Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1625039-A-Friendship-That-Became-a-Mystery-Murde
by CVE
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Crime/Gangster · #1625039
A mystery murder story
Bruna Almeida

A Friendship That Became a Mystery Murder Case

Antonio Feliz better known as (AZ) is 6'3 tall, with light color skin, light green eyes, thick black eyebrows, well define lips, silky black hair, has a goatee, an oval shape face and his well built. Dice is very confident but perceive as cocky, he’s tough always trying to not let no one consider him sensitive and he’s secretive because he kept to himself. The reason for AZ’s attitude is for his past experience. Antonio was only Seven years old when his mother and younger sister were murder. Antonio and his father constantly moved around. The murder of his mother and younger sister impacted him severely because they never got the murderer. He felt like the detectives did not do enough to solve the murdered. Ever since that day AZ grew an interest in solving mysteries at any cost. Antonio likes the feeling of concurring or succeeding when solving mysteries. He always reminds himself how he felt at the moment he solve the mystery by collecting a souvenir from the mystery, even if it meant he had to steal it. AZ became a collector or thief you can say but only for reminder from the mystery for his satisfaction.
This all started when one day he received a call from a police officer about a missing person in a Miami club. When Antonio received this call he knew right away that it was kidnapping case, but he didn't know that it was going to turn in to a murder case. When Antonio arrives at Miami club he notice that there very many people who were drunk. This is the biggest Club in Miami with capacity 500 people. It has the best sound system in the whole Miami. This club is also known for rich people and for celebrity. When you enter this club you will notice the Lion statues on your both side, and Dancing floor in front of you. When you look up you will see the DJ Kroll. In this club it had five bathrooms, two on your right and three on your left side( one for handicap people).

The name of the victim is Ryan Westin. Ryan Westin was kidnapped Friday night at the Miami club. The body was found dead on Monday morning behind the same club where he was kidnapped.
Antonio Feliz started investigating the case right away. The first person he called was Ryan's mother, Leonor. Antonio was trying to find out who Ryan went out with on Friday night. Leonor said that he was supposed to meet a couple of his friends at the Miami club, but Ryan did not tell her specifically who they were. Antonio asked Leonor who Ryan’s best friend was, and she said it was two of them, John Smith and Walter Carvalho. However, Ryan and John were having a problem lately because Ryan got into an accident with John's car a month ago, after getting out the clubs, Antonio immediately ask for John's number. After leaving Leonor’s house, he called John to meet him at this restaurant next to the police station. John’s phone was off, so he went to his office so he could get a background check on John. While he was waiting, Antonio was trying to get in touch with Walter, but Walter went to Florida Saturday night, his mother said. Antonio asked Walter’s mom, Lorena if he could stop by her house to ask her couple more questions, and she said that was fine. Before Antonio left his office he got the report on John’s background check status. Antonio came to find out that John has a clean record, but his brother has been in jail seven times for stealing cars and for having illegal papers on the couple of cars that he owns. Antonio arrived at Lorena’s house (Walter’s mother) and the first question he asked was, “How was the relationship between your son and Ryan?” she said “They were best friends for Seven years, but for the past two weeks Walter seems very strange since Ryan and him got into accident with John’s car”. Antonio asked “Do you know what kind of car they were driving that night?” she said, ‘Walter told me it was 2009 Acura SUV”. Antonio asked “Do you know why he seemed odd since the accident?” Lorena took longer to answer that question, so Antonio added another question on top of the previous one, Antonio asked her ,why did her son leave for Florida Saturday night, and she replied with” I don’t know” and then Lorena added “He already had the plane ticket reserved for Saturday”. After Ryan left Lorena’s house he made sure that he confirmed that Walter had his flight reserved for Saturday, and it was true; he did. However, Antonio made sure he got Walter’s room number at the hotel where he was staying. Antonio called Walter, and he asked him couple of question, Antonio came to find that the reason why Walter was acting a little strange it was because Ryan never told him that the car they were using that day had some illegal papers and it was stolen seven months ago. Walter said the last day he spoke to Ryan was on a Thursday night, when Ryan called him to ask if he wanted to go to the club with John and him. Walter said that he rejected the request because since the accident, John got beat up by his brother real bad because John let them use the car. So at this point Ryan has a hint that is behind Ryan’s murder .Antonio tried to get in touch with John again to but his phone was still off, so he decided to go to his house to see if anyone was home. To his surprise, John was the one to answer the door, so from there Antonio sat him down, and ask him couple of question. Antonio asked him “ What do u know about Ryan’s murder” John replied “ I don’t know anything about his murder sir”. Antonio asked him “ Who else went out with u guys on Friday night” John said “ How do you know about that sir, I wasn’t with Ryan. I don’t know what you talking about sir, what else do you know?” Antonio is known for his bad temper, so he replied with “Listen hear, I’m the one who’s going to ask the damn question here, you better stop playing games because, if u pissed me off I’ll……” John got smart with him and said “You’ll do what?” Antonio said “If you don’t shut your smart mouth up I’ll arrest you for being the number one suspect of this murder” John said “Okay I’ll tell you what I know”. John said that he was suppose to meet Ryan at the club that day, but I didn’t see, and he asked his other friend Ron if he sow Ryan and he said “Yes I did, I saw him leaving with your brother Xavier and some other guys”. Ryan told John to call Ron to make sure that he saw Ryan leaving with Jeffry. Both Antonio and John drove to Ron’s house. Ron start describing what Ryan and Jeffry had on and Ron’s roommate Ricky was there to confirm, because he was also at the club that day. Antonio now knew who did it, Jeffry, John’s brother. The next day Antonio returned to the Miami club so he could get more facts so he could arrest Jeffry. Antonio spoke to the club owner, and he asked him if he had some cameras in the club, and he said yes.
The club owner, Nicklas said, “We have six cameras inside, and five outside”. Antonio started watching all of the videos and all the information they gave him matched with the videos, until he got to the last video and sow John talking to Ryan outside of the club.
After Antonio sow John and Ryan talking in the video, he became very disturbed because he thought he had everything figured out. Antonio couldn’t believe what he was watching, so he played the tape over and over again. He becomes so mad because John lied so he started to kick the desk and the chairs that were in Nicklas’s office, the owner of the club. Antonio left from the club furious, the first person he called, was John; John did not pick up his phone, so that made Antonio even more furious. Antonio decided to go back to John’s house, but when he arrived at John’s house nobody answered the door. Luckily, one of John’s neighbor was outside, so Antonio decided to ask him if he had seen John. The neighbor said that he saw John leaving with a backpack with his brother. Antonio knew that John was trying to escape, so he asked the neighbor what kind of car John’s brother was driving and the neighbor said it was a black Cadillac from 2009, with pitch black windows, and the plate number ended with number 85. With all this information that Antonio received, he immediately contacted one of his partners to help him find more information about the car and to help him track the car. Approximately an hour later, Antonio received a call from his partner that he had found the car. John and his brother were on their way to the airport; Antonio called the airport security to hold them in supervision until he got there. Antonio arrived at the airport furious with six police cars, and they took John and his bother Jeffry to the police station to interrogate them.
John was the first one to be interrogated, the first thing Antonio did, was play the tape that showed Ryan and John talking. Antonio said, “Can you explain that to me, you told me that you didn’t see Ryan that night and there’s the tape to prove that you lied”. Antonio furiously told him “You better talk this time or else you are not going to get out of here alive, I’ll beat until you start speaking the truth. Antonio stated “I already have wasted a lot of time with you”. Antonio is known for his brutal behavior when he’s mad. John is already in tears, he knows that there no turning back, so he has to tell the truth now. John began to confess, he told Antonio that he’s the one who killed Ryan. However, his brother made him do it because of the car that he let Ryan use that night. He had to show his brother that he was really sorry for letting Ryan use the car, and also Walter was suppose to be dead that night too, if he didn’t do what his brother told him to do his brother was going to be in serious trouble with his patrons, the top “Dog”.
John said that night of the incident, Ryan and Walter told the police officers some information that they weren’t suppose to say and that’s why he had to kill them so if the police officers started to investigate about the incident and who owned the car, they would have to stop because both Ryan and Walter were going to be dead, and there wasn’t going to be any witness. With the feeling of mission accomplished, Antonio with his bad habit kept the keys of the car that Ryan and Walter were driving that night as a reminder of “I did it”. Both John and Jeffry were sent to jail and Antonio, of course was back on another mystery case.
© Copyright 2009 CVE (bruna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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