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Rated: ASR · Chapter · Drama · #1621219
There is a secret about Demetri. Will this secret tear them apart?
W hen the world crumples like a cookie, and you’re in a whole new place… it’s a time to start over. It’s like being a new born, and being able to build your life over. Well, I’ve been a “new born” fifteen times, and I’m only seventeen. The last move was because of my mom and dad’s divorce. Unfortunately, I was bound to my father. Clark won my brother, Ethan, and my custody because he makes more money and the courts say we need “discipline” and not a mothers touch. My lucky sister, Tess, is now under my mother’s custody do to the fact she is fragile and unhealthy. Not plastic bubble such, but a little heftier than most. I sat in the bay window that peered over a farm filled with green grass, and cows. It was a clear blue sky, cloudless. I sighed, I hated sunlight. Since I was twelve and my cousin, Jeremy, got skin cancer. Although it was extremely hard, since I lived in a remote town. Summerfield North Carolina. It was awkward for me, being a city girl, living in the country. Of course I had been tagged with the names City Slicker and such, but I had a few nasty nicknames for them. Now it’s been four years.
My gaze fell back to the book I was currently reading, The Silver Kiss. I wasn’t a big fan of the title, but the story was mesmerizing. The story of Zoë a human, crossing paths with a gorgeous vampire Simon. Light years better than Twilight. I sighed at the thoughts of having an exciting vampire boyfriend. I started day dreaming but was shaken out by my cell buzzing. I picked up to a happy-go-lucky Mia. “Guess what guess what, guess what!” she chirped.
“Get online.” She said seriously. Classic Mia.
“Why not just say it?” I asked, closing the book sitting it on the yellow cushion of the bay bench.
“Umm… hello! Rents.” Ah yes, the over baring, ease dropping parents.
“Fine, fine.” I groaned, standing. I walked over to the desktop computer, a few years outdated though I didn’t care. I signed on to Yahoo! Messenger. “Okay I’m on.” We hung up in unison. She popped up on my monitor with the nickname Cookie Fampolf. Cookie was her tennis name in seventh grade, and Fampolf was a flute (we were flutists) mixed with a vampire and a werewolf. Goofy yes, but extremely sentimental. Bffradio was my screen name.
Cookie Fampolf: Hey
Bffradio: Hello, again.
Cookie Fampolf: Sup?
Bffradio: cut the crap and tell me already.
Cookie Fampolf: Fine, pushy.
Bffradio: Out with it.
Cookie Fampolf: Dustin, omg omg omg! He played Nervous with me! He got all the way up my thigh… I was screaming on the inside. And then and then! He KISSED me!
Bffradio: That’s um… wait, why did I need to know that? Do you want your boyfriend bashed in?
Cookie Fampolf: No!
Bffradio: Then don’t tell me this stuff, woman. Jeez, you would think after six years, you would know by now. Lol.
Cookie Fampolf: Shut it. Anyhow, how’s the new place?
Bffradio: It’s worse than Walnut Cove.
Cookie Fampolf: Wow, never would’ve guessed. Still hate your dad?
Bffradio: always.
Cookie Fampolf: I’m sorry, I love ya like a sis. Gotta go.

Her name went gray, showing she signed off. She seemed to always get off abruptly now of days, ever since Dustin. Now finding me drowned in a bottomless pit of boredom, I decided to call my new friend Lizzy. She was sort of on the dark side, but so friendly. The phone hummed a familiar ringing, awaiting the other end to pick up. “Hello?” Lizzy asked, but knew.
“Hey, wanna go on a walk?”
I could here the smile in her voice, “Sure.”
“Okay, meet me at the Hartman farm.”
“You got it.”

• • •

She was leaning on a wooden post in front of the local farm—waiting patiently. I jogged up, “Hey.”
“Howdy.” She said, and we started walking. The long country roads, swerving and curling. Summer trees and evergreens on each side of the road, broken here and there by a house or farm. We made casual talk, she informed me of the local snobs and perverts. How to survive around here. I couldn’t help but break a smile. They finally came to a small gas station along the way. It was old and the wooden boards were rotting but it was stable enough. They walked up and down the dirt made aisles looking at all the junk food. And laughing at the two year old tuna sitting, dusty on the shelf. We grabbed M&Ms, a pack of peppermint gum, two Dr. Peppers and four Slim Jims. Then sat on the dirty porch and snacked. I savored each bite of the jerky as if it was a last meal. They always were my weak spot. So tasty and mouth watering. We cracked jokes and laughs between bites and gulps of soda.
Around a half hour later we had finished and were walking again, chewing the fresh taste of peppermint. “So the guy comes up to me and I’m like Hell! To the no! And I punch him between the eyes and bam! He was out!”Lizzy gloated. After two weeks of knowing her, she knew the “emo” style and tough act was a defense mechanism. I laughed. “God I hate that Dalton. I HATE him!”
I giggled, “I see that.”
She had a series of annoyed grunts. Then she smiled, looking off in the distance. “Com’on.” She said, excited, leading down a twisted forest path.
I hesitated but followed. She sat up in a golden leafed tree, with bark so dark you would think it was burned. Leaves fell like golden snow, dancing to the ground with grace. The sun set in the back ground. “This is where I come to think.” Heather stated, lounging on a low swinging branch.
“It’s gorgeous.” I said, studying the tree, trying to figure out what kind it was.
“Yeah it really is. I found it when I was a little kid.”
“You wondered onto the main road and into a dark forest by yourself?” I asked baffled by the thought of someone letting a small girl wonder by herself.
She looked at me, “You honestly shocked?”
I shrugged, not wanting to offend her either way while screaming in my head, Nope! If you ever met this girl’s parents, you’d be a fool to think they wouldn’t. My phone buzzed in my pocket, Crap. Taking it out and looked at the screen. Berlin, what was wrong? She never called. “I gotta…” I said, pointing to the road behind with my thumb.
She simply waved kindly, gesturing it was okay. I ran full speed own the trail and onto the torn road. Clicking the Answer button I greeted with a, “Hello?”
Hysteric breaks and wheezes came from the other side, “H-hi,” her voiced squeaked.
“What happened? What’s wrong?” I asked, running towards the ranch.
“Luke, he’s trying to get Lucy’s and my custody! I don’t want to live with him!” She was breaking down crying. It always shocked us how similar our lives were.
“He can’t. I won’t allow it.” I said, stopping at the front door and speed walking to my room, slamming the door.
“I dunno, Emma, he’s got the money. He can afford more lawyers.”
“That’s horseshit! The only reason I agreed to move to this God forsaken town is because you were here too, Bernie.”
“I know, I know.”
“Well drive over here, spend the night or something.”
“You are goin’ to ask you dad?”
I laughed, “I don’t care what that old coot says. What’s he goin’ to do? Kick you out?”
She laughed a little and sniffled, “Okay, gemme a half hour.”
“’K, see yeah then. Hey, is okay if I invite two more girls?”
“It’s your house.”
“True. Ha-ha, okay. See ya.” I hung up and dialed Mia’s number. After a brief conversation she said yes and she’d be over in an hour. Woo! She can be an amazing surprise for Bernie, I thought excitedly. I saved the hardest for last, since I don’t know how long it would take me to convince her. The phone picked up on the other end. Before the person could get out all of a “hello” I blurted out, “Come over. It’s going to be awesome.”
“Uh… okay?” Lizzy’s voice spiked in confusion.
“Sweet, head over A.S.A.P.”
“You got it.”
We hung up at the same time, I tidied up the place. Flushing cushions, sweeping the oak flooring, making sure there was enough Pepsi and popcorn (there was), and getting out the bin of good movies. Ethan, my twin, eating a Microwave Fast-‘n-Beanie Burrito; his dyed black hair in a short messy disarray, walked in the room, “Wow, it’s shocking. Emma. Cleaning. What are the odds?”
I glared at him for a few long moments, “I do all the cleaning around here Ethan. Don’t even act like I don’t. All you have to do is clean your room—which never happens. And dishes.”
“Yeah because you think they are the Anti Christ.”
“They are.”
“You are just lazy, you know that?”
“Oh go fly a kite, attach a key to it, and wait for a lightning storm.” I sneered.
He looked at me as if I just spoke Japanese, “Huh?”
I rolled my eyes, “Never mind Einstein. Just go away,” that’s when the door bell rang. Berlin probably.
“Knock, knock!” giggled the familiar squeal of Berlin. Ethan’s eyebrows shot up with amusement. He had the biggest crush on her. Ever since I was like… ten.
“Don’t get any ideas.” I snapped, shoving him into his room. Slamming the door behind him. Now the house nearly shook with the drone of his electric guitar. Then I quickly slid on a Band-T, dumping the sweatshirt in the closet and ran to the door. When the door swung open, there stood Berlin; smiling and blue eyes sparkling. I smiled with great heart, able to see her. My mother hated Bernie’s guts. Since some old feud when I was eleven.
It sort of hurt to see her too, it always did. She was gorgeous. The platinum blonde hair in perfect layers—flipped at the ends, her complication clear and glowed, the blue eyes that seemed to hypnotize. Since she had countless boyfriends. She was rich, so she wore the name brand crap, making my Band-Ts and Wal-Mart jeans seeming tacky. Though, the clothes didn’t bother me as much. She and I had once looked like sisters. My hair used to be naturally blond, like hers, both tan and same height and weight. Back then, we thought Lucas was her dad; he had brown eyes, so the eye category was covered. Distant family members we saw together, confused us. It was sort of funny. Okay, it was hysterical.
“Hi!” she nearly yelled, pulling me into a death lock hug.
“Hello…” I made fake choking noises, “Bernie…”
“Can’t… breathe!”
She giggled and released me, “Sorry. Nice place.”
I woke in the morning with a hangover. The girls and I had got into the stash of tequila and scotch. I groaned and covered my head with a pillow. Someone stabbed me in the side with a finger. I response what a loud moan.
“Wake up; we gotta clean this place up before your dad gets home. It’s 3:00PM!” Mia yelled in my ear.
“What day?”
“The day after last night.”
“Good, I was afraid I slept through ‘til the last day of summer.”
She giggled stiffly and then forced open my hand and slid two pills in there. Aspirin. “Only two? Damn you want me to suffer.”
“That’s me. The pain causer.” I rolled my eyes and sat up. They were all looking at me.
“What? Is there something on my face or did I grow a big sign sticking out of my head that says “LOOK AT ME! DOWN HERE” and a big flashing arrow pointing to my face?” I asked in an absurd, unneeded sarcastic tone.
“Who’s Demetri?” Bernie asked.
MY face flushed, “You know Demetri Bernie. The new kid, moved down the street over the summer…”
“And your boyfriend.” Lizzy smirked.
I threw a pillow at her head. Mia looked like a deer caught in the headlights. “Wait, what?! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“We don’t go out, we are just friends!”
“More like bed friends,” Lizzy smirked. I threw another pillow at her.
“Do what?!” Mia was throwing a tantrum now.
“We aren’t anything of that sort! I barely know him.”
“Mhm, if you come home pregn—.”
“Don’t even say that, Liz,” I glared, “and will ya’ll shut it! Ethan is in the other room! Pro’lly recording this all. If he’s awake!”
“Fine, fine,” Bernie said, standing from her leaning position against the wall, “lets clean this joint.” She drew a quick heart in the air before running into the kitchen, doing the dishes. I stuffed my face in the sofa.

• • •

We clean in about two hours. The place had gotten torn up pretty badly. Somehow we had darts in the ceiling. Shaking my head, I walked out and took the trash out. For summer it was pretty chilly out. I stuffed the white trash bag in the bin. The glass within the bags clanked and rattled. The girls had left around twenty minutes ago. The sky was cloudy and the breeze smelled sweet. I turned to go back inside when I ran straight into a chest. Luckily not female. My eyes watered with the impact from my nose. The person rumbled with a chuckle, “Sorry,” they said.
I looked up and sure enough it was Demetri. His blonde hair in waves that danced around his face. He had pale green eyes, muscular built, had a pale glow complication, towering around 6’3, and just dreamy. What else was there to say? Nothing. He seemed perfect and complex. Mysterious too. “I-It’s alright, I need to work on the watch-where-you’re-going thing, I suppose.”
He chuckled, “Looks like it. Had a party last night?”
This dumbfounded me, “Yeah… how’d you know?”
He paused, and then smirked. His index finger pointed to the empty liquor bottles in the trash can. “Oh… that’s a dead give away. Isn’t that considered cheating?” I joked.
“Haha, I guess. I presume you see this coming… won’t your dad find the bottles that are so well hidden?” he commented sarcastically.
“I don’t care if he finds a dead body. He can ground me all he wants. I’ll just break it anyway.”
He smiled, “Rebellious.”
“That’s me.”
“So,” he glanced around the pasture, “I was wondering…”
“Would you like to come with me, this weekend, camping? My parents are coming with us so we aren’t completely alone. Just for a day… or longer.” His eyes kept looking at the forest and open fields.
“Your brother too?”
He smiled, “Yes my brother too.”
“Well… could Liz go with me? She seems to like him.”
“Sure, but that is all. We only have three tents. Two to each.”
“Cool, I’ll tell my dad.”
He raised an eyebrow, “Tell?”
“Like I’m going to ask.”
We both laughed. Unfortunately, the mood kill had to pull into the driveway—dad. He looked down at me, “I suppose I have to go.”
“Yeah…” I bit the inside of my lip.
“Bye, and oh, if you need any help with your dad—call me and I’ll come over and discuss it.” He smiled and walked off.
Dad got out of the van and walked to me, “What did he want?”
“I’m going camping with Liz, him, and Vince (his brother) this weekend.”
“Two boys? In the woods? Alone? I don’t think so.”
“No, it’s their parents and Liz. Nothing is going to happen. Plus I’m not like that.”
“Still uncomfortable with it.”
“I’m going.”
“Then Ethan is too.”
“Um, no! He is way too clumsy! He’ll break an arm or worse! Plus they only have two two-person tents. No room for him. And he likes being at the house alone. He’s a hermit.”
“He is not; he’s outside more than you.”
“Not really. Ever since he finally learned to play the guitar, he hasn’t left the house.”
“Fine Emma, fine! Do what you want! Go stay with a friend ‘til then. I don’t want to see you.” He screamed in my face.
“Good, I don’t want to see you either.” I stormed off into the house, bounding up the stairs and into my room. I threw at least a week worth of clothing in the Mountain bag. Jeans, long sleeve shirts and tank tops, socks, under wear and bras; that sort. I tossed my book and cell phone charger in as well. I didn’t want to talk to my dad so, I went out the window. Stepping onto the extra roof part, and then tuck and roll into the grass.
I walked down the street, undecided where to go. Liz’s was the closest house, but that was a four mile walk. So I guess it’s my car for me. I’ll go back later, once I blow off some steam. It was dark out now. Unlike earlier it was muggy and foggy. Weather is bi-polar this week, I thought. The night started to grow on me, as in freaking me out. I always saw things that weren’t really there. Like shadow figures or something, not really sure but they made my skin crawl.
To keep my mind busy and off the looming shadows and noises, I played a familiar melody against my leg. Doing the fingerings.
© Copyright 2009 Serenity Jane (sarah.may at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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