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by Seven
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1622358
A sorcerer and his colleague are looking for the lost prince believed to be dead.
“Long ago, when the first King and Queen used to exist… that was the time of wealth and peace in this world… for they were strong and powerful rulers. But there was one problem, the King’s sister was jealous of her brother’s power and the Queen’s beauty. So when the time came that the Queen was pregnant with a baby boy. The King’s sister did whatever it took to destroy the King and Queen.
Sadly, the King did not know and suspect his dear, beloved sister of holding a heart of such hate.
When the time came that the Queen was to deliver the baby boy, the sister waited until the Queen was exhausted from labor and killed the Queen and everyone who saw her. But the sister did not realize that her brother, the King, had a special bodyguard.

When the bodyguard reported to the King of what had transpired, the King felt betrayed, much grieve and distress. In his outrage, he killed his dear sister, whom he had loved, adored and cared for. In his last words to his bodyguard and friend who had saved his son, the King told the bodyguard to protect his son, and then he killed himself.


Not only did the King’s sister despised and hated her own brother… but there were others who had wished to end the King and Queen’s rule. On that same day when the newly born Prince was born and his parents dead… assassins were sent to obliterate the household. The bodyguard did everything in his power to protect the baby Prince, but his days were over for he was getting older. In his last attempt to protect the baby Prince, the bodyguard transfers his deadly, forbidden art to the baby Prince and died.

The assassins, happy with the death of the bodyguard walked over to the baby Prince and drop him over a rocky cliff…”

Old man Herald wiped tears from his eyes with his long, white beard. Grabbing his cane which was resting against the old willow tree, he got up from the rock he was sitting on and said to the little children before him, “Thus concludes the tragic tale of how our dear beloved King and Queen had left us.”

The children were quiet as they stared at the old man as he tried to shoo them away. “Story time is over! Go back home! Let me have time alone to myself now will you?”

The children whined and complain as they left reluctantly. All except for one who walked up to the old man and said, “It wasn’t a long time ago Herald… it’s only been 17 years.”

“Shoo, shoo! Who’s telling the story here? Me or you?” Herald said hotly waving the stick wildly at the little boy as he ran away.

The old men sighed and turn the opposite directions the children went, which was away from the little Village of the Sun. He lived alone on the other side of the village… which was a swamp. It wasn’t long before he’ll reach his home since the children on the other side always come running over for a story of the time the great King Ronen and Queen Lea ruled. It was forbidden to speak of them for the ruler now is the evil, merciless Ducan, a murderer who had been one of the many people who had hired assassins to destroy the King and Queen. Ever since his reign, everyone had gone poor and nearly everything in the kingdom was dying.

Herald was not afraid of the new ruler though. He would not be, for deep in his heart he believes the son of King Ronen and Queen Lea is still alive and will one day take back his thrown.


Herald’s train of thought was interrupted when a rock hit his head. He quickly looked up and saw one of the village boys from the other side standing before him.

“I’m sorry son, but storytelling is over now,” Herald said.

The boy seems to look insulted by what Herald said. “I am not here for your stupid stories!” he yelled hotly. “My name is Ron and I am 16 years old. Got that? And I am here to tell you to stop speaking about that damn King and Queen or I’ll kill you!”

Herald watched as the boy took off in a rush.

Ethan, who had been atop the old willow tree listening to the old man’s stories, jump off the tree startling the old man.
“Sorry old man,” he said walking away, a smile curling at his lips.

The old man narrowed his eyes. “Old man you call me…?” He watched as Ethan disappeared into the village before he walked to his house, wondering about the little boy and young man he met today.

It was getting dark as Ethan walked towards the old willow tree where the old man always told his stories. As he near the area, he heard whispering behind him and quick footsteps. Ethan quickly looked behind him and saw three shadows before it quickly disappear.

“Must be them again,” Ethan mumble to himself as he continue walking, ignoring the three presence behind him. Pretty soon, Ethan felt something hard hit him on his shoulder. Sighing, Ethan ran towards the swamp, hoping the three bullies would not follow him due to rumors of ghost hunting the swamp.

Sadly, they kept on.

Ethan was out of breath by the time he found a place to hide: In a beat up shack. But as he near the shack, something grabbed his ankle and he fell on the wet grass. He felt a big hand grab his hair, pulling him up.
“So you think you can run from us, huh?” Robert said deviously.

Ethan coughed.

“Ugh!” Robert shoved Ethan away and wiped his face. “Disgusting!”

Ethan felt something hard hit his side. He looked up in pain. It was Ron.

“Hey moron, don’t ever cough on Robert’s face again,” Ron threatened.

Ethan almost felt like laughing. A little boy who believes himself 16 years old was threatening him. Ron stood before him, his little arms crossed and legs apart. Sweat stream down his face. His red, curly hair was messy but his green eyes were determined. A smile escaped from Ethan’s pale face. Ron noticed it just about the moment Robert pushed his little brother away. Ron landed on the wet grasses. Ethan almost burst into laughter.

“Go away rascal,” Robert said annoyed.

Compare to his little brother, Robert was bigger and stronger. But that was also the problem. He became heavier and slower. Like his little brother, Robert’s hair was also red, but straight and his eyes were a deeper shade of green.

“It’s gotten a lot darker Robert,” Aven said. “Let’s just go.” He stood a distance from the brothers, sapphire eyes staring disapprovingly. His silver shoulder length hair that he usually kept down was tied back. He was tall and wore wealthy clothes compare to Robert and Ron who wore the clothes of the commoners. Arms crossed, Aven said again, “It’s getting dark.”

Robert glared at Aven. “No.” He turned to Ethan’s amused face. “I’ll stop looking like that if I was you.” He reached down and grabbed Ethan by the shirt and pulled him up. “Listen here you annoying brat, I better not see you around my village again. And you better stay away from Liadon.”

A smile slowly curled on Ethan’s lips. He stared at Robert and said slyly, “Why don’t you tell your sister to stay away from me? I’m not the one pursuing her. She’s the one pursuing me.” Smirking, Ethan added, “I’m sure that is obvious in your eyes.”

Robert glared at Ethan. Raising his fist in anger, Robert would have punch Ethan into a pulp had not a slimy tail grabbed Robert.


“Big brother!” Ron ran towards his brother but Aven grabbed him.

“No,” he said sternly. “You’ll just get killed.”


The slimy tail turned into a disgusting, deformed monster frog. It croaked and stared at Aven and Ron.
“Ugh! Let go of me you disgusting monster!” Robert yelled angrily.

The monster frog shook Robert.

“Uh… Robert, I suggest you stop provoking it,” Aven warned.

“That’s a Warpoe.”

Aven turned around. It was Ethan.

“A Warpoe?”

“Hey loser, tell your ugly pet to leave my brother alone!” Ron demanded.

“I can’t, my pet’s hungry and wants to eat your brother.”

Aven stared at Ethan, “Is that… That was a joke right?”

“Of course it was joke.”

Ron stared at the two curiously and was about to say something, but Robert diverted his attention.

“Ahhh!! It’s licking me! HELP ME ALREADY!” Robert screamed through tears.

Robert struggled helplessly as the warpoe stared at him hungrily and lick him tastefully.

“Use a water spell against the warpoe,” Ethan told Aven.


“Warpoe’s water spells are strong, but they are also weak against water.”

“But in the books…”

“Are you going to argue with me or save your friend?” Ethan asked annoyed.

Aven sighed. “Fine, I just hope you’re right.”

“I’m always right,” Ethan said.

Aven held out his hand. Instantly, sparks of light formed around him, concentrating on the right hand he held out towards the warpoe.

Ron stared at Aven startled. “You know magic?”

“Water… hear my call,” Aven said in a low, echoing voice that did not sound like him.

A bright symbol formed in front of Aven. Immediately, water burst from the symbol hitting the warpoe in great speed and power. The warpoe howled, dropping Robert.

“Brother!” Ron rushed towards his brother.

Arrg… I’ll kill you!

The warpoe flew towards Aven.

Aven quickly held out his hand.


The warpoe’s tail went through the shield and stabbed Aven.

“You fool!” Ethan rushed to Aven. “Didn’t I tell you that a warpoe’s weakness is water and that nothing else can defeat it except water?”

Aven stared at Ethan and said annoyed. “When did you say that? All you did was ordered me to use a water spell against it.” Aven winced when he tried to stand.

“It is already implied that it is weak against water and nothing else. Seriously, didn’t you learn anything at the academy?”

Ethan shook his head in disapproval when Aven tried to stand again. “Why don’t you just stop moving if it hurts that bad?!”

Ignoring Ethan, Aven said with equal edge to his voice, “Implied? ‘Use water against the warpoe,’” Aven mimicked, “how is that implied?” Aven lie on the swamp in agony. Breathing heavily, he tried to cover his wound with a cloth, only to fail as blood began oozing out of his wound and left the cloth soaking wet in blood. “I hate the swamp,” he muttered.

Ethan stared frustrated.

Die now fools.

Ethan turned towards the warpoe annoyed. Quietly and menacing Ethan whispered, “Only a fool will test the depth of the water with his feet.”

Aven felt a static energy that shocked him gently. He winced and looked up at Ethan who was standing before the warpoe with an expressionless face.

Suddenly the ground beneath them shook as water burst from the ground, flooding the already wet swamp. Ethan waved his hand towards the warpoe, causing the water to rise from the ground and fly full force towards the warpoe. Screaming in agony, the warpoe fell backward and landed hard onto the wet swamp, which had now become Ethan’s territory. With a flick of Ethan’s hand, the water from the swamp wrapped itself around the warpoe. In a flash, the warpoe was gone.

“My brother’s dead!” Ron screamed.

“Oh shut up brat,” Ethan said. “Your brother is still alive thanks to me.”

“He’s dead thanks to you!”

Ethan shook his head.

Aven got wobbly. “Ron, when you kill a warpoe, everything that it did has been undone. Your brother’s alive just like how my wound has disappeared.”

“Ah… so you did learn something…”

Aven glared at Ethan.

Ron stood staring at Aven disbelieving. “How can I believe you when you didn’t even tell me you know magic?”
“Your brother is standing isn’t he?”

“What?” Ron turned to look behind him. And sure enough, his brother is standing looking dazed.
“Brother!” Ron ran to his brother and hugged him.

“Ugh! Get off me!”

The area around them gradually changed into a beautiful green clearing.

“Damn it!”

“What?” Aven asked.

“I forgot to ask the warpoe a question before I killed it.”

A sudden realization came upon Aven. “How could you?! You know how long we’ve been stuck here waiting for that thing!”

“Shut it, if it wasn’t for you being so dumb…” Ethan trailed off. “What?”

Ron and Robert were staring at them.

“Aven,” Robert began, “…you know this guy?”

Aven hesitated. “Uh… I, that is…”

“Of course, he’s my slave,” Ethan interrupted smacking Aven behind the head.

“Hey…! Don’t go saying…” Aven trailed off, “…Ethan, just how many warpoe did you say, um, existed?”

“What are you…?” Ethan turned and look towards the direction Aven pointed.

Ron screamed. “Those things look just like that monster before!”

“Shut up Ron!” Robert ordered.

“Um… there was only supposed to be one according to my calculations….” Ethan said trying to stay calm.

“Well, that sure doesn’t look like one to me!” Aven yelled.

Ahead of them, a herd of warpoe storm towards them.
© Copyright 2009 Seven (seveneves at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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