Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1620390-FEAR
by Nikkyy
Rated: E · Prose · Experience · #1620390
Fear is your tool, not your weekness

Fear is a fundamental part of life. Whether it is a fear of snakes, fear of losing someone or a fear of losing control, it encompasses our lives on a daily basis. Fear is a simple emotion that has extraordinary influence over the outcomes of people’s lives. This one emotion can destroy just as easily as it can build and strengthen. Fear is what drives the human race. In essence, it is a driving force behind every other emotion. It consumes our very existence. It reaches down into the depths of who we are and pushes us. Whether backwards or forward, it will push. It is all up to you where it leads you to.

Fear is that little child who is filled with excitement because he got his first bike, but fear of falling keeps him from riding it. It takes him a little while to finally get on, but he finally does because he fears that he will lose out or that other kids will call him names if he doesn’t.

Fear is the woman who is afraid to drive for fear that an accident will happen. Then the fear of missing out or being stuck kicks in and she takes that chance and drives.

Fear is the kid in school who is afraid of the bully and does not stand up for himself. Then that fear is reversed and he stands up against the bully out of fear that if he doesn’t, he will always be the kid who is pushed around.

Fear is the nice guy at the bar who is afraid to approach the pretty girl for fear of rejection.

Fear is the guy at the bar that does approach that pretty girl even though he is sure he will be rejected, for fear that if he doesn’t take that chance he’ll regret that he did not try.

Fear is the athlete that fears the feelings of being defeated, and that fear drives him to push harder and not give up.

Fear is the mom who leaves her small child at school for the first time, worried that her child will not be ok without her, Sometimes worried that her child may be just fine without her. That fear of letting go.

Fear is the person who builds a wall around them, for fear of getting hurt if they let anyone in.

Fear is the person who wears their heart on their sleeve, for fear of being alone.

Fear is the person who tears down their wall because they fear that if they don’t take a chance they will never know and all they will ever have is ‘what if?’

Fear is the woman who is beaten everyday but is too afraid of what will happen if she tries to leave.

Fear is the woman who leaves, who has been beaten every day, but fears more the consequences if she does not get out.

Fear is the country that wages war because it fears that if it doesn’t take a stand it will succumb to the threats of terrorists.

Fear is the country that will not wage war but remain neutral because it fears it will succumb to the threats of terrorists.

Fear is the king that surrenders his kingdom for fear that his kingdom will lose its people if he does not.

Fear is the king that will fight and not surrender his kingdom for fear that his kingdom will lose its people if he does.

Fear is the person that freezes at the sight of a rattlesnake for fear of snakes only to be bitten anyway.

Fear is the person who moves quickly away from a rattlesnake for fear they will be bitten.

Fear is the person who never gives up and never gives in because what they fear most is fear itself.

Fear is a dominating force in our lives. It can push us forward and it can hold us back. It can bring us fulfillment and it can leave us empty. It can make our hearts race and our tears fall. It can bring us failure and defeat and it can bring us success and triumph. Fear is the very thing that drives us. Will you let fear consume and paralyze you or will you use your fear as the tool it can be. It’s up to you where fear will take you.

© Copyright 2009 Nikkyy (bnicole at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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