing to try to fight her off.  She threw a punch to the right and both boys moved that direction to get out of the way, moving directly in front of the door without them even knowing it. Erica had them where she wanted them. “Okay, I give up,” she choked.
“Yes, because I completely believe that. You still have 15 minutes to win this thing, and if I know you, which I do, you will stop at nothing to stay here.”
Erica began to laugh a loud, victorious laugh, and then she slammed the door in their faces, and locked it behind her, while turning to face Emilie, sitting on the bed, looking scared to death.
All that Preston and Keller could hear from outside the door were loud crashes and things falling, and every so often, you could hear a sort whimper from Emilie. Sing the lullaby was all Keller kept saying, both out loud and through his mind. He knew it would work, but he had no way of telling that to Emilie. Keller tried all he could to find out was going on by talking to Emilie through her head, but Erica knew about that power. She was good at blocking that power, so it wouldn’t work anymore.
It was 11:55 when Erica got into Emilie’s body, and began laughing with joy. Emilie’s spirit was beginning to float gently upwards, and she began crying. She tried everything she could in to get herself back into her own body, but nothing would work. What will I do now? Keller gave up his powers to be with me, and I can’t even be with him, because I’m going to where he came from. This isn’t right! She thought to herself. I am so sorry Keller, I hope you know that. There is nothing I want more than to be able to be with you forever. I will miss you so much, too, Preston. Tell mom and dad I love them. Then she silently began whispering Keller’s lullaby. She didn’t know why, but she found it comforting. She looked down and saw that the clock said it was 11:58, and suddenly, she was floating back down. Emilie began singing louder. The louder she sang the faster she went. Emilie and Erica both began to realize this as Emilie came down, and Erica was coming out of Emilie’s body.
12:00 came on the clock and Emilie had just made it to her body, and Erica was gone. Emilie went to the door, and listened. She could hear Preston and Keller talking.
“What lullaby? Why does that matter?” Preston was asking.
“It’s a lullaby that was created many millions of years ago, and it is what can stop and reverse the changing of bodies, between spirits, but not many people know it. I tried everything to get it to stick into Emilie’s head, but I guess it didn’t work as planned.”
The door opened and both boys looked up at Emilie with what looked like hatred. Then, Keller noticed the one thing that doesn’t change between changing bodies. A person’s eye color never changes no matter what color the eyes were in the person before. These Eyes were not blue; they were a simple hazelnut brown color. Keller jumped up as soon as he noticed and gave Emilie a huge hug.
“You did figure it out,” He said almost smothering her.
“Well, no. I just kind of started singing the lullaby because I liked it so much, and I wanted to hear it. Then I realized that it made me go back, and it got rid of Erica, so, I sang louder,” Emilie giggled, then grabbed a hold of Keller and her brother at the same time and swore to never let go of them ever again.               
© Copyright 2009 Caitlin (caitlin444 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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