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Rated: E · Poetry · Arts · #1622399
A class assignment in which we had to write poems based on a set of paintings. Enjoy!
Headed From the City at Sunset

They are headed from the city at sunset

The black man and his Barbie companion

Plain leather suitcases in the trunk

Along with one oak guitar

And one dainty violin

The little white dog is in the backseat

Whimpering, whining, and longing for home

The sounds of the 60’s are all around

In deep contrasting to the classical song

Humming silently from the speakers

The man is singing along

Making up his own lyrics

In a foreign, slippery tongue

The woman cannot understand him

And yet it is nevertheless a breathtaking sound

The harmonies

Of the deep man and the dainty violin

Much like the one in the backseat

The car is grey-blue-silver

They are on a busy road

The people in the cars around them stare

But the man and the woman pay no notice

They are caught up in their own world

Of dainty violins and oak guitars

On their way home from the city at sunset

The brake lights provide a neon glow

To the dull tones of the cloudy day

The man and woman and canine companion

Stop dead on the road in the sea of automobiles

A concerto starts on the radio

That both the man and woman know

And the woman plucks the violin solos

On her neon yellow fingernails

Which make a dull thump on the dashboard

Of the grey-blue-silver Cadillac car

In a sea of automobiles

Headed from the city at sunset

The landscape is bright and rolling

But the clouds are dense and they cover everything

In the distance there is a beautiful horizon

Of love and laughter

But the black man and his Barbie companion

Have much time before home is near

They are headed from the city at sunset

The man, the doll, the dog

The violin and the oak guitar

Longing for a home

Of love and laughter

Of violin-guitar concertos

On the dashboard

On the grey-blue-silver Cadillac

In a sea of automobiles


Under the sun

Deep within the mountains

There is a hidden paradise

Filled with sunshine

And happiness

Foothills and valleys

And the darkness of sin

Surrounding the realm

Glaciers seep down the mountain

Someday they will crash and bury the valley

In a sheet of cold, hard ice

We should enjoy paradise

For it will be gone someday

We should enjoy the bluebirds

And the sunshine

And the happiness

We should collect all we can

For happiness is rare

And it will be gone someday

Gone up in fire and ice

So travel deep within the mountains

The hardships are worth it

Load up on happiness and light

Use it wisely

For you might not be able to go back

To that happy paradise

The Striped Hand

As a genuine gesture

I reached out my hand

As a reminder

Of where we now stand

But they hesitate

As if they are surprised

That my hand stares back at them

With sweet, solemn eyes

They blinked as if stunned

And I pulled back my arm

The intricate skin I wore

Surely meant no harm

The people look amongst themselves

Mumbles spread among the crowd

Will they reach out their hand once again with love?

Or will the friendships go slowly down

Differences are many

But this shouldn’t mean we can’t just shake

The solemn eye sheds a tear

As the people walk slowly away


I have been twisted

Shaped by the woods

Molded by the skeleton trees

Fixed by the night

I walk among the bloodthirsty

But I am not afraid

I know how to survive

There are things the woods

Have taught me

Always look behind your back

Trust none

And fear all

I will survive within the cloak of evil

Underneath the moon

Where the trees and the fog filter the light

Into soggy stripes of ebony and ivory

I walk on the earthen paths

Walked on by all

From the tiniest mouse

To the greatest hungry wolf

I walk with them all

On the same path






The countryside unfolds

Underneath the golden sun

The flowers flourish

A tropical wave of aroma

Washing into me

The windmill twirling the clouds away

The grass furrows in confusion

And the flag of simplicity whips in the wind

This is truly the best life to live

Only in my dreams

And when I forever close my eyes

For a long-awaited death

Darkness envelops me

Taking me to a beautiful place

Where the world is wonderful

And the sun shines forever

Like an all-seeing eye




Sitting in Thought

I am traveling

Through my imagination

Through a world

Only existent to me

Through a silent dream

I am traveling

In an altogether


Place then where I am

Full of bubble-gum candies

Cotton candy castles

And nothing would go wrong

I am traveling

Through my best memories

Reliving them every day

Remembering them by night

Here I am traveling

Through a river of fresh clean water

Where the sound calms me

And I close my eyes

I fall slowly to sleep

In my dreams

I am traveling

Through a world only existent

To me

The Ship of Darkness

It swallows me

It engulfs me

The rainbow swirls

Whirls around me

I flee and panic

But the cult has a hold on me

Grabbing me

Groping me

Stealing the life of me

The hands of darkness stroking me

Clawing me

Clothing me

Evil forces are surrounding me

Smoldering, scorching me

Scarring me

The seas are a fever

Teasing me

Seizing me

Nothing is left but the darkness

Abandoned alone in the darkness

Taken aboard by the darkness

Before the ship of darkness sinks


I shall make my last stand

Mostly because

I am about to be eaten

But also because

It will be a good story for the press

“Hopeless Cat Makes a Desperate Attempt”

Or perhaps

“Ferocious Feline Is a Victorious Hero”

Or maybe

“Tricky Ninja Kitty Makes an Impression”

Yes, the third one is dynamite

The dinosaur is mad

I can tell because

His eyeballs are popping out of his flipping head

But also because

His teeth look incredibly large and sharp

His tongue is green

He should probably see an orthodontist for that

It’s too bad I can’t remind him

Then the headlines would state

“Feline Feels for a Dark Dinosaur”

Or shall it be

“A Kitty Gives Advice to a Predator”

Or maybe

“Cat Is Apparently an Orthodontics Expert”

A bit stretched

But I do quite like it

Definitely, it is too bad I can’t tell him

Mostly because

He is about to eat me

Actually, definitely because he is about to eat me

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