Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1623072-My-Life
Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #1623072
This is my autobiography. It's really personal, so I really hope you like it.
I'm a teenager, so if I spell some stuff wrong just ignore it and keep reading. I might repeat some stuff everyonce in a while so excuse me if that happens. But, here's the story of my teenage life:

I live with, my mother, my sister, Jackie, Mr.Paul, Little Paul, Morgan, Lynda,
Terry, Ashley, Alyza and Landon. Along with, six dogs, five fish and two turtles. Sometimes the neiborhood duck comes around, but we haven't seen him in a while. Morgan, my sister, my mother, Little Paul and I sleep on the four couches in the living room. Mr.Paul and Jackie (sometimes Little Paul) sleep in one room, Ashley, Alyza (her three year old daughter) and Landon (her almost one year old son) share the second room, and Terry and Lynda share the last room. Let me tell you about them. Jackie is the craziest woman you will ever meet. She raises her voice if she thinks her point isn't being made and when she feels like she just wants to yell, which is often. We love her though and none of us could make it a day without her in our lives. Mr.Paul is... well... I don't know much about Mr.Paul except that he likes football He's usually at work . But, he does know how to crack a joke every once in a while. Overall, he seems kind. Little Paul is in elementary and thinks he's big and bad. We argue with him to do his homework every night, but all he does is sit on the PS2 all day. He's got a mouth on him. And the mouth comment brings me to Morgan. She's like the little sister I NEVER wanted. She follows me around and copy's me a lot. In the end though, I would do anything for her. But, at the same time, I want to strangle her. Terry is the guy who is funny in a nasty kind of way. He and I crack jokes about eachother just because we're bored. We've only ever argued once. Sadly enough, it was an argument over the computer. Oh well. The past is the past. Alyza is Ashley's daughter. Alyza is energetic and a handful . But, I treat her like she's mine. I love her so much and she's not even mine. I can't stand it when she cries, even though I act totally heartless when she's in trouble. I expect so much from her that I get seriously angry when she does something she shouldn't. But, when she's hurt, I'm one of the first people there to hold her, make her stop crying, find out where it hurts and fix her up until she feels better. I'd do anything for her. Landon, Ashley's son, is the cutest baby ever, when he's not screaming his head off because he wants to be held all the time. He's got the cutest little girly scretch for a laugh though. Whenever Terry calls him fat head he gets a big adorable smile on his face that you just don't want to look away from. Now, my older sister, Mary. Mary, Mary, Mary. How do I discribe her. Well, for starters, she and I hate eachother SO much.....because we care too much about one another. She and I scream and argue and it's like H-UH-EL at times. We tell eachother to shut up usually and of course we don't shut up. We keep right on arguing. And I promise I only start... some of the fights. Okay, fine, a fourth of the fights. OKAY FINE I'LL TAKE HALF! She agrees. Now I'm wondering why she's reading over my shoulder. And now she thinks i'm talking crap about her. And now she's talking about a boy. I think she's a lifetime movie to tell you the truth. She complains a lot, but so do I, and we have a reason to complain because we do live in a house with a lot of people and animals. My mother... is... well she's a handful. She's the white version of Madea when it comes to Mary and me. Except, she doesn't need a gun. She's short and deadly. Kinda like a snake. But, she hates snakes so I'll drop that conversation. Drama queens (Mary and mom)! I swear, they get wrost and worst all the time. Oh well. They're family, so I'll put up with it... for now (After high school they have no hold on me). Ashley is the nineteen year old mother of two. She works at the Wiggle Inn, which is a bar not to far down the lane there, as a bartender. She and I talk often and I babysit Alyza and Landon for her. She pays me for helping her out with the babies. Lynda is... well... I don't know how old miss Lynda is. She talks a lot though. But, if you're like me and like to learn about other peoples lives from when they were my age, she's really interseting. I try to talk to my mom about what she used to do when she was my age and she tells me the same thing everytime: Chorse. She sang in school chorse. But, back to miss lynda. I'm still learning about her. What I know so far, is: She used to be a cheerleader (She's the only cheerleader I've ever met that I actually like) and she was in girl scouts. I'd give everything up for all of them any day. And, finally, there's me. I'm differnt from my mom and sister (in other words,I'm just about the exact opposite of them.). I'm into rollar coasters, horror movies (I never get scaired! And I use that fact for challenge purposes. *Wink* ) bkmfjmgvkvfjmncnc My dog just decided to type on the computer for a moment. I think I'll leave it there, because I thought it was cute that he wanted to get into my writing. *Smile* *smiles* I love my dog. I love all animals. If it wasn't for McDonalds having such awesome chiken nuggets then I'd be a vegetarian. Right now I'm listening to Brick by boring brick By Paramore. I keep getting off subject man dang! Sorry. I don't mean to. It just kinda happens. Sorry. But, anyways, I'm a tomboy. I like cars and video games. I can't stand it when people are arguing over something stuipid. Which is why I don't like being in this house all that much. But, I want to go to Juiliard in New York (Oh GOD. Now that song's gonna be stuck in my head!) for the vocal program when I graduate from high school. I'm into all kinds of music, but country is my favorite kind of music.Music,writing and my friends are my life.Without those three things,I don't know how I'd survive.Well, those three things,and Joshua.Josh is my first love.I have the teenage love thing going on so don't say I don't know what love is.People only say that because I'm young.Truthfully though,I think the younger the person,the more they know about love so I know more than a lot of people when it comes to that subject.But, Josh has been through a lot with me.He was there for me when my sister was date raped.He was there when I was lost. Last night he even told me to go to bed because how tierd I was. I argued,but I ended up getting off the phone with him o go to bed.I told him to study for Midterms next week and he answered that remark with,"You go study then go to bed." He's my dork/nerd.We aren't even officialy together and we act like we are most of the time.We havn't argued argued in a while so that's a good thing.I think about him constently so you will hear a lot about him by the end of this story. Alright, it all started in eighth grade, before we moved into Jackie's house.It was just my mom,Mary,my step daddy and myself. Oh, wait no! Lexi was there too. Peanut came in later.Lexi is a dog that we had to give away when we moved into Jackie's place. Anyway, I was heading to school.The bus stop is right next door to my house.In fact, it's the next door neibors driveway. lol :) .I got on the bus and sat next to Brittany in the first seat on the bus.Aariel sat behind us with her little, yet taller, sister Emily.Aariel is loud and getto. I call her my unbiological sister. Brittany is preety cool. I call her momma. Emily is just like Aariel, but Emily is like a daughter to me. We all got off the bus and walked Brittany to Mrs.Owens portable for a class room, which is where Josh and I had had our first kiss. Usually, we all got along in the mornings. People mostly picked on My Aariel(I call all my friends mine). Other mornings, things happened. Like Josh throwing Aariel up against a potable for saying the wrong things. When Emily tried to interfear, Josh pushed her so hard that she ran into the portable across from the one Aariel was against. I realize now that I should have shaken off my shock and helped Aariel instead of watching helplessly as Aariel began losing air supplies. Josh said something to Aariel and let her go. That's all I can remember from that. Another bad morning,some time after that,Josh had to tell Aariel that De'Onta,her exboyfriend/love,was in Juvie.I found out why he was there later on when he called me.He always called me when he needed someone to talk to. He was truely like My Jacob(Twilight moment).He called me after school and in the mornings.I had longer conversations with him then I did with Joshua. I miss him. Anyway, Aariel broke down and I trid to get her away from everyone so that she wouldn't be embarrased.When I told Emily to go get momma aka Brittany though, it kinda gave away her reaction, so people tried to make fun of her later that day.When they tried though, they looked over at my expression, and shut up very quickly. Memories. My typical day in eighth grade, usually went the same, just differnt conversations(but sometimes the same topic). First period with My Christelle and My Amber. We talked about wilight and Taylor/Jacob. I never told anyone who My Jacob was though. I had been thinking it for a while though. Christelle is another wanna be daughter of mines.She's sweet but mean in a nice way. True face of evil huh? lol . Amber was the twilight queen. She read a lot of really good books. Second period I has Mrs.Owens.She was a crazy/load teacher. We all loved her though. I didn't really hang out with anyone in that class. Usually I just watched and observed everything going on around me. Third period, I had My Carmnen and My Christelle again. Steven was in that class as well. Steven is a pervert but he's funny. Carmen is taller then Emily and Josh and well eveyone else.
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