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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Fantasy · #1626524
more from jasper, allele and co.
I wanted to kiss her.
She was so close, and I could feel the heat from her body soaking into me. Her eyes were huge and silver and looking at my lips. Did she want to be kissed? Her lips were very tempting, full and pink, and while I watched, she licked them, moistening them in nervousness, making me want to kiss her all the more.
I felt one of her hands drift up to rest on my arm, and she leaned in, still staring at my lips. She smelled so good, like flowers, roses maybe.
Her hand curled around my arm. She brushed against my bare chest. Tilted her head. Looked at me with those silver eyes, pleading.
I couldn’t help myself.
I bent my head down and brushed my lips against hers, gently, reveling in the softness and the warmth, and the sound of her breathing. I brought my hands to her face, cradling it. Her lips were silky smooth, wonderful to touch, and I instinctively traced the bottom one with just the tip of my tongue. Allele shivered, gripping my bare shoulders with warm hands. I broke the kiss for a second, to look at her face. Her eyes were molten silver, slightly unfocused, her lips moist and slightly parted. Then her eyes refocused, and she stared at me accusingly.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She demanded, bringing my head back down to kiss my smiling lips. My lips moved with hers as she took control, and I realized that SHE was the most experienced kisser…which made sense, seeing as I hadn’t really had much kissing experience.
Allele sighed, pulling away and resting her head on my shoulder. Her hair was sweet smelling, cascading over my chest like a satin waterfall. I wrapped my arms around her, and we both sat for a moment, quiet, contemplating.
“Jasper?” she asked after a while. I cleared my throat noisily.
She gazed up at me, eyes glowing.
“Will you let me help you? Please?”
“No!” I gasped, shaking my head vehemently. “It is WAY too dangerous! What are you thinking?!”
“I’m thinking it’s really strange that you never answered my one question-why don’t you go to your family for help? You said they are very large. Even without your parents-shouldn’t there be somebody?”
I sighed. I’d hoped she’d forget about this. I didn’t want to talk about it.
“No. There isn’t anybody. My little family is the outlaws of the outlaws. The rest of them cut contact with us.”
“Why?” Allele looked bewildered.
“Because of my dad.” I closed my eyes in pain, picturing my dad. Jared had been his spitting image. Tall, dark, brown hair, chocolate eyes. So different from the blond and blue and cream of Claire and my mom and me.
“What about your dad?”
“Well…the thing is…we’re not supposed to marry people of other…clans. Lots of different families are in different groups, and you’re supposed to marry within that group. My dad was from a different clan than ours. He and Mom met and fell in love. They married in secret…but of course it got out. So they were exiled. And so are we. Forever.”
“Oh, Jasper.” Allele whispered. “I’m so sorry. That’s not fair.”
“No.” I agreed shortly. I was sick of thinking about it. I hated that I couldn’t change the life I was forced into. Especially when the reason for it wasn’t my fault. In a way, I hated my parents for that. But I loved them more.
Allele’s voice broke through my thoughts.
“Has any of your people ever married a human like me? A normal one?” Allele gave me a fleeting glance.
“No.” My voice was heavy. “It is forbidden. They don’t know what kind of children that could produce, so they don’t allow it. We’re not even supposed to get close to them…” My voice trailed away. Oh, GOD! That was EXACTLY what I was doing! I had KISSED her! I was holding her in my arms! I had told her secrets, not much, but enough. Oh no no no…what had I DONE?!
“Gah!” I jumped to my feet, knocking Allele onto the ground. I stared wildly down at her hurt, surprised face.
“Jasper?” Her voice trembled. She could probably see the anger and shock in me. “What’s wrong?”
“What have you done to me? I meant to stay away! I can’t be near you! This is against everything! I can’t believe I…kissed you! Oh, god! If anyone finds out about this, I could be killed! Why did you do this to me, Allele? I never meant to care about you, damn it!”
“What!” Allele shot up, looking livid. “How is this MY fault? YOU kissed ME! Remember?”
“I couldn’t help myself! You were just sitting there, looking at me! If you hadn’t LOOKED at me like that…ugh! You made me forget! I swear, Allele, you will be the death of me!”
“Now wait just one minute! Don’t you even dare tell me that you don’t feel the same way I do, because I know you do! Why are you resisting so hard, Jasper? You’re an outlaw! No one talks to you! You don’t SEE anyone! You could probably drop off the face of the planet if you wanted, and NO ONE would come looking for you! So why does it matter that you kissed me-and liked it! No one will ever know! You could probably lead a normal life, if you laid low! I’m positive my parents would take you in. You’d never have to worry about anything again! Don’t you see, Jasper? Don’t you see what you could have?” Allele stood there, LOOKING at me that way again, the way that made me want to melt into a puddle at her feet.
And her words made me think.
In my entire life, I had never, not once, actually spoken to another defender. I had seen them, far off, fighting our enemies, but they had never come looking for me. And neither had the other ones-the evil ones. The only time I had to fight was that once, when they stumbled upon us by accident. And obviously they didn’t know where I was, or they would have come after me and Claire again. Maybe Allele was right. Maybe I could just stay here, forever…
But then I remembered Jared. Someday, maybe I could do what Allele said, but first I had to at least find out if Jared was still alive, and rescue him, or die trying. I had no other choice. That was what I owed Jared.
“No. No,” I said wistfully. “I can’t.”
“Why not?!” Allele looked as if she could see all of her dreams crumbling before her eyes. Regret stabbed painfully, but, Jared…
“Jared. I have to find him. Save him if I can. I HAVE to, Allele” I said, noticing the defiant look on her face. “He’s my brother. He’s everything. He’s taken care of us all this time, and now I have to return the favor.”
Allele was silent for a moment. “Do you even know where he is? Or how well protected he is? And sorry, but how do you know he’s even alive?”
“I don’t. But if there’s even the tiniest little chance he’s alive, I have to find him. And I’m pretty sure I know where he is. When we were attacked, I recognized some of them. They were members of a certain group, one of the biggest. You see, they work the same as us, the defenders, except they use their powers for the worst kind of things. So anyway, I know where they live. They have a permanent home not so very far from here, and I’d bet anything that’s where they took Jared, if they didn’t kill him. The only thing is…he’ll be extremely well protected. Which is the only thing stopping me from going by myself and getting him. I’m going to need help.”
“But what help can you get? I thought you said you were cut off? Who could possibly help you?”
I smiled grimly. I had already considered that.
“Other outlaws, of course. Who else?”
“Other…outlaws? You mean there are more?” Allele looked stunned.
“Yes. Did you think my parents were the only ones that felt what they shouldn’t have? We are human, after all.”
“Oh…okay. Yeah. But still…what makes you think they’ll even want to help you?”
I felt my face harden. “They have been treated just as despicably as us. I’m sure it won’t take much convincing. They are mostly good people. None of us can help who we fall in love with. Just because we’re outlaws doesn’t make us criminals. Anyway, they will sympathize. They will help. All I have to do is find them.”
“And how are you going to do that?” Allele asked, looking skeptical.
“I don’t have a clue,” I admitted, “But-”
“Allele!” A sudden voice cut me off, and we both turned.
A black-haired, green-eyed girl, and a brown-eyed boy with flaming red hair were walking toward us, waving and grinning. My eyes widened. The kids from the picture in her room.
Allele’s friends.

Quinn and Charlie! I blinked in surprise. What were they doing here? I ran up to them, grabbing Jasper’s hand and dragging him with me.
“Hi guys!” I exclaimed, pleased to see them. I let go of Jasper’s hand and threw my arms around their necks. I hadn’t seen them since school had gotten out. I’d missed them.
They laughed and hugged me back. Then I let go and took a step back, grinning. “What are you guys doing here?”
Quinn smiled her familiar crooked smile. “Well, we were just in the neighborhood, and we stopped at your house to see if you wanted to hang out, but your mom said you weren’t in the house and assumed you’d gone to the park. We didn’t know you had someone with you, though.” Her eyes flashed mischievously as she glanced at Jasper. “Or else we wouldn’t have intruded.”
I felt my face grow warm, especially aware of the fact that Jasper still wasn’t wearing a shirt. I tried to keep my eyes off his perfect musculature. “Well, uh, I mean…we were just…” I looked sideways at Jasper. His cream cheeks were flushed with red, but he looked back at me with a smile in his bright eyes.
I heard Charlie’s quiet, rolling laugh, and I turned to see him eyeing me just as mischievously as Quinn.
“So who’s this, Alli? I don’t believe we know him. Does he usually walk around unclothed?”
“Charlie!” I protested in mortification. “Stop! It’s just…eh…Jasper doesn’t really have any clothes of his own right now…or not anymore.” I looked to Jasper for help, while Quinn and Charlie laughed explosively. Jasper smiled sheepishly, running a hand through his long, white blond hair. Then he held out a hand to Charlie.
“Hi. My name’s Jasper. I’m a temporary guest at Allele’s, and my clothes were lost in an accident.” He lied so easily. I looked at him in amazement. “Allele and I were just on our way back to her house to find me something better than pajama pants to wear. You guys want to come with?”
Quinn winked at Charlie. “Sure. We’d love to. Come on Allele. I need to talk to you on the way. The men can bond.” She bounced forward and grabbed my wrist, pulling me ahead while Charlie and Jasper walked companionably side-by-side.
“So,” Quinn started, linking arms with me while we walked. “Who’s the guy?”
I blushed. “His name’s Jasper.”
“Yes, Yes, I know that.” She blew a black curl impatiently out of her face. “But who IS he?”
I hesitated. I knew I couldn’t tell her the truth. But what should I tell her? What would Jasper want me to say? I looked back at him. He was talking quietly to Charlie, a slight smile on his face, blue eyes focused on his bare feet. Charlie was eyeing him slightly warily, for some unknown reason.
“I think Jasper should be the one to tell you, if he wants to,” I finally said, turning back to Quinn. “It’s kind of personal.”
Quinn sighed, frustrated. I knew how she felt. “Fine. But tell me…” She shot a sly glance at me. “Is he taken?”
A sudden wave of pure rage washed over me, and I saw Quinn’s face through a haze of red.
“YES!” I burst out, stopping in my tracks and glaring fiercely at Quinn. She quirked a grin, watching my anger with twinkling green eyes.
“Oh, so he’s got a girlfriend then, does he?” She asked innocently. “Who is she?”
I flushed. “Well…er…that is…”
Quinn just laughed. “It’s okay, Alli, don’t worry about me. I can see that he’s just as into you as you are to him. I’ll admit he’s probably one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen, and he’s got some rockin’ abs, but I have another guy on my mind.”
I blinked in surprise and relief. “Really? You do? Who?”
Quinn winked just as Charlie and Jasper stopped beside us.
“What are you guys doing? I thought we were going to Allele’s so Jasper here could get some clothes?” Charlie flashed another apprehensive look at him. What was up with him? I wondered. Why did he keep looking at Jasper like that? I watched as Quinn smiled at Charlie, not her usual mischievous, “I’m up to something” grin, but a shy, sweet, full of secrets smile, and then it dawned on me.
“No!” I gasped. “No way! Quinn? Charlie? You-and he-I mean-oh my gosh!” I squealed as Quinn nodded and Charlie laughed, and then threw my arms around them again, jumping in excitement. I drew back, grinning so hard my cheeks were hurting. I’d had an inkling the last year or so that Charlie and Quinn would get together, the way they’d been acting all of ninth grade. I’d been afraid it’d be awkward, that I would always be the third wheel…but maybe I wouldn’t. After all, they were still my best friends, the ones I’d had since kindergarten. And I had Jasper…
“So when did this happen? You guys weren’t dating when school ended, were you?” I looked back and forth between them.
“Wait, wait, wait. They’re dating? Since when? What just happened?” Jasper looked confused, staring at us. I laughed at the bewilderment in his blue eyes. He’d obviously completely missed what I’d just discovered.
“Keep up, Jasper! Of course they’re dating. I just figured it out from Quinn. How did you miss that smile?”
Jasper just shook his head. I smiled and turned back to Charlie and Quinn.
Quinn blushed-She blushed?-and nudged Charlie, who rolled his eyes at her embarrassment. “Well, we’ve been dating since the last day of school-you know, the day you had to leave early for your dentist appointment. I just caught up with her after school and asked her out…that’s all.” He shrugged casually, but I saw the gleam in his brown eyes. And I knew them well enough that he hadn’t just “asked her out”. I shot a suspicious glance at Quinn, and she winked at me.
“I’ll tell you all about it,” She mouthed. I nodded and let it drop-for now. We resumed walking, this time with Charlie and Jasper in front. I waited until they were out of hearing range before I started in.
“Okay, there is no way I’m going to believe that he just ‘asked you out’. There has got to be more than that. What happened before he asked you out? Tell me everything,” I ordered. Quinn smiled, her eyes far away.
“It happened right after school. We were walking home, you know, down that street we always go down, the one with the empty houses and the Laundromat, so nobody was around. It was such a nice, sunny day, and we decided to lay in the grass in front of one of the for-sale houses. We were just talking and kidding around, and I was laying on his stomach, the way you and me and him do all the time, and then somehow we ended up holding hands…”
“That’s it?” I asked, disappointed. I’d hoped he’d kissed her. Then I caught Quinn’s blush. “That’s not it! What else happened? I want to know every little detail!”
“Every detail?” She squeaked.
“Of course.” I rolled my eyes. Duh.
“Well..um..then he sat up and gave me a hug, and I was like, what are you doing? He didn’t say anything and then he just…kissed me. Then afterwards I was like, so what does this mean? And he says, It means I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours. Will you? And I straight up started bawling, Alli, I really did. I waited a long time for that kid, and he finally came through.” Quinn sighed dreamily. I looked at her, smiling feeling very, very happy for her and Charlie…then I started laughing. Hard.
“What’s wrong with you?” Quinn asked, looking startled.
“Who knew!” I choked out, clutching my sides. “Charlie can be romantic. Charlie! Oh, it’s just too good.” I howled with laughter, noticing Jasper and Charlie staring back at us. I had known Charlie and Quinn for so long, and I’d had NO idea he had a romantic side. A sweet, loving side. It was just too funny. Charlie! Loud, perverted, tough, Charlie! I couldn’t get over it.
Finally we made it to my house, and I dragged Jasper upstairs to “his” room, leaving Quinn and Charlie to do whatever.
“Do you realize that you’ve never actually seen or talked to my family?” I asked, kind of wonderingly. It was strange to me, that I’d seen more of him than anyone else. Jasper shrugged.
“It’s only been two days since I woke up. Not that big of a deal.”
I shook my head, threw open the wardrobe of my long dead uncle Greg that I had never met, and put my hands on my hips. My uncle had died at about 17-car accident. I was sad that I never got to know him, but glad that he was the same size as Jasper-and had a good sense of style. I pulled out a pair of purposely faded jeans and a crisp, white button up long sleeved shirt. I tossed them to Jasper, then turned my back while he changed.
“Ok, I’m done,” He muttered, “I cant believe you’re giving me a dead guy’s clothes.”
“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” I said, rolling my eyes as I turned, “It’s not like the ‘dead guy’ actually wore them when he was dead.“ I eyed him critically. “Hm.”
“You need a tune up.” I walked over him and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows, unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, ran my fingers through his long pale blond hair, secretly amazed by it’s silky smoothness, and kissed him on the cheek. “There. Now you’re perfect.”
Now Jasper rolled his bright blue eyes. “Gosh, before you knew it we’ll be an old married couple.”
I shrugged, “I feel comfortable with you, like I‘ve known you for a really long time.” I looked at him with a soft, half smile.
Jasper’s joking mood vanished. “I feel the same way. I was just kidding.”
I smiled. “I know, dork. Now come meet the people who raised me.”
“Ok,” He said nervously as I led him down the stairs. “I hope they like me. I‘m grateful they‘re so ready to take complete weirdos into their home,” He joked.
“I’m glad we did. And of course they’ll like you. And if they don’t, then they‘ll pretend they do so Claire can stay. My parents are in love with Claire.” I smiled and squeezed his hand, then let go so my parents wouldn’t see as we walked into the living room. Quinn and Charlie were sitting in the kitchen, stuffing themselves with my mom’s cookies. They waved cheerfully when we walked past the door, and Jasper rolled his eyes.
My parents sat on the couch in jeans and t-shirts, reading a book to Keddy. All three looked up with identical smiles when we walked in, and my mom immediately stood up and engulfed Jasper in a warm hug. She smiled, the wrinkles in her eyes crinkling.
“Jasper. Do you feel okay? Hungry? Do you need anything? If you do, just ask for it. I hope you’re feeling better.”
Jasper looked a little overwhelmed. “Um. I’m okay. And I’m feeling much better, thanks to you, Mr. and Mrs. Dwyer. Thanks so much for taking me and Claire in. I don’t think we would have made it another day if Allele hadn’t found us and gotten Claire to a hospital.”
My mom smiled again. “Call me Ann. You’re completely welcome for everything, honey. I think it’ll be a pleasure to got to know you. Oh, and just know that you and Claire can stay as long as you need too.”
Then it was my dad’s turn. He pumped Jasper’s hand up and down in a joyous handshake, and then repeated what my mom had said in a jolly, booming, voice. He told Jasper to call him Dave. Because that’s just how my dad was. Jasper shot me an accusing glance for not warning him about my parents. I smiled sweetly.
Then Keddy came bouncing up, all big smiles and sparkling blue eyes and little kid lisp. He talked to Jasper like Jasper was the coolest kid he’d ever seen…which he WAS, or course.
“Hi Jasper! I’m Keddy. Guess what? I’m six. And a half. I’m almost as big as you, right? Right Lele? And then I’ll beat you up! Cuz I’m gonna be really strong, just like a big wrestler, right Dad? I’ll show you!”
While Jasper was still smiling at Keddy’s lisp, Keddy tackled him around the knees, taking Jasper by surprise and actually knocking him down. Jasper and Keddy looked all surprised at each other, and Keddy looked a little scared, like he thought Jasper was gonna get mad at him, but Jasper just started laughing, which set off the rest of us. Jasper had that kind of laugh.
Eventually we all sat down at the table and ate lunch, me and Jasper devouring everything in sight while everyone else only ate a little, seeing as they had already eaten, and Quinn and Charlie were full of cookies. When we were finished we all sat and chatted sociably. The conversation never took us anywhere painful for Jasper, for which I could tell he was grateful. I think my parents knew that he couldn’t bear to talk about it, not yet, maybe not ever.
After breakfast, me, Jasper, Quinn, and Charlie sat in the living room while everyone else headed upstairs, to give us all time to talk. I think my parents suspected what was going on with me and Jasper, and Quinn and Charlie, but they didn’t say anything.
“So…” I snuck a look around, and then twined my fingers with Jaspers, leaning my head on his shoulder and ignoring Quinn and Charlie‘s mischievous glances. “Do you like my family?”
“Yes. Although they are a little overwhelming. No wonder you’re so obnoxious.” He grinned at me to show he was joking.
I stuck my tongue out. “I’m going to ignore that, because I’m being the better person.” Jasper rolled his blue eyes. “But anyways, who wants to go somewhere else?” I looked over at Charlie. “Is your mom home?”
Charlie shook his head. “No, she’s out grocery shopping. Why?”
“Do you think she’d mind if we hung out there?”
“As long as we stayed in like the yard or something, I don’t think she’d care.”
I smiled.
“Let’s go.”

This time I walked with Allele through town, with Quinn and Charlie trailing behind. I could hear them murmuring quietly to each other, Quinn giggling every now and then.
“So,” I asked casually, “why are we going to Charlie’s house?”
“Because I don’t want my parents stalking us.”
I laughed. “Don’t you think they’ll be mad when they find out we just vanished?”
Allele shook her head, taking my hand and swinging it high, just like a little kid. “No. I left a note in the kitchen.”
“Ah.” We fell silent, looking around at the rustling trees and shining sun, sometimes glancing back at Quinn and Charlie. But I mostly looked at her, memorizing everything about her. Her bright silvery eyes, brimming with life as she looked up at the sky. The perfect double curve of her lips, their fullness. Her petite little nose, scattered with exactly seven freckles. The light birthmark on her cheekbone, shaped just like an arrow. Her long, dark eyelashes. The way a dimple popped up in her chin whenever she smiled. Her satiny soft mahogany hair, stirring gently in the breeze, so long that strands of it reached up to kiss my face.
Soon we arrived at Charlie’s home, a small, quaint white house with toys scattered across the lawn and a fat orange cat lounging on the front step. Charlie led us around to the backyard, kicking balls and tricycles out of the way. We all ended up laying in the grass underneath a huge maple tree, talking and laughing. I was quiet mostly, content to listen and learn more about Allele and her friends, and how they interacted. There was a lot of teasing and joking around, punches in the shoulder and rolling eyes. But their love for each other shone out no matter what they said or did. They were like family. No. They were family.
The whole afternoon passed like that, and I slowly grew more comfortable with Charlie and Quinn. I liked Charlie and his quietness, his sly jokes and rolling laugh, and the way he so subtly poked fun at you and you didn’t even realize it at first. I liked Quinn’s spunkiness and loud laugh, the way she said exactly what she felt, when she felt it. She was one of those people that never thinks a thing they wouldn’t say out loud. I could hardly believe two such different people could be so completely in love, but it was there in every word and every look.
And then there was Allele. I liked her much, much more than I liked Quinn and Charlie, in a way I shouldn’t. I liked how soft she looked, how there always seemed to be a smile on her lips, even when there was nothing to smile about. I liked how she talked with her hands just as much as with her voice, and how she always seemed to know what people were thinking and feeling, no matter how well they hid it. I liked her concrete optimism and her wide, open smile. I liked everything.
After a while Quinn received a text from her mom informing her that she needed to “get home this instant, young lady, or you’ll never see that wretched boy again!” Charlie looked indignant.
“What happened?” He asked. “Your mom used to love me!”
Quinn laughed out loud. “Yes, but she just doesn’t trust boys in general with me, no matter who they are!”
Charlie just “hmphed!” and got up to walk her home. Allele decided we needed to head home too, so the party broke up quick. We set off down the street.
“So,” Allele said, waving goodbye to Quinn and Charlie, “How do you like my friends?”
“They’re really great. You’re lucky to have them.” I hoped she didn’t notice the bitterness in my voice, but she gave me a funny look before answering.
“I know. They’re pretty much the best friends ever.”
“And what about me?” I pretended to pout, but I really was curious. Just exactly what did she think of me>
She caught that too. Smiling, she pulled me to a gentle stop, right in front of a huge oak tree. I couldn’t figure out what she was doing until she grabbed my face and pulled it down to hers, kissing me hard on the lips. I immediately yanked her body closer to mine, pressing on the small of her back as she tangled her cool fingers in my hair. We kissed ardently for a few moments, until Allele pulled back for some air. Our breath mingled as we looked at each other, and eventually Allele spoke.
“I think you’re the greatest guy ever. I love your hair and your eyes and your laugh, and I like the way you brush your hair out of your eyes and how you walk and talk and how you kiss. I like your hesitancy and shyness and how sensitive and strong you are at the same time. I like how you’re ready for anything and how willing you are to help-with whatever. I like everything about you.”
I felt my face flush in pleasure, and without another word I pulled her close to me and kissed her.

When we arrived back home, the sky was just starting to darken, and supper was ready.
“Is that you, Allele?” I heard my mom call from the kitchen as the door slammed behind us. “Come on, we’re having spaghetti!”

THIS IS ALL I HAVE SO FAR. any ideas or questions? send me a message.
© Copyright 2009 Ash-uh-LEY (blackwriter15 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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