Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1620415-Fire-Within
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1620415
the last part of chapter 1
McKinney’s was jammed with people when Angela and Racheal strolled in. Couples graced tables and booths along the side, groups of men sat at the bar and at other tables closest to the television screens where a baseball game was in progress. Clusters of women were here and there, and the lonely sat at the bar hoping someone would notice them. The sound came as a roar to the ears, and made being understood when talking next to impossible.
Angela, she had to admit, didn’t expect the place to be such a hit. She had secretly hoped it was a flop, since Racheal had informed her of its owner. But she had to give credit to him. Liam certainly knew how to run a business,
Looking through the crowd, she glimpsed two empty places at the bar.
“Come on.” She grabbed Racheals hand and pulled her quickly to the spots. “Hurry up, Bennett. We need to get a move on it before some drunk hick gets it in their mind to take the seats I just spotted.”
“I’m going as fast as I can, Angela.” Racheal said a bit out of breath. “I keep getting rammed into people.”
“Put your shoulder into it, and move them aside.”
A few moments later, they beat a set of women to the stools just before the sat down. Plopping her butt on the seat, Angela turned and gave them a sly smile. “I think I saw a table over there.” She pointed to a far off area, and watched with satisfaction as the women merged into the crowd, sulkily.
“Damn, girl. When did you become such a bitch?” Racheal laughed.
“When you live with Steve’s mother for a year, you pick up a few things.”
She said and waived it off. Holding a hand in the air to signal the bartender, Angela relaxed against the wood. “You know Rach, I didn’t expect the place to be such a hit.”
Racheal snorted. “More like hoped it wouldn’t be.”
“Yeah, well. I was wrong.” And having to admit it really stuck in her craw.
The bartender walked to their end of the bar to take their order. Angela looked over, and experienced a wave of familiarity when she looked at him.
“Hey, Rach. Who’s your friend?” the bartender smiled, and winked at Angela. She couldn’t prevent a smile from spreading even if she tried, his was just that infectious.
“I’m Angela. Angela  Carter.” She said and held out a hand for him to shake,
When he accepted it, she felt warmth in the firm handshake. He had nice, strong hands, she thought. He wasn’t too bad in the looks department either.
His blond hair was cut short and stylish Like the men in GQ magazine, and left a face that looked as if it had been chiseled out of stone, clear. He had eyes the color of warm Irish fields, that would make any woman hypnotized by the intensity of them, and weren’t doing a bad job on her. His slender lips were set in a sly smile that made a woman think of all the ways a man could use those lips. Angela let her gaze drift over broad shoulders, to a trim waist. Guess he works out she thought, and wished she went to his gym.
Maybe she could have a bit of fun while she was in town. There was no harm in flirting with a good looking man.
Johnnie’s smile grew smug, as if reading her thoughts. “Nice meeting you Angela.” He still held her hand.
“Oh, you’ve met before.” Racheal piped up. She had sat there, watching them stare at each other, and was left with a sense of mischief. She couldn’t wait to see Angela’s reaction when she revealed how Johnnie and her had known each other. “Johnnie. You remember Angela Hughson.” She said smugly, using Angela’s maiden name to clear the air.
Johnnie’s smile quickly turned to one of recognition. How could he have missed it before? “Well, well. Angela Hughson. Now I feel like a real idiot.”
Angela still hadn’t figured out how they knew each other. Was Racheal sure? She knew she wouldn’t forget a man who looked like the one still holding her hand. “Why would you say that?” she asked mindlessly.
He laughed at that. “Looks like you had the same trouble I did. Now I don’t feel so bad.” Giving her a sheepish smile, her squeezed her hand a bit, and let it drop to pick up the bar cloth. “I’m Johnnie Colburn.”
Angela sat, trying to place the name to a face, and was struck with the same sense of recognition he had been. He, was Johnnie Colburn? She couldn’t believe it. When she thought of Johnnie Colburn, she pictured a tall gangly creature, with a face that resembled a pizza. This man could never be mistaken for any of those things.
“Well, well, yourself.” She said picturing the kid he claimed to be, hovering around her in high school. “I guess you’ve just proved that people really do change after high school.”
“That they do.” He said on a laugh. “But you haven’t. You’re still just as beautiful.”
A blush threatened to climb to her cheeks. “Thank You.”
“Anytime. So are you in town for the reunion?” he said as he wiped a small section of the bar. It wouldn’t be good if the boss caught him slacking off while talking to two women. Although, he doubted Liam would hold a grudge about him talking to Angela Hughson.
“That’s right. Racheal and I decided to have a girl’s night tonight and stop in for a drink. She wanted me to see what everyone in town was raving about.” It wasn’t too far off from the truth. She didn’t see any reason to reveal the part that she had to practically drag Racheal here. And when Racheal snorted over her statement, she discreetly elbowed her.
“Speaking of which. What can I get you two?”
“Jack and Coke for me.” Angela smiled
“Bud Light for me, Johnnie.” Racheal looked at Angela and shook her head slightly. Her friend was definitely asking for trouble.
“Coming right up, ladies.” He turned to get their drinks, giving Racheal the perfect opportunity to pounce on Angela.
“What was that all about?” She smacked her arm. Why did you elbow me?”
“Because you snorted.” Angela smiled. She always liked giving obvious answers to dumb questions.
Racheal shook her head. “I should’ve known you would give a dumb answer like that. Nothing changes.”
Angela frowned at that, not knowing if she should take it as a compliment or an insult. She wasn’t sure if she agreed with the statement either. Things changed. She was living proof of that. She wasn’t the same girl she had been ten years ago, and was bound and determined to prove it. “Of course things change.”
“You know what I meant Ange.”
“Yeah, I did.” She said on a sigh. When Johnnie returned with their drinks, she was lost in thought.
Seeing a woman that lost in thought always made him nervous. Women were up to no good when they thought that hard. No good at all. Hoping to bring her back before any evil plan she had cooking could take root, he waved a hand in front of her face. “Earth to Angie.”
She had to shake herself to clear the haze. She didn’t like where her thoughts had led her, and hoped they wouldn’t return. Looking at Johnnie, she gave him a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I was thinking.”
“I noticed. Anything you’d like to share with an open ear?”
Her smile turned brilliant, and almost made him stagger. “Naw. I’m good. So handsome, why don’t you tell me what you’ve been up to for the past ten years.”
With that she settled into listening him talk, while she sipped at her drink.
© Copyright 2009 The eyes tell you what you nee (shadowgypsy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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