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Rated: XGC · Other · Romance/Love · #1624256
She never knew exactly why they were meant to be enemies but she knew she couldn't be his.
Cindy groaned as she rolled out of bed Saturday night. She quickly showered. She got dressed and fixed her hair. Putting on a light bit of make-up. She went down to start up the car. She was going to spend some time with her boyfriend. Who she hadn't been dating real long. She attempted to start it and it sputtered and died. She bit her lip irritated. "Daddy!" She screamed. He came out and she explained. He had th towtruck pick it up along with her. She wasn't about to let her car go to some shop without her. They pulled in. It was a blustery October day in Ada, Oklahoma. She had forgotten her jacket in her rush. She walked into the shop, it was certainly not on her side of town.

Curtis walked out from his office to come up behind the counter, "Can I help you?" He asked nicely.

"Uh, I came out this mornin, and tried to start my car. It kinda just died," Candy said looking at him. A pout on her lips.

Curtis nodded, "I'll have one of the boys look at it."

"Thank ya," Candy smiled walking over to her Corvair It was her baby. Her 16th birthday gift from daddy dearest.

Curtis walked back into the garage looking around, trying to figure out which of his boys would be best for the job. He knew who he needed but also knew Troy wasn't the social butterfly. Curtis sighed realizing Troy was the only one who knew enough about cars to figure out what would be wrong with this young ladies car and figure out how to fix it. "Troy!" He shouted to get the 16 year old's attention, "I've got a car you need to work on now! She's waiting out front."

Candy sat on the hood of the 1964 Chevy Corvair. She had the radio playing The Beatles Twist and Shout. She had an urge to dance, but not here.

Troy slid out from underneath the car he was working on and looked over at Curtis, "Now? Can it wait til I'm finished?" Curtis shook his head no, pointing out to the parking lot. "Fine..." Troy stood up, pushing his tools aside and made his way out of the garage. He sighed even deeper when he realized who he was supposed to help. A Soc. He knew this was going to be hell.

Candy looked up, hearing someone coming. She rolled her eyes when she saw him. 'Great, a greaser....just who I want working on my baby,' she thought.

Troy ran a hand through his hair, he slowed his pace as he approached her. "Beatles...they really aren't half bad....no....They're all gay." Troy tried to correct his thinking. His friends who leave him if they ever heard him say that. "Hi..." Troy said quietly as he took in her car. It was beautiful there was no doubt about that.

"Hi, um, I came out this morning and tried ta start it....but it jus died..." Candy said sliding off the hood. Standing to her full height standing about 5'10". But over 6 foot in her go-go boots.

"I'll see what I can do, do you mind if I pop the hood?" Troy asked figuring it was smart to ask rather than just do. He tried to keep his eyes on the car, attempting not to glance at her. She wasn't his type anyway. They were the same height, he was tall for his age.

"Yeah, just try to figure out what's wrong. I'm supposed to hang out with some people today," Candy said.

"Give me an hour, maybe two max and she'll be running again." Troy popped the hood looking over everything.

"Ok...I'm just gonna stay here if ya don't min?" Candy said trying not to show the distrust in her voice.

"That's fine, next time you'll know what's wrong." Troy said dropping to the ground, making his way under the car.

Candy hesitantly sat in a chair after brushing it off. She crossed her legs. Looking alowly around the shop.

Troy slid back out from underneath the car and jogged back into the shop grabbing a few things then came back out. He began doing what he did best, other than picking locks.

Candy realized how chilly it was for the first time. The wind was blowing and her legs were freezing. Her teeth were chattering very lightly

Thirty minutes later Troy put the hood of her car down, and walked around to the drivers side to start it up. He smiled as the engine roared.

"Yes!" Candy said jumping up. Shivering a bit. "Thank you. Um, how much do I owe you?"

"$15.60..." Troy answered in his normal distant shy tone.

Candy pulled her purse up and pulled out a twenty. "Do you have change?" She asked.

Troy nodded, "I'll be back with it."

Candy waited on her change. And Elvis played on her radio, she quickly tried to change it. Not wanting anyone to know she listened to Elvis.

Troy came back with her change holding his hand out for her to take it, he glanced at the car at the sound of Elvis. A small smile that was rarely seen on his face slightly appeared but he didn't say anything.

Candy blushed and took her change. "I um, I better go," she said.

"Wouldn't want to be late. If you have anymore problems bring it it." Troy took a few steps back, stuffing his hands into his faded jeans back pockets.

Candy nodded, "Ok," she said. She climbed into her car. Elvis still playing as she quickly changed it.

Troy took a few more steps back giving her room to pull out.

Candy put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot.

Troy watched the car leave then he headed back toward the garage to work on the car he had been working on before she had showed up.


Candy pulled up The Way Out a little drive-in restraunt. She saw her friends waiting on her. The Beatles were playing when she pulled up. "Hey guys, sorry. My car wouldn't start this mornin, had to take it to the shop," she said.

Donna gave her a smile, "We were wondering what happened to you."

"I'm sorry," Candy laughed. "I had to wait on them to fix it. I coulda been longer."

Carolyn nodded taking a drink of her shake, "Stupid boys and their cars. They say they know everything but then take forever to fix one."

"It didn't take real long though. I was kinda surprised," Candy laughed. "Where's John?"

"You got lucky then. And John, he hasn't shown up yet." Carolyn answered her.

Candy furrowed her eyebrows. She was over an hour late, where could he have been.

Donna read her mind, "He's still probably playing football with the guys, you know how they lose track of time."

"Yeah, guess so," Candy said. Hoping that was it. This was her first boyfriend and she didnt want to end up hurt.

Donna offered her a drink of her shake, "Forget boys and let's gossip about what we're going to wear for the winter dance."

"Oh goodness, I don know. I ain't thought bout that," Candy said biting her lip. "What if John don wanna go?"

Carolyn laughed, "Of course he'll want to!"

Candy smiled, "You sure?" She asked.

Carolyn smiled, "Yes I'm sure. You two will be going together."

"Ok," Candy smiled. She ordered a shake of her own and waited on John.

Donna and Carolyn gossipped about all the girls they could think of and any girl that happened to walk past them. They also began to name guys they wished would ask them out or would leave them alone.

Candy laughed along. She yawned a bit and shook her head. She wondered what that boys name had been.

"Hey there's John!" Donna pointed to the car pulling up.

Candy smiled as they pulled up.

John turned his convertible off and jumped the door smiling as he walked toward Candy.

"Hey John," Candy smiled. She pushed a curl back out of her face.

"Hey," John said sliding an arm around her waist, "how are you girls today?"

"I'm ok, my car wouldn start this mornin," she said. "I had ta take it in."

"Where'd you take it?" He asked.

"I can't member the name, but it on the other side a town," Candy said.

John looked at her a little concered, "You didn't have any issues did you?"

"Nah, they were real nice," Candy said. "Nothin happened."

"Good." He gave her a small smile, but glanced over at his friend Peter who was sitting on the hood of his car flirting with Carolyn.

Candy giggled when she saw this. "Looks like theyre hittin it off," she smiled.

"Seems like it." John said pulling her closer, "Why don't we all go see a movie tonight?"

"We could ta the nightly double, theyre playin four movies tonight, always do saturdays," Candy said.

"That'd be great." John smiled, "It'll be nice."

Candy smiled.

John leaned down lightly kissing her.

Candy blushed and kissed him back inexpirencedly.

John pulled back smirking as she blushed.

Candy looked up at him and smiled.He was her first boyfriend. She trusted him.

"I'll pick you up at 6 alright?" He asked stroking her cheek gently.

"Ok," Candy smiled. "Oh goodness. It's already 4...I gotta go get ready."

John laughed lightly, walking over to Peter, "Time to go."

"Carolyn, you wanna go ta the movies with me tonight?" Peter asked.

Carolyn looked down blushing, then looked back up at him with a smile, "I'd love to go."

"Pick ya up at six," Peter smirked.

"Alright. See ya then." Carolyn smiled wider.

John looked back at Candy, "I'll see you at six beautiful."

"See ya," Candy smiled. She climb3ed into the drivers seat of the Corvair. Driving home and getting ready.

© Copyright 2009 Lexi<3Jake (lexi0228jake09 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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