Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1622181-She-is-Moonlight-Chapter-1
Rated: E · Chapter · Emotional · #1622181
Effy falls in love and escapes her harsh reality with Brendon but is he what he seems?

My effort at counting the raindrops sliding down the kitchen window faded as quickly as it had begun. The winking, shining, drops of water that slid down the glass did nothing to distract me so that I was still at the mercy of my stepmother.
"I was thinking peach, a nice natural colour, yeah? It's not harsh on the eyes either, just relaxing. I think it is entirely your colour; Don't you think Paul? Well Elizabeth? What do you think?"
I remained silent. I didn't even look at her. I couldn't. Not after everything she has done. How could Paul expect me to even stick being in the same room as her? I'm still wondering why I am involved in the wedding at all. For all I care the church could collapse on the entire lot of them. Dark thoughts like these circled my mind, gnawing and nibbling until it found a place to nestle; brooding, breeding and feasting. I clenched my teeth and faced her. That small, round, bimbo had broken our home into tiny shards. She had taken one of those shards and stabbed my mother with it. She slithered all over my father, infecting him and poisoning him so that every word he said was tinged with her.
"I don't care."
Cora blinked and looked like a stunned rabbit. Paul narrowed his eyes to slits and made an angry grunt.
"I don't like your attitude at all Elizabeth. Keep your moods to yourself and for god's sake, be civil to your stepmother! Apologise. Now!"
"Don't even associate the word mother with her! After all, she did kill mine!" I had never gone that far. I had slyly hinted it but had never said it so boldly! I pressed my lips firmly together as soon as the words had slid out and I could see the shock on Paul and Cora's faces. Cora's face had crumpled and her eyes were dangerously brimming. Paul was still in shock and was lent slightly away from me, his breathing deep and forced.
"How...dare you!", Paul exploded. I had never heard him sound so angry and it actually made me flinch. "How dare you accuse Cora of such a thing!? Never in this house will you even think such a thing, let alone say it! I mean it this time Elizabeth...apologise now or get out until you're ready to."
There was my choice. Apologise to her and admit wrong and defeat or walk out; Leave them all behind and just escape. I made the choice within a few seconds.
"I'll see you later then." I said quietly, got up and walked out.

The soft orange mixed with the gentle blue and the two merged, creating unseen and unheard of colours that filled the evening sky. It wasn't dark but a light darkness had still settled over the sleepy town, coating everything in the dusk of the day. The clouds had moved lazily across the sky and watched expectantly, silently judging. All the sounds of the evening merged together into one big orchestra whose song carried across the town and alerted the ears of the average people. And in the slight heat of the setting sun and the teasing wind, I walked down the pavement out of town, not sure where I was going but not particuarly caring.
I enjoyed this time of the day. It relaxed me and I could think. All of the people were going home and nobody bothered with me. That was all I wanted in life; No one to bother me. Everyone to pass me by and not pay attention to the small, pale girl beside them. I would be the observer. I would watch and analyse the people, guess what their lives were like and what their personality was like. I would study the habits of the animals and follow them home. I could get up close to them and they wouldn't care because they wouldn't care about me. Maybe I would just lie and watch the clouds move or watch the grass grow. I would lie on the ground under a tree and let the leaves fall and cover me when autumn comes; then when winter comes the snow will be my blanket; and when spring comes the rain shall wash away everything off me and i'll be a new person. I'll get up and the sun will shine on me in summer and maybe...people will start to notice me.
I stopped. I looked around. I knew where I was; it was a field outside of town. It had been owned by a Mr Simon and he had used it for his lavender. But now Mr Simon had died, leaving it to no one but his wife who had no use for it. Mrs Simon payed no attention to the field so people could come and go as they pleased without fear of trespassing. Someone came sometimes and cut the grass and tended to it and the lavender still grew. No one knew who or how though. No one wanted to know either, prefering to keep it a nice ,pleasant, unsolved mystery.
At the minute, the field seemed deserted. The darkness was more prominent now and everything had taken on an inky blue tone. The lavender waved in the breeze and several stars had come out to observe the world. The clouds had even cleared, leaving the moon bright and smiling in the sky. Deserted; Alone. But...I had thought I had heard something...a whisper in the wind; A hushed urge...but I was by myself.
"Sometimes...the moments when we think we are alone...are the times when we are actually most watched..."
I spun around to see a dark figure standing a few metres away from me, still and almost expectant.
"Who's that?" I cried out shocked. I tried to sound bold and brave but my nerves had taken control. I stumbled backwards, tripping over the long glass and gasped as the figure moved towards me with startling stealth and speed.

And that's how it started.
© Copyright 2009 OmiiPepper (omiipepper at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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