Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1619671-The-Morning-After
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1619671
Sometimes incubi feel the urge to bond with their siblings...This is why they shouldn't.
Title: The Morning After
Characters: Mischa Hawthorne and Brimstone Hawthorne
Warnings: crack and implied incest, male pregnancy, and general incubi intoxication
Story Type: Short Story

"Good morning Brimmy," Mischa murmured as he watched his youngest brother stumble into the kitchen, his eyes squinted shut and his hands reaching out to grope at the cold marble countertop and pull himself towards the coffee machine and its full pot of fresh hot java.

He looked a mess, with shoulder length crimson hair that was matted and tangled. He was wearing the same outfit that he had worn the night before to celebrate their Da’s birthday.

Standing there in just a pair of tight denim shorts and a blood and cum smeared tee shirt, Brimstone looked less like the incubi prince that he was and more like a used up street tramp.

Mischa thought it was disgusting and pathetic, but wisely, he held his tongue.

"You’re still hung over?" Mischa asked over his own cup of coffee as he watched Brimstone fill a huge mug to the brim with black coffee and then lift it to the mouth without bothering to add cream or sugar. The mug was dark brown with liberal amounts of blue stars scattered around its surface, a bright contrast to Brimstone's thin white fingers with their long purple nails.

As Mischa watched Brimstone take slow sips from his mug, he noticed that his brother’s beautiful hands were trembling.

"I can't believe that Da let you go out drinking last night," Mischa murmured, his tone chiding and full of disapproval. "You're not even twenty-one yet. What was he thinking? You could have hurt someone because of how intoxicated you were...And believe me little brother, you were definitely intoxicated."

"I know what happened!" Brimstone blurted out angrily before taking a large swig from his mug that left the ceramic vessel half-empty. "But it was Da's birthday. How could I not drink? Everyone else was doing it!"

His eyes were golden brown again, a welcome change from the blood red irises that had been visible last night while Brimstone had gotten drunk. But there were bags under his eyes and those beautiful eyes were red rimmed and irritated.

"I'm not necessarily saying that you shouldn't drink kid," Mischa said as he watched Brimstone take the seat across from him. "I'm saying that as a young incubus, alcohol shouldn't be in your diet until you've had at least three years to get used to your powers and you definitely shouldn’t be drinking where humans can see you...You don't even have a regular feeding schedule yet..."

Brimstone drained his coffee and then reached for Mischa's cup. His brother gave it over with no protest and watched as Brimstone gulped that down too. When he finished drinking, his features were much more pleasant and his entire being seemed more refreshed somehow. As Mischa opened his mouth to ask Brimstone for the reason of his sudden change in appearance, he caught the faintest tendrils of sexual energy and the familiar scent of his older brothers’ lust. 

“Do Rezin and Julian know that you feed off of them without permission?” Mischa asked, standing up and walking over to the coffee machine. He fixed a fresh cup for himself while waiting for Brimstone’s answer.

When it came, Brimstone’s voice was low with embarrassment. “I don’t mean to do it,” he said softly, a dark blush covering his cheeks. “But they do it so often and there’s so much of it...They won’t miss the little bit of energy that I take...”

He leaned close to Mischa and touched his fingers to his brother’s larger hand. “I don’t have a regular feed for a reason,” he murmured, “I want an equal, not a steak dinner.”

“I understand,” Mischa admitted, never able to stay mad at his charming brother for very long. “I felt the same way when I was your age...”

"So...you don't want me to drink," Brimstone murmured, changing the subject as he closed his fingers around one of the fresh-baked croissants that the cook had left for them on the dining room table. "Have you talked to Da about that yet? Our family is a drinking one...It's in our nature."

"So are orgies, violent deaths, and male pregnancy," Mischa snapped. "You don't see me or Alwin going through any of those things so why do you want to? What will it take for you to get some common sense?"

"A hard knock on the head," Brimstone sniffed disdainfully, raising the flaky piece of bread to his mouth and biting in. "I happen to like orgies thank you very much."

© Copyright 2009 Miss Synph (zina_wip at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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