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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Friendship · #1624053
History book of New Hope -book serie, how they met first time.
They put children kill children. Boy is only 10 year old, he need to go for better future. They don’t hate the boy, they hate whose children he is and what he is gonna be.

4 years before turned 10 they were thinking planning his killing. Murder plan was almost perfect, only thing what would go wrong, was murder herself, 10 year old girl. They choose her because of her broken and fragile mind.

Day at STATE01 started normally like everyday. But one thing changes, today neighbor quiet girl says hello to alone playing boy of next door. A boy check who is saying hello and same time someone falls behind fence. Boy gets up and run to fence. When he peeks behind fence, he sees girl and says hello, whispering after that “Silly”. He laughs and girl stands up, cleaning her dress. She looks at boy asking “My name is Minya... want to be friends?” and boy nods, saying “Name is Alexander, but mom tells me that I can’t say it like that, so just Alex.” he laughs and girl whispers “I know who you are...” Alex doesn’t hear this from his own laugh. Girl climbs over stone fence and lands to grass like a feather. Now Alex remembers that they got new neighbor recently. But he is happy that he get new friend because older friend didn’t show up today at all. Girl just stares him, without smiling. She is little vacant but when Alex ask her to come swing, she walks there next to Alex. He starts talking everything. Girl just listens and stares at him. Hours gone quickly and finally Alex’s mom calls him eat. He jumps off from swing and is going to say bye to girl, but she is already jumping over fence. Alex doesn’t odd that, he just runs inside the house. Next day goes like rest of week, same way.

Thursday after 2 weeks, girl didn’t show up anymore. Last Thursday rains also and she did show up. Alex decide go to her house. He runs quickly to next door, ring a bell and waits. Upstairs, light goes off and in dark room; something says word “Kill”. Alex doesn’t hear that to outside, but he notices sound of steps behind the door. It opens and Minya stands there. She looks as she normally looks, saying hello to him. Alex is happy that his friend is okay, asking would she come swing in rain while laughing. But this time, girl doesn’t agree. She asks will Alex come inside her house. Alex smiles and walks in, after taking shoes off. Minya closes door and then grabs his hand, pulling him to follow. They walk to huge room; Minya sits to billow, front of huge wall of sheet glass. All furniture’s in that room are covered with white cloth. It starts rain heavily. Minya says she likes when it rains. Alex sits down next to her. He says that rain is not that bad, rain do only good. They sit there and Alex starts telling his day, what happened in morning jog. He is really enthusiastic while telling that and Minya just listen, yet not smiling. She just feels little different, but Alex doesn’t notice that at all. Suddenly, Minya joins his talking, telling him how she likes rain, swimming and water. And that she is from northern side of state. Alex wonders right a way how she moves here, from awesome north. She says that she didn’t move but then she covers her mouth and ask Alex forget what she said. He laughs and wonders what she mess up. Thundering starts and rain gets even heavier. “Do you fear thunder?” Alex wonders and Minya doesn’t agree. Alex smiles saying “Brave.” Minya ask that does Alex fear thunder. He quiet first but then says “Nope!” Minya smiles first time little bit and then feels torturing glance from the dark stairway. She stands up saying “Can we try something?” as her voice is shaking. Alex odds first and Minya continues saying that he need to sit still and keep his eyes closed until she says that he can open them. Alex wonders if its fun thing and do as she asks. “Promise me, keep your eyes shut Alex.” Alex raises his hand and says unhesitatingly “I promise!” Minya shocks little bit first, but then she opens her hand behind back and handgun shows up. She grabs and points it against Alex’s head. She hears that word again “Kill”. She covers her face with hand and bites her lower lip. Minya is gonna pull the trigger but then Alex just says “We are friends, how I can not promise you?” He smiles and Minya eyes open wide. She releases what she is doing and gun falls from her hand. Minya is gonna fall also and Alex turn to see what is going on, but suddenly suit dressed man rushes there and pushes Alex’s face down to floor. He kicks gun up to his hand and points it to Alex. Alex is confused what is going on. Minya lies next to him and says that she is sorry while crying. That doesn’t change anything, man is gonna shoot Alex, but what he says to Minya at this kind of moment, that stops him. He calls gun off and lifts Minya from the floor. When gun disappears, same time police officers storm the house. Bunch of them comes quickly living room and points their guns against man with the suit and Minya on his arms. Man put his leg over Alex’s neck and pushes it little bit. Police men can shoot, cant risk young mans life. Unknown man says to Alex “You have no rights to live.” After last word, he throws flash bang to ground. That blinds police men; he escapes through that huge window. After flash, group of polices run after them and other secure Alex. His mom run there and takes him hug. It begins from there.

This happening leads Alexander Vermilions permission to step Core-Mountains sacred lands. World gives order, they give him eight years. He only needed six. After first 4 years, something happens again.

From New Hope History Book, under murder attempt of Alexander Vermilion.
© Copyright 2009 SeriusPenName (seriuswriter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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