Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1621250-A-moment-frozen-forever
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1621250
short write to tantalize. Written to extend my writing skills from prose to short story.
Each breath became consumed with desire, every thought corrupted in passion. What fateful breeze swept me into such fire as to consumed whole? Then she smiled. A smile that blinded all thought and eyes, eyes that invaded my soul and stripped all hope from my heart. How could I go on in this quandary? To wait would to entice more agony, my feet held firm, ever more wanting to reach her, but paralyzed by fear. Could life be such for this pauper as to be enriched by such a beauty? My lips, parched, begged to be released from their silent prison. Slowly I gathered all my strength and, with a faint whisper, I was freed. Words barely human. Intrigued, she turned and leaned towards me. My heart pounded, my breath frozen in anticipation. One thought after another erupted in my mind. As she stepped closer yet, I begged my feet to flee. But they stood entrenched in fear. Her eyes gently caressed my thoughts, as if her mind was exorcizing my demons within. I once more grasped for reality, my voice begged breath to speak once more. There was no escape now. I was trapped. How did this moment's treachery consume my strength? I swallowed my last breath (or so I thought.) I could feel my blood corrupt my resolve, as each syllable uttered became torturous. Her eyes devoured each shudder I divulged, I let loose all my charm (and at this point there was not much left at all.) I was praying that she was deaf. An eternity past in those precious seconds, the trembling of her lips invited bliss to ignite a guarded hope within me. Yet slowly as seconds collapsed, so did I. A whisper escaped through her sweet pulsing lips. My ears eloped with my charm. What did I hear? I searched her face for some sign, any sign. But that smile. It consumed reason and again I braced for defeat. Then once more I heard an angel’s song caress my hopes as she said yes! Oh my God! I could not believe it! Once more she smiled, but with an anticipation of something more. Oh no now I had to actually talk! What would I say? What in the world made me believe that I could suffer this torture and Live? Then I knew, as she held my thoughts of condemnation at bay with her gorgeous smile.  I smiled shyly as a soft mummer of laughter lit the way to a new beginning.
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