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Rated: E · Poetry · Fantasy · #1619938
The second chapter in the epic tale of Eve.
The baby that Xandor didn't want to live

Had no idea she was a fugitive

She just wanted her mommy and started to cry

But nobody came and she didn't know why

But she stopped crying and started laughing instead

At the two little lights floating above her head

These two little lights were from the fairy world

Who came to the cries of the poor little girl

Of course, these two fairies knew who the girl was

Her coming arrival had long been discussed

Though fairies stay mostly out of human things

They still pay attention to what's happening

And even the fairies feared Xandor the Blade

So they all agreed to give this baby aid

All fairies were ordered to help with the search

These two were just the ones that found her first

They guided the boat safely down the river

They fed her with goat's milk and fairy nectar

They used their magic to keep her dry and clean

And also to keep the boat from being seen

Into the ocean, a small boat would glide

And never once did the fairies leave her side

Not 'til they found Eve a safe place to stay

This place was an island very far away

On this island, there lived only women

Men were not welcome, it was forbidden

Any man that was dumb enough to dare

Found a knife in his belly before he got there

Even though these gorgeous women seemed sweet

They were almost as fearsome as the Dragonteeth

These were the mythical Ladies of War

No army in the world could protect Eve more

They welcomed the child with wide open arms

And swore a blood oath she would come to no harm

The fairies told the Ladies Eve was her name

And then they flew back in the direction they came

And this was the place where the Daystar was raised

Twelve years went by quickly as if they were days

After those years ticked away on the clock

Young Eve had her back pressed against a huge rock

Under the rock was a sword and a shield

She felt she was already ready to wield

Until the rock moved she was stuck with her toys

Weapons of wood far more suited for boys

Toys were no good for a Lady of War

So she pushed on that rock until her head was sore

Finally, she realized it was no use

Like she did every day since she was about two

Every Lady of War had to go through this test

They couldn't be Ladies 'til they had success

Eve knelt on the ground still upset she gave in

She swore that tomorrow she'd be back again

She was tired of waiting though, that was for sure

Her dreams were filled with glorious adventures

She thought 'For today, I guess my dreams will wait.'

She had no idea that would not be her fate

Eve didn't know of her own destiny

Or what happened to her when she was a baby

The girls weren't allowed to know about their past

And Eve never felt any reason to ask

Her home was here with the other ladies

In this beautiful village built into the trees

To Eve, this island was true paradise

She wouldn't have wanted any other life

Eve left the rock farm and went down to the shore

She was soon joined by all future Ladies of War

Out in the ocean was an anchored boat

Eve had butterflies and a lump in her throat

All of the girls there were jumping with joy

None of these girls had ever seen a boy

Even if this was as close as they'd get

It was still almost enough to make them split

The island's Elders were trading with the men

But the men weren't allowed to come on the island

All business was handled up on the ship's deck

The girls wished among themselves for a shipwreck

A strict voice behind them said "Hey, that's enough!"

And all of the girls left the beach in a huff

The voice came from their teacher Penelope

She said "Well, good morning. How are you, ladies?

You're all ready to learn your lessons I'm sure."

"Yes, Miss Penelope." came the answer

The future Ladies didn't sound happy though

So Penelope said "Girls, I hope that you know

Boys are nothing more than two legged pigs

Filled with awful smells and disgusting habits

I know you're excitement, girls. I understand

But nothing's more disappointing than a man."

After Penelope finished her speech

She told them "Now quiet!" then began to teach

They learned math and science among other things

And then they began with their weapons training

Of all the girls, Eve was best with the bow

She always hit her targets with her arrows

All the girls almost went out of their minds

When Eve showed them she could shoot two at a time

Penelope didn't seem all that impressed

She said "Okay, Eve. It is time for a test."

As if by magic, three coconuts were there

In Penelope's hands being thrown in the air

Eve took no time to spring into action

But Penelope wasn't testing her reaction

She pulled her sword out from the belt at her waist

And stopped the blade short just an inch from Eve's face

Penelope said "You must stay on your toes

If you wish to survive against all of your foes.

One day dear ladies, this all will be real

And the one who's against you will not stop their steel."

As Penelope let this lesson sink in

The heart in Eve's chest started beating again

The feeling she was now having was rare

If she didn't know better, she'd think she was scared

However, of course, that wasn't the case

And if you told her different she'd smash in your face

Eve knew the reason training was so hard

Was only to keep her from receiving scars

Penelope said "That is all for today.

Later, for homework, practice your swordplay.

Now I want you all to go look your best

Tonight's sunset will bring Diana's tests."

Penelope's news sent the girls into shock

"The Tests" meant Diana pushed over her rock

Tonight she would go off to travel the world

She was now a Lady, no longer a girl

Eve forced herself to pretend to be pleased

As the excited girls all ran off to their trees

Eve didn't know why they made such a fuss

She wouldn't admit she was really jealous

She went to her tree and climbed up the rope

And sat in the corner of her hut to mope

She couldn't stop wishing that this was her quest

But after a bit she began to get dressed

All the girls had a special suit to wear

She put on the armor and braided her hair

She put on her helmet and buckled her belt

And marvelled at how much better he felt

She picked up the dagger not to be used

It was just for show when she put on the suit

That was a rule that Eve constantly broke

Late at night, she used it to practice her throws

A bug flew into the sight of her eyes

She threw the dagger and it went through the fly

Eve thought to herself "That's a perfect score!"

She retrieved her knife and went down to the shore

Everyone was there for the occasion

They all told Diana "Congratulations."

Diana couldn't hide her excitement

As the sun began setting in the horizon

First, all the ladies enjoyed a feast

Of honey, ambrosia and slow roasted beast

All the girls then gave Diana a toast

Then everyone went to line up at the coast

A raft was brought out to the water's edge

Penelope went to Diana and said

"You were just a six week old baby

On the day that you were brought to me

You were helpless and whiny and boy, did you stink

And now, here you are, done with all your training

Everyone here is very proud of you

And we wish you the best in whatever you do."

A cheer broke out from the entire crowd

Diana turned red when they started to shout

As quick as they started, the cheers died with a hush

And everyone's mood then became serious

Sabrina, the eldest of all the Ladies

Had come from her hut to be down at the beach

Eve had seen her before but occasions were few

She was ancient and maybe a bit crazy too

Still she commanded the utmost respect

Otherwise, she'd part your head from your neck

Sabrina stood there with a scroll in her hand

She said "From now on, Diana, you're banned

If you come back you will be put to death

Unless you fulfill all of these written quests.

Go now, Diana. Whatever your choice

Remember your training. Oh, and beware of boys."

Sabrina handed Diana the scroll

Which seemed to be written on paper of gold

Diana did not dare to open it yet

The contents of it were a major secret

She loaded her raft and said her goodbyes

Eve could have sworn she had tears in her eyes

And just as she was about to sail away

A voice from the darkness called out to them "Hey!"

The Ladies all pulled out their daggers and swords

A man in a rowboat was coming ashore

Before the man could get out of his boat

The Ladies were there with their swords at his throat

The man cried out and he fell to his knees

He said "I beg you, girls! Don't kill me! Please!

I bring you a warning from my Captain

There are six black sailed ships coming west with the wind...
© Copyright 2009 Michael Tyler (evespapa at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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