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Rated: 18+ · Sample · Supernatural · #1622379
The love of a vampire. The most danderous love in history.
this is part two of a series of books i plan to write. i have not finished this part really and i will add more when i have.... enjoy

My whole life changed forever the night it happened. I was thrown into a world of supernatural, something that I would not have believed myself, had I not seen it. It started when I was walking home from a party. I live in a small village and my taxi had broken down, so I decided to take a quick way home through the woods. so with the flashlight the taxi man gave me I was on my way. I had never been that way before, but I just thought to myself just walk in a straight line and I will be at my village in no time. It didn’t turn out that way as I must have walked in the wrong direction. I had been walking for about 45 minutes when I finally realised I was lost, sitting on a log for a rest, something in the distance caught my eye. Something in the bushes, two lights in the thick leaves and branches, two orange eyes like lights staring straight towards me. My first thought was it’s just a cat, a poor cat trapped in bushes, getting close however I soon realised it was no cat. Shining my flashlight into the bushes, it turns out it was a human. As soon as the light touched them they ran and jumped into a tree, I still could not see their face, but I did work out they was wearing a hooded jacket. Sat on the branch just staring at me, I was no fool I knew I should get away, so I started to walk. My body was shaking, I started to hum a song, let them know I wasn’t scared, but as I walked I could hear them moving in the trees, following me. I started to walk faster and hum louder, but it was no use, as I speeded up so did they. I was going to run but run where? I didn’t know where I was. Arming myself with my house key ready to scratch the eyes at whoever is in that tree. I stood still and span around, shining my light in the trees,

“WHAT THE FUCK DO-” My words was stopped as I looked up… they have gone.

Shining my light into all the nearby bushes, I started to back up to a tree, silence all I could hear was my heavy breathing, holding my racing breath I realised… that wasn’t my breathing.

Before I could turn around a hand, a cold bony hand covered my mouth.

“Young sweet fresh, you should never go in to the woods alone, you don’t know what you will find, or what will find you." He whispered to me.

if sour breathed moron thought I was just going to stand here and let him kill me he is thinking wrong. Yes I am terrified and near to tears, but I will stand my ground. Biting his finger I wriggled free, trying to run I tripped over his foot. Turning on my back I looked up, his face still shadowed by his hood, his burning orange eyes, so beautiful I cant look away. How could I run from those golden eyes?

The trance he had holding on me was broken by a man, a hairy man, with a dog like mouth. He wrestles the man to the ground. The man gets up and starts to fight back, this is my chance to run. Getting to my feet I run, but then stop, this man saved me, I can't just leave him I have to save him too. Grabbing a brick, I run up to the man that attacked me and whack him in the face with the brick. Watching him fall back, I grab my light and shine it in his face, remembering he hated it last time,

“Go on move. GET OUT OF HERE GO!” i demand.

Not been able to take the light any more, he runs into the trees and dissapears.

catching my breath i look over to the man who saved me. He is obviously in pain, with his stumbling and grunting.

“Hey are you ok? Do you need a hand?” i ask him, walking upto him.

“No. Go away, you're safe now aren’t you? Just piss off.” he says, revolting back in to a shadow of a tree.

“Well how rude. I was just offering my help. I didn’t even need your help anyway I didn’t ask for it did I”? i snap to him.

“No, your screams did. If I didn’t turn up you’d still be in his trance, you’re a typical female, almost needing help.” the sexist pig says to me.

“Oh really, well what about you? From the look of it he was getting the better of you. Your lucky I came back and saved you, you’re the first hero I know who had to be saved from the person you saved.” i argue back.

“Well, what are you waiting for go away you little pest.” He hollows to me.

Pest, this man was the rudest most moodiest man I have ever met.I m not staying around here to be insulted like that, so grabbing my bag and giving him a flick off my hair I start to walk away. Getting to the second tree I hear his grunt of pain, looking back I see him lying on the floor. Despite his rudeness he is right, he did save me. So I start to walk up to him, hiding his face under his arm.

"Are you sure you're alright?" I asked him. "Do you need anything?”

"No no, I'm fine ok, just go home.” He assured me.

"Well you don’t look fine, you look in pain. Why don’t you go home too?” i say to him.

"Me? I am home hot stuff. This whole forest that you and that ugh interrupted is my home." he tells me.

"This is your home? This cold dark damp forest?" i say to him, looking around the slug infested damp-fest "Well at least you're at home, me well I'm, well, I missed a step.” i say sitting down.

“You're lost?" He says, adding an annoying laugh. "This is awesome! All that rubbish you give me about not needing my help, and yet you don’t even know your way home.”

“Oh shut up I just missed a turn that’s all. Are you going to help me or not?" i ask him.

“Ermmmmmmmmmmm not.” he swiftly answers back.

“I'm cold, hungry and bored. And do you know what I do when I'm bored?” I say, standing up andtowering over his body and giving him a flick off my finger.

"I really hope hope the answer is not talk.” he says, he is such a joker.

“Nooo. I sing.” So I decided to sing. I have such a beautiful voice it will melt his heart. (Very bad singing ).

"Oh stop it!” he pleaded.

“Ha I knew it will melt your heart.” i say.

“more like burst my eardrums. That god awful voice was driving me insane, and it's worse for someone with extra sensitive hearing like me. Come on I will show you the way home, that’s the only way I will get some peace.”

We argued for about 30 minutes.

"My voice is magical. Your just jealous of my god given talent," I fought. "Let's here your voice then, come on.” I challenged

"Ok then. To shut you up.” he accepted.

He started to sing, very good really, in fact is was fantastic.

“Wow that was, well almost better than me.” i praised.

“Yeah, I wrote that. My mom wanted me to be a singer, I sort of wanted it too.” he explains to me.

“So go for it, what’s stopping you?”

Looking down, he has pain in his eyes, I decided to shut up.

“I know the way now. Thank you though, for everything tonight.” i say.

"No problem. Now don’t show your face in my woods again ok? Clear off.” Walking away I start to feel bad.

“Hey, my mom and dad are out of town, if you want you can stay the rest off the night. I'll cook you something.”

"You got any meat?” He asked intrigued.

"Yeah, tons of the stuff.”

Sat in my kitchen I get him some meat out the fridge and go upstairs, get him some of me dads old clothes,and run him a bath. I then have an idea. Walking back downstairs I see he has eaten the meat, the ovens not even hot…. Strange.
© Copyright 2009 Louie-Lou (louie-lou at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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