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description of my short story The river.incase you did not understand |
First metaphor The River here is the afterlife.You see rivers are neverending, in a way everlasting .If you have read the bible it promises an eternal lifetime.I tried to hint that in the first paragraph . From the times of playing pretend through the days of heartache and joy , they belonged .She , a dark-haired beauty with dreams unknown to the world and he the dream that lived had a lifetime awaiting. My sentences are choppy mainly because rivers are like that, they are never a smooth pathway.Rivers are bumpy and choppy.The story's main focus is the two lovers, but the story is not about them its about the promise of afterlife.The two lovers are part of the meaning, not the meaning.At first the river, is just a spot they meet at but as the story goes on it becomes more.The river becomes a metaphor for heaven.Characters liken the river to the afterlife, since its their favorite place. Second metaphor The river is life in general hence the bible verse. The River of Life Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. Like I said rivers are not smooth pathways and neither is life.Life has some bumps and downs along the way and so does a river.The angel in question here, is Elizabeth's husband.In a way he showed her how to live life, what life was about.He gave meaning to her life.If you haven't noticed the story is in her perspective, and if you counted there are about 13 hers and shes.I was trying to make the reader see that it was all about her, her side. It seemed to be the only place peaceful enough to dissolve the worlds at war. Hours spent laying in grasslands , just the two of them made it easier to lay there and just forget the world. Forget what they had been told , what they had seen and just be. I tried not to give a specific time signature, I wanted it to be anytime but when I wrote this I set it around the 1940s.During that time the worlds were at war, WWII.If it was in the 1940s then women back then were a little bit more conservative, so I was trying to give the illusion that their love was a secret.The river was a place they could forget about the war, about what people thought about their relationship and just be them. And then finally " ….I’ll be there." She would meet him there , in heaven.I think thats clear enough. I am pretty sure you don't get all of the meaning when you read it.With this story you have to look deeper, you can not just do with the surface.Dig deeper, search for the bigger hidden story.I love stories that don't give you everything on a platter, I like to find my meaning.I was just trying to channel my inner ,Joyce Carol.Hope this makes sense, helps. |