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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Comedy · #1619616
Continuation of the Chapter The Meeting

Chapter: The Meeting
Scene 3 – The Mess
Steel grey Mitsubishi Pajero was doing 140 on the Delhi – Jaipur Highway and heading to Jaipur – the pink city, as it is known. It was about 4 am in the morning and highway was almost vacant except one or two heavy vehicles passing by every minute or two.
“Will you mind telling me where are we heading?” Keval asked with a long and doubtful face. He was more concerned about her rash driving and he can make out that she is losing her senses as she already had 6 large vodka shots from the bottle he bought at ZAIKA – an all night food and liquor joint in Gurgaon before they started, she told him to buy a bottle of vodka, water and a glass along with a pack of cigarettes. It was the only place in Gurgaon where you can get liquor at any odd hour of night as most of the call centers in the region have night shifts starting and ending around 1:30 am. You can find Zaika always full of call center crowd, both boys and girls. Police was aware of that but they can’t help it because of the above mentioned fact. They were almost 100 km from Gurgaon as they have already crossed Manesar about 15 minutes ago and were around 45 KM from Manesar now and if they continued with the same speed they can be in Jaipur after another hour. Kanika turned her head right and stared him in response without uttering a single word. The vehicle came to stand still with screech on the highway creating a cloud of dust.
“Why are we stopping? Do you want me to drive or you want something? Looking around the deserted and isolated dark road with no street light, he asked Kanika.
“This… hic… is the end of the road…. Hic… for you Mister…. Ummm… What was your name?” She said followed with continuous hiccups and reaching out to back seat to grab the bottle of vodka and glass. Keval knew that something fishy is waiting for him. He was a little concerned as she was not in the condition to drive any further in her present drunken state.
“I am sorry, I quite didn’t get that.” He was getting weird thoughts crossing his mind. He continued “What exactly you mean by end of the road?” By the time he was finished she was down with 2 more shots of large vodka and the bottle was telling the story how fast it reached the half way to bottom. She light up a cigarette and took a long drag. She blew the smoke on his face and said “This is the end of the road for you. This is farthest you can make. Now you beg on road at this hour for someone to help you or you can do one thing beg for my mercy. I might do something crazy like forgive you and drop you and let you go. Do you understand?” Her voice was trembling and she was trying hard to stay awake. In her broken drunk voice she again asked “What is it then? Do you plead for my mercy or want to give a try getting a hitch on road to every passing vehicle.”
He unlocked the door to get down. Then she stopped him and asked him to handover his belongings. He reached for his wallet without a word and then slowly kept everything he had on the dashboard. He then silently stepped down and walked to the road expecting her to say something when a lorry passed by; he stood there for a while. When he didn’t hear anything from her and he turned back to his surprise she was missing. He ran to the vehicle finding her missing on the driver seat and driver gate was open. He looked around for her but he was not able to find her. It was dark and he can’t figure out a thing. So he put on the cabin light and reached for his wallet and mobile. He was thinking, when he got down she was on the driver seat and all he did was walked to the road, then how come in just a minute she went missing.
It was a left hand drive vehicle so after little brain storming session he concluded that she might have got off the vehicle from left side when he was standing on the road right side to the vehicle. He searched the vehicle to find a torch or something instead got his hands on a pistol in the dashboard. He took out the pistol and checked. It was a 12 round German made Webley Scott which was fully loaded. He took the cartridge out and emptied the pistol. He put all the bullets back in the dashboard and kept the pistol back. He then moved out of the vehicle and started looking for her. It was way too difficult to see in the dark and there was no moon either for his aid.
He recklessly kept looking around. He went back and put on the parking light to gain sight in the dark. When he went behind the vehicle he heard someone moan. He thought that it is just an imagination but he heard the moan again. It was coming from nearby pit. After repeated voices to his ear, he guessed that she must have fallen in the pit. He reached to the pit and found her lying in it. He jumped in the pit and helped her get up but she was totally passed out. He tried to wake her up but his efforts were in vain. He left her and head back to vehicle climbing the pit and searched for the water bottle he bought at Zaika. He recalled she didn’t add any water while drinking. After a thorough search he found the bottle in the rear as it might have drifted while she was driving.
He came back with water bottle, broke the seal and sprinkled few drops on her face. When he found no reaction, he poured one fourth of the bottle water on her face. She woke up with a shock and pushed Keval back. She got terrified finding some one so close in the dark.
“Relax, don’t worry. You have fallen in the pit; I am trying to help you... Have some water, you passed out and you need water. Are you feeling thirsty? Do you? Take it don’t worry.” He tried to reassure her.
She after continuous assurance took the water bottle and emptied the bottle in one sip. “Whadd’s (Hic) yur name? Who aare (Hic) yu? Where aare (Hic) we?” She started asking questions as she was clueless about everything.
“I will answer all your questions but we need to get out of this pit first… Shall we? Huh!!... What you say?” Keval politely asked and on her acceptance moved out.
Keval tried hard to pull her but failed. So finally he get back in the pit and bend on his knees and told her to step on his back and then slowly he will stand up with support of the wall and ask her to balance herself. After a little struggle and three attempts with two slip over, she finally was out of the pit.
Keval pulled himself out and found him covered in dirt. He saw her on knees and palms vomiting and then falling on the side & fall asleep. He called her name repeatedly and tried to wake her up. But he was not successful. He ran out of water and was feeling thirsty after the labor in the pit. He dragged her body and supported her torso against the vehicle. He was thinking for the next step He thought of all the possibilities in his mind. If He hail a lorry at this hour in this area and ask for water or help, if they find out that there is a girl with him. It might create a big time scene and problem. So he discarded the thought. He picked up the cigarette pack from the vehicle and light up one and sat next to her smoking. 
He started racing his thought about how this small adventure started. While looking at his mud hands he realized his back aching. After a while he thought if his back is aching then how about the girl resting next to him might have felt falling in the pit. He was lost when she moaned and said “I want to pee.”
“I want to go to the washroom, need to pee.”
“Damn it. God what have I put myself into?” He mumbled.
“I want to pee.”
“I need to go to washroom.”
“I know”
“Take me to the washroom.”
“Helllooo… what…? news flash. We are in the middle of no where and we are not at your house or in hotel. So control.”
“I don’t know, I want to pee or else I will do it here only.”
“Hey, hey, hey... Don’t, please don’t. Wait I will see what can be done. Just wait and relax.” He got up tensed and worried scratching his head looking for a solution. Then he realized that she might have got down from the vehicle to relieve herself in the dark and being drunk fell into pit. He figured out the reason for her being in the pit. He was thinking about the problem. “What to do, what to do, what to do?” He was moving here and there looking for a solution and then went back to her after coming up with something. When he approached her she again whispered in her sleep. “Want to pee.”
“Yes I know. Listen, we are out on highway, if you can control then I can drive back to Manesar and we may find any roadside dhaba or hotel on our way where you can use the washroom. What you say? Can you control till then.”
“I want to do it now, please.”
“Okay… wait... Can you control yourself? I mean can you walk.” He asked helping her to get up.
The moment she got up, she fell again. Keval was able to make out that this is going to be tough. He again helped her up and took her right hand around his neck and held her from waist and dragged to a nearby tree. He went behind the tree and rested her body against the tree trunk and said “Listen Ms. you can pee here, I can leave and then you can come once you are done. Okay?”
“No” She yelled and her voice was so shriek that it could have travelled long in that silent night. “Help me and pull my jeans down Pushpa.” She pleaded.
“Pushpa! Did she say Pushpa? She is out of her senses and may be dreaming. What I got myself into? Why are you testing me God? Why you find only me, out of the entire world with this drunken soul?” He was cursing himself murmuring while reaching for her jeans and untied the waist belt.
He closed his eyes while opening her button. Then looked up in sky searching for God and pull the zip down.  He closed his eyes again and pulled down her jeans along with undergarment. He supported her against the tree trunk and left stating.”I’m sorry. When you are done, call me. I am nearby and will help you to wear the jeans back. Okay.”
He went back to vehicle touching his ears every now and then,  his Cell phone buzzed. He quickly took out the mobile and saw… Kapil calling… flashing on screen.
“Kahan hai Kutte? (Where are you Dog?)”
“Kapil, dude, bhai, dost, sakha, bandhu, mitra.” He used all possible words in his knowledge meaning friend and brother, in one go.  “I am toward Jaipur and nearest milestone reads Manesar 46 Km. Where are you bro? Please come fast.”
“You are in luck… we are just ten minutes away from you. We have crossed over 35 Kms from Manesar towards Jaipur looking for you.” Kapil replied.
Knowing that Kapil is coming to his rescue he felt relieved and disconnected the call with two words. “Come fast.” He lit another cigarette and was happy. His tension, dilemma, worries all faded with one phone call.
By the time he threw the bud, he saw headlights which he was able to identify in thousands. His car headlight had sticker of a bat which throws light in bat shape in night on the road. He leaped in Joy and start waving his both hands in desperation. The car came to stand still behind the Pajero and Kapil came out of the car.
“My darling friend” Keval greeted him with arms wide open and they hugged each other. “I knew it that you won’t go leaving me behind.”
“Neither did them” Kapil signaled at others getting down from the car.
He felt grateful for having such wonderful friends. His eyes filled with tears on sight of Reena, Shruti and David. “I am sorry Shruti.”
“Oh please, I informed my mom about what happened? So relax.” Shruti smiled at him giving him a hug.
“But how did you know that I’m gone from Sahara Mall?” Keval was surprised.
“I was on Zaika, when I saw you heading to liquor shop. I waited to see what is going to happen next. You came back with a bottle of Vodka, water and cigarettes. Then I saw you… got into this cruiser and sped away on Jaipur highway. I followed you full throttle but when I reached the toll I decided to give up the chase as your car was way too fast and if I wasted any time in paying the toll and following, could not have imagined chasing. So I went straight to them and now we are here for your rescue.” David explained smiling.
Reena approached dusting his clothes and hugged Keval. Reena asked “Where the hell is she?”
“Holy Shit” He recalled about Kanika as he literally forgot her meeting his friends.
“Help her both of you, she is passed out behind that tree. Please both of you bring her.”
“Behind the tree, what you guys were up to? David was puzzled.
“Leave her and lets take her car keys, when she will wake up then she will realize whom she messed with.” Reena replied.
“NO... I won’t do that... If you want to leave her then leave me also. Thanks for showing your concern for me but I can’t leave her out in the wild like this.” Keval revolted.
“He is right. It is a man’s duty to make sure that girl is safe even if she is an enemy.” Kapil voiced Keval.
“Relax both of you. I just said that in theory, I meant no harm literally.” Reena cleared her part.
“Shruti, listen to me” Keval called Shruti and whispered something in her ears.
“What? You serious, you mean she is…” Keval put his hand on her mouth before she could have finished her sentence.
“Will you please do that?”
“”Fine Keval we will…” Shruti replied giggling. “Come Reena; help me to bring her back.”
Both the girls left leaving Kapil and David clueless behind. They were looking at Keval with doubtful eyes. Kapil moved his brows in question “Why you stopped Shruti from completing the line… She is… What was going on here? Why are you all in dust?  Were you two wrestling or something… fishy?” Keval nodded his head sideways without an answer.
Ten minutes later they all were heading back to Gurgaon. Keval was driving Kanika’s vehicle and Reena and Shruti were accompanying him along with Kanika in the back seat. Kapil and David were in the other car with David on the wheel this time. 
“Now what is next Keval? What should we do about her?” Reena was inquisitive.
“How should I put it?” He thought for a moment and then replied “I can’t think of anything right now?”
“But we need to do something about her” Shruti was concerned “she is totally out and we don’t even know about her whereabouts?”
“Yes Keval”
“Can we do one thing” He took a pause “Can you keep her till she is awake?”
“Hey don’t put this burden on me.”
In the other car Kapil was going through the CD collection when David asked him to light a cigarette. Kapil picked the pack of cigarette and light one for David and for him too.
“Kapil, one thing, is there any way you can recommend me in your company?”
“Oh yes there is one” Kapil exhaled the smoke out the window and turned to David and with a giggle said “You have to put your business aside and do some course in IT, when you make up your mind about the same. I will tell you about the specialization. But may I ask why?”
“Man, I too want to go abroad like you without spending my own money for months unlike now.” David shared a glance with Kapil and continued “You on the other hand don’t even had to spend a nickel out of your pocket plus vacation and earning at the same time.”
“You think I enjoy it.” Kapil was intrigued on his answer and then replied “I liked it too in the first month than I hated my job, missing my family, food, care, concern, friends and adventures like this. I long for all this. Job abroad is a routine and predictable without any fun like this. You can stretch yourself heading to different bars and pubs on weekend or take a short trip nearby but you miss company of friends. Even if you get company then you definitely can not relate to them as you do with your friends in India.”
“Hmmm I think you are right about that. Where else can we find this ease of being free spirit and moreover this is our motherland.” David agreed to Kapil and saw Keval stopping by at the toll.” Kapil do you have some change for the toll and can you just go and confirm Keval about the next step.”
Kapil handed him his wallet and stepped out to reach the other car waiting in queue to confirm about their destination. Kapil stood by the toll booth as David approached and hopped in and spoke “They are heading to Reena’s place and asked me to drop at your place then I can drive back Keval’s car in the mean while they will drop Shruti and reach at Reena’s place.”
“Long day for you guys, I guess.” David yawned and said ”If you want then you both can take rest at my place instead of heading back driving for next 2-3 hours back home. You look tired and so does Keval I think.”
“I will see about that and let you know if we decide about that after dropping Shruti. Beside we were not suppose to go back home. We planned to go at Yudi’s uncle place in Dwarka. He is all by himself and putting up for a week there as his uncle’s family is out of town placing him as care taker.” Kapil told David and was shocked. “Shit we forgot, he must have been waiting for us. Damn, need to call and inform him about the incident.”
“Oh now I get it. This is what had me bugging whole time… how come you guys are alone without Yudi.” David was amazed “I thought that there was something regarding Yudi and you guys don’t want to talk about him, which is why I didn’t asked? He is a fun to be with but it is good that he was not with us otherwise the same incident would have been different and we might not have an end like this.”
“You are right after all he add his flavors and pinch of excitement in everything.” Kapil was going through his call list to find his number. “I don’t know why I hate and love him at the same time? His phone is still alive means he is not sleeping.”
“Where the hell have you been asshole?
“Shut up, I know we are running late and you might have been waiting for long. We were tied up in awkward situation. This girl…” He was not able to finish the sentence and Yudi responded.
“Girl, did you just say girl? Who, where, when, how.” He forgot everything the moment he heard the word girl.
“Get a grip on your excitement, will come in an hour and update you about her.”
“Don’t bother, just tell me where are you guys, I will come and catch you up.” Yudi interrupted “It is good that you guys didn’t turn up, thanks to my luck, my relatives just returned… a day before expected and I was about to give you call to update the same. I will leave once the day breaks.”
“Oh I thought, you are coming because of this girl.” Kapil was relieved at his response “Fine then, you can come down to Reena’s flat. I believe you know that.”
“The one she moved in after her promotion. Yes I know the place and will be there as soon as possible.”
“Don’t make haste, take your own time; we will be a little late as we have to drop Shruti and David as well.”
“I wish I can fly but you know I am not a pilot. There is no fun in the air, the thrill is on the road in traffic and this shows your control and presence of mind. But in air there is nothing to worry about and you can relax and enjoy with all those beautiful air hostesses. Man... I should have chosen a carrier in flying or air force. You know girls fall for guys in force and if some studs like me then they will be drooling all over.”
“You and your pervert imagination, do you ever think about anything other than girls?”
“Yes I do” Yudi claimed. “I set examples for the likes of you not to live life my way or else they will be considered good for nothing. You need a master like me to compare someone in that field. Isn’t it?
“No one can win in arguments with you. I don’t want to carry further with this discussion. You just come down to her place in an hour or so. I will catch you there and then plan ahead. Bye” Kapil didn’t bother for Yudi’s response before disconnecting the call. He knew that he will again come up with some other theory and it will go on.

Chapter: The Meeting
Scene 4 – Pain revived
Early risers were spotted taking morning walk when the car entered DLF vicinity and Sun has started rising spreading the joy and cheer of the new beginning reaching to everything without any difference or discrimination. Sun rays blessed everything they touched and passed the life force to the living and swept the roots of wicked darkness bestowed upon earth. Irony is: Sun has been doing the same for ages but still the darkness creeps and spread its kingdom where Sun goes down. There seems to be no end to this phenomenon till eternity.
The vehicle stopped in parking space allotted to Reena’s flat. Reena moved to this new apartment recently after getting promoted as manager and was sanctioned from the company she was employed with.
“Reena, you sure, your society people will not say anything to you if they saw us take her to your apartment in her present condition, I have my doubts that they might object today or some other time.”
“Chuck it, who cares, a mass of the residents are employed with one or another company. On my floor, all my neighbors are from my company but different departments so no worries.” Reena clarified “Now at least think about it, I am the senior manager in the company so I can be spared a lecture from any one and I am not breaking any code or conduct of the society.”
“I was a little concerned, nothing much because after all you are a girl and I know how locals treat and think about a single girl away from home. Remember the incident 3 years back when we have to spend the whole night at police station because of your lousy neighbor in east of Kailash.”
“Yeah I know but they apologized later when they came to know about the complete story. But no doubt it was a memory to keep as that was one day I realized who is true to me and earned you three guys and that was the first day I recall I met Shruti.” Reena was taking a toll down the memory lane when Keval brought her back noticing her lost.
“If you are done thinking about that day than shall we take her to your apartment?”
“Huh! Yeah.. oh yes her, come then.”
They came out and Keval opened the rear door of the vehicle and pulled her by the legs. Her body came sliding half way out and he dropped her legs which were still hanging above the ground.
“Darling she is not some animal. Be little nice to her after all she is girl and deserve a decent behavior.” Reena objected.
“Sorry, I had no other option. It is difficult to get in and bring her out. I guess you can make that out.” Keval gave reason for his manner.
“What are you trying to smuggle and where did you steal this beautiful machine from? A familiar voice from behind took them by surprise.
“Yuuudddiiiiiii” Reena screamed in excitement finding Yudi sitting on his bike smoking. She ran to him and hugged him. Yudi dropped his cigarette while hugging Reena.
“I believe you hit some jackpot. I was amazed to see this beautiful vehicle getting parked in your reserved parking. I expected Keval’s car to be parked here.” Yudi was not hiding his surprise. “But it is a real eye candy. How did you get your hands on it?” Yudi looked around for Kapil or someone else and then noticed Keval holding someone. “Who is she? Is she Shruti? What happened to her?” Yudi rushed to saw her face. “Forget the machine man, she is an angel man. Where did you find her? Did you’d a trip to heaven…?  Ahhhh… I am falling in love with her man.” Yudi pretended holding his heart with hands and taking a deep sigh.
“Oh you really are generous. Giving away piece of your heart to every beautiful girl you see.” Reena taunted.
“Piece… I can give all the pieces to her. Why pieces only, my complete heart or say every single cm of my body I can devote to her.” This was one of his common lines but ‘body thing’ was heard for the first time.
“If you are done fooling around, mind lending a hand in taking her to Reena’s apartment.” Keval was annoyed and was in no mood to hear him further. Last night frustration has exhausted him completely.
“Oh yes.. yes.. I will definitely. I can do anything for this sweet angel.” Yudi commented.
“You are seriously too much. You love irritating Keval. Don’t you? Huh!” Reena mocked Yudi.
“No I don’t? You can ask Keval about it? I never do it. You agree Keval, don’t you?”
“No he never irritates me; it’s just the other way round. I have wild imaginations as I find him always showing me the reality, like... You will not get marry. You can only get married the day I become Bill Gates or the day sun starts revolving around earth, even something like when Sun start rising in the west. Just plain wild simple accused thoughts. He bless me every now and then with these pretty words.” Keval said in despair.
“Okay I admit I just happen to state all this sometimes but not always.” Yudi agreed while supporting Kanika with Keval.
“You seriously can irritate anyone Yudi.” Reena hold the lift gate and commented.
“It is an honor and expertise which you see once in a millennium. Thank you for the wonderful compliment and acknowledging my talent.” Yudi grinned getting into the elevator.
“Where man? I will not go with an ass in the lift. Prestige issue, you know it very well.” Yudi pretends looking around in the elevator. Reena was not able to stop herself from laughing while pressing for 7th floor.
“Not an ass as donkey. You dumb, but ass as in ass with a hole.” Keval was irritated.
“Well I have always seen ass with holes. I never came across one without a hole.”Yudi said innocently and asked Reena. “Reena have you ever came across an ass without a hole or heard about it.”
That put Reena hold her belly laughing and seeing her lose control, Keval was not able hold back any further and also joined her laughing followed by Yudi. They were still laughing when lift stopped at 7th floor and opened.
“You are hilarious without any doubt I can say that proudly.” Reena hold the gate of the lift still laughing.
As they reached to her apartment she unlocked the door, Keval asked Yudi to go down and check if there is anything in the car which can help them to find any thing so as to inform her family. Yudi left after helping Keval letting her stretch out on Reena’s bed. Reena left to prepare coffee for all of them. Keval asked Reena before using her bathroom. Keval came to drawing room and sat down on the couch waiting for coffee and Yudi to return.
The doorbell rang twice and Reena asked from kitchen, “Keval please see who is on the door?”
“It must have been Yudi.” He replied.
“Why will he ring doorbell when he can come in as it is not locked. He barge in directly if the door is not locked, so kindly get the door.” Reena said from kitchen.
Keval got up as he remember that door was not close and it is open, so may be someone else turned up to visit Reena being Sunday. He asked reaching for the door “Are you expecting someone today?”
Reena denied looking at Keval from kitchen service window. Keval turned and opened the door to find Yudi holding the pistol to his temple. Keval looked at him and then turned back.
“I was expecting that you will piss your pants but you reacted as if this is nothing.” Yudi was surprised as his intention of scaring anyone answering the doorbell. Disappointed he said “Nowadays no one gets scared with pistol also as if it is something you see often.”
“There are no bullets in the Webley man.” Keval smiled.
Yudi was disheartened and moved towards the couch and letting his body fall he asked “Whether there is a bullet or not, you should have showed some fear. By the way how do you know it is Webley Scott?” Yudi asked in surprise.
Before Keval could have answered his question, Kapil made an entry striking a superman pose. “The guardian of poor, the man of steel with heart of gold and your hero is here to save you my friends.”
Yudi and Keval exchanged glance looking him striking a pose and Yudi whispered “You sure there is no bullet.” Keval nodded in confirmation. Reena came out of the kitchen with a tray along 3 mugs of coffee.
“Man of steel, aha, hmmm then let me see whether the man of steel can save his heart of gold from being robbed.” Yudi pointed the pistol at Kapil.
Kapil turned to look at the source of the voice and jumped flat on the floor trying to hide. Both Yudi and Keval start laughing loud and Yudi fall from couch laughing holding on to the pistol. Reena was shocked to see the pistol first and finding the two laughing, joined them thinking about how quick Kapil jumped on the floor. When Kapil heard the laughter, he moved his head up and then stands back on his feet.
“It isn’t funny bhutni ke” Kapil was in frenzy and looked at Keval “You too support him in his prank. What if he pressed the trigger? Are you guys trying to book me to the next world?”
“Hee hee hee relax Kapil, ha ha ha the gun has no bullet in it.” Keval said trying to control his laughter.
“Show me you fool, let me check. Hand it over to me Yudi.” Kapil was still furious.
Yudi gave him the gun and he took the cartridge out finding it empty. He rolled back the head of the pistol; a bullet fell on the floor making noise. The moment it fell out of chamber. The laughter died leaving pin drop silence behind. What can be heard was distant traffic noise. Kapil stared at all three of them in anger. Yudi took a gulp of saliva when Kapil kick both of them. He turned to hit Keval again when they heard someone calling.
“Pushpa, coffee”
They all looked at each other.
“Pushpa, I need coffee. Pushpa are you there?”
“Who the hell is Pushpa in your house Reena?” Kapil asked.
She shrugged her shoulders showing that she has no idea. “I guess someone she has at her place with that name.” Keval replied “When we were out on Jaipur highway she called the same name twice. I guess someone in her house or may be even a maid.” He turned to Yudi and inquired “Did you find anything in the car?”
“Yeah I did, beside this pistol, half vodka bottle and that mid size black leather Versace handbag.” He replied pointing the handbag which was kept on the shelf near the door.
Reena went ahead and brought the handbag and tried to pass it on to Keval which he refused to take and then Reena opened the bad recalling that Keval don’t open girl’s handbags. It was against his principles.
She started taking the things out and Yudi with Kapil started checking the things Reena was keeping in front of them on the table, Keval picked coffee and moved to Reena’s bedroom. Reena was taking one thing at a time from the handbags and there were face tissues, liner, lipstick, gloss, nail enamel, some cash, a compact make up kit, mobile with battery drained, few credit cards, international driving license issued on US address and contact details. Yudi was examining as if he was some sort of detective. He was going though everything when his gaze got fixated on driver license.  He picked the driving license trying to find some information about her whereabouts.
“Wow, this is called beauty, simple, plain, sober, decent and innocent like baby.” Reena described someone looking at a photo which she found in the handbag. “See guy isn’t she pretty and sweet?”
“Show me” Kapil took the photo from Reena and staring for a moment passed on to Yudi without uttering a word.
“No. this is not possible” Yudi was shocked looking at the picture.
“What do you mean? Both of them are looking like angels. I am talking about the one in pink dress.” Reena addressed Yudi and looked at Kapil to confirm the same but he was lost. “Give it to me.”
Reena took the picture from Yudi’s hand. “Keval come here, I will show you something I found in her handbag.” Reena called Keval moving towards her bedroom.
“No” Yudi and Kapil together.
Reena was surprised at the answer and stopped halfway to look at their faces. “Why? You don’t want me to show him this picture. You guys intend to rule out the competition. Huh?” Reena said cunningly.
“Just don’t show him the photo.”
“We don’t want him to remember bitter past moments.” Kapil answered in shallow voice.
“Show me what” Keval reached Reena and found her holding a photo. “What do you want to show me? Something interesting you found?” He took the photo from her hand and kept looking at the photo mesmerized. His expression changed from blank to happy then drifted to sadness and finally his eyes filled with tears. He looked at Kapil and Yudi with surprise and turned the picture towards them with trembling hand. He tried to say something. “Kaapil, she is.. Yu..Yudi you, you know..” He was not getting words fitting for his painful joy and then rushed back to the other room.
Reena was completely clueless and moved both her hands expecting an answer from them. Kapil took a deep sigh and sank leaning back on the couch.
“The girl with Kanika in the picture is the one whose name is forbidden on his tongue. She is the same person he was deeply in love with and left him. We heard she got married and settled out somewhere in US as we know or think.”
“Is she the same person he still in love with even after 5 years of break up?” Reena asked.
They both nodded their head in confirmation and echoed. “Nicky” and recalled the day Keval the lover boy was left with a heart shredded to pieces.
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