Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1623412-My-Purple-Heart
Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1623412
Inspired by WWII; Patty, Laura, and Lydia have their husbands stationed at Pearl Harbor.
My Purple Heart

The morning light shone in through the kitchen window. Today would hopefully be a nice and quiet day. Lately everyone has been buzzing with the same questions: Will the Allies win? Will we join the war? Some critics would say that we have already joined the war. I didn’t focus on those questions, and neither did the other ladies on my street. We all wondered when our husbands would come home. All of our husbands are stationed at Pearl Harbor; manning the ships and whatever else they do.

“Lydia?” Patty knocked at my door. I opened the door and invited her in.

“Good morning, Patty. How are you?”

“I’m fine, thank you. We should be getting off to the office.” She glanced at the clock.

“You’re absolutely right.” I grabbed my purse from the counter and opened the door. Laura was franticly running up my porch with tears stuck to her cheeks.

“Oh my goodness. What happened?” Patty asked.

“The Japs,” Laura pushed out through sobs. “They’ve attacked.” I took in a breath.

“Where?” Patty squealed.

“Pearl Harbor,” Laura collapsed to the wood floor. Patty fell next to Laura and followed her sobs.

“C’mon.” I patted Laura’s back. “Let’s go inside.” Patty and Laura rose hugging each other. They curled up onto my couch; I took the armchair across from them. “We don’t know if they’re dead.” I tried to assure them. “When did they attack?”

“I heard it on the radio. I don’t know exactly when,” Laura said.

“I’m sure they’ll notify us when they can,” I fiddled with my wedding ring.

“How can you be so calm?” Patty yelled.

I sighed. “Because my brother died three months ago fighting for the Allies. I know how it feels to lose a soldier, someone you care about. We don’t even know if they’re dead. But I am not going to lose my mind again. I’ll just wait until Joseph comes walking through that door.”

“You’re right.” Laura said, releasing Patty. “We just need to pray that they’ll come home safe.”

I walked over to my counter and turned on the radio. Immediately a man’s voice began talking about the attack. “The Japanese have made an unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor. For all of you listeners just joining us, we have been attacked. Right now, there have been no new messages coming out from Pearl Harbor. The body count has yet to be announced. President Roosevelt has called congress into an emergency session. War with the Japs is immanent. This is Todd Randal giving you your war update, keep listening. We’re all praying for our soldiers to come home. Have a sunny Hawaiian day.” I turned off the radio. Please be alive, Joseph. I prayed to myself. Jesus my savior, please bring home my husband. Bring all of our husbands home. I brought my cross up to my lips. Laura and Patty continued sobbing. I stood and prayed. Dear God. Please do not make me suffer again. My brother left a gapping hole in my heart, please do not give me another.

Two hours later.

I offered General Howard a cup of coffee. He began sipping it very slowly. Laura and Patty drifted by me to wait for his news. General Howard was my brother’s best friend, like a second brother to us. He wasn’t stationed at Pearl Harbor but he had a friend there to give him news of our husbands. He cleared his throat. “Ladies, I have good news and bad news.” He paused. “Laura, your husband Tom suffered no injuries. But he is still there tending the wounded. They need all the medics they can get.” Laura’s lips curled up in a smile. She clapped her hand over her mouth to try to hide her happiness. “Patty, your husband,” he cleared his throat. “Died pulling wounded from the ships. I’m so sorry.” Patty stared at him in shock. Laura guided her to the couch and tried to comfort her. “Lydia…” he trailed off. He put his coffee on the counter and hugged me. No. I thought. No… “Joseph was in one of the ships. They can’t find him. They’re still pulling people out and identifying bodies.” I took a deep breath.

“But he could still be alive?” I asked.

“Yes. As soon as I get news, I’ll tell you. I have to get going,” He tipped his hat to me. “Ladies.” He made the same gesture to Laura and Patty. General Howard let himself out. I went to the cabinet and took out three shot glasses. Under the sink was an old bottle of bourbon, Joseph’s favorite. I filled all the shot glasses. Patty immediately rose and gulped it down, tears still running down her cheeks. Laura walked over and took one glass. She hesitated for a minute. Her expression was sympathetic.

Her husband was alive, mine was missing, and Patty’s was dead. Laura looked at me and nodded. She gulped down the shot slowly. I took the last glass and held it above me. “To all the men who lost their lives today.” I tipped the glass back and sucked down every drop. We all stood there for awhile, just looking at each other.

Patty finally broke the silence,

“God damn Japs.” Laura nodded in agreement.

I poured another round of drinks. We all took the shots quickly and refilled our glasses. We are going to need a hell of a lot more bourbon.

© Copyright 2009 Masquerade (masquerade88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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