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Rated: E · Essay · Religious · #1623481

Today, we are going to deal with the problems and confusions emanating from our poor understanding of the relationship between us and those nature beings that are meant for us as helps in our journey through this world. These are the gods of our ancestors that we inherited the belief in them while at the same time clinging to our own version of new teachings. This was prompted by the memory of a story that happened in one of the nation’s higher institutions once.

Two Ladies were roommates, one a typical firebrand born-again Christian, the other a bubbling, “happening” girl on campus. Naturally these two never got on well, for while one only carried the Bible and got visitors that discussed fellowships and love feasts and what nots, the other got visitors that discussed parties, boyfriends money and cars. One day a quarrel broke out between them to the point of fist-cuffs. Suddenly, the born again Christian shouted: “Look, don’t dare me – oo! Forget this Bible l am carrying, if you dare me, I will drop this Bible and go home for you”. This automatically shows us where her allegiance lies, that at the heat of distress, the masque of Christianity becomes discarded, and the true belief sets in.

Today, I am able to give explanations on these based on my little understanding of the activities of these beings based on my knowledge of a Work that is available for us today. This work is “In the Light of Truth, the Grail message”. The Author, Abd–ru-shin has been able to correct all the errors propounded by the leaders of various religions over millennia, and pointed out the true road to salvation for erring mankind. For we are in the time in the history of the world when all knowledge has to be streamlined using the Truth as the yardstick, and all the errors of our past beliefs cast off. It also entails the extension of knowledge accessible to mankind as regards creation happenings.

Such extension of knowledge include the understanding of the gods of our ancestors, the gods that our dear born again Christian believed in so much that she could abandon the Bible to go and consult, to deal with her room mate.

So much confusion exists among us as to the part of our culture that we will admit into modernity and what to throw away as barren. But in discussing these gods, care is taken to differentiate the various categories that our ancestors worship. There are the demons, the phantoms, the discarnate human spirits-that is, human beings not in the physical body. Then, there are the elemental beings of various categories. The activities of these are mediated to the faithful by clairvoyants, Claire audients, clairsentient, magicians, mystics and various groups of occultist.

The demons are basically the creations of the thoughts of men in their thoughts. Every single thought created by man takes on form in the beyond depending on the kind of thoughts produced. Since the thoughts of men previously associates certain activities with certain animals, such thoughts relating to such activities are also associated with such animals. Hence in many traditional societies, cunning and intelligence is associated with the tortoise, slimmy kind of evil with serpents, wickedness and venom with the scorpion etc. Because these forms are chestered in the immediate beyond, it is easy for anyone who sees another person that habours any of these vices in the beyond to see them like snakes, for example, though the snake may bear the face of the person who formed the thoughts.

It may also be that one looking at such a person physically may temporarily be granted the ability of clairvoyance, and he sees the other person as the kind of form he created. Thus a man can walk into a room with a lady, and momentarily sees the form the lady created around herself, which may take the form of a serpent. Fear takes over him, his ethereal eyes closes, and he affirms that the lady has changed from man to snake and back again. Unfortunately, before the story goes round, so much salt and pepper must have been added to it that it may not even resemble the original thing that happened.

It may then happen that some group of people may have taught themselves ways to detach their souls from their body. Such a soul may be covered by the form of a tiger because of the kind of thoughts surrounding it. It may then become densified, so dense that even the physical eyes can see it. Mostly it manifests itself to one it seeks to attack. This gave rise to the tradition that some people can change into animal and attack others. This happens while the body is lying down somewhere else.

To this group may belong the so called witches whose activities are in the immediate beyond. Those with benevolent activities are referred to as white witches. These operate in the astral plane, that plane nearest to us which form the prototype of everything on physical earth, including our bodies. Hence witches can inflict wounds on the astral bodies of others which automatically manifest in the physical.

All I have explained so far are far removed from the actual demons. For the demons and phantoms are forms independent of the producer that are formed by our fears. The nature of the fears determine the size nature and aggression of the demons. These demons can attack a person, it is true but vanishes when enough courage is garnered by the producer. Native doctors are aware of this, for many of them- not including the charlatans – are clairvoyants. Most of their remedy for pursing demons is courage instilling exercises, like dances involving shouts and leaping high into the air. Demons, therefore, do not and cannot possess anybody, but they can influence. Possession actually is done by a human spirit in the beyond fighting the owner of a body for the use of the body, i.e, two human spirits fighting over the same body.

Having talked of the demons, phantoms and entities, I can now proceed with the actual gods worshipped by our ancestors.

In the beyond are many human spirits that are earth bound, ie, they have dropped their physical bodies but have not been able to go anywhere because they have one or other propensities tying them down. It has become so rampant that those they left behind recognize their eagerness to take part in all their activities, particularly in breaking of kolanuts and food, where the ancestors are invoked to come and eat kola. It is easier for the ancestors due to the law of attraction of homogenous species to always incarnate again and again within the same family making progress difficult among the homogenous group.

But the main gods worshipped are the elemental beings. These are the beings in charge of the four elements- earth, water, air and fire. Hence we have the god of the land, gods of water, gods of the air and gods of fire. The priests among our ancestors are able to see these beings. The beings of the earth include garden gnomes – little beings that look like men, dress and act based on the soil they find themselves. Clairvoyants may see some six – inch tall men, probably carrying mats, for example, walking about in the garden. There are the flower elves, tiny ladies with wings, more like pictures of miniature angels. Then there are giants who with one step can bestride miles, that, looking up at them, their heads are embedded in the clouds and you may not even see up to the level of their knees.

The garden gnomes are in charge of tending the plants, and were the ones who taught our ancestors to tend yams on stakes, for                                                                                example. It was in their honour, to thank them for their help and guidance in determining planting season and harvest, that certain Festivals like new yam are celebrated. Today, such celebrations are hollow rituals since the modern man knows nothing about the origin of these things.
There are many other beings of the earth besides those mentioned, like, for example, those in charge of herbs.
The water beings, popularly known as water spirits, are the mermaids, mermens and even the water giants too. Just as in the earth beings, there are various species of these, like, for example, those little water beings riding the white sea horses on the waves that periodically hit the shores of sea.

The mermaids need a little more explanations here. They have little or nothing to do with the prevailing many water cults. These are female beings that are part of the watery elements. They are usually beautiful and are known to be good singers. In past ages, and even in modern ages, some of them are seen to be half fish half woman. The upper part of their body is usually half human. On the earth, we also have beings that are half goat, half man. The explanation for that is simple. Human beings are created after the image of those primordial spirits that are after the image of God. Hence the more the human spirits mature, the more they become closer to the image of the primordial spirits. Similarly, the more these elemental beings mature, the closer they get to the appearance of the human being.

One characteristics is that they are more comfortable in clear water, where there are no disturbances of their natural habitat. Thus as the mermaids mature, they shed their fish- human appearance and assume more human form.

The mermaid cult is something quite on its own. It may be that, from the pits of hell, a group of homogenous women many hatch plots on how to attack the Light, being dark spirits themselves. Their activities may constitute dark power centres, their so called kingdom, from where they operate. Even when one or two incarnate on earth, it is for a dark mission – either to mislead a striving spirit on earth resulting in its fall. All shrines of the mermaid cults are designed for the worship of degenerate human spirits. The kind of thought forms to be seen there are better imagined. The real mermaids only work in the Will of God.

The beings of the air also have various categories. Those that whistle and role in a desert storm, the giants that uproot trees and destroy houses and the little beings that play on the branches and leaves. This is the same way that the earth giants cause earthquakes.

The fire beings are the producers and sustainers of fire. Most of them are known to wear a crown of flames on their head.

Our ancestors knew of these being, and worshiped them as gods. But they are not gods but servants of the almighty. Most of the shrines for these gods are currently taken over by degenerate spirit that demand for food which they eat by association, just as a dead drunkard follows about drinkers and getting satisfaction from the smell of the wine and intoxication of the drinkers.

Some of our ancestors know these elemental beings even by name. Hence, as our culture matured, the priests were able to recognize the bosses of these beings, and called them higher gods. So it was that the leaders of the gods of thunder were known. Those that work with water, air and fire to produce the thunder and lightening. They could invoke those in charge of rain to direct them on where they need no rain, or where rain should fall. Thus it was that some can “send” thunder to somebody else’s property by calling on these beings to act. This is possible because of the difference in the origin of human beings and these beings. The earth belongs to them, but we brought the radiation of the higher spiritual into the earth. Hence, from time, they have drawn their strength from the radiation of the human spirit, but now, with the last judgment on, they draw directly from the radiation of the Almighty Creator.

As part of the new time, knowledge of the true nature of our ancestral heritage is part of the new knowledge mediated to us through the Grail Message. For if our ancestors were allowed to evolve on their own, they could have been able to perceive the existence of the leaders of these higher beings, who they would also worship as gods. This will also lead them to the next level, and so on, until they get to know of the overall boss of the elementals, known as mercury by the Greeks.
Mercury is the same as one of the four living creatures mentioned in the book of revelations, precisely the eagle. Finally, they may be able to perceive the existence of He who is seated on the throne, the Creator of the world.

That would be the ideal way. But our ancestors have been able to perceive the existence of the Creator but degenerated back to a lower level, simply because of their cutting themselves off by concentrating only on material things. Hence their gaze went to the depths instead of the heights. Many of them bound themselves in lower planes in the name of looking for power through occultic activities. Thus they intensified formation of thought forms that cannot be named. Some of them clairvoyant artists and sculptures depict in the costumes of masquerades. They even carve wooden statues to represent their spirit helpers, whom they regard as their personal gods. These were what the later Christians called the guardian angels. But they are no angels at all but fellow human beings nearest to them in their spiritual maturity, basking in the advantage of being free from encumbrance of the physical body.

This was the state of affairs when the missionaries came into the scene and came to tell them about the Christian Religion. Because, the Christians themselves know no better, they told our ancestors that all the gods they see and interact with are only a figment of their imagination, that their gods do not exist. They branded them pegans, and gave them the Bible to read and repent. Well, they read and repented but carried belief in their gods, which they know of out of personal experience, deep within themselves.

Now, at the close of all cycles, it became necessary that the missing bridge between our tradition and Christianity will be built in order for us as a people to move forward towards the new time, to the new kingdom of peace where only the will of God rules. This is after the great tribulation that we are already stepping into now. And the Grail message is the faithful guide for us.                                                                                                                         

(MAY 2008)
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