Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1618780-scary-cat
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1618780
a girl who is left a cat that will change her life forever.
“Jenny?!!!” I called with all my voice. She was nowhere in sight. We where only supposed to be here for a few minutes. She was just going to feed the cat and we were out of here. I waited as long as I could in that old ice box of hers she calls her car. It was freezing and I couldn’t stand it anymore. After twenty minutes I started to get worried, “seriously how long does it take to feed a stupid cat” I whined and pulled myself out of the ice box and mad my way inside the house. There were no lights on. I pushed the creaky door open slowly. “Jenny?”  I called again, still no answer. Once fully in the house I gazed around looking for my best friend but still couldn’t find her. BANG the door behind me slammed shut and I jumped with fright. Looking behind me I saw no one and nothing. “Must have been the wind” I told myself not that convincingly. ”weird weird weird” I mumbled. Just then parts of movies that I watched last night flashed before my eyes. That’s how they all started off, with a self closing door. “Kate” I told myself. “You’re being paranoid, that’s what you get for staying up late watching scary movies” I shook my head at my own stupidity knowing I would be like this the next day after all those movies. I sighed deeply and moved deeper within the house. “Jenny?” CRASH it came from behind me again. I look back and see nothing but a smashed glass on the floor. “How the hell?” I say out loud. I didn’t knock anything; well at least I didn’t think I knock anything. Oh I get it now, Jenny is pulling my leg, trying to scare me, but it won’t work, I’m on to her now. “Jenny? I know what you playing at now and it won’t work, I’m not scared” I wait, still no answer. “Ok so you want to play like that?” I walk into a living area. It has I large white couch and a piano in the corner with a sheet hiding it from any dust. I walk past the piano making my way to the dining room. BANG the piano mad a noise like something or someone sat on the keys. I look over to the piano and saw the white sheet was gone, the lid to the keys up and a pitch black cat sitting on the keys glaring at me. I feel uneasy with the cat looking at me the way it was. “Hello kitty” I said slowly moving forward to the cat. Personally I don’t much like cats, they scare me a little. The black cats back started to arch and it looked like it was about to start hissing at any minute. I stop dead in my tracks. “It’s ok, I won’t hurt you” I said in the most calming voice I could master. The cat jumped of the piano making an irritating sound as its legs moved off the keys. It landed on her feet, as all cats do, and started to circle me like a tiger would circle it’s pray. My heart was pounding in my chest and my breathing was getting heavier. I couldn’t control my fear. When the cat stop so did my heart. We locked eyes for a split second before I jelled out “Jenny?!!!” I herd a small feminine voice reply, but it wasn’t Jenny’s “I would be more worried about yourself if I were you” I looked around but all I saw was the cat. I went to turn around to check my back but was stopped. “I also wouldn’t turn my back on a cat” I looked at the cat. “Did you say something?” I watched and saw the cat’s mouth move. “Yes” I start to panic. “What the fuck? You can talk?”  The cats back arched more “yes. Yes I can” and with that she launched herself at me, claws and teeth ready for the impact. I closed my eyes unable to move from where my legs held me in place. I felt her claws and teeth rip into my skin and slash my clothes. She took her claws out and kept slashing her claws through my skin. I was on the floor within seconds, bleeding everywhere. The pain stopped for the slightest of seconds as she moved to my face and looked into my eyes. I saw her paw come up to her face and in slow motion it moved towards my face on its impact I felt so much pain it was unbearable, and then everything went dark.
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