Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1625593-Her-Chapter-Five
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Supernatural · #1625593
She now has a name and her story continues...
Chapter 5
         Her name is Kira. She is twenty three years old with almost four years of college level psychology education under her loosely fitted belt. She is a Gemini, loves video games and comics, and hates walks on the beach. That is all she needs-someone calling the coast guard ‘cause he/she found a giant, pale beached whale. She dropped out of college fall semester of her senior year after the incidents began… 
...you see it was her senior year in college where Kira discovered she had, as Kin calls it, a nasty little talent. Any fear, sadness, or anger Kira feels—Kira can transfer to others tenfold. Kira could see their fears and sources of distress and anger.     
         She left her mother, father, and little brother and ran away to New York City to die in peace for what she had done. Going to New York City was, after all, always a dream of hers, what was stopping in then? She had nothing to gain or lose. So, on a moment’s whim and in buried within a depressive and suicidal slump, she withdrew all money in her bank accounts and fled to die in peace. Her folks promptly reported a missing persons report with the police and the case went cold after one week. What the fuck had she done to prompt such drastic actions? I can’t say now, later, much later.
In the city, she was taken in by a group of street walkers who provided her shelter in the broken down apartment they called home. She repaid their kindness by shoplifting clothes and necessities and stealing food for them. She also served as a look out and protection for the girls when they went out at night. She hated herself but never enough to consider prostitution as a career. That was what she needed, more bodies. She was much rather suited for assisting the poor women make whatever money they could from the scum of the Earth. 
         Then almost twenty years old, she had completely forgotten who she used to be in a couple of weeks. These couple of weeks quickly turned into many. She was living day by day, not planning for a future years from then and being disappointed when the future finally came and was nothing she dreamed of. She loved the new, non-existent structure of her life. She had forgotten her former self until an Englishman found her. Damn Englishmen, always getting in the way of things.
          She was finally caught stealing from a department store. I know what you’re thinking, why didn’t she just use her talent and escape? Yes, that would have worked if Kira actually had some control over her talent, but she didn’t and she got caught stealing…something something…song by Jane’s Addiction—I am getting off topic.  As the department store’s security was dragging her off, a handsome man in the suit spoke a few words with the security guards, and she was free to go. She didn’t know this man nor cared, and she went freely and by freely I mean running out of the department store and running a few blocks before taking a breather in an alley.
         She intended to try again at another department store. The girls needed new clothes; the tears in their current wardrobe were affecting their chances of nabbing customers from the other street girls. The girls couldn’t afford their territory to be cut back anymore. The other department store was more than a few blocks away, located in a richer section of the city. That was where the good steals would be.
         On her way there, she passed an expensive restaurant with a little outdoor patio area so the poor, common city folk could bask in the glow of the wealthy and beautiful people. The girl did not care about the beautiful people, but the smell of the delicious food reminded her of how long ago her last actual meal had been. A pack of gum and a case of cheap beer wasn’t really a meal. 
         “Going to another department store are we Kira?” asked a man sitting at a one of the patio tables. The man’s face was covered by the newspaper his was reading. The girl ignored him and continues walking.
         “I suppose I’ll have to bail you out of that one too,” he said. “That’s assuming you even get into the store looking as you do.”
         “Shut up. I could have handle things just fine,” she asserted, keeping her emotions in check. She was embarrassed about being caught in the first place and then having to be bailed out.
         “Of course, where are my manners? My name is Kinsey,” said the man, revealing himself from behind the newspaper and offering his hand to her, suggesting she should join him. Kira was taken aback by seeing the man up close. He was handsome, clean, and spoke with an English accent. Even the smell of him said he was better than most people but didn’t need to brag or boast about it. 
         “How do you know my name?” she asked, the raggedy dressed girl was peering over the waist high rail, unconsciously becoming closer and closer to the man.
         “I know a lot more. Would you mind providing me with some company? It is awfully depressing having to eat by myself.” Kinsey had a plate of food in front of him but also had a plate of food set in front of the empty chair at his table. It was a cheese and green pepper omelet. She thought about running away from the strange man, but her stomach made some pretty compelling arguments. She hopped the railing and a waiter immediately grabbed her by the shirt to escort her out.
         “It’s alright,” said Kinsey. “She’s with me.” The waiter apologized to the Englishman and seated the girl at the table.
         “Who are you?” she asked. 
         “I believe I said my name was Kin—”
         “No, I mean who are? What do you want? How do you know my name?”
         “I know you, my dear, because you and I don’t quite fit in with other people.” Kinsey waved his hand over his glass of wine and the glass disappeared. Kira reached where the glass had been and still felt the glass.
         “You’re not the only one with a special talent, my dear,” he said. “Did you think you were the only living human being that could do something unusual? My goodness dear, this is New York City.”
         “How do you—”
         “I know what happens where you are overwhelmed with negative emotions. I know what happens to the people around you. I know, my dear, that you haven't shed one tear since—”
         “Shut up!” she said. A memory she had successfully block since arriving in the city was now back in her head. She remembered how she would try and try to cry but couldn’t. She had attempted many things to provoke tears and failed every time, the cuts, the bruises, the broken bones, so many failed attempts.
The citizens walking past the couple also became overwhelmed with emotion. Some shed tears, some whimpered in pain, and others even fell to their knees on the city’s sidewalk, the grime and old pieces of chewed gum staining their knees. The wait staff experienced similar feelings. She stared at the plate of food in front of her, not seeing Kinsey stare at her with a genuine curiosity and calmness. Kinsey appeared unaffected by Kira and uninterested in what was happening around them. He held her hand and squeezed it. His hand was warm and not too smooth. It was a squeeze of comfort, not of dominance or authority over her. She felt calmer and eventually, everyone else did too.
         “I can help you, Kira,” said Kinsey, kissing her hand. Kira said nothing but her staying at the table severed as a good enough reply for the man. The two enjoyed the rest of their lunch, and Kinsey described his life to her. He told her about the death of his wife, his various standings in international business, and most importantly, he told her about the others in the world who were also outcasts. Others had harmful talents like hers while others had neutral talents like Kinsey’s ability to conceal. Kinsey mentioned he had never heard of anyone having a talent like hers before, making her extremely rare.
         “So what, you’re part of some team like the X-Men or something?” she asked after Kinsey explained the current population of people like themselves.
         “Not exactly. You see Kira; I’m part of a group that overlooks how well everybody plays with each other. Likewise, there are people in the world who do not like to play well with others.”
         “What happens to them, the people who do not play well with others?” She asked out of curiosity and concern for herself. She hadn’t necessarily played well with others. Hell, at least five people were dead. 
         “That’s not the point. What matters is that you are very special to us, Kira, and we would like you to help us.”
         “Become one of us, Kira. Forget about what you have done in your past and use your talent and resourcefulness for a better cause than you currently are subscribing to.”
         “Become one of you?”
         “Yes. Help me Kira, and I help you.”
         “How can I trust you?”
         “Right now, you can’t. What do your instincts tell you?”
         “Since I haven’t died from poison yet, I guess you can be trusted.” Kin smiled and held out his hand.
         “To our friendship, Kira,” said Kinsey.
         “To our friendship, Kin,” said Kira. The two shook hands and have worked together ever since. Kin paid off Kira’s student loans, her parent’s home’s mortgage, and paid for her brother’s college education. Kira was able to call home and tell her folks she was fine but wouldn’t be returning home. Her parents were ecstatic she was alright but concerned she couldn’t come home. She reassured them for hours she would be fine and that this was what was best for her and them.
         She scarcely spoke with her parents after this. Kin assisted the prostitutes in finding and buying decent living arraignments and left a great deal of money for them to find careers other than the streets. Kira visited London with Kinsey, and Kin aided her in controlling her talent for about a year across the pond.
After her initial training was over, Kira went back to New York and began numerous jobs for Kin, most involving hunting down criminals. She lived in a little apartment that suited her well. She worked the jobs given to her by Kin for three, wonderful years, and then the death of her parents changed all that.
         Now, Kira is stuck in the middle of a war she isn’t even aware of. That’s a lie, she is aware change is happening. Sides are being drawn and people are dying. A new order wants to change the way her kind exist in the world and sees Kira as being a valuable addition to this change. Those sharing Kin’s view of the world are rapidly becoming nearer to extinction by death or by change of mind. What a pity.
© Copyright 2009 CheetraKitten (cheetrakitten at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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