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Rated: 18+ · Novella · Teen · #1623726
Ben and Miranda are old friends, like each other and get together.
Childhood Friends
Chapter 1- the beginning
  As the insects outside the window buzzed loudly, Miranda new it was going to be one heck of a hot day. The sun flew in through the crack in her curtains and started filling her room with the warmth of summer already. She lay back in bed and glanced up at the ceiling fan spinning fast, pushing the warm air around the small room. As she lay there with the sheets around her ankles and on the floor she thought about the day ahead, how she was going to go down to the creek with Amy for the day.
Miranda made her way down to the kitchen and started rummaging through the fridge for some oranges, apples and sandwich items for the days lunch as well as taking out two bottles of water and one of her dad’s beers. She made the vegemite sandwich’s and put everything into her back pack before heading back up stairs to get dressed.
Down at the creek Amy was already there, waiting for her. Miranda stripped of her shorts ad tee put down her bag, climbed the giant rock that hung over the deepest part of the creek and her and Amy, on the count of three, held hands and jumped. 
After their long swim in the cool refreshing water they climbed out, ate sandwiches and drank the cold beer which Miranda had earlier rested in a shallow pool or the creek to keep it cold. Miranda new if her father found one of the beers missing he would just think that one of her older brothers had taken it and thought nothing more of it, but if he ever found out that his 13 yr old princess was drinking he would most likely lose it.
On the way from the creek in the late afternoon, Ben, Miranda’s neighbour came bounding alongside her, Ben was 14 and had been a close friend of her’s since he moved in next door 6 years ago. Miranda had never really noticed before but Ben was kinda cute, he had fair hair, brown eyes and just one dimpled cheek which she used to make fun off.
That night Miranda thought more about Ben and how cute he really was, she started thinking of how he always would try things to make her laugh at any given moment, as she lay there thinking of him her fingers found their way into her knickers and spread herself apart finding the soft moist inside, she started to rub herself, the more she thought of Ben the faster and harder she rubbed, until she came.

The next week went fast, the same usual routine of school, friends, homework and family. Her brothers were coming and going, at the ages of 17 and 22 they had busy lives, work and partying, girlfriends and mates. Her dad worked all week at the garage in town, putting in extra hours now and again as usual. Since her mother left four years ago, her father had looked after them; at first it was hard but then it become easy, and they were a happy family. Miranda being the youngest, or the princess ad they had dubbed her being the only girl, was well looked after her father provided everything for her and her brothers protected her. But even though she was happy at home and use to the opposite sex, she started to get nervous around Ben.
On Saturday Amy took her to the local shopping complex in the centre of town, Amy was almost three years older than her, but the age gap never made a difference, she was Miranda’s friend and big sister, seeing as she was her brother’s girlfriend. As usual they went and saw the latest flick before bumming around and grabbing some lunch. While they sat down with their subs in the food court, Miranda looked up and caught a glimpse of Ben heading into the computer games store with two of his mates. As she watched him walk in a small shy smile played across her face.
“I saw that” Amy sat in front of her and grinned knowingly back at her.
“Saw? Saw what?” Miranda knew what she meant but didn’t want to admit it.

  Chapter 2- years later
  Miranda had moved out of home and started Uni. The first year was hard but fun, she made a bunch of great new friends, lived with two of them, did her own shopping, cooking (when she had time) and went out to parties and socialised in between lectures and essays.
  This year, Christmas was just as hot and muggy as the previous years. She made her way from the bus stop just outside of town with her bag thrown over her shoulders.
“Hey hey princess” Her eldest brother Jacob, came out from under an old Ford Falcon, wiping his hands on an oily old rag, a huge smile on his face. She embraced him welcomingly, oh how she had missed the big doofus. “What brings you back to our little part of the world?”
  “Oh I believe there is a few men who might just be missing me and need my help to hold an awesome Christmas” She always did love playing the part of the know all, do all woman while her useless brothers would only get in the way.
“Well li’l sis it is nice to have you back, even if it is only for a few weeks”

Heading up the drive with Jacob carrying her stuff, the smell of cut grass, cow shit mingled with the smells of the lavender, pansies and marigold’s she had planted years ago came rushing at her bringing back happy child hood memories.
“Daddy!” She rushed towards the old man bending over the garden, pulling the weeds that threatened the marigolds. He stood up and spun around just in time to catch her as she threw herself into his arms.
“My princess how have you been?” James had missed his precious little girl ever since the day she left home for uni, out of his three kids she was the only one to actually complete year twelve and go to university. He was proud of her.
“Oh daddy, uni is GREAT, I love it. But I miss you guys and being home.” As she looked into the eyes of her old man, she could see the crows feet of countless years of laughter along with the extra few wrinkles he had gained over the last year.
“Well nice to see you haven’t forgotten us” Raymond stood at the front door propping the flywire open for a rather pregnant Amy.
“A smart arse like you is hard to forget” She bounced up the few stairs to the front porch, hugged her brother and turned to Amy. “Wow someone looks as though they’re about to pop”. She hugged Amy and realised how much she missed spending time with them all.
“Hmmm if only it would come soon, my back is KILLING”.
That night they ate outside on the front lawn, with the constant attack of mossies and other flying annoying insects and the dogs at their feet. They all had so much to talk about. As Miranda sat there listening to Amy complain about the baby kicking and the uselessness of her husband, a small tear crept into her eye and down her cheek.
“Oh my! Is my tough little sis crying?” Jacob looked at her in a mockingly worried way as he always did when he made fun of her.
“Yeah right, as if, since when do I cry” she played it tough as usual. She was known to be as tough, rough and emotional as the guys were. “I was just thinking how much I really miss all this, back at uni I don’t really think about it that much anymore, between school and socialising”
“So does this socialising include any boys?” Amy was always eager to hear about her sisters ‘adventures’ with the boys- as she called it- seeing as she had only ever had the one boyfriend who was now her husband.
“Oh now wouldn’t you like to know”
“Come on sis tell us. Who is he, he better be treating you right” Ray put a clenched right fist into his open left palm as he said this, with a smile of course.
“No what? No he isn’t treating my daughter right” James glared at her from across the table, she knew if any boy ever treated her even the slightest bit wrong, her two brothers and father would all have a few words to say to him, maybe a bit more than just words.
“No as in there is no one. Never has been. Boys are a waste of time and have coodies” of course as she said this she didn’t mean it. Yes there was no boyfriend she never has had one, she always makes out that she doesn’t want one, that she isn’t interested. But in true fact she has always been interested but what boy would want her. She has always been a tom boy, never worn make up or anything short or showy. She wasn’t fat, but she wasn’t slim either, she did have long legs and a good chest. But she never felt that guys actually liked her like that. She has always been, just one of the guys.
“Oh come on Mi, like guys haven’t gone after you. I bet there are a dozen strapping young men that follow you around campus, or who you chase after” Amy knew the answer to this already but enjoyed playing around.
“Neh I have way better things to do”.

Chapter 3- long time no see
Christmas Eve was the same Christmas Eve every year. The town would hold a party in the local town hall, with the appearance of Santa in a grabby white singlet, green stubbies, red fluffy hat, white beard, glasses with a cold beer and a pair of thongs. The traditional Aussie Santa.
  The entire town’s folk would eat out the back around the Barbie, drink cold ones, dance and exchange pressies. This was the one time of the year that the floods and droughts of the past year didn’t matter.
  At the party Miranda got together with all her old class mates and friends. They chatted away, danced, shared gifts, ate, dank and were merry.
“Hey hey, long time no see. How’s things up the coast?” Ben handed her a cup of punch (adults only punch). He smiled his one dimpled smile at her before bending down, hugging her and pecking her cheek.
“Hey yeah, everything is good. Gee it has been awhile. I thought you were still down in Sydney”
Ben had moved to Sydney with his mum a few years ago, finished school there and started uni himself.
“Came back earlier this year, I guess I kinda missed the place the big city and uni weren’t really my thing. I guess I like the smell of cow crap, the sound of dogs barking and riding horses. Nup I am definitely a country boy” a flash of that one dimpled smile sent a tingle over Miranda’s skin. “It’s pretty crowded in her, you wanna go count stars?”
Counting stars was their thing; they would lie up on Raven’s crest, the largest hill in town, and try counting the stars. They would always end up with a different number.
  Up on Raven’s crest they lay back in the grass, stared at the sky and just sat there in calm silence. The cool summer’s breeze blew across the summit, and the flies and mossies were at a minimum tonight.
“184. That’s what I got. What about you?” Ben turned to Miranda, and waited for her answer.
“Oi hang on you know I could never count as fast as you. Great now you made me lose count, I was up to 123.”
Ben started laughing at her, she joined in. As they laughed Miranda rolled onto her side and watched him. Watched as his whole body shook as he laughed.
  It was soon getting late and the mossies seemed to have called in reinforcements so they decided to head home.
“Hmm, looks as though everyone is still at the party” Miranda and Ben had decided to go and visit Miranda’s old nag, Sasha, in the back stable.
“Yeah looks like it. It is the one time of the year you can get totally pissed and your wife won’t complain” Ben stroked the old horse’s neck as Miranda stood on the other side. Sash was yet another thing she missed about the place. “Hey race you to the top”. Ben shot off past Sasha and Miranda and headed for the ladder that led to the loft and the trap door to the roof. This was yet another game the two used to play as kids.
“Oi not fair, you cheated” Miranda pushed Ben over as she pulled herself up next to him in the dry hey that littered the loft. She pulled the old blanket out and collapsed onto it.
Ben fell down beside her after opening the door to the roof to let in the moon light and fresh air. “No I never, you’re just slow” He made fun at her, and started poking her in the ribs.
“Ouch stop it” In between giggles and gasps, Miranda would prod back. Before Miranda realised Ben was on top of her.

Chapter 4- WOW!
She looked up at his dark eyes and his features highlighted by the moon’s spying light. He smiled down at her before he quickly brought his lips over hers. She felt his warm breathe and smelt his after shave. She let him put his mouth over hers, at first she pulled back just a tad, but she accepted him and let his tongue find hers.
  She had never felt a guy like this before; she pulled him tighter and let his wait press on her. As they kissed harder and more passionately she felt him go hard against her. A feeling of thrill excitement as well as unsure fear ran though her body.
Ben realised he was hard but he didn’t want to pull away, he couldn’t pull away. He felt hot and his prick started throbbing. Miranda’s hands flitted over his chest under his shirt as his felt her breasts and hips.
His hand made its way down to her jeans and undid the button. With a bit off wiggling and squirming about without pulling away from each other for too long, they managed to strip down to their undies.
They had explored every part of each other except that part. Ben pulled up a little, breathing heavily he lifted Miranda up slightly so he could undo her bra, with a bit of kafuffle he got it off, her soft white breasts bouncing out. Her took one in his hand and played with it a bit till the nipple was nice and hard in his fingers.
The knickers were next to go, he lightly ran his hands down her sides till the met her pelvic bone, there he started to push them off. When he had them off he threw them to one side and started to take his off. Miranda looked at him, she had never seen a man hard before, and her body screamed for him.
Once he was down on her again, he pressed himself hard onto her, she wrapped his arms around him, parted her legs. Her body wanted this more than anything, her skin grew goose bumps and her breathing grew more rapid.
As he slipped inside her she was already wet, his throbbing shaft made its way in. She cried out softly as he penetrated. Although it hurt she pulled him in harder and lifter herself up a little to take him in.
Ben started to move rhythmically, slowly going in and out. He pushed in harder as she tightened her grip and wrapped her legs around him. There breathing got faster and now again one would let out a little moan. Miranda had a small tear in her eye as he got faster, it hurt but she liked it, it felt right.
Just as he came he let out a heavy groan, just after he came, she screamed quietly and felt him quiver slightly inside of her.
As he rolled of her and lay next to her, a small trickle of blood made its way out onto the blanket to mix with the other juices. They lay side by side panting. Eventually he rolled into the curve of his body and went to sleep.
  Ben pulled the tatty old sheet out from under the pile of ragged cloths and pulled it over them. He looked down on Miranda as she snored softly, the moon light and breeze played with the loose strands of auburn hair. He saw her eyelids flutter slightly as she dreamed, and with a smile he kissed her softly on the cheek, pulled her in closer, protective and as he found his way to sleep his thought of how much he wanted to be with her forever. He knew he had loved her since they were kids.

© Copyright 2009 Deepest Garnets (merrigold at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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