Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1622624-Lord-of-Stealth
by Leo
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #1622624
A chess match between a hyena matriarch and a male leopard on the Serengeti.
I once tracked a young male leopard one summer on the serengeti. He was quite the crafty cat and I grew
attached to him throughout our endeavors, and I dare say the feeling became mutual not long after. Now this
young leopard had become independent from his mother in an environment that was relatively unique for a
leopard. Understand that there is plenty of competition in the Serengeti among the large predators, but it was
quite a bit much more so for this one.

A whole clan of hyenas marked his every move more meticulously than even me that summer. He was very stealthy indeed and could escape from their sight in a flash, mind you, but this was not the issue. Leopards must hunt and eat, and accordingly, hyenas are blessed with a wonderful sense of smell. So whenever he made a kill the clan would simply follow their noses and bully the meal away from the leopard.

Leopards also happen to be excellent climbers, and are easily able to drag prey twice their weight up into trees.
So during my time, I noted that the leopard was able to airlift his prize off the ground before the theives arrived occasionally. But more often than not, he was surrounded before the attempt could be made. The only solution for him after that was to run off and try to make another kill in quick succession, while the hyenas were occupied with the fresh spoils of the previous kill.

The leader of the hyena clan was a dominant female hyena called the matriarch. She was the driving force behind these raids, and without her, the clan would be in disarray. Over the summer, the matriarch and the leopard played a chess match of wits, each trying to outsmart the other. They knew each other quite well, almost personally you could say, and they were quite the nemeses. Although leopards do not fight unless absolutley necessary, this leopard would have gladly accepted a one-on-one duel with the matriarch. Even if it meant risking a disabling injury or even death, at least he would be rid of her. Unfortunately for him, the opportunity never presented itself, as the matriarch never strayed far from her bodyguard of males, fully aware of the possibility of such a confrontation.

It all came to a point one day as the summer was coming to a close and the rainy season was creeping in. The sun was hot and the thunderheads rolled and billowed on the horizon. There was a small group of gazelle grazing close to some acacia trees, when suddenly a streak of yellow flashed out from behind some tall grass towards them. Within a few moments, it had tackled one of the gazelles with brilliant speed and efficiency. When the cloud of dust cleared away, it revealed the leopard crouched with the prey's throat secured in his jaws. A few moments later, he was hastily dragging it towards the nearest tree. Then the all too familiar sounds of mocking laughter could be heard close by and they were getting closer.

The leopard had reached the tree before the theives arrived, but to my great surprise he did not attempt to drag it up the tree as before. Instead, he left his prize on the ground and darted up the tree, disappearing into the branches. When the hyenas arrived they were all surprised to find the carcass with no leopard to chase off. Puzzled as they were though, they all proceeded to hunker down and enjoy their meal as usual...all except for the matriarch. There was a look of confusion and fear on her face as she impatiently looked about in every direction. Her concern was growing noticeably, as the stealthy cat was nowhere to be seen.

Now I have lived in Africa for many years and I have been held in awe by many extraordinary things as one would imagine. I have also bore witness to the amazing intelligence of many of Africa's creatures, melding with extraordinary scenes that caused me to gasp or become dizzy with glee. But when that leopard shot out of that tree and ended the life of the hyena matriarch, I was absolutely dumbfounded sat petrified where I was. Not only had he effortlessly made the kill, but due to the perfect silence and precision of his attack, the leopard had managed not to disturb the rest of the feasting clan. The sheer brilliance of the plan, the flawless execution, and the daunting nerve of that leopard to decend among such formidable foes was the most riveting event I have ever seen.

The clan eventually discovered their fallen leader, and consequently dispersed in disarray. The sun was descending
onto the horizon now, and the ominous gray clouds had already conquered the sky, prepared to drench the parched plain. From where I sat, I could see the sunlight filtering through the tree, dappling my face with warm rays. And there along a sturdy branch, I was humbled by the unwavering black silhouette of a noble beast, known to many as the leopard.
© Copyright 2009 Leo (packersleo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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