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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1620232
Christmas story where the protagonist, Eddi goes on a sleigh ride with santa
Eddi was a little boy who had a great life but had trouble understanding many things. He didn’t understand why the letters were arranged differently on the keyboard than in the alphabet. He couldn’t understand why they call it the dictionary. He didn’t understand one other thing very important. Who was Santa Clause and what does he do? His mother tried explaining it to him many times but at the end, Eddi would just say, “But why does he fly on reindeer instead of flying elephants like Dumbo?”

It was Christmas Eve and Eddi really wanted his question answered so he went outside on the front lawn, rang a bell and yelled at the top of is lungs, “Santi Clause! I have some questions for you!” five times in a row. Finally to his surprise, a big sleigh pulled by nine reindeer pulled up on the front lawn. “Hop in and I’ll answer as much as I can about me and Christmas for you”, Santa whispered not to let anyone hear. Without asking Eddi hopped into the sleigh and they took off without warning.

It was around dinner time and Eddi’s family was about to start their feast, until Eddi’s mom called for him. “Eddi! Where are you? The feast is about to start and your plate will turn cold!” Everyone in the house stopped talking and listened for him. But all they heard was silence. They started searching up and down for him. They looked in every room. No Eddi. They didn’t know he hopped on to the sleigh. They didn’t know he took off.

All the family went to a different neighbor and something along the lines of, “Where’s Eddi?” or, “Do you have any idea about Eddi’s whereabouts?” and someone even said, “If you know where Eddi is and you tell me, you can come to our feast!” But sadly for Eddi’s family, the Ellengers, nobody had the correct answer.

Back to Eddi and Santa. “Ummm….. Soooooooo…………. You’re Santa Right,” asked Eddi. “Yup! And if you want to know how long I’ve been him, I’d say over 500 years,” Santa replied. “Where we going? Are we delivering presents? If so, why?” Santa replied with no hesitation, “We’re delivering a new jump rope to a little girl named Raven. We are because it’s Christmas and we’re spreading some cheer!” Eddi thought for a while. “So that’s why I got a new water gun last year under the big tree in my house!” They landed on a roof. Santa gave the reindeer some water and they got out of the sleigh. “Another question. Why do you go down chimneys,” Eddi asked. “ Because all the doors and windows are locked. Do you want to go down and put this under their tree,” Santa said. “Sure!” Down jumped Eddi. When he landed in a fire place and put the jump rope under the tree, he wondered how to get back up. “See the bottle of powder around your neck? Blow on some and you’ll be right back up with me,” instructed Santa. Eddi followed and he was back in the sleigh in an instant. “Where to next,” he asked wanting to slide down a chimney again. “Logan Dime’s house to deliver a new action figure of batman.”

They started riding and ran in to a snow storm. “What do you do at times like this? It’s snowing cats and dogs! No sorry that’s raining. But what will we do?” Eddi was scared that some kids wouldn’t get presents. How terrible! If Santa couldn’t do anything they would be doomed! “Fly above the cloud.” Santa answered as if he was not troubled at all and that he wasn’t scared. The sleigh went faster than ever and before Eddi knew it, it had stopped.

“ Santa. Why do you ride on a sleigh pulled by reindeer? Why not Dumbo? He flies too!” Eddi asked this to his mom but she had no answer so he asked Santa. “Reindeer are traditional animals for Christmas. They’re on stockings and hats and even wrapping paper! Do you ever see Dumbo on stockings?” Eddi answered, “Well no. I have some questions about Christmas too. Why December? Why are there stockings? Why do they call you Santa Clause if your real name is Chris Cringle?” These were the most important questions he had to ask about Christmas for him to understand most. “Well… Christmas is in December because Jesus was born December 25. That’s the reason we celebrate. Stockings were hung by the fireplace to dry at night when I started my job. The mayor didn’t like it so I hid presents in stockings. That’s still a tradition today. The name Santa Clause was a disguise on Chris Cringle. That was so I wouldn’t get in trouble. Any more questions?” Santa answered these questions as clearly as possible. Santa knew that it would help. “No. But I think we’re here.”

They landed and Eddi delivered the 50th present. The next stop was Kaitlin Leavers house. She was getting a new China Doll for her collection. Meanwhile… Santa called the Ellenger house leaving a message that Eddi was on an adventure with him. Santa had to leave a message because the Ellengers were at the police station.

“He’s about 4 foot 1 with blond hair, brown eyes. He’s 9 years old and is wearing black pants and a red shirt. The last thing I saw of him he was on the front lawn calling for Santa.” Eddi’s mom was so frantic she had to repeat what she had said because she was talking to quickly. “Well…. Santa’s a magical person and he could take Eddi on a sky adventure. Go listen to your inbox on your house phone. See if they left a message.” Eddi’s mom didn’t think the police officer was kidding so she went home and checked.

Of course there was a message on the message machine so all the Ellengers all gathered around. “HoHoHo and a merry Christmas Ellengers! Your son has been with me and he is getting his questions answered. He’s delivered almost 50 presents by now and he loves it! Yes he’s been a good boy and I’m going to leave a big surprise for him under the tree this year! Okay he’ll be home around 12 and I will grant him the sleep he needs. Goodbye and goodnight!” They waited around for about five minutes after the message finished. Now they knew.

All of this was during the 70th present. It took too long at the police station. That’s why. They just delivered Sally Silva a sewing kit and it was around 11. Now they were off towards Eddi’s house. They were delivering presents to the neighbors when… “There you are Eddi! We were worried sick about you. You can deliver that present but I would like you to come down right afterwards,” said Eddi’s mom. “Santa does not land on the ground until he is done dropping off presents! This is our last town can’t we just finish! Please mom! Pretty please! I want to help Santa. If we land we can’t come back up. If that happens someone won’t get their presents!” Eddi REALLY wanted to finish. “Well… little Kelly around the corner really wants that Christmas cd so, yes I’ll let you but as soon as your done come back home and go to sleep.” So Santa and Eddi headed off as soon as possible. As Eddi was dropping off the Barbie doll, Santa saw the Ellenger family was asleep. He hurried over to deliver the families’ presents while Eddi was busy. That way he wouldn’t know what he got. After the poofing back up to the roof, Santa flew back to pick up Eddi. “How many more houses?” Eddi was having so much fun he didn’t notice what time it was in their town. “I’m so sorry Eddi but it’s twelve o’clock in our last town, we delivered all of the presents! It’s time to drop you off in your room.” Santa was sad their trip was over. It was the first time he brought some one with him instead of an elf. Santa landed on the roof of Eddi’s house to drop him off. “I had a lot of fun with you tonight,” said Santa. “Me, too.” Eddi was also very sad the night was over. “If you ever need me remember the container of powder I gave you and poof to the roof. I’ll find you. Maybe next year we can deliver together again if we stay in touch. Go to sleep when you get in bed and something special will happen the next day. Good bye Eddi. I’ll Miss you!” “Good bye Santa!” Eddi hopped down the chimney and into his room. Outside he heard HO HO HO and the sound of jingle bells. He fell asleep.

The Next Day

“Look what I got! Look what I got!” Eddi ran to his mother to show her the gift. “A new skateboard! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! This is what I’ve always wanted! Look there’s a note too!”

It Read:

Dear Eddi,
Thank you soooooooooooo much for a great Christmas eve! I am giving you a new bottle of powder just in case you need it. This skateboard is a new style of the brand RETROSKATE! I hope you like it. Remember I’ll always be watching you so use your powder if you need me! I miss you so much but I hope to see you next year! HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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