Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1626507-Unsaid-things-p1
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Personal · #1626507
Robbie and Cat were together. Then they wern't. What'll happen?
Chapter 1

Thursday September 16th 2009

I looked over the crowded lunchroom a minute ago. I hardly noticed them though. There was only one girl I noticed. Cathie. Cat to her friends. She was sitting gossiping with Heidi Bennet and Megan Tarrant. Cat is seriously hot. Long, brown, gorgeous glossy hair that she wears in pigtails, big blue, sparkling eyes that could hypnotise anyone looking into them in an instant. Short, pixie-like, curvy figure that all the guys die for (including me) A vision of perfection. And then I see that Drip of a boyfriend she has with his lanky arm round her. Cameron. Urgh. I want to kill him. He looks at her like he wants to eat her. The worst thing is, he's my cousin so I cant technically kill him as my Aunt would seriously kill ME. If I were her boyfriend (which I WAS at one point may I just add), I would at least treat her with a little respect. More than I did last time anyway… Rumours have been going round for AGES that he's been two-timing her with Gerri McFarlane. She doesn't believe them though. Cat is one of the most intelligent girls I know too… I wish she would see sense that he is no good for her. Obviously not happening because she just looked up at him and he gave her a peck on the cheek. She's writing in HER journal now. her handwriting is really pretty, all slanty and curly, really girly and cute, it goes with her whole image. Lots of boys at St Benjamin's High fancy Cat; she's the most popular girl in first and Second Year. she never used to be like that but now everyone adores her. Even the girls. Every day I see a whole crowd of them fawning over her. Just first period in English Tina Harris offered Cat a free hair appointment at her mum's hair salon, or so I've heard, which of course she said no to as Cat is also the most Modest and Kind person I know and-


"Robbie, quit writing in that guff journal. It's getting kinda' boring mate"

"God Mark! D'you really have to read over my shoulder?"

"Um, yeah. It's kinda like, my thing, bro."

"Cut it OUT."

"Cant. As I said. My thing."

"It's your thing to wind me up?"

"You betcha."

There was a long pause, then I went back to writing:


I bet if I hadn't been so stupid six months ago I might still be with Cat and I would still sit with her at lunch and I might have even had my first kiss with her…that's what she wanted after all… why had I been so…scared and STUPID!!! Even after we split and she said she still liked me I just had to ruin that by asking Jessica Richards (one of her best friends back then) out. I had no idea she would actually say yes. I was kinda startled actually because I love Cat and all-


"Hey babe, what cha writing bout'?" Jess said as she placed her lunch tray down beside me and sat down, giving me a hug.

I snapped the journal shut instantly, securing it with the lock.

"Nothin' just some stupid homework."

"Okay." She said smiling.


Chapter 2

Thursday September 16th 2009

I don't know what's up with me today. Everything seemed to be going pretty normal until I walked into the lunchroom. I had English first, where that odd girl Tina Harris offered me yet another hair appointment, I said no cause' I had just had my roots touched up two weeks ago. She's a nice girl that Tina. I don't know what's going on in my mind but I keep staring over at Robbie Spencer's table. God. He looked extra groovy today. His really short brown hair and his blue eyes buried in his OWN journal, He doesn't seem to be wearing his glasses much of late, I wonder why not… he he, Rob just kicked Mark Andrews in the shin! Cor, what long legs he has now! I bet if he wore guy liner he's look fabby, kinda like Pete Wentz or that bloke from My Chemical Romance…what's his name…Gerard Way

I KNEW he was having a peek at his book, I'm so lucky that Cam respects my privacy and doesn't read over MY shoulder or anything, if he knew I was writing about Rob he's go mental. Ever since the whole Me-And-Robbie-Break-up thing those two idiots have hated each other. I haven't the faintest clue why…


"You okay Hon?"

I stop writing and look up. "Sure" I said and Cameron gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smile and take a bite of my muffin that's on the table in front of me, I look back to Robbie and he is giving Cam daggers across the hall. I get back to writing:


They haven't spoken to each-other in ages…I think it's been six months now. This is worse than that time when they were younger when they wouldn't talk to each-other for four whole weeks. It's getting very out of hand and frustrating. I wish they would TALK to each other and get it over with. Yes, I may still have feelings for Rob, but no WAY am I going to do anything to hurt Cameron. Rob's got that skank Jessica now anyway… I really don't know what he sees in her. She was the worst mate ever. I'm kinda glad Robbie asked her out, because then I found out just what type of friend she is. Bitch.


"Stop writing, you're as bad as Robbie Spencer over there." Said Heidi Bennet. I felt Cameron's arm stiffen around me. I reached up and kissed him gently.


He just nodded and went back to his Maths homework.


Chapter 3

8 Months Earlier

Wednesday September 16th 2008

God. Waiting for everyone to come into lunch is annoying. I hate it how first years get lunch ten minutes early as we are the "Newbie's". Cat, Heidi and Cameron will be here soon, thank god. Megan Tarrant, Michelle Turner, Katie Burke, Jessica Richards and Lisa Taylor are here to keep me company. I REALLY want to see Cat… it's so unfair that she's in second year.

Blimey, she just walked in, sometimes I can't believe she's my girlfriend. Gorgeous.


"Omigod! It's Robbie Spencer!" she says as she approaches me and sits down beside me.

"Omigod! It's Cathie Ferguson!" I reply.

Cat gets out her own journal and starts scribbling away. I love it how we both write in journals.

"Guys, we ARE here too you know!" Katie says.

The girls laugh.


About bloody time! Cam and Heidi appear at the lunchroom door. They walk across and sit down. Our table is now overflowing with lunch trays and milkshakes, as per usual.


"So, how's my beautiful girlfriend this fine afternoon?" I say, looking up into her sapphire eyes. They mesmerise me

"Geez Rob!" She squeals "We've only been going out for a day or two, are you sure you want to call me your girlfriend just yet?" she blushes.

"Positive" I say and she rolls her eyes, going redder and redder by the second, I know that she secretly loves it though. I say this out loud and I get whacked playfully on the shoulder with her journal.
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