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Training A New Generation of Fighters Is Always Hard, Zane Makes it Harder. |
Chapter One The old bus bounced along the long back road towards a training camp for the young members of an organization called S.T.O.R.M. On the bus were some of the most important children in the history of S.T.O.R.M. Zane Blake was one of those children; he sat next to his best friend, Nathan Shante. It was their third year at the camp and both of them were beyond excited. “Four weeks of no parents, no school, and seriously no worries!” Nathan told his best friend as the bus bounced along the road. The grin across both boys’ faces showed their true excitement. “And Four weeks of training.” Zane reminded Nathan, shrugging his strong shoulders. Nathan sighed and glowered out the window for a moment, his mood dampened. “Sorry, but its true. C’mon Nate, this is gonna be fun!” Zane commented, nudging his best friend and smiling gently. Nathan laughed and they both glanced out the window as the camp, Camp Storm, began to appear from where it sat. “There it is.” The blonde boy said, causing Nathan to nod in agreement. The buses speed slowed as it slowly pulled into the drop off lane. Excited chatter began to fill the bus, surrounding Zane and Nathan. “Finally.” Both boys mumbled at the same moment as the bus slowed to a complete stop. Kids all over stood up and fought their way towards the buses only door. Zane and Nathan both just sat back waiting for the flood to thin out more before they both stood and exited the ugly yellow vehicle. Zane was the first of the two boys off the bus and when he finally stood on solid ground he inhaled deeply, and smiled brightly. Nathan followed closely behind, setting his hand on Zane’s shoulder, a calm smiled etched on both their faces. Their bags were handed to them and they carried their things to the camps meeting hall. “Here we go.” Nathan muttered as they walked through the doors and dropped their things in their seats, towards the back of course. The whole hall buzzed with excitement as the campers talked and mingled with each other. The Signs, Lightning, Rain, Wind, and Thunder, hung proudly on flags above the halls main stage and soon the campers had to move to their appropriate seats in the hall. Zane, being the only lightning, sat alone, across the aisle from the thunders, Nathan’s group, and the two had long conversations with different hand signals. The girls around Nathan kept giggling as they watched, batting their long eyelashes, flirty smiles on their faces whenever they managed to catch one of the two boys eyes. Nathan would sometimes wink at the girls but Zane, Zane just half smiled, there really wasn’t too much he could do anymore. Ever since the sixth grade, two years earlier, girls had been all over the two boys. The camp director, Mr. Minx, walked onto stage and the whole hall fell completely silent, the man was greatly respected among this generation of the great organization known as S.T.O.R.M. “Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great trip in. I’d like to welcome all the newcomers and welcome back all the returning campers as well. Of course you can pick up your schedules in the Cafeteria. All you have to do is go to the table underneath your flag. You’ll get your schedules, cabin assignments, remember you’ll have all sorts of people in your cabin, not necessarily just people from your Signs.” As he said this he looked at Zane who smiled back at his former mentor. “When you receive your information you should take your things to your cabin, unpack and return to the Cafeteria by 4:15 for rules and warnings. There will be a warning horn five minutes before and a final bell will ring. If you’re not in the hall by the final horn you will be punished. Now everyone have a good day and we’ll see you later.” With those words the older man stepped off the stage and walked out of the hall, nodding once to Zane and Nathan on his way out. Zane had nodded back but Nathan just stared at his best friend, not even acknowledging the elder man. Zane swung his two bags over his shoulders and began to walk towards the door, Nathan in tow. As they walked towards the Cafeteria both boys were silent. There wasn’t much to say until after the cabin assignments had been given out. Zane made his way towards his table, cutting through lines that he would never have to stand in. Bring the only person in Lightning had its perks, and defaults. You could skip all sorts of lines but sometimes you would have to train alone. The twenty-year-old behind the table smiled sweetly as she handed Zane an envelope containing a small packet of papers. “Thanks.” Zane muttered as he took the documents. “Welcome” She said as she stood. There would be no more people at her table today. Zane managed to get himself outside easily and Zane opened up the large envelope. He glanced down at the packet of papers, reading the words slowly. Cabin one, known as Kellan’s cabin, named after the original founder of S.T.O.R.M. Kellan Black had formed the great organization of S.T.O.R.M back in the 12th century with his wife, Molly Swan. Sitting down against the wall of the Cafeteria, the boy prepared to wait for his best friend. No doubt Nathan was one of the last people in line and wasn’t even near the front. Zane leaned his head against the cool wall and closed his tired eyes, slowly slipping deeper into an unconscious state. His eyes had just barely closed when he felt himself being pulled back into the real world, being nudged awake by Nathan’s sneaker covered feet. “Jace, c’mon, up” He grumbled, nudging his close friend even harder. “I’m up, I’m up.” Zane growled, rising to his feet. “Where’d they put you?” Zane finally asked after both boys had gathered their things and were moving away from the large white building. “Chris, Cabin 3. You?” “Kellan, Cabin 1. Only on between us this year, that has to be some kind of record. They usually have us six cabins apart.” Zane joked, nudging Nathan, who laughed. Soon they had come up on Zane’s cabin and both stood on the bottom step talking quietly. “Ok, so I’ll see you in the Cafeteria in a bit.” Zane said before he went inside his cabin, glancing around at his new surroundings. As usual, Zane was the first person inside the wood colored cabin. Against the two sidewalls were two sets of three bunk beds; three beds on top each other. Zane threw his bedding onto the middle bunk of the set of beds on his left side and made his way to one of the three dressers pressed up against the back wall. As he was unpacking, Zane heard two more boys come in and he turned, a small smile on his face to the two boys. “Hey, your Zane Blake right?” The tall, dark skinned boy asked. “Uh, yeah. What are your names?” Zane addressed them both, slightly scared that the boys knew his name. “I’m Tyler.” The first boy said, “and this is Brad.” Tyler jerked his thumb in the direction of the extremely pale boy next to him. Zane stared at them both for a moment before he spoke. “Where are you two from?” Zane asked, glancing up at the tall boy who has entered the cabin and was standing alone in the corner, watching the encounter. Brad spoke first, “Canada, way north Canada.” He said motioning to his completely white skin. “Maine” Tyler said confidently, smiling slightly as he shoved his things onto one of the top bunks, Brad doing the exact same. The boy who had come in when the other boys were talking smiled at Zane who gestured to the bottom bunks as well as the middle bunk. “I’m Canton.” The tall boy said after Brad and Tyler had disappeared to the back corner of the cabin, where the dressers were located. “Zane.” Zane said, grasping Canton’s forearm quickly. “Zane Blake?” Canton inquired, his head turned slightly to the side. “Yeah, how did you know that?” Zane asked, staring into Cantons dark green eyes. “Your practically a legend in my branch of S.T.O.R.M. everyone knows who you are.” Canton explained as he sat down on one of the empty bunks in the cabin. “Oh…” Zane muttered, looking stunned. Canton nodded, glancing around the cabin; he seemed a bit awkward, like he felt out of place. “So what’s your sign?” Zane asked, breaking the silence. “Thunder.” Canton said proudly, “There’s only two of us in my branch.” Zane smiled brightly, “One of my closest friends is a thunder. We have five in our branch.” Canton nodded. “That’s because you live in the Head city.” Canton said knowingly and Zane nodded. “Yeah, it gets real crazy, all sorts of people are in and out everyday.” Canton nodded as Zane spoke. He looked like he wanted to say something but the warning horn cut him off. “I should go.” They both said at the exact same moment, rising to their feet. Zane chuckled and Canton joined him as the boys walked towards the door. Nathan was waiting at the bottom of the steps and smiled when he saw Zane. “Hey Nate. This is Canton, Canton this is Nathan.” Zane introduced the two and stepped back while they talked. He nudged them both forward and the three boys walked towards the Cafeteria. They entered the Hall just as the final bell rang, all three boys laughed as the bell rang. “Nice timing.” Canton commented; Zane and Nathan laughed. “Please take your seats.” An elderly woman instructed them, standing up at a podium near the front of the Hall. “QUIET!” The woman barked, silence fell down over the great dining hall. “Thank you, now I will turn this over to Mr. Minx for your rules and warnings.” Mr. Minx thanked the woman and stepped up to the podium. “Now there are four rules at this camp. The first one is at lights out you may not leave your cabin for any reason at all. Two, there is absolutely no training of any kind without permission and the presence of an adult. Three, causing any sort of destruction of any kind of property as well as thievery is completely forbidden, and four, you must be on time for all of your activities unless stated otherwise. The violation of any or all of these rules will result in immediate expulsion pf the camp and trial in front of a council of peers to decide your fate.” Mr. Minx nodded once for emphasis. “ Now, everyone lets have a fun time and train hard.” With these words he turned and left. A great buzz began to fill the hall once again. “That’s harsher then usual.” Zane commented on the new punishments. Nathan nodded, but Canton, being a newcomer, stared blankly at his new friends. “The rules never used to be this harsh but last year some kids snuck out and used weapons to vandalize some kids things and they screwed a whole bunch of stuff up. So things are getting taken really seriously this year.” Nathan explained to Canton. “Yeah, its pretty bad this year.” Zane agreed. Canton looked at them both for a moment before he smiled. “From now on, I’m going to pretend I know what you’re all talking about.” Those words caused the three boys to laugh. A bell echoed across the camp and Zane tugged out the folded piece of paper that showed him his schedule “Horse training, cool.” Zane muttered, Nathan was reading his own. “Tennis, useless.” Nathan muttered bitterly under his breath, glowing at the piece of paper in front of him. “What do you have?” Zane finally asked after he and Nathan had gone their separate ways, Canton joining Zane. “Well, I’m heading out to the armory so I thought I’d just come with you.” Zane opened his mouth to say something but a hand fell onto his arm. Zane turned his head and his eyes fell on a small girl with dark hair and bright green eyes. “Hello Zane.” She spoke flirtatiously, smiling brightly. “My names Charlotte.” Reaching up, Charlotte brushed a lock of her hair out of her eyes. “Umm, hi Charlotte.” Zane’s voice was hesitant. “So, Zane…” Canton cut her off quickly. “Zane, I’ll see you later.” Canton said before he jogged off. Zane glowered at his friends back as he ran away. “Um, Charlotte, I have to get moving or I’ll be late for my, uh, thing.” He said, pulling away from the small girl. “Oh, um, alright. I’ll see you at dinner.” With that, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek before running off. The warning horn sounded and Zane took off running, coming to the stables with just seconds to spare. Horse Training was one of the few trainings the camp director, Mr. Minx, taught himself. “Cutting it close, Zane.” Mr. Minx whispered as he passed his former trainee. “I know.” Zane mumbled to himself. There were six other people besides himself and Mr. Minx. Three boys and three girls. “Alright everyone, I’d like to inform you right now that you are all in this stable at this time because you are the most advanced riders of your generation. These exercises and things that I give you will be hard. Very hard. They will push your limits, and beyond. It’s going to be tough and I will make you keep going and going. By the end of this month you will be able to teleport yourself as well as your horse and weapons. You will be able to fight off this animal without touching the reins and while standing on its back.” Jaws dropped and all the people in the room, including Zane, were completely stunned. “Alright, lets get going, remember these horses you are receiving are yours and you will need to care for them during free time.” Seven heads nodded and they were lead to the back row of the large stable named after Rose, one of the first S.T.O.R.M members to fight on a horse. Mr. Minx motioned to the row of seven stalls. “Find the stall with your name on it and go inside. Your horse must trust you, with its whole being.” Mr. Minx looked at Zane, as if there was some sort secret language they shared. Zane found his stall and opened the large door. Inside was a tall, speckled horse. Attached to his shoulders were thick, black wings, the feathers fluttering in the cool wind that blew into the stall. Zane stepped back and looked to the side. His eyes met those of six others as they copied his actions. “Mr. Minx…” Zane started but the man held up his hand, smiling gently. “Congratulations, you have all become Official Riders.” Zane felt great pride dancing through him. The very first S.T.O.R.M members were all riders. A rider was a S.T.O.R.M member who showed incredible riding skills on a mortal horse, then that person is trained on the back of a Pegasus and if they are remarkable on that back you could go all the way to dragon, but that had only happened twice. Once with Kellan Black, the founder of S.T.O.R.M, and Belle Black, later known as Belle Brandl. “These animals must be greatly respected, they will not allow disrespect and any disrespect will result in immediate expulsion from the Honor of Rider with no hope of getting it back.” Mr. Minx instructed, looking closely at the boy in front of him who had already been staring his Pegasus down. “They have names, but they will not tell you unless they believe they can trust you.” Mr. Minx commented before motioning once again for them to step forward. Zane was the first to move forward and outstretched his long arm to touch the animal’s gorgeous face. The Pegasus stepped forward and pressed its nose to Zane’s hand. A shockwave danced through him and a flood of words and visuals invaded his mind. One word stood out, Aerrow. “Aerrow.” Zane whispered and the Pegasus stepped back, tossing its head towards the golden nameplate hanging from the wall. Zane touched it carefully and the words began to etch themselves onto the gold. Aerrow And underneath the animals name. Zane Blake Beneath that was an excellent etching of a lightning bolt, Zane’s sign. “Perfect.” Zane whispered, holding it up for Aerrow to see. The winged horse tossed his head in agreement. Zane touched the horses nose once before leaving the stall to hang up the shimmering golden plate. As he was hanging up, he felt someone come up behind him and Zane turned slowly. Mr. Minx stood behind him reading over the golden plate that now hung upon the door. “Zane, as usual, remarkable job. How did you find out his name so quickly?” Zane just shrugged. “I just touched his face and there it was.” Mr. Minx stared at Zane, scanning his face closely, as if searching for something. “You’re a strange boy, Zane, now run along to your next activity and I’ll see you later” Zane opened his mouth to point out that the bell had yet to ring but was cut off by the sound of just that, a ringing bell. Mr. Minx smirked as Zane jogged out of the stable. Slowly, Zane moved to a slower speed until he was finally walking. His next “class” as it could be called, was in the armory just across the way from the massive stables on the “B” side of camp. Camp Storm was divided into three main sections. The main section was for housing and the Cafeteria. Cabins were divided into two sections, boy and girl, and each section were divided into two rows. Each row had six cabins, named after the greatest S.T.O.R.M members to ever live. The “A” section is mostly for show, for the parents who didn’t really know about what their children actually did with their summers. The “A” section is filled with all sorts of sport fields that aren’t really used too much. Section “B” of the camp is set up especially for training and meeting. There’s the Armory, the stables, the theaters, and the meeting hall. Zane’s mind wandered off to it’s own little world when he finally arrived at the Armory. Canton smiled at Zane as they passed each other and Zane managed the smallest of smiles available in his strange little world. A small dark haired woman stood at the front of the armory, inspecting a small polished wood bow. The room was already filled with campers, some just arriving and some scrambling out in an effort to get to their next course. “Quiet down please, quiet down.” The woman instructed, laying down her bow and instructed the students in front of her. The room slowly fell to a murmur and then completely silent. “Thank you, I’d like to welcome you all to weaponry. For the next four weeks, I will be training you in the two most used weapons of S.T.O.R.M. Those two weapons would be your standard bow and sword.” She held up each weapon after she had said it. “My name is Ms. Feary, and you shall address me as such. Now, I’d like you all to partner up.” When she had said this, Zane felt several pairs of eyes fall onto him and he knew he was about to become a very popular target for partnership. “After you find a partner with someone, I want you both to grab a sword, a shield, and basic armor, then I want you to spar together. I’ll come around and check on you.” The woman then clapped her hands and the group burst to life. “Hey Zane, will you be my partner?” A medium height boy with silvery blonde hair asked. Zane remembered him from his school from back home. His name was Austin, but his last name refused to come to Zane’s mind. “Sure, Austin right?” Zane asked, looking straight at Austin, who nodded gently. “Yeah, that’s me. Lets go get our things.” Zane nodded and he walked to the back wall of the Armory. Reaching out, Zane let his fingers gently rest on a sword in front of him. It was the first sword Zane had ever used, the sword that helped him through his trials… Zane’s mind dipped into the memory: Ten-year-old Zane Blake glanced up once more at his mentor with hopeful eyes. It was almost his time to begin the trials and already the boy’s small palms had begun to sweat. Two of his friends who he had trained with had already gone through and were waiting for him on the other side of the woods. “Mr. Minx” Zane began; glancing up at the aging man standing next to him, hand on the small boys shoulder, “Is it almost my turn?” Clearly he was ready to go, Mr. Minx nodded slowly. “You should be next, Tyler is almost finished with his trial. It looks like he may end up in Rain just like his sister.” Zane nodded slowly, itching to ask the question he wanted to know most. “What about…” Zane paused and swallowed carefully. “Blaire and Nathan?” Nathan was his best friends and Blaire; Blaire was Nathan’s twin sister. Mr. Minx smiled brightly, shaking his head. “I was wondering when you would ask me that. Blaire is…” He paused for a moment looking down at something in his hand, reading the words across the screen. “Rain. It looks like Nathan received…Thunder.” Mr. Minx looked down at the boy, his small eyes were wider then they had been in a long time. “But, that’s super rare. There have only been ten thunders in the last century.” Zane’s voice seemed to almost strain as the words left his mouth. Sure, he and Nathan were best friends, but he couldn’t help but feel a little jealous over the greatness of his friend. “That’s very good Zane. Can you tell me how many lightning there have been in the last four centuries, since the beginning of S.T.O.R.M?” Zane thought for a moment, sweeping over the information stored in his blonde covered head. “Three. Kellan and Aidou Black and Charlotte Black, Kellan’s granddaughter.” Zane thought about the information, as if making sure he was correct. He nodded once, sure he was right. “Excellent Zane! I’m glad to hear you haven’t forgotten your history in the midst of all that training.” The boy grinned, now bouncing on the balls of his small feet. Mr. Minx smiled knowingly and nudged the boy forward. Somewhere, a cannon was fired and Zane leapt forward into the woods. All childishness disappeared the moment that sound echoed through the woods. “Focus Zane” He whispered to himself as he completed trial after trial. Strength, speed, reflexes, aim, brain, fear, anger, jealousy, greed and finally the last trial developed by Kellan Black himself, combat. In this trial, he held Kellan’s original sword. He was panting hard by the end of his combat trial and he knew he had done well, excelled at everything, and couldn’t wait for his placement. When he stepped out of the woods, however, all was silent. All eyes were glued to the tiny, ten-year-old boy. Mr. Minx was the first to approach, a strong, wary smile placed across his face. “Did I do well?” Zane asked, his voice quiet, nervous by the sudden silence. The elderly mentor nodded slowly. “Very well Zane, very well.” A smile slowly spread across Zane’s face, and he looked overjoyed. “Well, where do I get to be?” Zane was bouncing now; maybe he and Nathan would be together. “Well Zane, it looks like your going to be in…Lightning.” Zane eyes all but bugged out of his head and he stared, jaw dropping nearly to the ground. “Li…lig…lightning?” he managed to choke, his body visibly shaking. Mr. Minx nodded, “Yes, Zane you are the first lightning whom has not had a direct relation Mr. Kellan Black and Mrs. Molly Swan Black.” The small boy nodded furiously, of course he knew this, he was one of the smartest trainee’s of his time. “But, who am I going to train with then?” Zane asked cautiously, glancing over his shoulder at Nathan, who was watching him with near hateful eyes. The blonde-haired boys small heart began to race, he didn’t want this if it upset his best friend in the whole wide world. Closing his eyes, Zane made himself a promise. If I can train with Nathan, I will work as hard as I can and be the best fighter in the whole world. “Zane?” Austin snapped him out of his memory. “Sorry, uh I was thinking.” Zane took down the sword and held it in his hand. The swords blade was a brilliant golden color and the hit shimmered a gorgeous blue, the hilt flowed gracefully into a shimmering dark green gem. Carefully, Zane lifted the sword a bit higher, holding it tighter in his hands. Inscribed in the blade in small, neat hand, was a single name, and that name was Kellan Black. “That’s Kellan’s sword.” Austin said as he chose a more generic sword from the wall, the same color all the way through. “Trust me, I know.” Zane said, setting the sword back on the wall and picking up a sword much like the one Austin held in his hand. Zane then proceeded to fit the basic armor metal over his chest and arms. It was thin, light and changed to match the colors of the clothing Zane was wearing. Austin had dressed with much more protection, from what Zane could see, and looked as ready as he was going to be. Zane grabbed the shields and handed one over to Austin and finally, they were ready. All around them swords clashed heavily, followed by grunts from the effort of the sparing. “Ready?” Zane asked when they had stepped away from the others. Austin nodded slowly, He seemed hesitant, but he wasn’t about to tell Zane no. “Then lets go.” Zane took up a defensive stance, sword out in front of him, the shield resting on his arm, sword ready in the other. Austin made the first move lunging at Zane with a quick forward jab. Zane deflected easily and parried with a hard downward slice into Austin’s shoulder. The sword clanged as it came into contact with the hard metal and Austin grunted. “Nice.” He mumbled. “Thanks” Zane replied confidently “Nice job boys.” Ms. Feary encouraged as the boys went at it again, swords clanging loudly against shields. Every know and then Zane would get a blow in on Austin but other that that it was just a back and forth sparing. Austin managed to get only one stab onto Zane and even that wasn’t very difficult. It was a single shot to Zane’s knee. “Nice shot.” Zane had encouraged and this caused Austin to pull back in pride, giving Zane a perfect shot. “Don’t get cocky.” Zane reminded, stepping back. Finally, Ms. Feary clapped her brittle hands. “Alright kids, quiet down. Excellent job today, all of you. Get going and I’ll see you all tomorrow. “ Finally, they were dismissed and Zane returned his armor, sword and shield to the wall and left glancing down at his watch. The large digital numbers informed him that it was already 6:30. It was Time for Zane to return to the Cafeteria for dinner and then off to the bonfire. Upon entering the large spacious room, Zane found that the cafeteria was full of people, full of yelling and screaming as well. “Zane!” someone somewhere shouted his name and the teen boy looked up. His eyes met Nathan’s, who was waving his hands vigorously over his head, hands flailing back and forth. Zane laughed out loud and made his way over to his friends, taking his seat between Canton and Nathan. He was about to say something but was cut off by the sounds of gasp around him. He looked up to see three girls; Zane knew them from his home in the Head City, named Maybelle Beckton, Ashley Lowter, and Taylor Court. “Check out Maybelle, she’s beautiful isn’t she.” Nathan commented and it seemed that all the bouts around them agreed, except Zane. “She’s just a girl. She’s no prettier than the others.” It seemed as if every boy in the room turned to look at him. Zane just shrugged and began to pick food off of Nathan’s still full tray. Maybelle and Ashley walked past the boys’ table, stopping to say hello to the boys they both knew. “Hey Zane, Nice to see you.” Maybelle said, her voice was normal, no trace of the flirty tone Zane had been experiencing all day long “Hi Zane.” Ashley said, the flirty tone lacing her own voice. “Hello Ashley, Maybelle. It’s good to see you both as well.” Maybelle nodded and tugged Ashley away from the table; it was obvious Ashley did not want to leave that part of the cafeteria so soon. “Bye Maybelle” Nathan but in after she was out of earshot.” “Smooth.” Zane commented. He turned to say something to Canton but found that he was no longer listening. He was staring off after Ashley as she and Maybelle walked away. “Did you see her friend?” Canton asked, looking at his two new friends with wide eyes. Nathan and Zane looked at each other for a moment, the same thought running through their heads. “Umm, sure Canton. She was great.” Canton shrugged and turned away. Zane could see Cantons ears slowly turn a bright shade of red. “Its alright canton.” Zane began touching Canton’s heavily muscled arm. “Nathan had a huge crush on this girl named Tracey in fifth grade and…” Nathan punching him in the arm cut off his words. “Ow!” Zane yelped, looking as if he was going to kill Nathan quickly while he slept. “Shut it. You swore you wouldn’t tell anyone/” “Consider it payback for killing my dog. Zane said, rising from his seat. Nathan watched his closet friend cross the large room to a long table that sat in the front of the room, covered with food. Nathan glanced down at his tray and grumbled. Zane had all but devoured everything on his own tray. Zane glanced back over his shoulder at Nathan and smiled, mouthing ‘sorry’ “Evenin’ Zane.” A short redhead greeted him as she stepped up behind him to get food of her won. “Hey Zoe.” Zane replied, taking the small containers of food and placing them on his tray before grabbing a water and began to move towards his table. Zoe stepped in front of him and two other girls joined her. “Zane, this is Morgan.” She motioned to an equally small girl with blonde hair. “And Cloe.” She gestured to a hesitant looking dark haired girl. All three were small, no taller then five feet. “Um, Hello. Could I just get past you?” He asked, his forehead creasing in annoyance. “Not yet.” Zoe said, tugging the tray from Zane’s hands. He glanced up, but he didn’t see anyone. Zoe had managed to back him into the open door of the camps only kitchen. She’s half your size, just step around her. His mind screamed at him, but something, something in her deep eyes held him in place like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming care. He couldn’t move; he could barely feel. His mind scrambled to find the type of species of mythical she could be. He had known Zoe for years, so whatever she was, was a change. Then it hit him; just as Zoe slide her long fingers around Zane’s neck. Snake Woman. Her grip tightened, and she leaned close to his ear. “My master wished me to give you this warning. We see you Zane Black, we know who you are and we are watching you, even if you don’t know it. Zoe then released his neck and Zane took a deep gulp of air. “He told me to not kill you, and if you tell anyone about this little meeting, I will tear your arms off.” Zane nodded slowly, showing absolutely no fear, he was not afraid; he had been threatened before. Zoe slapped his face hard; Zane barely flinched. “Go.” She barked and Zane left calmly. Slowly, he passed Zoe’s two “friends.” Zane returned to his table, empty-handed, the spot on his cheek slowly reddening from where he had been slapped in the face. “Zane, what happened?” Nathan asked, carefully poking the angry red spot on his best friends cheek. “Nothing.” Zane said as Zoe and her two friends walked past. “Fine, don’t tell me.” Nathan muttered turning away. Zane pressed his own hand to his partially warm cheek as his mind wandered. He tried to figure out who this ‘master’ was. The list of people who had put Zane Blake on their death lists was surprisingly short for all of the battles he had been in and the missions he had lead and participated in, which was quite a few. “Who?” Zane whispered, and as the words left his mouth, Nathan’s eyes fell on his face, to his cheek, and back to Zane’s eyes. “Zane. What happened?” Nathan’s face was serious, no longer was he having fun, he was now afraid for his best friend in the world they lived in. “I can’t tell you, it would be bad for us all.” Zane was running through the information in his head. Suddenly something clicked inside his mind. Zoe had called him Zane Black. That was the key, though Zane wasn’t sure why, it was important. “Zane, I know you can’t tell but if your going to leave, please let me know, okay?” Nathan asked; Zane could see the hurt behind his friend’s intense blue-eyed gaze. “I promise.” Zane swore before he rose to his feet. “Where are you going?” Canton asked him. “Stables.” Zane answered simply. Zane felt his two friends staring at his back as he moved. The sun was dipping behind beneath the horizon as Zane stepped outside. The sounds of crickets and animals graced his ears; he inhaled deeply. The cool night air felt good compared to the stifling warm air of the cafeteria. Walking slowly, Zane made his way towards the stables. When he entered, he could hear the soft breathing of the animals around him and the soft rustle of feathers as he came closer to the Pegasus. The last stall in the last row of the stable was where Aerrow waited patiently for his master. Zane opened the stalls door and Aerrow looked up. ‘Master’ the word scorched into Zane’s mind, it was painful in a way. “Aerrow.” Zane said gently, rubbing the winged horses nose gently. ‘Does it hurt to hear me speak, Master?’ the animal asked, the words pounding on the inside of Zane’s mind. “Just a bit, but I’m sure it was nothing.” ‘Master, it is a good thing to feel such pain, it means we are bonding’ Zane glanced up at his great steed. “Really?” he asked as he took out a small brush to groom Aerrow’s greatcoat with. ‘Yes, it is something that had been happening for centuries. Since Kellan Black rode upon a Pegasus.’ There was a tone in Aerrow’s ‘voice’ as if there was something that wasn’t being told. “Hey Aerrow, who was your first rider, I know your immortal so I supposed you’ve had quite a few abroad your back.” ‘That, my young rider is something I will tell you in time. But I will tell you this for now, He was a great man, and he changed many lives including my own. He did great things and I only wish that I could have saved him before he died.’ Aerrow’s ‘voice’ was solemn, laced with intense sadness. “I’m very sorry, Aerrow, he sounded like a wonderful man.” Aerrow nodded his great head, leaning gently into Zane as he stroked the brush through his coat. ‘When I see you, I think of him quite fondly. You greatly resemble him in body, mind and spirit.’ The great winged horse was silent after this. “Thank you for telling me that, I will try to be a great rider.” Aerrow nudged Zane gently and nodded his head towards the door. The sun had already sunk far beneath the trees and the air had gotten colder. ‘Go to bed.’ Aerrow instructed, shoving Zane forward quite forcefully. Zane replaced the brush and refilled the winged horses food, touched his forehead, and left the stall, locking it behind him. Zane found that the key had appeared in his pocket when he left the stall, wrapped carefully in a small piece of notebook paper, tied with a thick, black leather cord. It read: A useful thing to have, this key, protect Aerrow it shall and it will keep you safe. Trust this key and you will never be without a weapon, a steed, or a partner. Though it didn’t make sense to him, Zane found the note to be important. The gold key now hung around his neck by the thick cord; Zane reached up and touched the small gold key once before he left. Already the cord and key felt familiar against his skin. The night had gotten colder and a quick glance at his watch told him he had two minutes to return to his cabin before lockdown. Zane took off in a quick jog towards his cabin, the wind gently whistling through his ears. The cabin door was unlocked and when Zane entered, he met four pairs of eyes, one more then he had expected. The new boy, his name Thomas, was tall, very thin with dark blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. “Hello.” Zane greeted him and the boy half smiled. “I’m Thomas, but you can call me T.J” “Zane.” Zane replied, holding out his hand, they shook and T.J sat back down on his bed, underneath Zane’s. Canton glanced up at Zane from the book he was reading and nodded. “Whatcha reading?” Zane asked as he pulled off his sneakers and set them next to the dresser he and Canton shared. “It’s a history book. Apparently my history knowledge is lacking.” Canton sighed as he turned the page, revealing a full-length photo of a painting of Molly and Kellan, done by a close friend of the two. It showed them both, Kellan’s arm around Molly’s shoulder and her arm around his waist. “That’s one of the most famous pictures of Molly and Kellan though there aren’t many to begin with.” Zane explained, pointing at the painting. “I didn’t know that. How did you?” Canton asked, setting the book down on the bed next to him. “I studied it. Back home, in the Head City, they teach you way more history because most of it has been relocated there. I’ve seen that painting and many more. Molly donated it to the Hall of History.” Canton’s eyes were wide. “Have you met her? Do you think I could come see the Hall sometime?” Zane chuckled, “No, I’ve never met her and sure you can come hang out, I’ll take you on a private tour sometime soon.” Zane promised; if only he had known, he would have never made such a promise. |