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Rated: E · Script/Play · Action/Adventure · #1626607
The true story of the romance between Nathaniel and Rebecca - part two

Rupert and Nathaniel are hurrying excitedly through the forest, breaking through brush and climbing over logs, etc. Rupert sets a quick pace and Nathaniel follows as best he can.

         What a stroke of luck running into them so quickly! I was afraid we’d have to start a fire or something.

         Yes. Can you remember all the rules of initiation? I tried to keep up, but he was talking so quickly and there was so much to remember.

         No. But I don’t think it matters too much, as long as we bring something really good.

         I suppose you’re right.

         The main road should be up ahead somewhere. Once we hit that we can take it to the closest city.

         City? Why a city?

         Well, cities are big, aren’t they? There’s bound to be someone in a city with something of great value.

         Do you really think it’ll be that easy? I mean, I’m good at sneaking around, but to pull off a job at a castle or something would be quite impossible, I should think.

         Not impossible! Besides, the harder the task, the more the glory!

         Assuming one is successful.

         Yes, well, but you an’ me, we’re a great team! I’d say there’s nothing we can’t do!

         All the same…

They reach a main road and jump out into the middle of it. FATHER CARNEY is traveling down the road towards them. He hails them.

         Good day to you, sirs. Where are you headed?

         We’re not sure yet, your holiness. Where does this road lead?

         In one mile you would reach Sneinton, in three, Nottingham.

         (to Rupert)
         Three miles to Nottingham!

         (to Carney)
         Looks like we’re going to Nottingham!


         Well then, care to accompany me?

         We should be happy to, you fatherness. My name is Rupert, and my shy companion refers to himself as Nathaniel. What his real name is I don’t know.

Nathaniel rolls his eyes.

         And I am Father Carney.

They begin walking.

         When we reach Sneinton, there is a nice inn where we can stop and rest.

         Sounds lovely.

                             FADE TO:


Grapp and the convoy arrive at the inn and disembark. Attendants run up and begin tending to the horses while two of the soldiers follow Grapp inside, the last one sitting by the cart.

                   CUT TO:


Grapp and the soldiers walk inside and sit down at a table. A young woman comes to wait on them.

         Just get us some water, m’dear.

                   SOLDIER 1
         Just water? Nothing stronger?

         Just water.

The girl nods and leaves. Grapp stretches out his legs beneath the table.

         Ah! Well, that’s the word of the journey over with. Now just two more miles to Nottingham.

                   SOLDIER 1
         Yeah, through Sherwood. I’m surprised we haven’t gotten mugged already!

         Shut your mouth! I won’t have that kind of talk.

Rupert and Nathaniel walk into the inn and sit down near the soldiers.

                   SOLDIER 1
         Seems to me that Robin Hood would have great interest in our passage through his territory.

         Well, good thing he doesn’t know or for sure we’d be robbed.

Rupert’s attention is turned to Grapp and his men.

         (in a whisper to Nathaniel)
         Did you hear that? Why would Robin Hood want to rob them? They must have something of great value on them!

         (in a whisper to Rupert)
         We can’t steal from them! Look at them, they’re soldiers!

Rupert shushes him and turns his ear back to Grapp.

                   SOLDIER 1
         I know I’d take it. I mean, if I was an outlaw. Who wouldn’t?

         You wanna get in trouble? Shut your mouth!

                   SOLDIER 2
         Quite frankly, we’ve made this trip so many times I’m beginning to be quite attached to our…
         (looks at Grapp)

The two soldiers laugh.

         We’re taking that ‘cargo’ to Nottingham and you are to be completely un-involved. We’ve got to deliver that precious gem right to Lady Grantleigh without any complications – complications being you.

Rupert grabs Nathaniel’s sleeve in excitement.

         (in a whisper to Nathaniel)
         Did you hear that? Did you hear that? A gem! Nottingham! It’s perfect! C’mon!

Rupert stands up and pulls Nathaniel out of the inn.

                             CUT TO:


In their hurry to get out of the inn, Rupert and Nathaniel run straight into Father Carney.

         Refreshed so quickly? Are you ready to be on our way so fast?

Rupert gets flustered, trying to think of an excuse.

         Father, we have decided that this inn is not suitable for our souls.

         That’s right! It’s very…uh…debaucher-ous…

         Really? That is very strange. I have always before found it to be a most tame place. How very strange.

         This is all as true as it is strange; Nay, it is ten times true, for truth is truth to the end of reckoning.

         That’s quite good.

         Where’d you get that from?

         I don’t know, actually.

         Anyway, dear fatherilessness, we really should be on our way. I would very much like to reach Nottingham in an hour.

         There’s very little chance of that, I’m afraid, with the fogs and winding roads. But we may make haste if you wish to.

         We do wish it, we do.

Rupert pushes him along, Nathaniel following closely, back into Sherwood Forest. After they’ve gone a little distance, Nathaniel comes up close to Rupert.

         (in a loud whisper)
         Why are we hurrying so much?

Father Carney hears but doesn’t respond.

         (in a loud whisper)
         So we can set up an ambush for those soldiers.

         But what about Father Carney? What do we tell him?

         We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

         We have come to it!

         What do you mean?

         We can’t go all the way to Nottingham if we want to ambush them, we’ll have to stop somewhere along the way. So what do we tell him?

         Perhaps the truth.

         Oh, dear holiness, we were only saying how sorry we were, but that we have to part sooner than we anticipated.

         Well, it is no concern of mine. I only wish you well, fellow travelers. I hope to see you again someday.

         Thank you very much, Father Carney.

         Yes, thanks awfully.

         Just know this, our order of brothers will always be a safe haven for you, should you need it. Ask at the gate for me, and I shall welcome you with open arms.

         We do appreciate your kindness.

         My dear Nathaniel. Do take care of yourself, and your friend.

         We will, we will. Fare you well.


         Farewell, good father.

Nathaniel and Rupert wait as Father Carney turns and slowly walks on down the road and soon disappears around a bend.

         I do hope he gets to Nottingham safely.

         Oh, come on. We were slowing him down. He’s glad to be rid of us I should think.

         He’s a good man. We shouldn’t have blown him off so quickly. He might have been useful.

         Useful? He’s a friar!

         But he’s not as stupid as you think he is. He probably already knows what we’re up to.
         He’s a good man.

         All right, all right! Let’s get on with setting up this ambush.

They begin looking around the road and at the trees.

                             CUT TO:


Grapp, the soldiers, and the carriage are making their way through the forest. Grapp is keeping a wary eye on everything. The soldiers are acting very bored, continually pointing at things and laughing, like children. Suddenly, they come upon Nathaniel, who is standing in the center of the road. They stop before him.

         Who are you, stranger? Answer quick, I have a long way to go still today.

Nathaniel doesn’t appear to have heard, though his head is slightly cocked, as if he was listening. From a tree nearby, a whistle comes floating to their ears. Nathaniel then turns to Grapp.

         I’m sorry, did you say something?

         Yes, I bloody well did! Who are you, and why are you blocking my way?

         Oh, I beg your pardon, have I not introduced myself?

         No, you have not!

         I am Robin Hood.

The soldiers start and begin to shift in their saddles nervously.

         Robin Hood?
         Yes, I suppose you’ve heard of me?

         Yes, I have. I’ve also heard that you wear Lincoln green and are in love with Maid Marion Fitzwalter.

         (in mock seriousness)
         I’ve also heard that. But you know how tongues wag.

         So what do you want?

         What does Robin Hood usually want?

         I don’t believe you are Robin Hood! Where are all your ‘Merry Men’?

Nathaniel whistles again, then stands waiting. A bush to the right of the soldiers rustles, scaring them silly. Another whistle from the tree is heard, and more bushes rustle.

         Wanna take a chance?

                   SOLDIER 1
         I don’t.
He nudges Soldier 2 and they turn their horses around and bolt. The third soldier driving the cart jumps off and runs after them, leaving Grapp alone. He draws his sword.

         You won’t get away without a fight!

         I relish a fight.

Grapp jumps off his horse and rushes on Nathaniel. Before he can reach him, a net falls on him from the tree where the whistle was heard, knocking the sword from his hand. Nathaniel lunges forward and grabs the sword while Rupert jumps down from the tree.

         Quick, tie him up!

         Uh, right.

Rupert kneels down and begins tying up Grapp.

         Go look in that carriage thing for the loot.

         You go look in that carriage thing for the loot, I’m busy!

Nathaniel walks over to the cart and throws open the door, revealing an empty space.

         (looking quickly through the cart)
         I don’t see anything. Maybe you should search him.

A branch cracking in the forest catches their attention, and they see Rebecca running away.

         (yelling to Rebecca)
         Run, M’Lady!

         Catch her, Nathaniel!

Nathaniel begins to run after her.

         That’s a strange name to call Robin Hood.

         You shut up!

         Why don’t you get one of your invisible men to catch her?

         If you don’t shut your mouth…

Nathaniel quickly gains on Rebecca, and grabs her arm to stop her. She tries to twist away, but Nathaniel keeps a firm grip; through the struggle he pulls her to the ground to keep her still.

         It’s a girl!

         (rolling his eyes)
         Of course it is! Has she got the jewel?

         That what?

         (to Rebecca)
         Have you got the jewel?

         What jewel?

         (to Rupert)
         She wants to know what jewel!

         The jewel their guarding, idiot!


         (to Rebecca)
         The jewel you’re guarding.

         What jewel we’re guarding?

         (to Rupert)
         What jewel they’re guarding?

         (to Nathaniel)
         The jewel they’re taking to Lacy Grantleigh in Nottingham!

Grapp suddenly realizes their mistake and begins laughing wildly.

         (to Grapp)
         What’s with you?

Grapp can’t reply because of his overwhelming laughter.

         (to Rebecca)
         Are you taking a jewel to Lady Grantleigh in Nottingham?

         No. Lady Grantleigh is my mother, and I’m meeting her in Nottingham.

         Oh no.

         (to Grapp)
         If you don’t tell me what’s so funny, I shall do something desperate and dramatic!

Grapp continues laughing.

         (to Rupert)
         Rupert! We must confer privately, right away!

         (to Nathaniel)
         Right. Bring her over and we’ll talk.

Nathaniel gets up and pulls Rebecca over to where Rupert is kneeling over Grapp.

         Just sit her down here and I’ll tie her hands to his so we can talk.

Nathaniel sets her down beside Grapp and Rupert ties them together. Then they walk a short distance away, keeping eyes on their captives.

         (in low tones)
         I think we’ve made a terrible mistake.

         (in low tones)
         In what way?

         This ‘jewel’ you heard them walking about? Well, I’m pretty sure…
         (indicates Rebecca)
         …it’s her.

         Well, but that’s not a jewel, that’s a girl!


There’s a beat as Rupert takes in the situation.

         You mean…I misunderstood them at the inn?

         That’s what it looks like.

Another beat.

         Oh dear.


         So there’s no jewel?


         That’s wonderful.

         I’m sorry.

         What do we do?

         I don’t know.

Another beat.

         Hey! We could always take her anyway!

         The girl? What for?

         For step one!

         But she’s a girl!


         Is that…ethical?

         Why not? I bet with her we’d get in as quick as all get out! How many people bring in a live person for step one, do you think? I’ll bet you not many.

         I don’t know…Can we leave the old man behind?

         No fear! I’m not taking that old bag anywhere!

         Well…all right.

         Good show! Let’s be off then.

They begin walking back to Grapp and Rebecca.

         You know, Nathaniel, that Robin Hood play was quite successful! No, I mean it! You were marvelous! Have you ever considered the stage? I wouldn’t have believed that was you if I didn’t already know it!

         Well, I suppose it wasn’t all that bad.

         You I think there’s more to you than meets the eye.

         No, there isn’t really.

They stop in front of their two hostages.

         We’ve talked things over.


Rupert kneels and unties Rebecca.

         What were you talking about?

         About you, Miss…Miss…?


         M’Lady! You shouldn’t stoop to even tell them your name!

         I’m all right. Leave me alone. I don’t think I’m the one to be worried about.

         (standing up)
         And there, miss, you are in the right. You…
         (helping Rebecca up)
         …shall come with us. Your charming chaperone, unfortunately, must remain behind.

         I protest!

         Over-ruled! Now be quiet!

         You can’t just leave him! What if no one comes by here for days? He’ll starve to death!

         He’ll be a lot safer than if he comes with us.

         No! I can’t leave him! You don’t understand!

         You’ve got no choice!

Rupert begins pulling her down the road.

         Why don’t we take the horses?

         Wonderful idea!

They begin fixing the horses.

         Wait a minute, why don’t we take the cart?

         Brilliant idea! Quick! Hitch up that horse!

Rupert sits on the driver’s seat with the reigns, while Nathaniel sits inside watching Rebecca. He smiles awkwardly, but she only glares at him.

                             CUT TO:
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